
4. 巨大Boss奖励

  • 根据你对巨大Boss造成的伤害,你将获得巨大Boss宝箱、古代的钢铁矿石和古代的守护矿石。
  • 使用古代的钢铁矿石和古代的守护矿石,可以在格雷夫处制造古代的钢铁楔子和古代的守护楔子。


  • 你有?的几率获得暗影的监视者武器兑换券(无法交易)
  • 使用暗影的监视者武器兑换券,可以在格雷夫处兑换自己所属角色的武器。
  • 暗影的监视者武器列表:










5. 这些道具的用处?

  • 这两种道具可以用来:

  古代的钢铁楔子 - 增加1个武器的魔法石镶嵌孔。

  古代的守护楔子 - 增加1个防具的魔法石镶嵌孔。

  • 每个装备只能使用楔子增加1个魔法石镶嵌孔
  • 增加魔法石镶嵌孔后无法还原原本的魔法石镶嵌孔数量。




  • Meteors: DraBaki periodically summons meteors that will damage players in it's radius.
  • Atrium: While switching to any position, DraBaki's body will create pits that continuously damage players.
  • Crush: DraBaki slams his tail vertically onto players.
  • Swipe: DraBaki uses his tail to sweep the field.
  • Blitz: DraBaki takes aim at players, then charge his head into the ground.
  • Dusk Inferno: After it's health drops to a certain point, DraBaki positions it's head and starts sweeping the field with dark fire. It will perform this 2 times.
  • Corrupt Downfall: After it's health drops to a certain point, DraBaki casts a dark orb into the sky. High amounts of meteors will then fall randomly on the field.
  • Transition - A: DraBaki changes positions by sliding around the map, it's new position will be on the far left. It can use Blitz and both tail attacks in this position.
    • After staying in it's new position for a while, it can move to Position B or back to it's original position. Same rules apply for Transition - B.
  • Vile Shockwave: While in Position A, DraBaki will cast a dark orb downward. The orb will travel vertically, pass through platforms, and create multiple shockwaves when it hits the ground.
  • Transition - B: DraBaki changes positions by sliding around the map, it's new position will be on the far right. It can use both tail attacks in this position.
  • Dusk Blaze: While in Position B, DraBaki will exhale dark fire to damage players.
  • Meteor Stream: While in Position B, DraBaki will cast a dark orb into the sky. Multiple meteors will focus and crash on a certain point on the field shortly after.
  • Sinister Raid: While in Position B, DraBaki will use the majority of his body to "clothesline" the field. It can perform this in multiple directions and it's body will create pits.
  • Abyss: While in Position B, DraBaki will create a large dark orb and transform it into a void. The void will absorb and continuously damage players.


  • 暗影监视者Drabaki的时间之门只会在桑德斯的场景开启。



帕尔曼高峰 - field_raid002



  • 在暗影监视者Drabaki开放的宣传海报上,可以看到高峰的顶部有一个小村庄。那个村庄是艾拉的故乡——帕尔曼。