The Tongue of Elrios

Imprisoned Apostles

June 6th, 2018 | Posted by 2nafishisgood in Elsword News

“Imprisoned Apostles

Primordial Mirror, wedge of blue light stands against you.

Hate, destroy, only then you will see.”


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24 Responses

  • . says:

    owo what’s is this

  • RandomPerson says:

    Inb4 this raid has a stronger weapon/armor than the add dungeon/elr gear.

  • Honor says:

    Probably just going to be eltrion raid again. Most likely the same as the 2nd eltrion raid with one or two new annoying moves.

  • Zenmaster128 says:

    No I don’t think its eltrion. It looked like something new? going frame by frame it looked more like a phoenix like bird creature. elrion was more two legged nasod dragon like. or a fish type monster considering the tail scene.

  • annonymous says:

    another teaser to get back the players into this game but YU GI OH DUEL LINKS is way better than this game still

  • Yuri says:

    I think this is eltrion, but after drabaki, for me, kog needs review the drops, because only eltiers and alot of potion will not hold anyone more in the game (and the title has to be very attractive).

    Other thing: Balance. Aisha (Meta). How much longer impact zone will be worthless?? The new mode skills were horrible for pve.

  • Gameboy224 says:

    People, it isn’t Eltrion. Other than the similar color scheme to Eltrion MK2 Phase 3, it literally looks nothing like him. Frame by frame the video yourself, it really doesn’t. Eltrion is a mech with arms and legs, this thing is shaped a lot more like a winged whale thing.

    Otherwise, the KR teaser page also shows images of 3 mobs. So there are gonna be other mobs involved here. Might be a dungeon, or a raid, who knows?

  • Soren says:

    “Imprisoned Apostles
    Primordial Mirror, wedge of blue light stands against you.
    Hate, destroy, only then you will see.”

    Let’s analize that for a second, ignoring the video.
    This does not sound like anything related to Eltrion, so I’m ruling him out, nor does it sound like Perkisas, so he’s out too.
    It might have something to do with Drabaki, and if we’re following the new raid template set by Perkisas & Eltrion MK2, he should be getting a 2nd phase. But this Drabaki doesn’t follow the set raid template at all, he’s completely different in that before, raids were considered hunting fields rather than dungeons, but the cureent Drabaki is a dungeon. I will also add that it seems that every raid season if that is what it can be called is composed of 2 raid bosses at a time, first were Eltrion & Drabaki with just 1 phase each, then Perkisas & Eltrion MK2 with 3 phases each, now it might be Henir Drabaki & whatever the new one in the teaser is with 1 phase each.

    This is all theoretical and educated guessing on my part by the way, but feel free to point out any mistakes or how you might see it differently.

  • awsed says:

    so another “must be defeated in order to reach the next zone” raid boss like eltrion mk2 was

  • Skyloda says:

    Probably Drabaki 2nd phase.
    I mean this new beast had a serpent like two and lower body. It didn’t seem to have any arms, but it has something similar to wings, but not quite. It’s also set in Henir space. So I’d assume he’s transitioning into his fully corrupted third phase. It only makes sense since Perkisas and Eltrion has 3 phases. Drabaki should be next.

    Key word: Should

  • Evenslife says:

    It’s clearly a new phase for Darbaki just like they did for the other raid bosses

  • Croire says:

    kog really needs to stop the foreplay teasing and just show a clear image at this point. I can:t get excited for any new elsword events.

  • MagicSpice says:

    Well then, looks like an OC raid character has joined us…

    INB4 the new legend equipment far outclasses whatever the hell we got now. (hell, can we finally have legend armor for christ sake?)

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