Exorcism Stance 2: Specter Restraints

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[Special Active: Tenacity]
Use the hands of shadows to drag in enemies then slash them.
Additional Energy Consumption
  • Uses 0~3 Energy (Can be used even without Energy)
Energy Conversion
  • Possible to use another skill before last hit. Gain 2 energy upon successful hit.
Exorcism Arts
Final Enhanced Skill
  • Damage is increased by 1.1 times.
  • Art Link Speed is increased by 1.2 times.


Class Level Required
Little Specter 25

Skill Information

Mode Damage (Physical) Energy MP Usage Cooldown
Normal Additional Damage
(Per Energy, x1~3)
Claw Slash Claw Slash Use Cancel
PvE 1702% 554% 568% 185% -0 ~ 3 +2 90 MP 7 Seconds
PvP 250% 199% 205% 66%
PvE 1872% 610% 625% 204% -0 ~ 3 +2 90 MP 7 Seconds
PvP 275% 220% 226% 73%

Skill Traits

Empowered Exorcism Stance 2: Specter RestraintsAbsorbing Exorcism Stance 2: Specter Restraints
Attribute EffectAttribute Effect
Damage increased to 120%MP Gain of the skill increased to 250%

Extra Information

Total Damage

  • Average damage is tested on small (e.g., Lowe) to medium targets (e.g., Wooden Doll) with realistic positioning.
  • Maximum damage for large-hitbox skills may be unattainable in-game and is estimated.
  • Timed buffs are included only if they alter skill function or appear in the tooltip; permanent boosts are always included.
ModeBaseRepose of Souls
PvE1,872% ~ 3,747%2,482% ~ 4,969%2,246.4% ~ 4,496.4%2,978.4% ~ 5,962.8%2,620.8% ~ 5,245.8%3,474.8% ~ 6,956.6%3,144.96% ~ 6,294.96%4,169.76% ~ 8,347.92%
PvP275% ~ 953%495% ~ 1,392%330% ~ 1,143.6%594% ~ 1,670.4%385% ~ 1,334.2%693% ~ 1,948.8%462% ~ 1,601.04%831.6% ~ 2,338.56%
  • Damage ranges from 0~3 Energy consumed.


Affected By Action Speed

Related Skills


  • In the original design, the second part of Secret Exorcism Art was another skill called 박수 (縛獸), which means tethering the beast.
    • Specter Restraints used to be the Secret Exorcism Art called "천라지망 (天羅地網)", which means all sides are surrounded, and no way to escape. The old skill name is still used for one of the skill voices.


Date Changes
07/24/2014 12/17/2014
  • Exorcism Stance 2: Specter Restraints added.
11/06/2014 04/29/2015
  • Range decreased.
09/10/2015 -
  • Fixed "Gigantic" attribute not working.
10/29/2015 03/16/2016
  • Gigantic trait changed to Absorbing.
01/12/2017 01/24/2017
  • Slash damage increased.
  • Claw damage decreased.
04/27/2017 05/10/2017
  • Damage increased.
  • None
08/24/2017 09/13/2017
  • Damage increased.
  • Slash damage increased.
  • Claw damage decreased.
04/05/2018 04/18/2018
  • Damage increased.
  • Claw damage increased.
  • Slash damage decreased.

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
South Korea 귀살 2식 : 귀신묶기 Exorcism Stance 2: Restraining Specter
Japan 鬼殺ニ式:鬼神縛 Exorcism Stance 2: Specter Restraints
China (Simplified Chinese) 鬼杀2式:鬼神缚 Exorcism Stance 2: Specter Restraints
Germany Geisterjäger, Schritt 2: Geister binden Ghost Hunter, Step 2 : Ghost Bind
Spain Cazaespíritus 2: Ataduras Espectrales
France Chasseur de fantômes 2 : lier Ghost Hunter 2 : Bind
Italy Cacciatore di spettri, passo 2: incatena gli spiriti Specter Hunter, Step 2 : Spirit Bind
Poland Łowca Duchów 2: Wiązanie Duchów Spirits Hunter 2 : Spirit Bind
United Kingdom Spirit Hunter, Step 2 : Binding Spirits
Brazil Postura do Exorcismo 2: Restrição Espiritual Exorcism Stance 2: Spirit Restraint