
From Elwiki

  • 帕尼米尔
  • 拜德

姓名 珂露尔
身份 恶魔军团叛逃者
出现地点 希望之桥, 燃烧的希望之桥, 南城门, 古代水路中心部, 水之神殿, 守护者的森林, 暗精灵的前哨基地
Humph, what are they up to... Well... It doesn't matter. It's none of my business.

~ Chloe







EP.10 拜德的危机



Chapter 11: Kingdom in captivity

After being defeated, Chloe escaped the area and joined the demon squads patrolling Burning Hope Bridge. The El Search Party's attempt to reclaim the palace ended in complete failure as the demons had prepared a large amount of explosives, deeming the area far too dangerous to proceed. In an attempt to escape with as little civilian casualties as possible, they make their way through the now Burning Hope Bridge. As soon as they made it to the other side into Commercial Area 1, the group was attacked by Chloe and her army of Glitters and Dark Elves. Desperate to save his friends, Elsword shut the gates between Hope Bridge and Commercial Area 1 with his friends and allies on the other side. Elsword was struck down by Chloe, ready to impale Elsword with a sword but was stopped by Elesis. Unprepared to deal with Elesis, the dark elf retreated to Southern Gate. There she caught the El Search Party by surprise with her ability to summon Dark Nephilim an infinite amount of times. After the El Search Party was able to destroy the Rune-Imprinted Stone Chloe used to summon Dark Nephilim, she escaped.

Chapter 12: Hamel Fell into Darkness

Some time between her escape from Velder and her reappearance in Hamel, some force had started to corrupt her body, turning her into Fallen Chloe. While Denka was researching the Guardian Stone, Chloe had stolen it in the darkness of night. She also went and attempted to assassinate Rod Ross but was chased off by his guard. While difficult, the El Search Party was able to track Chloe down in the Heart of the Ancient Waterway and they retrieved the Guardian Stone back from Chloe.

Chapter 13: Secrets of the Temple

Defeated, she fled again to the Halls of Water, where she along with her subordinates working under Ran, defended the Hall of Water and all of them held pieces of confidential information about Ran's plans and what he did to Helputt.

Chapter 33: To the Demon Realm

After the events in Hamel, Chloe managed to survive her circumstances and in the end decided to leave the Demon Army behind. At some point, she managed to find her way back to the Demon Realm where she made her way to the Dark Elf Village.

When the El Search Party finally reached the Demon Realm, they found themselves in the Guardian's Forest. The group found themselves facing one of the forest's guardians known as the Red Guardian. Chloe heard the noise from the fight and went to go investigate it, however she was too late, the El Search Party had already defeated the Red Guardian. Upon seeing what they had done, Chloe was floored with anger. The El Search Party soon noticed who had come and were all shocked to see Chloe alive and in the Demon Realm, believing that she had died after the events in Hamel. Chloe expresses that she isn't weak, that she wouldn't die so easily. Elesis notices that she doesn't have any subordinates with her, suspicious given Chloe's prior ranking. Chloe eventually telling the group that she had left the Demon Army and has business with the Dark Elf Village nearby.

She continues to express her anger towards the group for having defeated the Red Guardian, explaining its importance to the forest, and that the Dark Elves have been guardians of the Red Guardian, living together symbiotically. Raven reluctantly proposes among the El Search Party that they should seek Chloe's aid to escape the forest. Before the group could even pitch the idea, Chloe refused whatever offer they would've had. Elesis tells her that they don't have to join sides but that they can both temporarily benefit from the offer, helping her get to the village, and she helping them get through the forest. Chloe reluctantly agrees.

