The Tongue of Elrios

5/19 Patch Diabla/Demonio changes

May 17th, 2016 | Posted by 2nafishisgood in Korean Elsword Updates | Patch Notes
Character Changed Detail
LuCiel PvP revive penalty – Fixed issue where revive penalty wasn’t working properly for Ciel
Ciel ZZZ – Fixed issue where certain monsters wouldn’t get hit
Diabla Bounding Combo – Doesn’t track to location anymore. Tracks towards target.
– Consumes Combination gauge only when hit is successful
– Uses only 1 combination gauge now(2 before)
– Fixed issue of sound effect not playing
Dash JumpXZ,
Dash JumpXZX
– After delay becomes shorter
Land Crasher – Launches less
Nightmare – ‘Can use in air’ feature added- ‘Innovative’ trait removed, ‘Gigantic’ added.
Gigantic increases attack size by 130%
– Trait reset
Altar of Evil – Z command speed increased. Cancel points adjusted to be smoother

– PvP modifiers added to X command
– Fixed issue of there not being invincibility and delay when Awakening during Madness state
– fixed issue of ‘300MP skill damage increase’ option affecting Madness commands
– Duration in PvP changed from 30 to 15 sec

Phantom Circle – Cooldown time changed from 30 to 60 sec
– Natural HP MP recovery effect halved in pvp
Demonio Character Stat – HP stat decreased and distributed to Phy/Mag defence
– Phys attack stat decreased and distributed to magic attack stat.
– Total stat doesn’t change
Desperado – fixed problem with weird gun location during ‘Sniping’,
– pushing distance decreased  during ‘Sniping’,
Transcendence – PvP modifiers added to X command
– Fixed issue of there not being invincibility and delay when Awakening during Madness state
– fixed issue of ‘300MP skill damage increase’ option affecting Madness commands

– Duration in PvP changed from 30 to 15 sec

Punisher – Changed so effect pierces through everything when cast as Ciel.

– ‘Enhanced’ trait removed and ‘Tough’ trait added.

Tough trait gives superarmor and increases cooldown by 120%
– Trait reset

Haures’ Garden – Main flower’s max HP in PvP changed from 50% of caster’s HP to 25% of caster’s HP.
– ‘Demon world garden’ all speed decrease by 35% effect changed to 15%
– Fixed problem of it stopping monsters from spawning in certain stages.

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15 Responses

  • LimeGreen says:

    Oh well they got nerfed. They didn’t seem as strong without their Awakened Froms as the previous classes though. At least that was my first impression.

  • Derpmonio (KR) says:

    Thank god they fixed the tracking issues on combos. They made the buff useless again, which I don’t mind cause I don’t use it. And finally a fix for Haures Garden. Those plants wouldn’t let mobs spawn at Trock Lair XD

  • UNub says:

    Fixed Ciel’s hitbox….


    As for everything else, the nerfs were expected. I still feel that overall their PvE is weak as hell, but I guess they’re meant to be simple and reliant on the CP skills. Whatever.

  • Endgame says:

    So hey, you all remember how Kwan Oh Dang was replaced with a new director and he gave us Rose and renewals?

    …..Apparently he was already replaced with ANOTHER new director. And he’s the one who gave us DIabla and Demonemo. I mean Demonio.

    Just what the fuck is going on with KOG?!

    • zetgeist says:

      it seems that “director” is kog`speak for “expendable ensign”.

      • L says:

        Not that unusual. KOG seems to be similar to NCSoft and how they designed their companies.

        I think I read somewhere about the issues in KOG atm, something about how they worked together.

        • L says:

          Does anyone have an actual source on the studio? I can’t seem to find the names of the directors or news of them getting a new one.

          Not hearsay from the forums, but from either research sources or from some interview?

  • juggleFFX says:


    • Endgame says:

      Uhh….. the pedophiles are the people who lust over the lolis. Not the lolis themselves.

      Or did you mean to call her “pedobait”?

      • Facedesk says:

        i actually think they have no idea what they are talking about

        • MagicSpice says:

          that’s probably the same type of person that would throw weeaboo at someone not knowing what the hell it is…

          “Loli pedo shit cancer” sounds like one of those “MLG idiots”

          sure, sound cool and awesome while i’m busy kicking your ass…. it’s those types of players in PvP that end up being the biggest RP gain for me…

  • MagicSpice says:

    heh, the “week after” patch….

    I thought they had a “Test server” for this shit, or was it a one-time thing for the players?

  • UndyingWill1 says:

    I wonder why Land Crasher launches lower when it does so much damage O_O

  • Luciel lover says:

    Nerf again !? Why Why !!!! other characters are just keep buffing and Luciel just keep being nerf >:O Could you Kog just stop >:O

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