Blade Master/ko

From Elwiki
블레이드 마스터
  • 2차 전직
  • 초월

레이븐 크론웰
블레이드 마스터
나소드 핸드, 장검
나소드 이식
101 kg/116 kg (나소드 핸드 포함) (222 lb/255 lb)
유연한 스킬 데미지

11 February 2010
20 July 2011
31 August 2011
1 February 2012
초월 전직
14 July 2016
28 September 2016
28 September 2016
28 September 2016
28 September 2016
14 December 2016
Come, I will carve the might of human swordsmanship into your soul.

블레이드 마스터

[A merciless swordsman who mastered his use of the blade]


  • In-game Version
  • Nexon Version

If the goal is to become righteous, then the path towards that goal should also be a righteous one.

As part of atonement, Raven focuses on his sword technique, strictly controlling his Nasod Arm.

His signature swift movements and attack divulge from using brute strength.

Instead, enemies are caught unawares by his subtle attacks, which are still powerful enough to cut through steel.

Second Class Advancement

Completing the following advancement quest or using the Item Mall item: Blade Master's Book of Revelation File:Job Change - Blade Master/ko.png will change your job to Blade Master/ko.

Blade Master/ko
Blade Master/ko 1/5
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives

레이븐은 블랙크로우 단의 전투 데이터를 바탕으로 전투용 나소드가 대량 생산되고 있음을 목도한다. 벗어났다고 생각했는데, 여전히 자신은 이용당하고 있었다. 더 이상 나의 무엇 하나도 너희들에겐 내어주진 않겠다. 나소드 생산기지를 파괴하고 모든 일에 매듭을 짓자.

Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 700 N/A N/A
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Blade Master/ko 2/5
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete Blade Master/ko 1/5

알테라 코어에 다가갈수록 마음은 차분하게 가라앉는다. 어째서일까, 용서하지 않았음에도 복수심 같은건 들지 않았다. 이것은 속죄다. 내가 저지른 잘못을 바로잡는 행위일 뿐이니, 개인의 과거나 감정과 연관 지을 필요도 없는 것. 검 끝에 서린 기운이 한층 더 차가워진다. 마지막 전투를 시작하자.

Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 6,900 N/A N/A
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Blade Master/ko 3/5
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete Blade Master/ko 2/5
  • Enter 'Feita Village'
    (Right-click from World Map (Press M Key) to see the location.)

긴 싸움의 끝. 그러나 자신의 싸움은 끝나지 않았다. 이 검으로 벤 무고한 이가 몇이며, 그로 인해 소중한 사람을 잃은 이는 또 몇이던가. 자신이 지은 죄의 무게를 헤아리는 레이븐에게 페이타의 구원요청이 전해졌다.

Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 7,600 N/A N/A
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Blade Master/ko 4/5
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete Blade Master/ko 3/5

마족들을 마주한 레이븐의 눈빛이 한층 가라앉았다. 과거 자신의 모습이 저것들과 다를게 무언가. 차가워진 이성은 나소드 핸드의 힘을 점차 억제해가고, 검에는 예기가 서린다. 왼편에서 느껴지는 결코 줄어들지 않을 죄의 무게를 끌며 레이븐은 봉헌의 신전 입구로 향했다.

Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 700 N/A N/A
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Blade Master/ko 5/5
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete Blade Master/ko 4/5

자신이 빼앗었던 생명, 평화, 어느 것 하나 돌려줄 수 있는 게 없었다. 할 수 있는 일은 빼앗기지 않도록 목숨을 다해 지키는 것뿐이다. 남은 목숨은 오로지 속죄를 위해서, 레이븐은 마족들을 향해 검을 겨누었다. 오라, 너희에게 인간의 검술을 새겨주겠다.

Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 14,600 2nd Job Change Promotion Cube x1 N/A
ED 8,000 [Cobo] 2nd Job Useful Items Cube x1 N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0

You can Transcend at Lv 70.

Skill Tree

Skills Passives
Level 35
Level 40

Level 45
Level 50
Level 55

Level 60

Level 65
Level 70

Level 80

Level 90
Level 95
  • 2nd Job Skill Traits unlocked at Level 70.
  • 2nd Job Final Enhanced Skill unlocked upon Transcending.
  • Transcendence Skill Traits unlocked at Level 99.
  • Transcendence Final Enhanced Skill unlocked upon advancing to 3rd job class.

Additional Commands

 : All damage values for new and preexisting commands receive a 1.1x multiplier during 2nd job.
Image Description Damage

After doing the standard combo, summons a small black hole to hold the enemy while doing up to 4 quick slashes. Finishes by detonating the black hole, launching enemies away.

154% Phy. Damage
190% Phy. Damage
235% Phy. Damage
285% Mag. Damage x2~5
156% Phy. Damage x1~4
+473% Mag. Damage

is reworked to attack with a spatial sphere instead of the arm blast. Finish the combo by sending out a mini shockwave diagonally downward.

