The Tongue of Elrios

11/14 Patch Notes

November 13th, 2018 | Posted by 2nafishisgood in Patch Notes

Maintenance: 5AM ~ 11AM(6 hrs)


System Revamps

1) Resonance Revamp

– (Free Resonance Reset after maintenance ends)

Basic Dungeon Support
All Attack +10
(Max ∞ points)
All Skill Damage +0.35%
(Max 100 points)
Skill MP Cost -0.2%
(Max 100 points)
All Defense +10
(Max ∞ points)
Attack/Attacked Damage +0.15%
(Max 50 points)
Skill Cooldown -0.2%
(Max 100 points)
All Resist +10
(Max 50 points)
Boss Damage Dealt +0.3%
(Max 50 points)
EXP +2%
(Max 100 points)
Max HP +0.5%
(Max 50 points)
Boss Damage Received -0.4%
(Max 50 points)
ED +2%
(Max 100 points)
Max MP +2
(Max 50 points)
Adaptability +0.07%
(Max 100 points)
Drop Rate +2%
(Max 100 points)

* Hyper Actives not affected my all skill damage increase

* Dungeon category isn’t applied in PvP


– Resonance Reset Quest Added

Quest Name
Quest Type Quest Detail
Reward Amount
실전! 엘 공명의 힘! Normal Quest

(Per Character)

Use Resonance Point 10 times (Ones already being used counts too) [아리엘] 엘 공명 포인트

초기화 코인

(Reset Coin)

새로운 공명의 힘으로! Normal Quest

(Per Character)

Reach Level 99 [코보] 엘 공명 포인트

초기화 스크롤

(Reset Scroll)


* Quest Rewards cannot be bank shared

* Quest Reward Scroll disappears after 15 days 퀘


2) Dungeon Matching Revamp

– Wait time for solo matching is 30 seconds

– Shows estimated dungeon matching time (Doesn’t show amount of people in queue anymore)

– Wait feature for solo matching added. When solo matched, you can choose to wait instead of starting dungeon by yourself. Can cancel waiting and start by yourself as well.



– Ruben ~ Velder dungeons can only be played by [Party Match Button] (No start with current party option)

But matching changed to end faster

– Retrying dungeons as solo will not give Hero’s assemble buff


3) Varnimyr Raid Revamp

-Waiting 6 minutes in Raid gathering point will give following buff :  Doesn’t stack with Spa Buff

버프 : 수색대원의 결의
Boss damage dealt 2%
Boss damage received  2%
Adaptability 2%


– Raid Party advertise feature added

Can send following message to all players in raid gathering point, (all server/channel)

([Dungeon Name] Character / Class / Combat Level / Raid Progress)


– Raid Party Search Feature Added

Can send following message to all all players in raid gathering point, (all server/channel)

([Dungeon Name] Amount of players in party / Character Name / Average Combat Level of the Party)

* Relogging or joining another party will cancel Search/Advertisement

* Can send messages every 1 minute


Character Growth Revamp

1) Character growth

– Amount of Epic Quests and exp required to level adjusted. Can level up to 99 faster

– Field Quests Removed

Area Removed Quests
Elder [필드]아지트 발견!
Bethma [던전]리자드맨 장로
[던전]리자드맨의 창날
[던전]조각난 주술서
Hamel [던전]용암을 녹이는 용광로
[던전]로드로스의 흔적
[던전]침수의 원인
[던전]최강의 경호원
[던전]실종된 기사단
[던전]로드로스, 또 당신이야?
[던전]헬퍼트가 남긴것
Sander [필드]전설의 베히모스
Lanox [필드]단서 확보
[던전]대장장이의 실력발휘
[필드]불의 기운을 모아
[필드]화산지대를 가기 위한 준비
[필드]신녀들과 함께 화산지대로!
Elysion [던전]험난한 샤이플로네 숲
[던전]실마리를 갖고 있는 데칼
[필드]디시온 큐브가 향하는 곳
[던전]각성한 유노를 위해
[던전]움직이는 큐브
[던전]메모리 회수
[던전]퍼즐과 인형들
[던전]부대 재배치
[던전]솔레스와 하르니에


