Demonic Venom

From Elwiki
Successful Bounding combo decrease Skill Cooldown for Bounding Skills. Bound enemies are  Enemy DebuffStunnedEnemy DebuffStunned for a short duration.


Class Level Required
Diangelion 99

Skill Information

Skill Level Level Required Skill Cooldown Decrease
(Upon Successful Bound Combo)
 Enemy DebuffStunnedEnemy DebuffStunned
Physical Defense Decrease
This effect is multiplicative
to your current stats. 
1 99 50% 20% 3.5 seconds

Related Skills

Tips and Details

  • The  Enemy DebuffStunnedEnemy DebuffStunned debuff prevents dashing much like  Enemy DebuffLeg InjuryEnemy DebuffLeg Injury, but it additionally prevents jumping.
  • The debuff is only applied on the first [Standby] character hit (right after pressing the key), making Demonic Venom useful to prevent targets from escaping your combos and increase your damage output.
  • You can also cancel your combo after using the key, opting to instead use skills while your enemy is debilitated.



Date Changes
02/08/2018 03/07/2018
  • Demonic Venom added.

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
South Korea 마기 : 독기 Demonic Energy: Poison
Japan 魔気 - 毒 Madness - Poison
Germany Dämonenenergie: Gifthauch Demonic Energy: Poison Breath
Spain Energía demoníaca: aliento venenoso Demonic Energy: Venom Breath
France Énergie démoniaque : souffle empoisonné Demonic Energy: Poison Breath
Italy Energia demoniaca: miasma Demonic Energy: Miasm
Poland Energia Demonów: Trujący Ziew Demonic Energy: ?
United Kingdom Demon Energy: Poison Breath
Brazil Poder Demoníaco: Miasma Demonic Power: Miasm