The Tongue of Elrios

10/8 Balance Patch

September 25th, 2020 | Posted by 2nafishisgood in Patch Notes



Skill Name



El Search Party – Synergy

3rd Line – Space Distortion when using active force skill


3rd Line – When using active force skill, broken time-space seal activates(Doesn’t re-activate for 30 sec) (Dungeon)

[Broken Time-Space Seal]
Apply Seal of Time resurrection buff on players within range. 20s


Lord Knight

Counter patience

level 4

Physical Damage Increase : 8%
Duration : 30s (Maximum 5stack)

Physical Damage Increase : 2%
Duration : 30s (Maximum 5stack)

level 4

Physical Damage Increase : 13%
Duration : 30s (Maximum 3stack)

Physical Damage Increase : 1.3%
Duration : 30s (Maximum 3stack)

Lord Knight

Imperial Crusher

긁어내기(Physical) : 653% Multi hit

긁어내기(Physical) : 223% Multi hit

Trait change
Useful -> Haste
Reversed -> Heavy

긁어내기(Physical) : 653% Multi hit

긁어내기(Physical) : 178% Multi hit

Rune Slayer

Liberated Will : Rune Slayer

Maximization Chance Increase : 13%

[Liberated Will : Rune Slayer]
Per second MP Recovery : 30
All Element Resistance Increase : 200
Duration : 10s

Maximization Chance Increase : 13%

[Liberated Will : Rune Slayer]
Per second MP Recovery : 3
All Element Resistance Increase : 100
Duration : 10s

Maximization Chance Increase : 13%

[Liberated Will : Rune Slayer]
Per second MP Recovery : 30
All Element Resistance Increase : 200
Duration : 10s

Maximization Chance Increase : 13%

[Liberated Will : Rune Slayer]
Per second MP Recovery : 2
All Element Resistance Increase : 100
Duration : 5s

Rune Master

New Heights

Runes created upon successful hit with rune command attack(Disappears after 5 hits)
– Damage(Magical) : 480%
– Target MP Decrease : -2
– Duration : 15s

Runes created upon successful hit with rune command attack(Disappears after 5 hits)
– Damage(Magical) : 192%
– Target MP Decrease : -2
– Duration : 15s


Runes created upon successful hit with rune command attack(Disappears after 3 hits)
– Damage(Magical) : 1050%
– Target MP Decrease : -2
– Duration : 15s

Runes created upon successful hit with rune command attack(Disappears after 3 hits)
– Damage(Magical) : 105%
– Target MP Decrease : -2
– Duration : 15s



High Magician

Meteor Shower


Skill Features Changed

MP cost changed

Elemental Master

Lightning Shower


Skill Features Changed

Skill MP cost changed

Trait change
Killing Blow(1) -> Heavy

Elemental Master


Meteor Shower, Lightning Shower’s additional summon MP cost Decreases. Maximum summon count increased

[Meteor Shower, Lightning Shower]
MP cost Decrease : 30%
Summon Amount Increase : 50%

[Elemental Body Enhanced]
Movement Speed Increase : 20%

MP cost Decrease : 50%

[Meteor Shower, Lightning Shower]
MP cost Decrease : 30%
Summon count Increase : 50%

[Elemental Body Enhanced]
Movement Speed Increase : 20%

MP cost Decrease : 50%

Additional per second MP cost of Meteor Shower decreases. Lightning shower’s damage increases.

[Meteor Shower]
Per second MP cost Decrease : 10%

[Lightning Shower]
Damage Increase : 15%

[Elemental Body Enhanced]
Movement Speed Increase : 20%
Teleport MP cost Decrease : 50%

[Meteor Shower]
Per second MP cost Decrease : 4%

[Lightning Shower]
Damage Increase : 6%

[Elemental Body Enhanced]
Movement Speed Increase : 20%
Teleport MP cost Decrease : 50%

Aether Sage

[Mod] Lightning Shower


Can move quicker after skill cast is finished

Aether Sage

Double Casting


Chain Skill Damage : 70% of original


Chain Skill Damage : 140% of original


Sniping Ranger

Guide Arrow

  Arrow duration decreased in PvP


[Mod] Wind Blast


Arrow duration decreased in PvP

Trapping Ranger

Humming Wind


Last hit knocks enemies down



Mana Conversion

HP Cost : 10% of total HP
MP Gain : 17

HP Cost : 15% of total HP
MP Gain : 10

Code: Nemesis

Atomic Shield

– Ally Damage reduction : 40%

– Ally Damage reduction : 20%

– Ally Damage reduction : 25%

– Ally Damage reduction : 10%

Code: Electra

Particle Ray

Reactive – 다수 전기장(Magical) : 149% Multi hit
Fusion – 다수 전기장(Magical) : 77% Multi hit

Reactive – 다수 전기장(Magical) : 95% Multi hit
Fusion – 다수 전기장(Magical) : 50% Multi hit

Code: Battle Seraph

Energetic Heart


Delay time 41% Decreased.