– Transcendence Quest Requirements Changed

Quest Name
한계를 초월한 자 1/5 Clear 5 dungeons within lvl range (Same)
한계를 초월한 자 2/5 Collect Materials (5 Lanox) Collect Materials (5 Sander/ Lanox/ Elysion)
한계를 초월한 자 3/5 Collect Materials (5 Secret Dungeon) Collect Materials (5 Sander/ Lanox/ Elysion)
한계를 초월한 자 4/5 Collect Materials (3 Secret Dungeon) (Same)
한계를 초월한 자 5/5 Clear 5 10 secret dungeons

* Skill Unlock 1: (Before)lvl 70 → (After) lvl 80

* Skill Unlock 2: (Before)lvl 80 → (After) lvl 90


– Town Entry levels changed

Area(also includes fields and rest spots) Before After
Elder 6 6
Bethma 15 15
Altera 27 25
Feita 34 35
Velder 41 44
Ship 49 54
Hamel 49 54
Sander 55 64
Lanox 65 76
Atlas 75 84
Elysion 85 87

– Secret/Heroic Dungeon difficulty lowered

* Secret Dungeon : Monster HP -10%

* Heroic Dungeon : Monster HP -30%


– Heroic/Secret Dungeon Epic quest rewards changed

Category Quest Name
Secret Dungeon
[비밀 던전]숨겨진 던전 발견 Weapon from Reward Cube has

+5 → +7

Heroic Dungeon
Unique Heroic Gears give minimum of rank 20 upon identification
[영웅 던전]뒤틀린 시공간 포탈 Weapon from reward weapon cube isn’t timed anymore
[영웅 던전]새로운 영웅의 탄생 [Cobo] Heroic Dungeon Magic Amulet is now  Lv.8 → Lv.9

– All Heroic Gears won’t have less than 20 rank

– All dungeons in Sander drops secret dungeon ticket

– Chance of rank 25 ~ 29 appearing in heroic gears becomes higher

– Following item added to last Epic quest in Elder

Item Name
[코보] 코보 지역이동 서비스
무료 이용 티켓 (7일)
Cobo express ticket (7 days)


2) Daily/Weekly quest adjusted

– Bethtera Army quest removed. Can enter without ticket

– All secret dungeon quests related to luto moved removed

– Secret dungeon quest’s reward amount increase

– Heroic dungeon quest’s clear conditions become easier

– Elrianode, Varnimyr daily/weekly quests added


3) Dungeon Rewards revamp

– System that gave additional rewards when overkilling monster removed

– 2+ player party will gain same ED and EXP as 1 player party.

– Cannot obtain Hero medals anymore (Can skill exchange)


4) New Titles Added

Title Name
Conditions Title Effect
시작이 반이다 Reach level 1 Physical Attack +30
Magical Attack +30
HP Increase 1 %
Movement 2 %
햇병아리 모험가 Reach level 20 Physical Attack +50
Magical Attack +50
HP Increase 2 %
Awakening Charge Speed 2 %
그래도 아직은 초보다! Reach level 40 Physical Attack +100
Magical Attack +100
HP Increase 3 %
Movement 2 %
Damage Reduction 2 %
슬슬 모험가 태가 난다! Reach level 60 Physical Attack +150
Magical Attack +150
HP Increase 4 %
Attack Speed 2 %
Crit 1 %
모험가님, 멋져요! Reach level 80 Physical Attack +200
Magical Attack +200
HP Increase 5 %
Attack Speed 3 %
Crit 2 %
Damage Reduction 2 %

5) Expert Magic Stones Added 

Max ‘Weapon: 9%, Armour: 4.5%’ stats obtainable from these stones

Available Socket Effects
Crit 6 ~ 9%
Max 6 ~ 9%
AddDmg 6 ~ 9%
Attack Speed 6 ~ 9%
Attacking MP recovery 6 ~ 9%
Attacked MP recovery 6 ~ 9%
Awakening Charge 8 ~ 14%
Awakening Duration 9 ~ 13.5%
HP 6 ~ 9%
Dmg Reduction 6 ~ 9%
Movement 12 ~ 18%
Jump 12 ~ 18%

