12-7 红炎的摇篮

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  • 最多可有8名玩家同时进入。
  • 在普通模式中,最少需要3名玩家才能进入。
  • 在普通模式中,最多只能使用3个复活石。
  • 在普通模式中,玩家将在死亡15秒后自动使用复活石(如果满足条件的话)。


  • 艾尔之力无法触及的地方。攻击力、防御力、血量减少50%。







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怪物图片 怪物介绍 攻击方式
血腥愤怒 - 憎恶者召唤的贝壳状障碍,也可以攻击玩家。
  • 推动:旋转并推动玩家。
  • 冲击:高高举起后砸向玩家。
  • 高速碾压:后退到背景中,然后从低层平台冲出碾压玩家。
  • 自我毁灭:被击杀后会爆炸,对周围玩家造成大量伤害。


  • 只在1阶段中出现。


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障碍图片 障碍介绍
深坑 - 没有地板支撑的地区,存在于地图两边,也可以由罗索制造。与其它副本中的深坑不同,掉下去后会被杀死。
灰色尖刺 - 只能用连段和主动技攻击的尖刺。
红色尖刺 - 只能用特殊活性技能和超技能攻击的尖刺。
流星雨 - 流星会定期从天而降,并在落点留下一道火柱。在流星落下前会有紫色光柱提示。
  • 只在3阶段中出现。


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怪物图片 Boss介绍 攻击方式
憎恶者 - 红眼唤醒了火成岩组成的巨像,半侵蚀的罗索就在里面。它的激光可以石化玩家。
  • 激光之眼:举起头并在眼睛前展开蓝色魔法阵,Raise its head as a blue sigil shines on an eye, firing a beam out of its eye, dragging it across the map. The beam will petrify players for a period of time.
  • 混沌弹幕 Malice places its hands at the sides and summon many orbs to slowly raise upwards. These orbs will deal damage depending on their size, maneuver around the orbs to avoid taking damage.
    • Malice can still be damage during this phase by homing attacks.
  • 毁灭冲击: The boss will laugh before slamming its arms into the stage. This attack will then cause Thorn Pillars to raise out of the ground, indicated by a red light. These pillars are especially notable since they destroy segments of the stage itself, making the battle increasingly harder.

Attacks highlighted in red bypass Invincibility frames.

Recluse - A corrupted Rosso, half dark, half light, wielding his scythe.
  • 垂直扫荡:用镰刀垂直挥下,留下能对玩家造成the Ember of Combustion状态的火焰。
  • 水平扫荡:用镰刀水平横扫,留下能对玩家造成the Ember of Combustion状态的火焰。
  • 收割:用镰刀猛击前方一段距离的地面,然后收回。被命中的玩家会有一段时间无法移动。
  • 大地震荡 Swing a red scythe into the ground with a wide area of effect. Upon pulling his scythe back, spikes will be left behind to act as an obstacle.
    • These spikes will self-destruct after a certain amount of time has passed.
  • 火龙卷 The screen will focus onto The Lonely in a cutscene, he'll then cause fire pillars to shoot out of the ground underneath certain players that last 3 seconds. These fire pillars will also destroy parts of the map, making battling increasingly difficult. He is completely invincible during this attack.
  • 均衡对视: A cutscene will player where The Lonely's eye will glow. Six rows of eye will appear, a black line will indicate which rows will have a laser fire, only one row is safe during this. The attack will fire four sets of lasers.



  • The Ember of Combustion debuff will burn 5% MP per second.
Dark Recluse - A corrupted Rosso empowered by consuming the remaining dark energy from the remnants of the colossus, his body is now completely consumed in darkness. At peak power, he won't give up without putting up a fight.
  • 垂直扫荡:用镰刀垂直挥下,留下能对玩家造成the Ember of Combustion状态的火焰。
  • 水平扫荡:用镰刀水平横扫,留下能对玩家造成the Ember of Combustion状态的火焰。
  • 收割:用镰刀猛击前方一段距离的地面,然后收回。被命中的玩家会有一段时间无法移动。
  • 大地震荡 Swing a red scythe into the ground with a wide area of effect. Upon pulling his scythe back, spikes will be left behind to act as an obstacle.
    • These spikes will self-destruct after a certain amount of time has passed.
  • 死亡监牢:boss选择两名玩家禁锢。如果20秒内没有击破,玩家会立即死亡。
    • 类似于尖刺,灰色监牢只能用连段和主动技击破,红色监牢只能用特殊活性技能击破。
    • 当只有两名生存玩家时,boss只会选择一名玩家禁锢。当只有一名生存玩家时,boss不会使用此技能。
    • The prison will be healed if you attack them with the Ember of Retribution debuff.
  • 邪恶穿刺 The boss will move around the map before making Thorn Pillars to raise out of the ground, indicated by a red light. These pillars are especially notable since they destroy segments of the stage itself, making the battle increasingly harder.
    • The central platform however is immune to being destroyed. So stay in center as you can.
    • Hitting the boss with this attack will cause him to be stunned for 2 seconds.



  • The Ember of Retribution debuff will burn 5% MP per second and heal fire enemies hit instead of harm them.


  • 艾迪: 喂,现在怎么办?
  • 艾索德: 我确定。那里面有人。只是被困住的地方变成了那个巨型怪物而已!
Icon Name Stats Enhancement Bonuses
Flames of Judgement - Demonic Weapon

Lv99 Weapon:

[Unidentified Stats]

[Unidentified Stats]

[Unidentified Stats]

Resistance to Fire Attributes +50

+1% chance of inflicting burning effect (Applies only to fire element)

Adaptation +5% (Dungeon)

When attacking, 2% chance of firing Black Titan's Beam (Cooldown: 60 secs) (Dungeon)

Enhancement +9: Special Mystic Stone Slot opens, MP Cost -5% (Dungeon)(Max 35%)
Enhancement +10: All Skill Damage +10%
Enhancement +11: Physical/Magical Attack Power +Lv.10
Enhancement +12: Physical/Magical Attack Power +5%
Enhancement +13: Critical Damage +10%

Image Name Boss Character Stats Set Effects
Mark of Inferno
Mark of Inferno
Mark of Inferno
Dark Recluse

Lv99 Accessory (Weapon):

All Skill Damage +10% (Hyper Active/Wedding Skills excluded)

When attacking, All Resistances decrease by -15 for 10 seconds (Max 10 Stacks) (Dungeon)

When attacking, All Resistances decrease by -5 for 10 seconds (Max 10 Stacks) (Match)

Eternal Flame:

2 Pieces:

  • Resistance to Dark Attributes +100
  • Damage dealt to Boss Monsters +5% (Dungeon)

3 Pieces:

  • Resistance to Fire Attributes +100
  • Polarize +5% (Max 55%) (Dungeon)




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  • 地区7~12
  • 地区1~6
  • 地区13~18
  • 地区19
  • 娜薇
  • 诺亚
  • 其他