The Tongue of Elrios

Crimson Avenger Skills, Brief explanations

August 20th, 2014 | Posted by 2nafishisgood in Guides

More details will be updated in Elwiki soon. This is to help people choose until more detailed infos get updated in Elwiki.

Goes from Left to Right, Top to Bottom. Skips Intermediate Training Passive.

Shade Scratch [Active]
-Does damage and absorb HP

Crimson Break [Special Active]
-Does Damage

Dread Weapon [Special Active]
-Does Damage

Shadow Edge [Active]
-Bind debuff on opponent. Shares damage with opponent.

Assault Strike [Active]
-Does damage, prevent mana break debuff

Revenge of Blood [Passive]
-Absorb portion of attacker’s dmg as HP. Also gains additional damage buff when hit.

Shade The Illusion [Special Active]
-Summons dark image of self. Reduces received damage and certain Special Actives are buffed.
Affected Special Actives: Brutal Cutter, Crimson Break, Dread Weapon Double attacks

Blood Cutter [Special Active]
Does damage

Condemnation [Passive]
Buffs Stoic-Strong. Damage upon activation, MP cost decrease

Judgement [Passive]
Hits have chance of causing bleeding. When attacking bleeding targets, gain portion of the damage done to the target.

Fate Smash [Hyper Active]
Does damage

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