* Only half applied to armours


– Weekly Chain quest to obtain exper magic stones added

Quest Name Quest Type
Quest Detail
Reward Amount
[엘리아노드] 신비로운 마법석 1/5 Weekly Chain Quest, per account
(per server)
Clear 1 Elrianode Dungeons
(Except Hall of El)
Expert Magic Stone 5
[엘리아노드] 신비로운 마법석 2/5 Clear 2 Elrianode Dungeons
(Except Hall of El)
Expert Magic Stone 5
[엘리아노드] 신비로운 마법석 3/5 Clear 4 Elrianode Dungeons
(Except Hall of El)
Expert Magic Stone 5
[엘리아노드] 신비로운 마법석 4/5 Clear 7 Elrianode Dungeons
(Except Hall of El)
Expert Magic Stone 5
[엘리아노드] 신비로운 마법석 5/5 Clear 10 Elrianode Dungeons
(Except Hall of El)
Expert Magic Stone 5


6) Magic Stone socket chances adjusted 

– socketing on +0~12 enhancement has same chances/stats as previous +12 enhancement


7) Item revamp

– Each area’s food items drop from dungeons

(But food materials don’t drop from Ruben anymore)

– Elite El Tears dropped sealed.


8) Varnimyr Revamp

– Demon Realm Debuff 30% → 20%

* 12-1 30% → 10%

* 12-2 30% → 10%

* 12-3 30% → 10%

* 12-4  30% → 20%



– Dungeon length reduced

– Damage reduced for certain boss patterns

– Warning message will appear for Certain boss patterns

– ‘Niore’ Monster will use invincibility pattern less frequently. Invinicibilty frames are shorter

– ‘Moffle’ monster’s multi-hit attack adjusted



– Invincibility frames for some of Nero’s patterns removed


[Adaptability stat adjusted]

– Demon Realm debuff doesn’t decrease defense

– Adaptability directly cancels out Demon Realm debuff

(Buffed so adaptability is 2.3x effective in raid gunoens)

– Because adaptabilty stat was buffed, certain accessories/titles that give adaptability are nerfed

Category Name
Accessories 아케이트의 파편(12-8 accessory) Adaptability 3% → 2%
악몽의 안대 (12-3 accessory)
Title Entrance to the Demon Realm
Sentinel Unit
Key to Victory
Fire Tamer

– Adaptability added to character stat window (Adaptability doesn’t affect combat level/defense level)


Character Modelling changes

1) Model change




1) Certain potions/items combined

Same items that couldn’t be stacked before can now be stacked

2) Mailbox added to spas

3) Other

– Character slot expansion added to ED shop

– IB weapons/accessories drop in cubes

– Open animations don’t appear when repeatedly opening cube type items


– New Type of training dummies added

New Effect
훈련용 거대 석조 원숭이 (Gaint Stone Monkey) Has defense stat
훈련용 거대 목각 호랑이 (Giant Wodden Tiger) Is treated as a boss
훈련용 거대 석조 호랑이

(Giant Stone Tiger)

Is treated as a boss and has defense stat


[Cash Shop]


  1. IB : Crescent lullaby

– 2018 11 14 ~ 2019 1 31


  1. Crescent lullaby 1+1 package (max 10 purchase per account)

– 2018 11 14 ~ 2018 11 18  11:59


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74 Responses

  • K.G.I says:

    lol Adapt count toward nothing in CP. Well , CP was never fixed anyway so no wonder.

    • Gameboy224 says:

      It actually was fixed a little. It’s still definitely weighted towards ASD, but as far as socket stats go, it isn’t as stupidly weighted towards Max/Crit as before, the other stats actually matter a bit now.

  • iFanatio says:

    Ugh, why shouldn’t they nerfed mp cost & skill cd…
    Fortunately all skill damage level are on total 35%

    And, gladly they giving character slot to ED shop.

  • Kerialstraz says:

    Translating bugfixes and some passive/command changes would be pretty interesting, especially because some changes do affect the current gameplay of some classes.

  • TheLuiz says:

    – Character slot expansion added to ED shop

    too bad Void don’t have ED shop, such an incompetent staff

    • Samii says:

      You do realize that patching a game with limited people working on it without it breaking is hard right? I don’t think they are incompetent, they probably just can’t implement it yet. Have you watched a game before? Probably not. So don’t say crap until you’ve tried it

    • Kerialstraz says:

      Yea man how dare Void staff not implement the ED shop when everything which the ED shop has can be obtained for ED already.

      You look really stupid right now, you knot that, right?

    • RandomPerson says:

      nice old meme

    • Lord Aurora says:

      – Elite El Tears dropped sealed.

      But Void already has that and Unique El Tears dropping sealed, KoG is so incompetent

      Jokes aside tho, this isn’t Void LOL of all things to mention here. Plus considering it’s in the ED shop, it’s probably gonna cost way more than anyone is hoping for so…

  • Katja Eclair says:

    +Skill damage from El Res doesn’t affect PvP anymore? That’s hilarious.

