- El Search Party (Unofficial)
- Ishmael (Creator, former boss)
- Elria (As of Together, Once More)

North America & International








North America & International






“ | Kehendak saya adalah keinginan Tuhan, dan keberadaan saya adalah kehendak Tuhan.
” |
[Utusan Dewi Yang Diutus untuk Memulihkan El]
'Creation Magic' yang diberikan oleh Dewi Ismael dan 'Cycle Magic' unik yang diberikan dengan namanya akan memungkinkan pemain untuk menjelajahi potensi bermain yang tidak terbatas.
Special Ability
- Main Article: Power System
Power System adalah sistem eksklusif untuk Ain yang memungkinkan dia untuk beralih antara mode "Cycle Magic" dan "Creation Magic". Saat dia dalam keadaan default, musuh yang menyerang akan mengisi daya Power Gauge. Setelah Power Gauge penuh akan berubah menjadi biru dan pemain akan beralih ke Creation Mode. Selama Ain dalam mode ini pemain akan dapat beralih di antara "Cycle magic" dan "Creation magic" dengan v (default key).
Tidak seperti karakter lain, Ain's awakening mode dikenal sebagai "Spiritualism mode", hanya ada 1 Awakening Bead, dan hanya mendapatkan 5% penambahan damage. Tetapi, Ain bisa "reawaken" saat "Spiritualism mode" untuk naik ke tahap lain dan mendapatkan keuntungan tambahan.
- Main Article: Ruben Forest (Ain)
Ainchase Ishmael diciptakan oleh Dewi Ismael untuk mengembalikan kekuatan El.
Ketika El meledak menjadi pecahan-pecahan kecil, dia jatuh melalui celah ruang dan waktu yang diciptakan oleh ledakan. Setelah jatuh melalui celah tersebut, Ain kekurangan kekuatan untuk mempertahankan eksistensi keberadaannya dan kekuatannya mulai melemah. Saat berada di celah dia berkeliaran tanpa tujuan melalui kekacauan ruang dan qaktu. Akhirnya dia merasakan kekuatan samar El dan secara naluriah mengejarnya. Dia merasa keberadaan El semakin kuat. Dengan misi yang diperbarui, Ain mendapatkan kembali kekuatannya dan bisa melarikan diri.
Sekarang, setelah melarikan diri dari kekacauan celah waktu dan ruang, dia kembali ke Elrios untuk membantu El Search Party dan memenuhi misinya.
First Class Advancement
Ain is required to be Lv.15 to begin his first class advancement. You can decide between the following:
A job class specializing in creation mode, using enhanced projection magic to allow quick, efficient, yet flashy fighting style.
A job class that specializes in cycle mode and Eid, leading unconventional fighting style based on different tactics.
A job class that enables an even more destructive play style utilizing the growth stages of the Seed of Chaos, using awakening enhancements and special skill effects.
A class that utilizes the El energy in a new form, Art, to activate additional effects and battle more efficiently.
Skill Tree
Skills | Passives | ||||
Level 1 | |||||
Level 5 | |||||
Level 10 | |||||
Level 15 | |||||
Level 20 |
- Skill Traits unlocked at Level 20.
- Final Enhanced Skill unlocked upon advancing to 1st job class.
Date | Changes | |
KR | NA | |
12/29/2016 | 01/11/2017 | |
04/27/2017 | 05/10/2017 | |
07/27/2017 | 08/09/2017 | |
06/28/2018 | 07/11/2018 |
- Full Gallery: Ain/Gallery
Ain's Portrait.
Ain's Spiritualism Portrait.
Ain's Portrait without effects.
Ain's Skill Cut-in.
Ain's Spiritualism Skill Cut-in.
Full body Cash Shop cut in.
Pic of Ain in Story mode.
Pic of Ain's Spiritualism Mode in Story mode.
Ain's 10th Anniversary Skill Cut-in.
Ain's Chibi Portrait.
Ain's Spiritualism Mode Chibi Portrait.
El Search Party Collection System Chibi Art.
Ain's Head Portrait.
Idle pose and Promo avatar.
Ready animation.
The 3 Phases of Awakening.
Animated Item Mall Custom Skill Cut-in.
Tips and Details
- Despite being projectiles, and its class specific variations cannot be absorbed/reflected since they deal Physical damage.
- Ain by default has a higher and more suspending jump compared to other characters.
- If the Ring of Fury is equipped, Ain will automatically enter Awakening Stage 3 upon the first awakening. This also applies to Fever.
- If you start a dungeon already Awakened (by awakening previously in a Field, for example) and your awakening buff ends before you are able to re-awaken while it's active, the blinking that will indicate Phase 3 Awakening will disappear. However, this is merely a visual glitch, as you will still enter Phase 3 upon Awakening again.
- Ain's job path in Lore/Story would be the Bluhen path.
- Ain's official theme song is Destiny.
- Ain actually joins the main cast at the beginning of their adventure, even before Elsword, Aisha, and Rena officially embark as the El Search Party. However, the other characters are unable to retain their memories of Ain.
