Valor and Devotion

From Elwiki
Using [Bravery] skill will cause you to enter [Valor Devotion] state.


Class Level Required Skill Requirement
Sakra Devanam : Transcendent 90 Power of Transcendence Skill Quest

Skill Information

Skill Level Level Required Valor Devotion
Maximize Increase All Speed Increase Duration
1 90 20% 20% 30 Seconds


Date Changes
08/11/2016 -
  • Fixed issue where Devotion's effect is sometimes different from the tooltip.
10/13/2016 11/23/2016

Tiger art MP cost changed from 20% to 10%.

03/30/2017 04/12/2017

Blast Spirit Energy Recovery only applies on a successful hit.

07/27/2017 -

Blast Spirit Energy Recovery when hit successfully decreased from 5 to 2.

08/23/2018 09/06/2018

Duration increased.

09/20/2018 10/11/2018

Maximize and All Speed Increase effect added.

Old effects removed.

  • Activate Valor and Devotion buff upon using a Bravery Skill.
  • Maximize calculation changed.

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
South Korea 용맹정진 Devotion and Courage
China (Simplified Chinese) 勇猛精进 Devotion and Courage
Germany Tapfere Hingabe Courageous Devotion
Spain Entrega valiente Courageous Delivery
France Dévouement courageux Courageous Devotion
Italy Fervore coraggioso Courageous Fervor
Poland Dzielne Poświęcenie Courageous Devotion
United Kingdom Valiant Dedication
Brazil Devoção e Valentia Devotion and Courage