  • Katja Eclair says:

    …Hold up. Heroic monsters’ health was already low enough. They’re slashing that by an additional 30%? Why?

  • Shizzles says:

    Meh, I just hope they hand out a free erp page or have it so it’s easier to obtain reset coins, as it’s looking really mandatory. Though I highly doubt.

    Not also a fan of the new stones, they could’ve simply made them sage stones, as they’re already showering it from events, that it no longer matters.

  • Endgame says:

    How much is +35% skill damage and +15% boss damage worth in this day and age?

    Like, what kind of numbers are current top end gear players doing to bosses? Millions? Billions?

    Is there a known damage cap?

  • (non)sense says:

    >all these changes

    bet some of y’all are still going to be “i’m quitting elsword!!” , right?

  • soren says:

    Ooh, new victims for Free Training~!

  • Kegare says:

    Elsword will become the most perfectly well balanced mmo game by 2020 ভ_ ভ

  • Joven R. says:

    Please do some skill for Lvl 75 & 85, not revising the skill. Ok? Thanks

  • MagicSpice says:

    Didn’t know overkilling monsters actually was a reward. so all those times I did a oneshot hit with single-target skills actually was raising exp earned and it wasn’t a glitch…

    Also, a lot of these changes don’t surprise me…. but those expert stones… GG

    NO LESS THAN 6% SOCKETS?! HOT DAMN! Gonna farm those when i get the chance cause I don’t have all sage sockets…

  • PisPieace says:

    Ohhh really glad they changed it to 0.35% for ASD instead of 0.25%!

    • MagicSpice says:

      honestly, it’s kinda broken looking at the elrianode boost…

      elrianode gloves can identify with 28%, 32%, 36%, 40%, 44%, or 5% per enhance level (which can get up to 65% when gloves are +13).

      so let’s say I got the gloves at it’s highest point, the Res points, and then a skill ring for strength skills on my meta… that’s 65% + 35% + 20% = 120% skill damage increase…

      good thing this is dungeon only cause a skill doing more than double damage is insane…

      • Dabloo says:

        You forgot to add elria set effect 10% and stage 15 on void 10 % and if you have +11 void then you have extra 5% asd

      • Kerialstraz says:

        It doesn’t work that way. How can a specific skilldmg tier add upon all skilldmg?
        When having maxed ERP and in your example 65% through gloves, you get (1.65+1.35)x1.2, which equals to 240% for a specific skilldmg tier (like strength). Thats assuming ERP ASD works additively compared to the previous ERP iteration.

        With the previous ERP iteration of 35% skilldmg tiers you’d get 1.65×1.35×1.2=2.673 or 267.3% for strength skilldmg. So essentially, you lose 27% skilldmg for tierspecific skills with the upcoming changes, more with higher skilldmg through avatar stuff or gear.

        • MagicSpice says:

          you know all the sources add together right? this is how it’s shown on your character stats

          if you get 32% from your set, 25% from ERP would get added with that 32% to make 57%. a skill ring would ad to this total, but only for that skill type.

  • Human Race says:

    And again Commands attacks are ignored. Ok, time to uninstall Elsword.

  • Endgame says:

    KR Elsword Ranking Watch:

    Down 3 ranks to #42.

    Remember, the last time Elsword fell off they announced 3rd Jobs shortly after. So we can expect them to break the glass on the emergency waifu as the game gets closer to falling off again.

    • b says:

      Well, they have been teasing something for a week now, so it’s not a surprise.

    • (non)sense says:

      you ever think that the whole reason for Elsword being ranked so low, is because people quit at the smallest hint of a change?

      –that aside, literally no one cares for rankings or whatnot, dude.

      • Endgame says:

        I know damn well why Elsword is ranked so low and has fallen off multiple times. But it seems everyone else has forgotten how the ST Revamp and Elesis (Yes, people were much more pissed off over Elesis than Rose.) nearly killed the game.

        KR has seen like, three different mass ragequit events. It’s not fascinating that Elsword is falling. It’s fascinating because it’s a mystery as to how the hell it’s still alive.

        • (non)sense says:

          everyone else has forgotten about those events, because nobody’s paying that much attention to them, anymore.

          the only thing that’s “fascinating” is your obsession with the smaller details(ranks and such). just go play the game or something, instead of bothering to ask ‘why’.