- It is shown in the Elysion Clear video that Ain has lost his physical form once again, only to be briefly mentioned by Rena in the story quest The End and the Beginning.
- Ain makes his true permanent formal introduction in the Hall of El story quest Together, Once More. After his permanent introduction, Ain now maintains his existence through the Goddess Elria.with the exception of Herrscher*
- Ain joins the El Search Party under the guise of being an El Priest, and keeps up this ruse even until today, with the exception of two playable characters who know he's more than he lets on:
- Add joined when Ain had lost his physical form and could not exert any powers - as such, when he finally rematerialized during the Magmanta's Cave story quest Rod Ross Runs Away, the memories of Ain that everyone else in the ESP gained back didn't exist for Add, who questions him for his sudden appearance that no one else seemed bothered by. As Ain can tell Add is not from this timeline, they both don't bring it up with the rest to keep their own secret safe.
- Upon joining the El Search Party in Save The Blacksmith!, Lu can sense his creation powers, but simultaneously senses the corruption of Henir which throw her off as it makes him appear similar to a human. Her suspicions are later confirmed when she accidentally absorbed some of his creation powers into a Seed of Life while purifying him of Henir energy during the Debrian Laboratory story quest A Little Step, but she still does not go deeper into the matter.
- Naturally, as far as NPCs are concerned, the El Lady is well aware he is an angel, especially after the events of the Master Road story quest Hernia's Memory.
- Each of Ain's job paths align themselves with one of the known Gods/Goddesses of the game's world:
- Richter is aligned with Ishmael, following his original mission as closely as possible.
- Bluhen is aligned with Elria, after growing more emotions and regaining his body as a result of it as well as choosing his own mission moving forward.
- Herrscher is aligned with Henir, after the corruption he gained after the El Explosion spreading further across his body until he fully accepts it and abandons his mission.
- Opferung is aligned with Ishmael, but is partially corrupted by demonic energy, which in turn caused his Henir corruption to spread. This prevents him from properly fulfilling his mission, which, along with being unable to contact Ishmael, causes him to begin destroying the world to get her attention.
- In his Spiritualism form, there is a dark spot above and in his left eye. This is due to the influence of Henir induced from his time spent in the realm after the El Explosion.
- Although Ain's main weapon is his Pendulum, he never uses it for fighting, either using Projection weapons or Cycle magic instead.
- Ain has to break the Pendulum to start interventions and unlock his full power which is why most if not all of his start poses begins with his Pendulum breaking.
- Fessel Heilig, Autosuggestion, Erst der Letzt, and Ende der Welt are the only instances of the Pendulum being used during combat.
- All of Ain's Spiritualism portraits lack the Pendulum.
- Ain rarely if ever refers to people other than Elsword by their name. He would instead use a nickname based on their race or background, with Aisha being "Ms. Wizard", Rena being "Ms. Elf", Raven being "Mr. Half-Nasod", Eve being "Ms. Queen", Chung being "Mr. Guardian", Ara being "Ms. Fox" and Eun being "Real Ms. Fox", Elesis being "Ms. Knight-Captain", Add being "Mr. Ancient", Lu and Ciel being "Demons", Laby being "Ms. Mirror Friend" and Noah being "Mr. Shadow".
- After being saved from Henir corruption by Lu, he starts calling her "Ms. Demon" in a much more affectionate manner and refers to Ciel as "Mr. Half-Demon".
- Additionally, he also does so with some NPCs such as Banthus being "Mr. Bandit", Winster being "Mr. Dog", Haivan being "Mr. Kid", Nichel being "Ms. Dog", Lilith being "Ms. Mystery Nasod".
- Many of Ain's skill names are in German and the runic alphabet used in his teasers are used to translate his backstory to German.
- In the North American English dub, he is given a German accent to match this theme.
- In the European servers, his backstory and his skill names are in Latin.
- Despite the skill names being German, a majority of them are grammatically incorrect or translated with the wrong synonym.
- When awakened, Ain's voice will sound louder and echoes more.
- Wearing a custom face will not change Spiritualism eyes.
- Ain is the first character to be released in other servers within the same month of his release in KR, being released in all servers except TW, CN, and EU the following week after KR.
- The word 'lofty' in Ain's first job names means extremely proud or high in stature.
- Ain's first jobs do not have a Spiritualism portrait or model. When they awaken, their appearance and top left portrait will remain as his base class.
- Ain is the first character to receive new Quick Voice lines in each path outside of 3rd Jobs. The other characters gained new Quick Voice lines later on.
- Ain's Spiritualism portrait has a script associated with Ishmael surrounding him. The translation of this is "Ainchase Ishmael - Disparate Force - Power of God".
- His appearance in Cycle Magic has a ring in this same script, reading "Ainchase Ishmael", with the larger characters being I, M, and L.
- The magic circle used in many places uses one repeating line, reading a presumably filler nonsense string of random letters. His Creation Magic appearance does the same, with a different string.