Code: Battle Seraph

Electronic Move


Skill MP cost changed

Code: Sariel

[Mod] Electronic Move

(Maximum 4 times)

Hitstun time decreased

Skill MP cost changed

광자(Magical) : 314% ×3 (Maximum 4 times)

광자(Magical) : 125% ×3 (Maximum 2 times)

Code: Sariel

[Mod] Particle Ray


Reactive – 다수 전기장(Magical) : 149% Multi hit
Fusion – 다수 전기장(Magical) : 77% Multi hit


Reactive – 다수 전기장(Magical) : 95% Multi hit
Fusion – 다수 전기장(Magical) : 50% Multi hit


Shelling Guardian

Chaos Cannon

Damaged recieved during Chaos Cannon 80%

Damaged recieved during Chaos Cannon 50%


Blazing Heart

Seed of Fire

level 4


– Magical Damage Increase : 20%

– Duration : 20s

level 4


– Magical Damage Increase : 8%

– Duration : 10s

Flame Lord


Buffs are applied depending on amount of awakening beads used on awakening.


Buffs are applied upon awakening

Buff Duration : 20s

Buff Duration : 3s

Flame Lord

Heart of Fire

Re-activation cooldown removed for burning spirit
Burning spirit duration increased and is shown on tooltip.

[Burning spirit]
– Duration : 25s

– Damage increase : 2%
– Duration : 5s


Lunatic Psyker

EMP Shock

– MP burn : -56
– Skill Cooldown : All skill Cooldown time 10.4s +
   (Doesn’t go over maximum cooldown time)

– MP burn : -56
– Skill Cooldown : All skill Cooldown time 10.4s +
   (Doesn’t go over maximum cooldown time)

– MP burn : -20
– Skill Cooldown : All skillCooldown time 5s +
   (Doesn’t go over maximum cooldown time)

– MP burn : -20
– Skill Cooldown : All skill Cooldown time 5s +
   (Doesn’t go over maximum cooldown time)


[Mod] EMP Shock

– MP burn : -56
– Skill Cooldown : All skill Cooldown time 10.4s +
   (Doesn’t go over maximum cooldown time)

– MP burn : -56
– Skill Cooldown : All skill Cooldown time 10.4s +
   (Doesn’t go over maximum cooldown time)

– MP burn : -20
– Skill Cooldown : All skill Cooldown time 5s +
   (Doesn’t go over maximum cooldown time)

– MP burn : -20
– Skill Cooldown : All skill Cooldown time 5s +
   (Doesn’t go over maximum cooldown time)

Time Tracer

Aura of Time

Cooldown time Decrease : 24s

Cooldown time Decrease : 12s

Cooldown time Decrease : 12s

Cooldown time Decrease : 6s



Aura of Punishment


Buff is applied quicker


Summon Darkness


Darkness’ attack speed increases in Dungeons


[Mod] Supreme Punishment

[하급 마수 무리]
– 마수 충돌(Physical) : 40% Multi hit
– 마수 폭발(Physical) : 75%Multi hit

[하급 마수 무리]
– 마수 충돌(Physical) : 13% Multi hit
– 마수 폭발(Physical) : 24%Multi hit

[하급 마수 무리]
– 마수 충돌(Physical) : 53% Multi hit
– 마수 폭발(Physical) : 95%Multi hit

[하급 마수 무리]
– 마수 충돌(Physical) : 12% Multi hit
– 마수 폭발(Physical) : 24%Multi hit


[Mod] Summon Darkness


Darkness’ attack speed increases in Dungeons

Royal Guard



Can move quicker after casting when cast from ground. Skill cast speed is affected by attack speed stat. Time stop duration is reduced by 41%


Rain of Chaos

마창 전개(Magical) : 721%
마창 투하(Magical) : 83% Multi hit

Skill cast speed is affected by attack speed.
Time stop duration decreased by 23%

Trait change
Evil -> Heavy

마창 전개(Magical) : 433%
마창 투하(Magical) : 40% Multi hit


[Mod] Eschaton


Can move quicker after casting when cast from ground. Skill cast speed is affected by attack speed stat. Time stop duration is reduced by 41%