    • Endgame says:

      Looks like they’re teasing another demon loli.

      Oh HELL no.

      • Soren says:

        Also another demon loli would be great! (Contrary to Endy’s worthless opinion.)

        I mean if we have already 3 lolis (Aishit, Eve & Lu), WHY NOT A FOURTH!? Lolis are adorable!
        Although in my opinion preferable would be neither loli or cow, but something more balanced, like Elesis<3

        • Endgame says:

          Aisha and Eve aren’t loli you braindead moron. Lolis are prepubescent girls. (Or women that look like prepubescent girls for the sake of making it okay to fap to the body of a prepubescent girl. lolanime.)

          Even if you’re one of those idiots who thinks it means flat chested (that has a separate word: petanko) Aisha has boobs even in base job.

          Also, it helps you not look stupid to call someone else’s opinion worthless while citing that hideous little imps are “adorable”. Besides, weren’t you calling Aisha ugly? AND you think she’s loli? And that lolis are adorable? Well gee, you have no ideological consistency.

          • Shinaitsa says:

            Oh? If him liking Lu and disliking Aisha means he has no ideological consistency, then why do you dislike Elesis? She’s not a loli.

          • Endgame says:

            1. We’ve seen Loli Elesis beat up Scar. Loli Elesis is a thing that exists. Soooooo…..

            2. He flat out said “lolis are adorable” despite referring to Aisha as “Aishit”. Citing having “3 lolis” is justification for more.

            He cited Aisha is a reason to have more characters his diseased brain deems similar. This is contradictory. My Elesis hate is not.

            3. Who says I can only hate lolis? Edgelords are the one anime archetype that’s even worse. I’ve gone on record of saying Add is even worse than Lu. Or at least he was before they turned him into a Mama’s boy (that’s edge Kryptonite) while continuing to lewd Loli Lu in cash shop outfit promotional artwork.

            And you know who else is an edgelord? DK -> CA -> BQ Elesis. The vampire prostitute that breaks out into evil laughter and has a backstory all about slaughter and vengeance. Complete with a lose animation where she basically kills herself!

          • Frost says:

            Add? Edgelord? No offence to Add’s mains but how the guy who looks like korean pop singer can be edgelord? And thats not correct to call any dark or depressed character edgelord (and virtual character in general). Edgelord – is a person who act himself overdramatic and offensive while being actually child, just because he think thats make him “cool”. Edgelords are real persons, for example – kid who telling you “kys”, when you win him in pvp. Elesis being dark and all about vengeance – not an edgelord unless she not a kid who siting on sofa, drinking milk that mom bring to her while writing comments on internet that she will revenge to everyone, just to make impression that she cool and dangerouse. Edgelords can like some game characters because they dark, but thats not making characters edgelords themselfs (and more often edgelords choosing easy to play and most OP characters, not most dark – because edgelords are tryhards)

          • Shinaitsa says:

            Since I can’t directly reply to that comment for some reason, I’ll put this here.

            1. … hello? Aisha was the strongest magician by the age of… 10? Or something in her backstory.

            Went and fact-checked that, well, I wasn’t exactly correct, but nevertheless “Aisha was already a mage of the highest order at the tender age of 12”. Loli Aisha is a thing that exists. Soooooo…

            What a solid argument, hm?

            2. You seem to have missed the point – a girl being a loli doesn’t prevent her from being ugly, same as big boobs and fat but don’t. “Loli” is a generalisation for EVERYONE who falls under a certain body type, just how “Thicc” is.

            3. Fair point. However, DK -> CA -> BQ is only one path, and you seem to hate Elesis in her entirety, which I will go out on a limb and guess is because she is a Mary Sue?

          • Shinaitsa says:

            fat butt*

          • Endgame says:

            So real people can be edgelords but fictional characters can’t? That’s….. stupid. Especially when it’s more often applied to fictional characters than real people.

            As for 12 year old Aisha, she was never shown. Therefore we can’t be sure whether or not she was prepubescent at the time.

      • Frost says:

        Or maybe shota.)

        • Endgame says:

          That’s definitely a little girl in the picture. That little girl is obviously going to play some role. It better not be the next playable character role unless this is just backstory and she’s a woman in the present..