164% Mag. Damage
100% Phy. Damage x1~vary

After doing the standard combo, finishes with an uppercut that launches yourself and the target in the air.

154% Phy. Damage
190% Phy. Damage
235% Phy. Damage
304% Phy. Damage


Date Changes
01/17/2012 -
  • Launch distance of decreased.
01/17/2013 -
  • can now be cancelled with other abilities.
08/06/2015 01/13/2016
  • Added new combo.
08/13/2015 -
  • Black hole damage in decreased.


Blade Master/Skills


Transcendence Advancement

Completing the following advancement quest or using the Item Mall item: Book of Transcendence: God's Will will advance to your Transcendent 2nd job.

Blade Master/ko - Transcendence
Limit Break 1/5
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Achieve level 70
  • Complete your Second Job Advancement
  • Clear 2 dungeons in your level range
    (excluding Ruben/Event Dungeon/Guild Mini Game/Guild Expedition/Ereda Island/Dimension of Sinister Intent/Twisted Time and Space - Fahrmann's Peak/Henir's Time and Space/Gate of Darkness/Add's Energy Fusion Theory)

[Book of Transcendence] - Intro
Many seek power, but it's not easy to acquire one. Among those that seek power, the El Masters have achieved theirs in a unique way.
Each El Master has overcome their limits using their innate abilities. This book, specifically, will be narrating the power of transcendence, a power that was developed and used by the Earth Master.
Power of Transcendence is given to those that overcome their limits, no matter their origin.
First, one should prove their worth.

Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Limit Break 2/5
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the quest Limit Break 1/5
  • Collect Symbol of Resolve (Sander, Lanox, Atlas, Elysion dungeons) 0/2

[Book of Transcendence] - Chapter 1
Those who seek power must first look and see if they are properly prepared.
A powerful body obtained through regular training is important, one's resolve to face difficult trials is more important.
Your firm resolve and belief in yourself will materialize Symbol of Resolve.

Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Limit Break 3/5
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the quest Limit Break 2/5
  • Collect Symbols of Determination (Sander, Lanox, Atlas, Elysion dungeons) 0/2

[Book of Transcendence] - Chapter 2
Transcendence is the power to overcome your limits. You must undergo trials in order to find the key to do so.
Though a proven method is to throw yourself in danger, you need the determination to turn those dangerous situations into an opportunity.
Your unshaken determination will materialize as Symbol of Determination.

Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Limit Break 4/5
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the quest Limit Break 3/5
  • Collect Symbol of Purpose (Sander, Lanox, Atlas, Elysion dungeons) 0/1

[Book of Transcendence] - Chapter 3
Those seeking the power of transcendence will face many trials. When you lose yourself in face of these trials, you must remember your goal, your purpose.
Your single minded focus in showing your purpose will materialize as Symbol of Purpose and put you closer to transcendence.

Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Limit Break 5/5
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the quest Limit Break 4/5
  • Clear 3 dungeons in your level range
    (excluding Ruben/Event Dungeon/Guild Mini Game/Guild Expedition/Ereda Island/Dimension of Sinister Intent/Twisted Time and Space - Fahrmann's Peak/Henir's Time and Space/Gate of Darkness/Add's Energy Fusion Theory)

[Book of Transcendence] - Chapter 4
Those who have faced their limits, now you will face the final trial.
Only those who overcome their own limitations are truly worthy of power.
You will now face transcendence, but remember, those who found the end, will soon find themselves a new beginning.
Overcome your limits and prove your worth. Then, the power of transcendence will reside in you.

Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 0 [Cobo] Transcendence Useful Items Cube N/A
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0

Upon reaching Lv.99, a Transcendent: Blade Master/ko can job advance to a Furious Blade.


Blade Master/Transcendent/Skills



Full Gallery: Raven/Gallery




  • As Blade Master is described as a fencer, his weapon is designed to look like a saber, one of the traditional fencing weapons, though it is more curved than a modern saber one would use for fencing nowadays.
    • Sabers are intended to both be able to stab and slash to call back to their historical origins, as opposed to rapiers that are purely meant for stabbing. This is reflected in Blade Master's skill set as well.
  • Although Blade Master avoids using the Nasod Arm as much as possible, he inexplicably gains the ability to generate small black holes out of his Nasod Arm.
  • In the original portrait of Blade Master, it would show that Raven had one of his eyes closed. However, in the old UI, it would show that Raven had both eyes open.
  • Before the portrait revamp of their 1st job, Blade Master and Reckless Fist shown the most difference in age from their previous jobs.

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
South Korea 블레이드 마스터 Blade Master
Japan ブレードマスター Blade Master
Taiwan (Traditional Chinese) 狂鋒武者 Crazy Blade Warrior
China (Simplified Chinese) 锋刃武者 Blade Warrior
Germany Schwertmeister Sword Master
Spain Maestro de la Espada Sword Master
France Maître de l'épée Sword Master
Italy Maestro di Spade Sword Master
Poland Mistrz Miecza Sword Master
United Kingdom Master Swordsman
Brazil Mestre da Espada Sword Master
