Sander asséché

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Sander asséché

A dried up oasis. A lifeless place... Trocks are up to something within the darkness of Barren Sander.
Sander's impoverished neighboring town. Trocks emerge out of the darkness.
Niveau recommandé
Capacité de combat requise
Plan du donjon
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Image Description Attaques
Vegar Trock - This is basic Trock monster. They will attack with their palm.
Oba Trock - This Trock monster will attack with their boomerang similar to Shadow Warrior's Sharp Boomerang. When attacked they may stoic and run away.
Buggy Trock - This Trock monster will summon a dark skull that does substantial damage. They can use a buff which increase the damage of nearby monsters.
Rocky Trock - This Trock will shield and can attack while guarding. Similar to Glitter Defender.
Fogta Trock - This Trock will self-destruct upon contact. Has very high HP.
Caskey - A small dinosaur-like creature that will latch on to you and start biting furiously.
Flame Tooth Caskey - An evolved version of Caskey that's slightly larger and has spikes. Their bites inflict Burning.
Ice Tooth Caskey - An evolved version of Caskey that's slightly larger. Their bites inflict Frostbite.
Poison Tooth Caskey - An evolved version of Caskey that's slightly larger and has black armor covering the majority of its body, including its jaw. Their bites inflict  .
Red Desert Monkfish - These denizens of the sand can burrow and emerge at will, chomping down and slashing anything in its path. Similar to Deep Sea Fish.
Boss intermédiaire
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Image Description Attaques
Fierce Stone Axe Bootru - A leader of Trock Thrower.

-Boomerang Throw: He will throw his boomerang to his foes and have it return to him. Similar to Shadow Warrior's Sharp Boomerang.
-Aerial Throw: He will throw 3 boomerangs one by one diagonally, then a boomerang that splits into 3. You won't be able to hit him since he will be in the air for the duration of this attack.
-Upware Throw: He will throw his boomerang diagonally upwards when you try to attack him up close.
-Running Away: Like Trock Thrower he will stoic and run away after 15 hits.

Strong Rocky Baron - The strongest of the Rocky Trocks in Barren Sander. With his strong metal plated armor, he destroys all in his path

-Guard: Baron will occasionally block attacks from both directions.
-Ground Smash: Baron will go stoic then smash the ground.
-Reckless Rush: Baron will go completely stoic, do a two hit combo, then smash the ground.
-Crag Buster: Baron will roar and go completely stoic. He will then do a two hit combo, uppercut players, then smash the ground.

Caskey Breeder Toggy - The strongest Trock magic user who is responsible for breeding Caskeys with various abilities.
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Image Description
Launch Pad - Jumping on this platform will propel you into the air at a given direction.
Desert Winds - These strong winds will push you one way or the other if you don't push against it. Appear near the boss room.
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Image Description Attaques
Giant Waldo

-Bottom Cast: Kicks up a slab of the ground then punches it to send it flying. A scale version of the one used by Berthe, but the rock will lodge itself in the ground after impact and will serve as an obstacle.
-270 Degree Swing: A quick interrupt-able axe swing, this attack only hits in front of himself, but he always does not targeting his foes first to use this move.
-270 Degree Power Swing: He will shout and flex before making a slow sweeping swing in super armor state. This attack only hits in front of himself.

  • He will create a Incineration flaming effect similar to Ignition Crow - Incinerator after this move.
  • His head becomes wreathed in flames after his shout but it is not yet clear what long term significance this has.

-Dark Energy Release: Releases a blast of dark energy from the pendant on his stomach, which can reach up to a full screen away depending on his current size. Usually he will use this when you are too far of him or as counter.
-Pendant Explosion: An extremely lethal skill that can deal very high damage. He'll only use it when he's at maximum size and will revert to his starting size after use if he is not interrupted.

  • A large DANGER warning will appear along with the skill name when he is preparing to use it.
Butins de bossMusique de fond
Image Name Boss Character Stats
Mad Keeper's Staff
Mad Keeper's Staff
Caskey Breeder Toggy

Lv65 Wand:

Physical Attack +4007

Magical Attack +4007

[Unidentified * ?]

[Unidentified * ?]

Critical +5%

All weapons attributes +0.5%