          I mean, it’s obvious the game needs a new character to survive the winter, and they started teasing Chung in November if I’m remembering correctly. There is a good chance these teasers are for a new character.

          And speaking of Chung….. we already have a shota. (Although his shotaness goes away after job advancements.) He’s very unpopular in KR, which is why he keeps getting buffed and pissing off NA with how OP he is.

          Misteltein in Closers was also very unpopular until his 3rd Job made him super OP and then suddenly he was everywhere.

          Little girls are beloved, but not little boys. Why the double standard? The faulty brain wiring that leads to pedophilia is less common in women than in men, I guess.

          • Katja Eclair says:

            “Faulty brain wiring that leads to pedophilia”? You not only fail at being a psychologist, you couldn’t even play one on TV.

          • Endgame says:

            We are biologically programmed to be attracted to features that develop during puberty. Boobs, curves, hips, etc. It’s why for 99% of human history we were okay with impregnating 13 year olds before our medical knowledge advanced enough to figure out girls continue developing past that point and become less likely to die during childbirth. Boobs are nature’s way of saying she’s ready to make babies. But we’ve come to reject nature over time. (We have body hair growing all over? Now we just laser it all off except for the hair on our head!)

            To be sexually attracted to the complete lack of those features is indeed an abnormality, yes. Every credible mental health organization considers pedophilia a mental illness for a reason.

          • Frost says:

            I agree that pedophelia is a mental problem, but man, thats pretty nonscence explanation) You know – some adult girls flatchest/flatbutt, but they can sexually attract you like no other curved girls can. Sexuallity not that straight and primitive. It much more depends on how girl acting herself, is she interesting, is she flirting, how she dress, how she speak. Is her voice pleasurable to hear, how she smell etc. So many things that matter, people not even notice some of those – they act on the subconscious. And we can’t “reject nature” – why people love so much to separate themself from nature – we are part of nature and no any sort of epilation will change it. Our mind and everything connected with it natural.

          • Endgame says:

            I love how lolicon defenders always pull up that petite women exist.

            …..Even though they’ve clearly never seen a petite woman because they are clearly visibly different from prepubescent girls.

          • Frost says:

            Me? Lolicon defender? Hell no – I’m not fan of lolis. And flatchested/flatbutt != petite woman or loli-looking woman, she can be tall for example or mediocre. I just explained that curves not the main thing that makes woman’s sexuality and shows age.

      • Frost says:

        If seriously – she not necessarily will be loli. Those minigames showing her past. Also we will get probably around 2 more chapters where she can grow a bit. And she will likely grow during jobs progress.

        • Endgame says:

          I did mention the possibility, and would certainly hope for that.

          …..But we’ve already established that demons live for thousands of years and probably age slowly as a result. Nothing’s stopping them from saying “She’s 1000 years old so it’s okay. Fap away!” like Nintendo did with Nowi.

          After all, KOG is easily influenced by dumb anime trends. Hence why we’ve gotten mostly edgelords and a loli with an “excuse” that falls apart under any real analysis. But anime is still being consumed by the loli craze. So between that and Ishtar and the delolification of Lu being canon, they probably think they need another loli…..

          • Mogek0n says:

            That would make sense.
            If this wasn’t fiction.
            Someone who is obsessed with CoD will not go around on mass murder shooting just because of being tlable to shoot NPCs between the eyebrows.
            Same thing would happen in sexual interest, just because someone can fap to Tentacles wouldn’t necessarily mean they would like seeing an octopus assaulting women.
            In the same way you like that acorn-brained retard juglady Ara, that doesn’t necessarily mean irl you’d like the extremely clumsy type.

            You are simply missing the point of fiction, to allow you to enjoy things without real-life restrictions.

          • Endgame says:

            You do realize your octopus example is bad because Japanese porn has gone there before, right?

          • SkyVR says:

            That doesn’t disprove my point, so what if it already happened? its “normal” in fiction, sick in real life, same as rape, NTR, golden shower among others.

          • Endgame says:

            The thing about porn is that plot aside, it’s not fiction. People ARE committing those acts.

            And golden showers are pretty common in porn…..

    • Soren says:

      Maze of the black forest TWO?

      And the first one…? Or are they talking about the elder dungeon…?

  • LordAin says:

    I just have to ask, what’s the point in leveling El res system when only 40% works in PvP and the whole middle section is just completely gone?

  • somebody says:

    “Mailbox added to spas”
    Me: Finally!

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