[主动技] 躲在镜子中逃离敌人的威胁。被击时可以使用,按下方向键可以瞬间移动到所选的方向。
  • 伤害增加到减耗倍。


职业 所需等级
娜薇 15



所需等级 MP消耗 冷却时间
15 50 MP 30 秒
[真] 40 MP


所需等级 冷却时间
15 180 秒
  • 冷却时间固定,不能通过任何方法减少该技能的冷却时间。


轻便的仙女座! 再生的 (1) 仙女座!
所需等级 特性效果 MP消耗 所需等级 特性效果 MP恢复
20 Σ( ° △ °|||)︴抱歉,您输入的内容不存在哦,请查看下技能文本模板是否存在您想要的信息,如果没有请联系IceSoulMOG进行补充。 40 MP 20 Σ( ° △ °|||)︴抱歉,您输入的内容不存在哦,请查看下技能文本模板是否存在您想要的信息,如果没有请联系IceSoulMOG进行补充。 50 MP
[真] 32 MP [真] 40 MP

Tips and Details

  • While the skill allows you to escape both hitstun and knockdown, you have no invincibility or super armor when exiting the mirror, so a large enough attack or other enemies can still hit you during the exit animation.
  • As with any other skill, any suction effects (such as unawakened Generate Black Hole), even if they induce hitstun (such as Final Strike) will prevent you from using this skill at all, preventing you from using it as an escape tool.
  • You can't escape from Hyper Active as well.
  • You can warp into any direction when escaping an attack, including up or down. Holding down while on the ground already will cause you to warp very slightly forward instead, allowing you to catch unsuspecting opponents from behind.