- When translated to Arabic, Ain means 'eye'. This could be referencing him being an observer for Ishmael or becoming Henir's eye in the 3rd path.
- Ain's hair color consists of 2 colors, the light blue highlights reflecting his goddess' power and the grey reflecting his humanity. As he progress in his job paths, the colors will change according to the power he uses or changes to his humanity.Check individual class page for more details*
- Among the , Ain is the only one who has such characteristics naturally from birth. This is emphasized in the Richter path, in which he accepts his predetermined destiny absolutely, and faithfully carries his duty as an unwavering protector of El. He act as a judge and subjugator of evil as well as serving as an authoritarian figure.
Phantasmal Geyser onlyGeneric Clear Lines
- Ain: (We must get the El back... There's no time.)
- Ain: It seems things are somewhat settled here. Let's move to the next location.
- Ain: (El... and my mission... We must hurry.)
Alternative Names
Physical Sword Knight |
Magical Magic Knight |
Physical Sheath Knight |
Magical Root Knight |
Lord Knight |
Rune Slayer |
Infinity Sword |
Sacred Templar |
Knight Emperor |
Rune Master |
Immortal |
Genesis |
Magical High Magician |
Magical Dark Magician |
Physical Battle Magician |
Physical Wiz Magician |
Elemental Master |
Void Princess |
Dimension Witch |
Mystic Alchemist |
Aether Sage |
Oz Sorcerer |
Metamorphy |
Lord Azoth |
Physical Combat Ranger |
Magical Sniping Ranger |
Physical Trapping Ranger |
Magical Poetic Ranger |
Wind Sneaker |
Grand Archer |
Night Watcher |
Tale Spinner |
Anemos |
Daybreaker |
Twilight |
Prophetess |
Physical Sword Taker |
Magical Over Taker |
Magical Weapon Taker |
Physical Venom Taker |
Blade Master |
Reckless Fist |
Veteran Commander |
Mutant Reaper |
Furious Blade |
Rage Hearts |
Nova Imperator |
Revenant |
Magical Code: Exotic |
Physical Code: Architecture |
Magical Code: Electra |
Physical Code: Unknown |
Code: Nemesis |
Code: Empress |
Code: Battle Seraph |
Code: Failess |
Code: Ultimate |
Code: Esencia |
Code: Sariel |
Code: Antithese |
Physical Fury Guardian |
Magical Shooting Guardian |
Magical Shelling Guardian |
Physical Cor Guardian |
Iron Paladin |
Deadly Chaser |
Tactical Trooper |
Divine Phanes |
Comet Crusader |
Fatal Phantom |
Centurion |
Dius Aer |
Physical Little Hsien |
Magical Little Devil |
Physical Little Specter |
Magical Little Helper |
Sakra Devanam |
Yama Raja |
Asura |
Marici |
Apsara |
Devi |
Shakti |
Surya |
Physical Saber Knight |
Magical Pyro Knight |
Physical Dark Knight |
Magical Soar Knight |
Grand Master |
Blazing Heart |
Crimson Avenger |
Patrona |
Empire Sword |
Flame Lord |
Bloody Queen |
Adrestia |
Magical Psychic Tracer |
Physical Arc Tracer |
Magical Time Tracer |
Physical Affect Tracer |
Lunatic Psyker |
Mastermind |
Diabolic Esper |
Dissembler |
Doom Bringer |
Dominator |
Mad Paradox |
Overmind |
Physical Chiliarch |
Magical Royal Guard |
Physical Diabla |
Magical Emptiness |
Dreadlord |
Noblesse |
Demonio |
Turbids |
Catastrophe |
Innocent |
Diangelion |
Demersio |
Physical Heavy Barrel |
Physical Bloodia |
Magical Valkyrie |
Magical Metal Heart |
Storm Trooper |
Crimson Rose |
Freyja |
Optimus |
Tempest Burster |
Black Massacre |
Minerva |
Prime Operator |
Physical Lofty: Executor |
Magical Lofty: Anpassen |
Magical Lofty: Wanderer |
Physical Lofty: Schreier |
Arme Thaumaturgy |
Erbluhen Emotion |
Apostasia |
Schatz Reprise |
Richter |
Bluhen |
Herrscher |
Opferung |
Physical Sparky Child |
Magical Twinkle Child |
Physical Rusty Child |
Magical Rough Child |
Rumble Pumn |
Shining Romantica |
Daydreamer |
Punky Poppet |
Eternity Winner |
Radiant Soul |
Nisha Labyrinth |
Twins Picaro |
Physical Second Revenger |
Magical Second Selection |
Physical Second Grief |
Magical Second Dejection |
Silent Shadow |
Stellar Caster |
Pale Pilgrim |
Hazy Delusion |
Liberator |
Celestia |
Nyx Pieta |
Morpheus |
Physical Poten Finder |
Physical Fortune Finder |
Magical Path Finder |
Magical Trick Finder |
Mighty Miner |
Greedy Wonder |
Rima Clavis |
Cynical Sneer |
Gembliss |
Avarice |
Achlys |
Mischief |