
From Elwiki
[Spécial actif : force] Create a vortex of swords that damage and disable enemies from moving.
(Can also be activated midair)
Compétence de vitalité
  • Cette compétence consomme de l'aura de vitalité et recharge de l'aura de destruction.
  • En tant que combattant de la vitalité, le coût en PM de la compétence est réduit de 30% et son gain de PM augmente de 200% (150% en JcJ).
  • Chaque coup réduit la valeur de K.O. de 2.


Class Level Required [Enhanced] Level Left Skill Trait Level Right Skill Trait Level Skill Requirement
Infinity Sword 45 96 53 62 Advanced Training Skill Quest

Skill Information


Level Required Damage (Physical) Knockdown Reduction
Per Hit
Max Hits Duration MP Usage Cooldown
Initial Strike Continuous Strikes Initial Strike Continuous Strikes
45 819% 82% N/A 1 26 5.6 Seconds 150 MP 13 Seconds
[Enhanced] 96 -2 KD


Level Required Damage (Physical)
Initial Strike Continuous Strikes
45 327% 32%
[Enhanced] 96

Skill Traits

Light Maelstrom Rage Evil Maelstrom Rage
Level Required Attribute Effect Details Level Required Attribute Effect Details
MP Usage MP Burn
53 MP Usage decreased to 80% 120 MP 62 Skill will burn 2 MP per hit -54 MP

Tips and Details

  • In PvP, opponents in a Super Armor state are able to attack but cannot use any skill or move out of range without massive Movement and Jump Speed.
  • If used correctly, this skill can prevent Mana Breaking and can be used to break the knockdown counter.
    • This move generates a lot of MP and charges the Awakening gauge in PvP, so it is not recommended to use in PvP, unless you know your opponent will try to Mana Break.
      • In a PvP team of 2 or more teammates, it's possible for them to cast it within short intervals to prevent escapes.
  • This is useful for fighting Epic NPCs, as they can do nothing if you use this on a wall, sucking them in without any ability to move.
  • Maelstrom Rage does 2,951% (1,159% in PvP) Physical Damage.


  • 03/29/2012 KR
    • Decreased damage output and suction range (now matches graphic's range).
    • Changed duration increment per level.
  • 08/20/2015 KR
    • Merciless trait changed to Tenacious. (Unlisted)
  • 06/30/2016 KR
    • Changed to "can give additional damage after first hit" structure. Damage and hitbox readjusted.
    • Duration decreased.
    • Light attributes' effect increased.
    • Persistent trait changed to Evil.
  • 04/27/2017 KR
    • Damage decreased.
  • 06/01/2017 KR
    • Evil trait MP Burn error fixed.

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
South Korea 메일스톰 레이지 Maelstrom Rage
Japan メイルストームレイジ Maelstrom Rage
China (Simplified Chinese) 怒炎漩涡 Maelstrom Rage
France Maelström Maelstrom
Brazil Turbilhão Voraz Voracious Maelstrom