The Tongue of Elrios

New iPIN Regulations: Further Information

August 27th, 2012 | Posted by Conspire in Korean Elsword Updates

Hi all,

Here at Babel, we have done a bit more research into the iPIN Regulations. For those of you who are unaware (read two posts below for more context), KR Elsword is moving away from KSSN to iPINs (Internet Personal Identification Number) as a way of registry.

To obtain an iPIN, you need to register with your KSSN and an official document with your name and KSSN (passport, identity card, etc.). Alternatively, you may apply with your KSSN in person. For any user under the age of 14, you will require not only your own ID, but also your parents’ ID in order to obtain your iPIN. Aboard applicants will require their passport number in addition to their KSSN. The iPIN will be good as your internet identifier as a Korean Citizen, not only for Nexon, but for a variety of Korean internet services as well.

Unfortunately, this makes things significantly harder for foreigners wishing to play KR Elsword. Unlike a KSSN, which is issued to every citizen in Korea, an iPIN is strictly optional. This means that a good number of the iPINs will be registered to players on Elsword already. Consequentially, while it was possible to use Google or another service to find a KSSN since the number of KSSNs actually registered to Nexon accounts was still very low, it will be extremely difficult to find an iPIN through brute luck that is not already associated with an account. iPINs are also more likely to be guarded closely since they are used for a variety of online services – thus, it may not even be possible to find one online.

Babel is currently working on collecting iPINs from their Korean connections who are willing to donate them to foreigners, as it may still be possible to make multiple accounts per iPIN as with KSSN (3 is typically the limit).

As we need to know the demand for iPINs, please express your interest by tweeting to @ConspireOnAisha or commenting on this post. Also note that the use of the iPIN may not be completely free, as we will likely require a one-time donation to the provider of the iPIN for use of the iPIN.




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21 Responses

  • Naverga says:


    So uh….
    Basically…… I kinda don’t get it….I think…..>-<

    If we already have a kssn for an adult account, do we still need it?
    and I'm guessing accounts already registered will not need an iPin? rite?


    • Conspire says:

      Pre-registered accounts will not need an iPIN for now, but they may roll out a later phase where you need to confirm an iPIN. While I’m only speculating, given the trend in Korean websites with iPINs, I’d say it’s possible.

  • Maximonium says:

    So technically, the accounts that we made through “if you know what i mean” cannot be used (in technicality) anymore since the I-PIN registration is solely for a 1 on 1 purpose only plus a “personal” confirmation but there would be another way to get through this and that is if limit amount that an I-PIN can hold is going to be 3 (as what stated above) but yet again it is still impossible to say so for now >.<

    • Conspire says:

      I would answer your question, but I cannot make out what that mess of a run-on sentence is supposed to be asking.

      • Maximonium says:

        To put it straight, I-PIN registration has been confirmed that the person who has a KSSN should apply personally or via website using a “real” passport to get a legit I-PIN ……….

        The limitations per “adult” I-PIN of 3 is still not confirmed as of now………

        Lastly the donate thing is vague for me; so its like if we get a KR person to donate some then that would make the KSSN in our accounts sorta replaced or put it in simply terms, new ownership?

  • Naverga says:

    I think the person meant was that accounts would have to have an iPIN because of some reason that doesn’t make sense.

    but will we need our Kssns still? Or are they kind of in the trash now?

  • CheeseLuvas says:

    Are they switching to Ipins because of the recent fiasco about Nexon’s KSSN security?

    • Conspire says:

      No, it’s just because of some new government regulations. It’s not just Nexon, it’s every KR website out there pretty much that’s no longer allowed to use KSSNs.

      Also get out of my website, Eve.

  • Daisy says:

    err if we need iPin for reconfirm again
    maybe ill need that ㅠ.ㅠ
    and maybe ill donate something for the iPin’s owner XD

  • hideyoshi says:

    any idea of when will they start implementing this system for those who already have accounts?

  • tsenG says:

    MMM I have a question, this iPIN is needed for all accounts, olds confirmed account and new accounts?, or only the one created after this iPIN requeriment?

  • SatomIV says:

    I saw this coming, but i would love to continue on elsword KR after all the work ive done ;w;

  • halisi says:

    I don’t need a full account, but I would be interested in sharing an account with someone. One slot is all I would need.

  • Rizelea says:

    so.. at latest(february 2013) nexon will be implementing i-PIN and other registration confirmation means..
    well, i do need to activate my elsword account.. can i get that i-PIN after Babel is done collecting?
    i’m willing to tell someone in Babel my nexon id(more accurately,email) and pass to activate my elsword id if you don’t trust me or something

  • Lazy says:

    IPin… I will need one and will be willing to donate ed/cash for it
    Thanks for doing all the research and giving us the info

  • Aw man and i just downloaded KR Elsword for the 1st time….all i wanted to do was play veteran commander……damn it all.

  • Grenedier says:

    I would like one of those i-pin as well once the collection is finish. I do hope of playing it soon.

  • DeathTheOne says:

    I want one of these iPINs also , i dont want to lose my account after the work i had to gear it.
    It would be hard to live with the terror of getting banned in my back.

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