Chapter 34: Strange Phenomenon

Chloe with assistance of the El Search Party approach the Dark Elves' Outpost. On the way, the El Search Party were extra cautious about anything in the Demon Realm, even trying to avoid the water which Add analyzes to be normal water, Chloe is annoyed by the group's ignorance of the Demon Realm. Nearing the outpost Chloe notices that the security had been increased after the incident regarding the Red Guardian. The group are discovered and the Dark Elves proceed to try and hunt them down. Rena is confused at what happened and Chloe explains that she is branded as a traitor to the village but insists she had a trick up her sleeve. Deep in the base, they encounter Sentinel Commander who calls upon the Blue Guardian to assist her in battle, the El Search Party and Chloe manage to defeat her. As Rena fired a final shot, the arrow was nullified as the Dark Elf Elder, Edith showed herself, Chloe remained in silence as her elder appeared. She and Edith speak in their tongue, Edith apologizing for the Dark Elves' actions but Chloe being unconcerned with it. Chloe informs that Rena is capable to speaking the ancient Elven tongue so the two of them talked. During their conversation, Chloe spoke of the two race's history, that Elves and Dark Elves hailed from the same race and how the Dark Elves had simply migrated to the Dark Continent and had become attuned to the demonic energy, Elesis was surprised to have learned that the Dark Continent meant the Demon Realm. Chloe then goes on to speak with Edith about what she had come for, to warn the Dark Elves of a potential incoming threat from the Demon Army due to her having defected from their ranks.



  • 珂露尔并不是像其他Boss一样死去,而是选择丢下箭矢然后逃跑——在你击败珂露尔后,她会跳出屏幕外面。同样,在古代水路水之神殿中,珂露尔也是一样逃跑。
  • 玩家习惯把珂露尔戏称为“表姐”,或“二表姐”。
  • The scar Chloe gained upon her appearance in Hamel seems to have vanished by the time the El Party sees her again in the Demon Realm, on their way through the Forest of the Guardians. It may just be covered up by her cloak however.
  • Chloe wrote the Easy Catch skill note.
  • In the Grand Chase for Kakao CBT the boss Rose (로즈) appeared identical to Chloe. Her design was changed upon the official release of the game, but the in-game files for the character still refer to her as "Cloe".

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
South Korea 클로에 Chloe
Japan クロエ Chloe
China (Simplified Chinese) 珂露尔 Chloe
Spain Cloe Chloe
France Chloé Chloe

地区 主要NPC 辅助NPC
魔奇 罗尔夏格斯安娜净化的精灵 & 害羞的精灵 班德斯威廉噗鲁赛亚噗鲁
艾德 霍夫曼路易莎艾可兰帕德 班德斯威廉噗鲁瓦利
贝斯马 丝泰拉恰恰波可瑞奇杨汤姆 贝罗克卡亚克瓦利
厄泰拉 艾达阿德尔亚摩斯阿格特 纳斯德之王
沛塔 阿雷格伦特帕内 波尔德
拜德 普拉乌斯汉娜格雷尔诺伊尔巴内萨 珂露尔霍亚金
哈梅尔 范恩西欧霍雷托露西丹卡黛希 劳德劳斯阿巴拉兹黑波特莎莎
桑德斯 玫瑰安艾米里德芭布达波鲁 阿诺德兰卡莱诺托克塔卡鲁倍加克丽丝贝希摩斯
拉诺斯 亮太艾德尔 & 塞巴斯坦佩索普斯皮尔斯德因依格尼亚梅依 & 梅斯 葛洛莉亚暗月塞雷纳震 & 印伊芙利坦阿尔蒂亚斯卡莎莎
艾丽西昂 优诺 & 诺诺杜兰德雨果贝尔纳德特奥杜洛纳斯德鸟蕴含艾尔气息的树 德卡CODE-玛雅赫尔巴欧阿德里安 · 纳斯德索雷斯哈露妮娅
娜薇的想象空间 记忆之泉瞌睡虫比比安静的波可充满活力的乌琦 妮莎
罗兰西亚东部 盖亚船长
波鲁安北部 玛奥卡隆龚特尔前领主德博拉纳亚
波鲁安中部 盖亚娜薇的友人
艾丽阿诺德 炼金术精制器装备精制器饰品精制器依格尼亚阿尔蒂亚阿诺德兰特里普本图斯林汐
帕尼米尔 小元素精灵 珂露尔哨兵指挥官依迪斯尼非订领主罗索尼禄修帝巴尔根
旅行者 阿莉尔路莉尔卡密拉亚当斯格雷夫海伦美优 鲁托
杂项 其他NPC
库恩巴蓝布兰维尔欧文赛丽斯艾尔娣克劳德 · 梅森沃尔尼安特莉莱拉艾卡修露亚艾斯克格蕾丝发电机