[Mod] Shadow Bolt


Camera zoom out reduced. Can move quicker after skill casting. Spears generate quicker before falling. Time stop duration reduced by 30%


[Mod] Twilight Judgment


Can move quicker after skill cast is finished



10s Duration

20s Duration (8s PvP)


Altar of Evil


Transform speed 82% faster


Hell Thorns


Skill casts 50% quicker


Hell Gate


Can move quicker after casting when cast from ground


Liberated Will : Demonio

– Per second HP Recovery : 0.5%
– Per second MP Recovery : +2

– Per second HP Recovery : 0.25%
– Per second MP Recovery : +1

– Per second HP Recovery : 10%
– Per second MP Recovery : +20

– Per second HP Recovery : 0.2%
– Per second MP Recovery : +0.5




Transform cast speed is 36% quicker


[Mod] Bloodlust

10s duration

20s duration

(PvP 8s)


[Mod] Altar of Evil


Transform cast speed 82% faster


[Mod] Hell Gate


Can move quicker after casting when cast from ground


[Mod] Dark Plasma


Can move quicker after casting when cast from ground



Enhanced Grenades

Grenade Throw
– When all grenades are used, reduce remaining cooldown of special actives : 20% (Re-activation cooldown 5s)

Grenade Throw
– When all grenades are used, reduce remaining cooldown of special actives : 20% (Re-activation cooldown 5s)

Grenade Throw’s re-activation cooldown is reduced

Grenade Throw
– When all grenades are used, reduce remaining cooldown of special actives : 30%

Grenade Throw
– When all grenades are used, reduce remaining cooldown of special actives : 30%



Sakrosankt Zertreten


Skill casts 50% quicker

Arme Thaumaturgy

Bewachsen Feste · Gott Waffe

마력 해방(Physical) : 901%
신조병장(Physical) : 187% Multi hit

마력 해방(Physical) : 291%
신조병장(Physical) : 60% Multi hit

Skill hitbox changed

Trait change
Useful -> Light

마력 해방(Physical) : 600%
신조병장(Physical) : 769% Multi hit

마력 해방(Physical) : 193%
신조병장(Physical) : 249% Multi hit


[Mod] Bewachsen Feste · Gott Waffe

마력 해방(Physical) : 600%
신조병장(Physical) : 187% Multi hit
병기 폭발(Physical) : 359%

마력 해방(Physical) : 193%
신조병장(Physical) : 60% Multi hit
병기 폭발(Physical) : 115%

마력 해방(Physical) : 600%
신조병장(Physical) : 571% Multi hit
병기 폭발(Physical) : 359%

마력 해방(Physical) : 193%
신조병장(Physical) : 183% Multi hit
병기 폭발(Physical) : 115%


Wavering Faith

level 4

압솝시운 2x Gain Chance : 25%

압솝시운 2x Gain Chance: 25%

level 4

압솝시운 2x Gain Chance : 60%

압솝시운 2x Gain Chance : 24%




[Seed Absorption]
– Per Stage Physical/Magical Damage Increase : 10% / 20% / 30%
– Per Stage Critical Damage Increase : 5% / 7% / 10%


[Seed Absorption]
– Per Stage Physical/Magical Damage Increase : 5% / 10% / 15%
– Per Stage Critical Damage Increase : 2.5% / 3.5% / 5%


[Enhanced] Wechsel

– 25% Chance

– 100% Chance


Eternity Winner

Great Birth

대단한 샷(Physical) : 4212%
Duration : 40s

대단한 샷(Physical) : 505%
Duration : 20s

대단한 샷(Physical) : 2916%
Duration : 40s

대단한 샷(Physical) : 349%
Duration : 20s

Eternity Winner

[Mod] I’m Stoned

DamageDecrease : 70%
DamageDecrease Duration : 5s

DamageDecrease : 40%
DamageDecrease Duration : 3s

DamageDecrease : 40%
DamageDecrease Duration : 5s

DamageDecrease : 20%
DamageDecrease Duration : 3s

Shining Romantica


[Laby Help!]
Party member damage decrease within light field : 40%

Party member damage decrease within light field : 20%

[Laby Help!]
Party member damage decrease within light field : 30%

Party member damage decrease within light field : 15%

Nisha Labyrinth

[Mod] Fantasy


Skill Casts 66% quicker. Can move quicker after skill cast. Time stop reduced by 20%

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62 Responses

  • The Fallen Angel Mostima says:

    Mod Wechsel?

