
Image Name Description Effect Obtain
  Wooden Spear Toss a spear straight forward to damage those within range. Attack Range: 40m
Damage: 300% Physical/Magical average
Maximum Hits: 5
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  Light Spear Toss a spear straight forward to damage those within range. Attack Range: 40m
Damage: 1000% Physical/Magical average
Maximum Hits: 5
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  Fire Orb Beads that contain the power of fire.
Throw it straight forward to damage within the target radius and burn the enemy.
Damage: 3132% Physical/Magical average attack power
Attack Range: 7m
Damage Radius: 7m
Burn Effect: 7 seconds
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  • Fire Orb Pouch
  • Fire Orbs Cube
  • Mystery Orbs Cube (Crafted at Alchemist NPCs)
  • Random drop in dungeons.
  Water Orb

Beads that contain the power of water.
Throw it straight forward to damage within the target radius by freezing your enemy.

Attack Range: 7m
Damage Radius: 7m
Damage: 2592% Physical/Magical average attack power
Freeze Duration: 4 seconds
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  • Water Orb Pouch
  • Water Orbs Cube
  • Mystery Orbs Cube (Crafted at Alchemist NPCs)
  • Random drop in dungeons.
  Nature Orb Beads that contain the forces of nature.
Throw it straight forward to continuously damage within the target radius from a poisonous cloud causing the enemy to get poisoned.
Attack Range: 7m
Damage Radius: 7m
Damage: 385% Physical/Magical average attack power
Poisonous Cloud duration: 10 seconds
Poison Duration: 3 seconds
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  • Nature Orb Pouch
  • Nature Orbs Cube
  • Mystery Orbs Cube (Crafted at Alchemist NPCs)
  • Random drop in dungeons.
  Wind Orb Beads that contain the power of the wind.
Throw it straight forward to damage within the target radius and ignore their attack by reducing Physical/Magical Defense for 15 seconds.
Attack Range: 7m
Damage Radius: 7m
Damage: 1512% Physical/Magical average attack power (defense ignored)
Physical/Magical Defense: Reduced by 50%
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  • Wind Orb Pouch
  • Wind Orbs Cube
  • Mystery Orbs Cube (Crafted at Alchemist NPCs)
  • Random drop in dungeons.
  Light Orb Beads that holds the power of light.
Throw it straight forward so that it causes a light aura that replenishes your parties HP.
Attack Range: 7m
Damage Radius: 7m
Recovery per second: 4% of total HP
Duration Time: 5 seconds
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  • Light Orb Pouch
  • Light Orbs Cube
  • Mystery Orbs Cube (Crafted at Alchemist NPCs)
  • Random drop in dungeons.
  Dark Orb Beads containing the power of darkness.
Throw it straight forward to damage within the target radius and age the enemy.
Attack Range: 7m
Damage Radius: 7m
Damage: 2592% Physical/Magical average attack power
Aging Effect: Damage reduced by 30% and Attack Speed, Movement Speed, and Jump Speed are reduced by 15%
Duration Time: 10 seconds
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  • Dark Orb Pouch
  • Dark Orbs Cube
  • Mystery Orbs Cube (Crafted at Alchemist NPCs)
  • Random drop in dungeons.