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Garpai Rock

Map Layout


Miniboss:Dark Wing-Okypete

Miniboss:Gold Wing-Aello



Boss: Steel Wing-Kelaino


Dive Bomb: She will become invincible then launch upwards out of view. After a period of time, she will dive attack the location the player was standing at when she disappeared from view. If hit, the player will be launched away and knocked down.

  • She will use this extremely often and can even use it when stun locked.
  • When landing from this she is momentarily super armored and vulnerable to attack before she is able to take action.

Retreat: She will become invincible and fly into the background. She will summon 6~7 large spears across the length of the stage as well as generate a vacuum that will disable all player skills and slowly pull them toward the center of the stage. After a set amount of time, the spears will fall and explode.

  • Seems to use this skill at 8, 18, and 28 lifebars. (Though does not seem limited to these points.)
    • It is possible to bypass these points by dealing a sufficient amount of damage. (Which is currently unknown.)
  • Even though she is too far back or high up to target with most attacks, she is not immediately invincible when positioning herself in the background and can still be hit with a sufficiently far reaching attack.
  • This skill has a set safe zone for the entire fight.

Sand Cyclone: She creates a Cyclone similar to that used by the Elemental Master. Even if its cast animation is interrupted this attack will still initiate.
Nine Impaling Blades: She will do a somersault in super armor then launch nine blades which will fall down from above in front of herself, one after another.

  • She will occasionally cancel out of this mid-animation into her Retreat where she escapes into the background but this attack will still activate and play out as well.

Wind Bombing: When at full MP this skill becomes available to her. In a similar style to Shelling Guardian's Carpet Bombing, she will fly across the stage twice, launching three orbs reminiscent in appearance to Super Nova each pass. Each orb can hit multiple times, potentially dealing over 25,000 damage. Her first wave will always target the right 2\3rds of the stage and the second wave will cover the left 2\3rds.

  • When she attempts this skill, there will be a large Danger warning accompanied with its skill name.
  • It is possible to interrupt this skill by hitting the boss as soon as the warning is displayed.
    • This skill has a very small cooldown and interrupting it will not deplete her MP gauge so she is able to attempt it again almost immediately.
  • It is possible to dodge this skill entirely by going on the middle of each side of the top platform (right side of the platform for the first wave, left side for the last wave).


  • Over 6 million HP on Very Hard
  • 250\500 Dark Element Resistance
  • High resistance against all elements in general (roughly 250\500 against everything).


First Method

The first method is the simplest. Be extremely aggressive with basic attacks (or skills that buff basic attacks), but careful as to when her Nine Impaling Blades come down. When she jumps up, prepare a special active when she comes down (Moves like Giga Drive are perfect thanks to their long invincibility frames). You can also wait until she uses Retreat, then use Special Actives after it finishes. Be wary of any Sand Cyclones, they seem to appear randomly but have a high cooldown (only 2 will appear at a time). Never stay in the middle unless you have an escape technique (moves like Mirage Sting, Lord Knight's >>ZZZ, etc.) because of her consistent spam of Nine Impaling Blades, and because Wind Bombing can only be dodged by going around the far ends of the left and right (in their respective order). Do not spam Special Actives all in one burst, as Dive Bomb gives invincibility right as she uses it. It is recommended to bring skills with great height abilities (Phoenix Talon, Rage Cutter, Pain of Caladbolg, etc.) or skills that can be used without height being an issue (any move that homes in like Guide Arrow, or moves with height flexibility such as Iron Scraps, Comet Crasher, Shockwave, etc.). Any other moves have to be positioned mostly within the lines of the given platforms, especially moves like Assault Slash and Revolver Cannon that go in a straight line.

Second Method

The second method follows the first, except utilizing a common tactic against Type-H. Bring anything that can inflict the Ice debuff and use them after Dive Bomb (Water Orb might have some difficulties with landing). Then, you may use skills freely, but not for a long while thanks to Steel Wing's high resistance to all elements.


Veteran Commander Run
Shelling Guardian Run
Code Battle Seraph Run
Void Princess Run
Lord Knight Run
Grand Archer Run
Martial Artist Run
Reckless Fist Run
Code Nemesis Run

  • Region 1~6
  • Region 7~12
  • Region 13~18
  • Region 19~21
  • Laby
  • Noah
  • Lithia
  • Other
  • Miscellaneous