Crow Rider - After Raven had broken free of the Nasod's control, they decided to make a huge mechanical version of him, copying his attacks, skills, all with additional equipment to make him even more lethal.
-Combo: Crow Rider catches you and quickly makes a short combo with his sword, ending it with his Nasod Claw launching you high into the air. (He also sometimes uses Maximum Cannon or an air attack to further his combo.)
-Grab: The Crow Rider quickly dashes towards you and grabs you using its Nasod Arm to stun you. While you're stunned, Crow Rider can use his Combo attack right at you.
-Maximum Cannon!: Stretching its Nasod Arm, Crow Rider unleashes a spinning fume of fire straight at you, dealing heavy damage. Unlike Raven's, this one is much more bigger and stronger.
-Power Assault!: Crow Rider rushes straight towards you at high speeds, destroying everything in its way. Like Maximum Cannon, this one is also upgraded to deal more damage.
-Cannon Blade!: Crow Rider extends its Nasod Arm and launches a powerful blast of heat straight at you.
-Prototype Summon! After taking enough damage (theoretically 1/3 HP Lost or when he has full MP), Crow Rider escapes via teleport while leaving his minions, Crow Rider Prototypes, to fight you. They are smaller versions of Crow Rider and come in groups (2 in Normal Mode, 3 in Hard, and 4 in Very Hard). However, they are unable to use the Special Actives like the Original. After eliminating all the Prototypes, the Original one drops back into the fight on the right side of the map.
-Has a stoic threshold of 40 hits.