[Mod] Bombing Artillery

From Elwiki
[Special Active: Strength] [Mod]
Attack the enemies with a barrage of cannonballs that come through the Disfrozen portal.


Class Level Required Skill Requirement
Centurion 99 [Force] Bombing Artillery (A)

Skill Information

Mode Explosion (Magical) Max Hits MP Usage Cooldown
PvE 1272% 6 200 MP 15 Seconds
PvP 484%

Skill Traits

Heavy Bombing ArtilleryLight Bombing Artillery
Attribute EffectCooldownAttribute EffectMP Usage
Damage increased to 144%
Cooldown increased to 120%
18 SecondsMP Usage decreased to 75%150 MP

Total Damage

  • Average assumes 3 hits.
  • Does not account for splash damage.

Related Skills

Tips and Details

  • Since each missile deals damage individually, only tall enough enemies can take full damage from this skill. On average, an enemy is hit by 3 of the missiles.
  • This skill does splash damage, so it is most effective against tightly packed groups.
  • Each of the missiles' hits has excellent mana gain, so landing the skill on large groups of enemies can refund very high amounts of MP, especially when splash damage hits are taken into account.


Date Changes
02/08/2018 03/07/2018
  • [Mod] Bombing Artillery added.
04/05/2018 04/18/2018
  • Damage decreased.
08/01/2019 08/28/2019
  • Damage increased.
  • Portal location and range adjusted.

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
South Korea 바밍 아틸러리 Bombing Artillery
China (Simplified Chinese) 火炮轰炸 Bombing Artillery
Germany Bombardierungsartillerie Bombing Artillery
Spain Artillería de bombardeo Bombing Artillery
France Artillerie de bombardement Bombing Artillery
Italy Artiglieria da bombardamento Bombing Artillery
Poland Bombardująca Artyleria Bombing Artillery
United Kingdom Bombardment Artillery
Brazil Artilharia Repentina Sudden Artillery