The Tongue of Elrios

Author Archives: 2nafishisgood

Children’s Day Event

April 28th, 2014 | Posted by 2nafishisgood in Event Notices - (3 Comments)


Event 1:

In May 5th(In Korea):

-From 11~7:30, Cash Items will drop in 1 cash item per 1 minute intervals. There are 510 different kinds of items that could be dropped.
-Log-in for 10 minutes to get 1 Free Accessory cube. (1 Per ID)
300% EXP/Drop, Unlimited Stamina for entire day.


Event 2:

During Event Time: 4.29 ~ 5.15 for staying logged in for 10 minutes:

-1 Children’s Day Event Cube
-1 Ariel’s Attendance Certificate

will be given. (1 Per ID)

Children’s Day Event Cube Contains:
Refiend El Shard, Skill Reset Drink, Phoru Stamps, IB, Fossil Reader and more.

Ariel’s Attendance Certificate exchange:
Ariel’s +7~9 Amulet, IB…etc


Event 3:

-Unlimited Stamina in 2~3PM(Korean time) during weekends of May 3rd, 4th, 10th, 11th.
-2x EXP/Drop Rate during those times.


Event 4:

New Character Level up event:
Lv.10 Cube:
EXP Medal(7 days), Random Mount(7 days)
Lv.15 Cube:
Gnosis Blessing 60SP, B-Slot(30days)
Lv.30 Cube:
AA All set cube(30 days)
Lv.40 Cube:
Random Pet, Pet Fetch Aura

Giant Teddy Bear Event Raid

April 28th, 2014 | Posted by 2nafishisgood in Event Notices - (1 Comments)


How To Enter Teddy Bear Raid:

1. First Character to Log in Gets ‘Dream Controller Item’ (Weekdays 3/ Weekends 6)

2. Click on Giant Teddy Bear raid button at the top. (In Towns and Fields)

3. Consumes 1 ‘Dream Controller’ and you enter the Teddy Bear Raid(Luriel’s Nightmare)!

-Time Limit for the Raid is 6 minutes.

Reward 1:

Rewards vary depending on your damage output.

Top 30%: Slow’s Treasure Chest x2 + Nightmare Orb x1

Bottom 70%: Slow’s Treasure Chestx1 + Nightmare Orbx1

From Slow’s Treasure Chest you can obtain by chance:

Fluorite stones, Armor Only +7 Amulet, Ariel’s +7~+10 Amulet and more.

You can exchange Nightmare Orbs from Tedd the event NPC teddy bear for Prizes. (Chance of +10 Amulet~!)

Reward 2:

You can exchange for Tedd the event NPC a weapon costume

You need:

Vision Schematic: Weapon + 50 Nightmare Orbs >exchange> Slow’s Vision Weapon Avatar

Slow’s Vision Weapon Avatar: Crit+1.5%, Acc+3%, PAtk/Matk + 25

Patch Notes 4/29

April 27th, 2014 | Posted by 2nafishisgood in Patch Notes - (0 Comments)

# Main Update

[Base Skill Note Added]
– Base skill Skill Notes added for all characters.

# Event

1. Teddy Bear colab Event
(2014 04 29  ~ 2014 05 15)

2. Children’s Day Event
(2014 04 29 ~ 2014 05 15)

# Cash Shop

1. Teddy Bear Mount and Pet
– Time: 2014 04 29 ~ 2014 05 08
– Can’t Acquire from Fossil Reader

2. Teddy Bear One piece avatar and Accessory
-Time: 2014 04 29  ~ 2014 05 15

3. Bad Wolf / Red Riding Hood Avatar
– Time: 2014 04 29 ~ 2014 05 29

4. Ice Burner(Ara Holy Unicorn)
– Time: 2014 04 29  ~ 2014 06 12

5. Ice Burner(Elesis Grace Fairy)
– Time: 2014 04 29 ~ 2014 06 12

6. Base Skill notes

1. Ara, Elesis, Add Priest Avatar packages

# Changes

1. Sakra Devanam’s Tiger Secret Art visual enhanced.
2. Hyper Active lighting effect revamp
– Target: Yama Raja, Grand Master, Blazing Heart
3. Fixed Character temporarily disappearing during Add’s dash X combo.

1. Game beginner guide interface revamp
2. Shock Attribute effect changed
– Red Damage +10% effect deleted during petrification.

