• English
Shoot a fast Electron Ball. It can be charged and fired by holding the skill key and by releasing it. You can still move while charging. (Can also be activated midair)

Depending on the charge time, the Electron Ball's size will increase.
(A max charge time of 0.5 sec., can be maintained for 5 sec.)

Upon cast, if a summoned unit is present, they will also cast a Mega Electron Ball.
Core Activation Skill
  • Successful attack made during Awakening will activate the Core Attack.
Force Field Skill
  • Skill reacts to Force Fields.
Final Enhanced Skill
  • 25% chance to fire 2 Electron Balls.


Class Level Required
Code: Electra 25

Skill Information

Mode Damage (Magical) Max Hits Additional Electron Ball
Charge MP Usage Cooldown
Normal Amplify Spectrum Reactive Fusion Normal Amplify Spectrum Reactive Fusion
Shock Explosion Shock Explosion Shock Explosion Shock Explosion Shock Explosion Shock Explosion Shock Explosion Shock Explosion Shock Explosion Shock Explosion Size Charge Time
PvE 342% 1067% 410% 1280% 154% 480% 188% 587% 86% 267% 1 3 2 6 N/A 150% ~ 225% 0.5 Seconds 50 MP 6 Seconds
PvP 137% 426% 164% 512% 61% 192% 75% 234% 34% 106%
PvE 342% 1067% 410% 1280% 154% 480% 188% 587% 86% 267% 1 3 2 6 25% 150% ~ 225% 0.5 Seconds 50 MP 6 Seconds
PvP 137% 426% 164% 512% 61% 192% 75% 234% 34% 106%

Skill Traits

Empowered Mega Electron Ball: FlashRegenerating (2) Mega Electron Ball: Flash
Attribute EffectAttribute EffectCooldown
Damage increased to 120%50% chance of lowering cooldown to 40%2.4 Seconds

Total Damage


  • Average damage is tested on small (e.g., Lowe) to medium targets (e.g., Wooden Doll) with realistic positioning.
  • Maximum damage for large-hitbox skills may be unattainable in-game and is estimated.
  • Timed buffs are included only if they alter skill function or appear in the tooltip; permanent boosts are always included.


  • Average damage is tested on small (e.g., Lowe) to medium targets (e.g., Wooden Doll) with realistic positioning.
  • Maximum damage for large-hitbox skills may be unattainable in-game and is estimated.
  • Timed buffs are included only if they alter skill function or appear in the tooltip; permanent boosts are always included.


  • Average damage is tested on small (e.g., Lowe) to medium targets (e.g., Wooden Doll) with realistic positioning.
  • Maximum damage for large-hitbox skills may be unattainable in-game and is estimated.
  • Timed buffs are included only if they alter skill function or appear in the tooltip; permanent boosts are always included.


  • Average damage is tested on small (e.g., Lowe) to medium targets (e.g., Wooden Doll) with realistic positioning.
  • Maximum damage for large-hitbox skills may be unattainable in-game and is estimated.
  • Timed buffs are included only if they alter skill function or appear in the tooltip; permanent boosts are always included.


  • Average damage is tested on small (e.g., Lowe) to medium targets (e.g., Wooden Doll) with realistic positioning.
  • Maximum damage for large-hitbox skills may be unattainable in-game and is estimated.
  • Timed buffs are included only if they alter skill function or appear in the tooltip; permanent boosts are always included.

Related Skills

Tips and Details

  • Compared to Mega Electron Ball: Overpower and Mega Electron Ball: Justice, this skill charges in half the time and travels much faster, but it has lower damage than a charged Overpower and slightly less range than a charged Justice.
    • Due to it being affected by Force Fields however, both its damage and range can be significantly increased through the use of Force Fields.
  • Since this path's only summoned unit is Dimension Link - Century, the maximum amount of electron balls that can be fired is 2, or 4 with [Enhanced].
    • The summon will copy the skill exactly as is, including the current Force Field mode and whether or not you fired an additional one from [Enhanced].
  • The skill acts very similar to normal electron ball commands, but due to being an active skill, it can be thrown out at any point during a normal command combo.
    • Like normal Electron Balls, Mega Electron Ball: Flash also deals two hits; an initial hit that only damages the first enemy it comes into contact with and a second hit that deals splash damage to any enemy within range. A delay before casting is also present so if you are hit, the cast will be cancelled and the skill will go on cooldown, though no MP will be consumed
    • Due to its larger size, Mega Electron Ball: Flash's explosion hit can hit behind certain enemies it comes into contact with, allowing it to bypass certain shielded enemies.
  • You can charge the skill while it is still on cooldown, allowing you to use it fully charged when it comes off cooldown later.
  • The charge can be dissipated at no MP cost by releasing the skill key during attack animations where it will fail to deploy. (Ex. >>^Z, ^Z, ^X, >>X, >>^X)
    • Additionally, upon reaching 3rd job, switching to the additional skill slot will also cancel the charge.
  • The skill's hitstun is rather low, so enemies may be able to escape a combo sometimes.


Date Changes
06/20/2019 07/17/2019
  • Mega Electron Ball: Flash added.
05/11/2023 06/07/2023
  • Skill features changed.
  • The way the skill reacts to Force Fields is changed.

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
  South Korea 메가 일렉트론볼 : 플래쉬 Mega Electron Ball - Flash
  Germany Mega-Elektronengeschoss - Blitz Mega Electron Shot - Lightning
  Spain Megaproyectil de electrones - Rayo Mega Electron Projectile - Lightning
  France Méga tir d'électrons - Éclair Mega Electron Shot - Lightning
  Italy Mega Proiettile di Elettroni - Fulmine Mega Electron Projectile - Lightning
  Poland Mega-Pocisk Elektronowy - Błyskawica Mega Electron Shot - Lightning
  United Kingdom Mega-Electron Missile - Lightning