  • Unknown says:

    Finally Diangelion buff

  • PinkAnemos says:

    damage reduction: *exists*

    kog: U N A C C E P T A B L L L L L E E E E

  • Xamy says:

    AeS double cast buff seems wild lol literally x2 damage in PvE.
    Frost mod into double cast will deal more than 40k% (even though full hits never happen)
    Also I bet shower skills gonna be OP especially with this Archmage passive revamp… but maybe it will be cyclone revamp tier xd…
    I don’t think Lightning shower mod changes will be meaningful for AeS, this skill will remain « only useful for the long i frame »…
    Lightning shower normal got the dark web threatment (revamp + heavy trait), new broken pvp skill ? who knows !
    Meteor shower is now 300mp but still has reversed trait… new broken pvp skill ? Who knows :))
    Well, if shower skills aren’t good, this patch won’t mean much for AeS in PvP but she seems at least more viable to use in PvE even though she kept very low % skills and her passives still suck.

  • Ergus says:

    I had hoped that Aether Sage’s Meteor Shower would be a one-tap skill and not a channeling skill anymore but Archmage passive says otherwise, but I haven’t seen the reworked spell yet so I’ll keep praying for that. Thanks for finally buffing double cast though

  • UNub says:

    4 characters out of PvE wheelchairs and into average+ status. As my good friend put it, these changes are what the game needed even if they don’t fix everything bad with a character’s strength/weaknesses. Talking purely PvE of course.

    If patches continue this way where we push the bottom up and then push the top to the middle will average the PvE much better.

    • Yanne says:

      Finally 100% chance for seeds refund. That was the best move KOG did here.
      So basically his cd issue is completely eliminated now.
      The only thing he needs maybe befreiung buff adjust or just buff his overall % skill dmg (especially Alptraum and Brechen really need some treatments) and he will be good for raiding again.
      Also that Sakro cast speed buff is much appreciated.

  • Hatsushi says:

    CU: “I could use some changes to make me feel more fun to play and stuff, spells that work on small enemies, maybe make the 3rd job passive work on my Bravery Sk…”

    I hope the Shower remakes for AeS are good though, that would make her feel like an actual character for once.

  • stocazzp says:

    emh.. Stop nerfing eve? please? fck off? yes?

  • FrostHydra97 says:

    As a Bravery Inno, I love these Inno buffs.

    I still want more, though :v only 2 combi skills got speed up, and one of them is kinda fast already

  • anphear says:

    guess now the few ppl that stayed CU will also change to CE ?

  • Soren says:

    Finally! A good patch! its been so long…!!! The only thing it needs to be near perfection is more Chung nerfs!

    All joking aside though, it is a damn good patch imho, excluding the def red nerfs, its covered a lot of stuff that needed covering, those Meteor/Lightning Shower changes have me the most excited! I hope that Lightning Shower is finally a good skill now! Give AeS the love she finally deserves!

  • Earlygame says:

    0 changes to Bluhen, I sleep

  • Keinef says:

    AeS: good patch but another passives still suck

  • oof says:

    Finally something meaningful for Aether Sage, but if it looks like the revamped Cyclone, nah

    Meanwhile, what’s going on with those Eve nerfs? KOG, CU and Sariel are the 2 Eve classes who can’t provide offensive buffs in raids, but you just nerf one of Sariel’s major skill without justified reasons (look at other chars’ similar skills with crazy damage like Dread Chase, and that Mod Particle Ray’s Z axis attack), and CU’s only meaningful supportive skill. The raid is still hard as fuck with those buffs so why nerf?

    Decent Rena PVP nerfs, next you better deal with Chung and Raven.
    Eschaton buff again. LOL

  • Noware says:

    Just delete dmg reduction skills already…..

  • ifloppsy says:

    Herrscher pvp nerfs ;( BUT HERRSCHER PVE BUFFS


    a higher chance to gain more seeds + not using all ur seeds when you break them. the buff having a longer duration so you don’t feel like you’re wasting them. combined with the 50% cooldown passive that now has basically 100% chance of happening a lot more frequently during normal gameplay. Now if kog just buffs his base damage… OR give him good MP refund.

  • Yeo says:

    Meanwhile Apollyon still during 903984 sec in animation tysm kog and better not even start making me talk that the entire existence of CaT is based in apply debuff to something while the new boss raid is in hyperarmor all the time

  • Tofu says:

    Still annoyed that all characters get free faster skill casting, while CC needs to waste a passive for that 😐

  • Kabrito says:

    Now seal of time is nerfed af, kek

  • SoftKitsu says:

    Funny how the classes who need buffs get nerfed harder, and the classes that are overbuffed get buffed more.
    Also Ara wasn’t even touched lmao kog has favorites and it shows, and this is coming from an Ara main

    • EternalDream says:

      Uh which class in this patch that got buffed is “overbuffed” in any way? AeS, IN, Dia, MN, HR all needed buffs, so yeah, I have no clue what you’re even talking about.