<Update Item Preview>

– Teddy Bear One piece avatar and Mount  –

테디 베어 한벌 아바타와 탈것 스크린샷

– Teddy Bear Pet –

테디 베어 펫 스크린샷

– Teddy Bear Accessory –

테디 베어 액세서리

– Bad Wolf/Red Riding Hood Avatar  –

빨간 두건 아바타 스크린샷

– Bad Wolf/Red Riding Hood Accessory –

– Ara Holy Unicorn Avatar –

아라 홀리 유니콘 아바타 스크린샷

– Elesis Grace Fairy Avatar –

엘리시스 그레이스 페어리 아바타 착용 모습

Patch Notes 4/24

April 23rd, 2014 | Posted by 2nafishisgood in Patch Notes - (1 Comments)

# Cash Shop


1. Ice Burner (Add Arch Devil)
– Time: 2014 04 24 ~ 2014 06 05

2. Elesis, Add, lofty Ideal Avatar
– Time: Package 2014 04 24 ~ 2014 05 22

1. Ice Burner (Add Dragon Knight)

<Update Item Preview>

– Arch Devil (Add) –

아크데빌 아바타 애드 착용 모습

– Lofty Ideal (Elesis, Add) –

롭티 아이디얼 아바타, 엘리시스와 애드 착용 모습

Regarding PvP Activities in KR server

April 18th, 2014 | Posted by 2nafishisgood in Interviews - (4 Comments)

-This doesn’t apply for players with  internet speed so good that they can PvP with Koreans almost perfectly with no distance lag.-

But for you players that experience noticeable distance lag during your matches against Korean players, I highly recommend that you all restrain yourselves from at least playing in random arena matching more than necessary amounts.

As some of you might know. Korean server implemented IP block for certain countries few days ago. While exact reason for this block is still unknown, it is suspected that Nexon is starting to cut off all the countries that don’t earn them enough money to justify having the local Koreans dissatisfied with the game because of foreigners with annoying distance lag.

Due to the recent ‘End of PvP Season 2’ event, the amount of reports and discussions about foreigners with distance lag ruining their PvP experience has become uncomfortably high in the Korean Elsword communities.

Before, this wasn’t much of an issue as foreigners in the Arena was something more like an Epic NPC encounters to them. (Although more annoying in higher ranking matches). However due to this recent event, amount of foreigners queuing up for Arena has risen considerably, and along with it, the amount of complaints against foreigners in the Korean community has risen to worrisome levels as well. There is a high possibility that Nexon KR will decide to IP block more countries if the amount of dissatisfaction amongst its players rises to critical levels.

This doesn’t mean don’t enjoy the PvP events. But please keep the amount of Arena matches you have to bare necessities. Using the recent event as an example, it’s pretty hard to let the chance to get the very special Season 2 Avatar set. Still, if you only need 30 matches, just do 30 matches and no more. If you aren’t in the high enough rank to get the rewards you wanted, please don’t be greedy and just settle with lower ranks that gets you only the necessities.  Even just reaching S or SS rank(which is rather easy to get) will get you 4 or 5 piece of avatars. While the weapon piece can easily be replaced by IBs and there are much better hair pieces out there. Is PvPing really that important that you have to endure the P2P distance lag all the while risking you and your fellow foreign player’s chance to be playing in KR server at all? If feel like you have to no matter what enjoy the PvP experience in KR server, please be satisfied with just Sparring with your fellow foreign players.

All of the above also can apply to playing dungeons with Korean players as well. However, dungeons are not as big of an issue as they mostly aren’t competitive content.

Please remember that the Korean Elsword server isn’t made with the intention of servicing foreign players. Foreign players have absolutely no rights in the Korean server. (Maybe except actual Koreans using their own accounts living outside Korea). Please be thankful that we get this wonderful opportunity to play at all in the mother server of this game we all love so much with the chance try out all its newest contents. So please try your best not to do things that inconvenience the local players in Korea whenever possible and do not risk ruining the KR server experience for every other foreign KR players as well.

Thank You.





End of PvP Season 2 event, Prelude to New War

April 16th, 2014 | Posted by 2nafishisgood in Event Notices - (0 Comments)

rightclick view image if too small*


Gladiator Avatar is similar to ones Camila is wearing

Grand Master Creation Story

April 16th, 2014 | Posted by 2nafishisgood in Interviews - (0 Comments)

<Knights captain fighting for her country in the front lines, Grand Master>

Tell us about Grand Master’s concept

S: I worked on her using the ‘Female Knight with a frail body fighting in the front lines for her country’ as a key word.

 Technically, it was the other job’s point to show the Elesis’s boyish side so this job focused on the girlish charm of the ‘Lady Knight Elesis’.

The graceful image that the 1st job had with dress-like armor and neat hairstyle was enhanced even more, while Elesis’s boyish side was attempted to be shown in a roundabout way by giving her a huge sword that even a heavily built man would have trouble carrying, and having her fight in the front lines with that sword.

<Different views of Grand Master>

What was the most difficult part of creating Grand Master?

