Magic Wardrobe

From Elwiki
Warning: This content is not yet released on certain servers, check its availability status.

What is Magical Wardrobe?

It's a feature to apply the looks you want on an avatar while keeping the stat options you want.

How to use Magical Wardrobe system

  • Press '마법의 옷장(Magical Wardrobe) > 외형 등록(Register Look) > 외형 적용(Apply Look)'
  • Magic Wardrobe can be opened using the new [마법 옷장(Magical Wardrobe)] button.

  • You can check item with the currently registered look in the wardrobe window.
  • You can preview the unregistered looks using the category section on the left.

Register Look

  • Register Look only occurs in Magical Wardrobe and only the items in the inventory can be registered. (Also does not work on equipped items).

  • Avatars that are Look registered gets the cloth hanger symbol.

(Before) -> (After)

  • For the equipment items, Lock and Cloth hanger symbol isn't displayed after being registered.
  • Registered looks still remain in the list even when items aren't in the inventory and the looks can still be used.

- If another character within the same ID can equip the registered look, the Magical Wardrobe list is shared with that character's list as well and looks can be applied.
- You cannot revert items that becomes cloth hanger state.
- Items with cloth hanger state cannot be sold or traded away.

Types of items that can be look registered

  • Only items that count as magical wardrobe category can be registered.

-PvP and PvE set items/ Boss drop items/ Cube set item / IB, limited, cash shop avatars and accessories/ event avatar and accessories.

  • Timed items/(old)items, unidentified or sealed items, promotion avatars, rings and necklace accessories cannot be registered.
  • Profession items like Golden Ring, Necklace can be registered.

Apply Look

  • Apply can only be done with items that have become cloth hangers.
  • When the look is registered, you can check which look the item is using within item's tooltip.

  • Only items in the same slot and type can be applied.
    • (ex: Cannot apply Avatar accessory face(top) to accessory face(top))

Dismantling items in cloth hanger state

  • With certain percentage, when dismantling Cloth Hanger state items, you can get Sage's Magic stone and Purified(Dual) El shards.
  • Registered looks are not deleted even after item is dismantled.


  • Currently, the Magic Wardrobe system is unavailable to servers outside of Korea. According to GM Moshup during the official GM livestream on December 2, 2016, the reason for this is because the database infrastructure can not support this system.
    • According to official GM livestream on March, 31, 2017, Magic Wardrobe is coming to all version of the game, and it's not to be too far away.

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