      • Ergus says:

        ^ +1
        Also you Aras have nothing to complain about. “Also Ara wasn’t even touched lmao kog has favorites and it shows, and this is coming from an Ara main” Yeah Ara is one of their favorites.

  • Stfu says:

    I swear KoG literally hates eve

    • shelter says:

      Yeah… I quit last patch from the Eve nerfs, they’re destroying eve more and more every patch. She’s literally unplayable, I guess Kog doesn’t care about her.

  • MarieWolf_94 says:

    the new Meteor Shower and Lightning Shower better be good. AeS is already very MP-usage heavy and now the fact both are 300 and 200 MP-usage skills just adds to that… though, overall, this balance patch seems decent. ffs stop nerfing my girl Eve though! from the 2nd rebalance (that i witnessed, there were no doubt other rebalances) and balances patches following, CU and CS was basically nerfed to the ground, and CEs is all over the place w/ buffs and nerfs.

    lemme make this simple for KOG: buff PvE where it’s needed, nerf PvP where it’s needed. good? understand? and bring back dmg reduction skills to their former glory, we need them now more than ever w/ PvE endgame and they’re useless!

  • Qij says:

    Ehhhh Great Birth getting nerfed to be slightly weaker than it was before the last balance kinda hurts.

    That aside, I’m alright with this patch overall, especially with the changes to Bewachsen and Summon Darkness.

  • MagicSpice says:

    Put that Chain Cast buff on Memorize and maybe people would actually use that… KoG is onto something with that buff, but who knows if they’ll follow through…

  • dark says:

    my eyes begin to shine when i scroll down to the guide arrow nerf NERF TO HOMMING SHIT but…
    NO chung, add nerf ¬¬ fuck you kong
    KD nerf should be priority

  • A says:

    Atomic shield dmg reduction:
    80% hmm too defensive
    40% Okay sound reasonable
    25% Am I a joke to you?
    Lol no one even care about her shield in raid already and KoG just decrease it to 25%

  • aaa says:

    Diangelion is getting op this patch!

  • Red says:

    Lol kog is really mad to dmg reduction skills

  • Nyxism says:

    Am I seeing this right, Herrscher got…buffed… twice in a row??? I’m now in denial that this is even happening. If only they’d rework that one bravery skill that i shall not name.

  • Lim says:

    Good thing Herrscher got buffed. but we are missing 2 things. WHY THE HECK IS EVE GETTING SO MUCH NERFS BUT ARA ISN’T GETTING ANY NERFS? Everyone be simping for Ara smh.

  • MiIimNava says:

    d*mn that CU nerf. as CU main, only the shield keeps me in raid party, now it is nerfed. should i quit eve and make new main?

  • Cooooochie says:

    Dominator buff. Please

  • Majestrix says:

    Surprisingly, others try hard to make they game’s more interest to players but this game love to drive out players. Congratulations, YOU DID IT!

    • Earlygame says:

      As long as you stop coming here to trash the game then good for you

      • MagicSpice says:

        Don’t know why people act like no one has a right to complain about the game….

        Especially if you’re like me and put money into it, but feel like you wasted it due to KoG’s incompetency

        • MagicSpice says:

          Just saying that there’s nothing wrong with someone oh… i don’t know…

          telling KoG to get their damn act together!

        • Earlygame says:

          If someone leaves the game then no, they have no right to come and trash talk about it for no reason other than stupidity and pettiness because they’ll always just view it with a skewed and negative perspective. It’s toxic

          That is, of course, unless their criticisms are fair and totally unbiased and offer a constructive solution to the problems presented. But this person wasn’t asking kog to “get their damn act together” as you say, they’re telling people to straight-up leave the game lmfao

        • Katja Eclair says:

          Incompetence is much too benign of a word.

  • Labyou says:

    player : kog do something give everyone buff so no class left out

    kog :ok
    also kog : less support reddmg for u

  • KGI says:

    CU is back to CN nerfquake days. Just delete the fucking class branch already then. Better go play Genshin Impact and mod Elsword Model from the mobile game into it.

  • BrukScoglionato says:

    Oh wow a nerf for RM, the next patch is going to kill him again or what?

  • Kekl says:

    “[Mod] I’m Stoned”

  • Sariel says:

    Looks like Tuna gave up on the game xD Good call my dude

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