S: There were a lot of difficulty in designing Saber Knight to be fancy, so even when put together with other 2nd jobs she wouldn’t stand out. Also drawing the illustration. There are lots to improve on but I’m glad a lot of the adventurers like it. T_T

<Looking more like Grand Master right?>

What’s the main charm of the Grand Master?

S: Girlish! Giant Sword! and lastly, and of course wouldn’t it obviously be her backside?!

Grand Master was worked on strictly in the concept of enhancing the charm of Saber Knight. There was some time gap between the 1st job and the 2nd job so I hoped people would not regret choosing Saber Knight when seeing Grand Master.

….In truth, I was lured in by Saber Knight’s backside and ended up working on Grand Master.

<You can see her attractiveness in this skill cut-in>

You can say another charming point of Grand Master’s is her Giant Sword. Tell us about the sword.

S: Grand Master’s promotion sword design was designed with ‘What shape would it take if Grand Master’s personality was reflected in her Sword of Victory?’. After much pondering, I concluded for myself that ‘even if they are  same skills, Saber Knight would wield a pure blade bounce houses, while Grand Master would wield giant shield like sword!’. If it was another Elesis and not a Grand Master, she’d probably have different looking sword. :->

<Her Giant Sword>

And some last words for all the adventurers-

S: Because Grand Master’s promotion illustration emphasizes her formal position as the Knight leader, there were some of you who were worried about how Elesis’s jolly personality might have disappeared. Grand Master also has the jolly personality of the original Elesis. Except now she’s aware that her actions or appearance stands for image of the Knights as a whole so she controls herself in formal situations! So you don’t need to worry ^_^

Adventurers that loves Elsword~!

I’ll do my best so you can always have fun time. ‘-‘)7

Thank you.

Oh and this is a bonus~

4/17 Patch Notes

April 16th, 2014 | Posted by 2nafishisgood in Patch Notes - (0 Comments)

# Event

1. End of PvP season 2 event
(2014 04 17 ~ 2014 05 15)

# Cash Shop


1. Moonlight Sonata limited avatar
Time: 2014 04 17 ~ 2014 05 15

2. Chung, Ara, Elesis, Add 2010 Bad Guys Avatar
Time: 2014 04 17  ~ 2014 05 15


1. Chung, Ara, Elesis, Add 2009 World unity avatar package
Can still buy parts

# Changes


1. Random Mission buff effects increased
2. Added tooltip for reward when scrolling over mission UI.
3. Fixed problem of mission UI showing up again after event scene when removing them with Tab or Del keys.


1. Fixed Apocalypse not transitioning well when moving from field to field.
2. Fixed skills some skills resetting all the way to lvl 0 when they should be reset to lvl1.
3. Fixed Yama Raja’s effects not showing up during Dungeon start motions.
4. Fixed Shelling Guardian’s Big Bang Stream’s grenade generator not having cooldown time.

[Dungeon, Field]

1. Fixed EXP medal not working on field mobs.
2. Fixed Magician 1/4 quest showing up as Wally’s castle when it should be Suburbs of Wally’s castle.


1. Fixed so Skill Slot Extension medal(1ea) is acquired as an item when purchased.
2. Fixed some of the new Secret Dungeon sets’s 5 set effects not working properly.
(Alterasia/Ancient Guardian set’s MP gain and reduced damage effects)
3. Changed burning event’s Tuesday reward, ‘Phoru stamp present set”s deletion date.


1. Fixed Oberon series mounts being able to stack up Jump Z attacks.

<Update Item Preview>

-Moonlight Sonata Avatar-


– Chung, Ara, Elesis, Add, 2010 bad guys avatar –


– Camila’s new Outfit-

Big Burning Event ~till Apr 29th

April 9th, 2014 | Posted by 2nafishisgood in Event Notices - (0 Comments)

Log in every day during event period for 10 minutes and a Burning Day cube will be sent to your character. (Sent to Only 1 character per day)

Burning Day cube contains Event Muramasa Sword and a Burning Elemental Wing accessories.(Timed)

It also contains 1 Burning Ticket

Collect these to trade for various items. If you collect 14 of them you can get free permanent Costume Set at Ariel.

Here’s the exchange menu at Ariel. Each cube contains full costume sets.

In order from left to right these boxes contain:

[ELS Beach Look Set(No Add’s)] [Elrios Musketeer Set] [Elrios Salvation Army Set] [Star Idol Set]


Another Burning Event:


Random Mission System

April 9th, 2014 | Posted by 2nafishisgood in Korean Elsword Updates - (0 Comments)

During dungeon runs, a random mission might appear to players:

When clearing these missions, certain amount of additional EXP will be given. Players can get up to 5x EXP plus a special buff that lasts 30 minutes.


-Can carry out only one mission per dungeon and missions do not appear in Ruben/Elder dungeons, Henir, Ereda Island and Gate of Darkness.
-Normally, Mission clear check only works individually.
-Missions requiring Hyper Actives only show up in dungeons with minimum level of 65


-Maximum level characters (Lv.70) will not get extra EXP bonus, but instead will have higher chance for a better buff.
-Mission clear rewards can only be gotten after completely clearing the dungeon. (Will got acquire when exiting)

-Buff Effects can stack up to 3 times. (EX, Attack power increase 5% + Attack power increase 5% + Attack power increase 5% = Attack power increase 15%)
-Buff duration is not stacked however and the buff timer is reset to max. (It is not reset during Max 3 stacks)
-Buff timer is consumed even when logged off
-Buffs do not work in PvP

Types of Missions:

[30번] 연속으로 적을 공격하라!
[50번] 연속으로 적을 공격하라!
[100번] 연속으로 적을 공격하라!
[xx Times] Continuously attack enemy!

[보스몬스터] 에게 [10%] 데미지를 입혀라!
[보스몬스터] 에게 [20%] 데미지를 입혀라!
[보스몬스터] 에게 [30%] 데미지를 입혀라!
Deal [xx %] Damage to the boss monster!

던전 클리어까지 [적에게20번이상] 맞지마라!
던전 클리어까지 [적에게10번이상] 맞지마라!
던전 클리어까지 [적에게5번이상] 맞지마라!
Don’t get hit [xx times] until dungeon clear!

[8분]이내로 던전을 클리어하라!
[5분]이내로 던전을 클리어하라!
[3분]이내로 던전을 클리어하라!
Clear the dungeon within [x minutes] !

[60초] 이내로 [다음서브스테이지] 를 클리어하라!
[40초] 이내로 [다음서브스테이지] 를 클리어하라!
[20초] 이내로 [다음서브스테이지] 를 클리어하라!
Clear the next sub-stage within [xx seconds]!

던전 클리어까지 [퀵슬롯아이템을5회] 사용하라!
던전 클리어까지 [퀵슬롯아이템을7회] 사용하라!
던전 클리어까지 [퀵슬롯아이템을10회] 사용하라!
Use quick-slot item [xx times] until dungeon clear!

파티원을(자신포함) [1번] 부활시켜라!
파티원을(자신포함) [3번] 부활시켜라!
파티원을(자신포함) [5번] 부활시켜라!
Resurrect Party members (including self) [x times]!

[2분] 안에[50번 연속]으로 적을 공격하라!
[1분] 안에[30번 연속]으로 적을 공격하라!
Within [x minutes] continuously attack enemy [xx times]!

던전 클리어까지 [MP를 1500]만큼 사용하라!
던전 클리어까지 [MP를 2100]만큼 사용하라!
던전 클리어까지 [MP를 3000]만큼 사용하라!
Use [xxxx MP] until dungeon clear!

[120초]이내로 [MP 1500]만큼 사용하라!
[90초]이내로 [MP 1500]만큼 사용하라!
[90초]이내로 [MP 2000]만큼 사용하라!
Within [xxx seconds] use [xxxx MP]!

던전 클리어까지 [엑티브스킬]을 [10회] 사용하라!
Use [Active Skill] [10 times] until dungeon clear!

[45초] 이내로 [엑티브] 스킬을 [3회] 사용하라!
[30초] 이내로 [엑티브] 스킬을 [3회] 사용하라!
Within [xx seconds] use [ActiveSkill] [x times]!

던전 클리어까지 [스페셜 엑티브] 스킬을 [5회] 사용하라!
Use [Special Active] skill [5 times] until dungeon clear!

[1분]이내로 [스페셜 엑티브] 스킬을 [3회] 사용하라!
[45초]이내로 [스페셜 엑티브] 스킬을 [3회] 사용하라!
Within [xx min/sec] use [Special Active] Skill [3 times]!

던전 클리어까지 [하이퍼 엑티브] 스킬을 [2회] 사용하라!
Use [Hyper Active] Skill 2 times until dungeon clear!

Types of Buffs:
물리/마법 공격력 증가
Phys/Mag Attack increase
물리/마법 방어력 증가
Phys/Mag Defense increase
동작속도/이동력/점프력 증가
Atkspd/Movement/Jumpspeed increase
명중/회피 증가
Accuracy/Evasion increase
타격시 MP 회수율 증가
MP gain increase when hitting
피격시 MP 회수율 증가
MP gain increase when being hit
불 속성 방어력 증가
물 속성 방어력 증가
자연 속성 방어력 증가
바람 속성 방어력 증가
빛 속성 방어력 증가
어둠 속성 방어력 증가
Elemental Resistance Increase (Fire,Water,Nature,Wind,Light,Dark in order)
더블 어택 확률 증가
Double Attack chance increase
자연회복량 증가
Natural recovery increase.