Pale Pilgrim/ko

From Elwiki
페일 필그림
  • 2차 전직
  • 초월

노아 이벨른
페일 필그림
시클, 달의 힘, 문스톤, 렐릭
물리 방어력 무시 (Dungeon)

10 February 2021
10 March 2021
10 March 2021
10 March 2021
11 March 2021
8 September 2021
No matter how many times I need to repeat my life...

페일 필그림

[Pilgrim of the moon, protecting what is precious to him]


  • In-game Version
  • Nexon Version

Pilgrim of the moon, protecting what is precious to him.

Noah is shocked when he sees the experiments at Rosso's manor.

Noah uses all his power to attempt to heal the experiments.

In an attempt to protect Noah, Clamor cast protection spells after protection spells until he shatters.

When Noah wakes up in the temple again, Clamor did not respond.

Noah remembers his brother as he is swept by guilt and regret.

He resolves yet again, that he will protect this world that people precious to him wanted to protect.

That this time, he will save everyone.

Second Class Advancement

Completing the following advancement quest or using the Item Mall item: Pale Pilgrim's Dedication File:Job Change - Pale Pilgrim/ko.png will change your job to Pale Pilgrim/ko.

Pale Pilgrim/ko
Pale Pilgrim/ko 1/3
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives

실험실에서 마주친 실험체들이 원래는 사람이었을지도 모른다는 것은 노아에게 큰 충격울 주었다. 자기가 누구였는지도 잊은 채 같은 공간을 맴돌며 비명을 지르는 모습이 익숙하게 느껴져 더욱 안타까웠다.
만류하는 클라모르를 뒤로하고 어떻게든 실험체들을 되돌리려 해보았으나 갖은 노력 끝에도 끝내 그들을 되돌릴 수는 없었다.
이들을 도울 수 있는 방법은··· 정녕, 이것 뿐인걸까.

Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Pale Pilgrim/ko 2/3
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete Pale Pilgrim/ko 1/3

깊은 무력감을 안고 처음으로 돌아온 노아. 이번에는 제때 유리아를 지켜내고 클라모르의 봉인을 풀었으니 어째서인지 무기는 아무런 반응이 없다.
이미 모든 힘이 소진되어 껍데기만 남은 상태인 것 같다는 유리아의 설명에 노아는 움직이지 않으려던 자신을 감싸던 몇 겹의 보호막을 떠올렸다. 그 보호막을 걸어준 사람의 자장가 같던 위로도.
...나는, 누군가를 구하긴커녕 바로 곁에 있던 사람마저 잃고 만 건가.
클라모르가 돌아오지 않을 것임을 직감한 노아는 유리아의 걱정을 뒤로하고 유적 깊은 곳으로 정처 없이 발길을 옮긴다.

Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED 3,000 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Pale Pilgrim/ko 3/3
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete Pale Pilgrim/ko 2/3

Guilt, regret, sadness.
Because he hesitated, because his resolve wasn't strong enough, he couldn't save anyone... couldn't protect anyone.
Deep inside the temple, dark as night, Noah remembered Clamor's last words.
If this life still continues due to the people that protected me, I shouldn't give up just because it's painful.
He still remembers Harque's wish. A life dedicated to helping others without anything in exchange. Then his duty is to save this world and support the many lives that live in it, just like Harque would have wanted.
No matter how many times his world is rewritten... For a world where no one dies.

Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 0 2nd Job Change Promotion Cube x1 N/A
ED 7,000 [Cobo] 2nd Job Useful Items Cube x1 N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0

You can Transcend at Lv 70.

Skill Tree

Skills Passives
Level 35
Level 40

Level 45
Level 50
Level 55

Level 60

Level 65
Level 70

Level 80

Level 90
Level 95
  • 2nd Job Skill Traits unlocked at Level 70.
  • 2nd Job Final Enhanced Skill unlocked upon Transcending.
  • Transcendence Skill Traits unlocked at Level 99.
  • Transcendence Final Enhanced Skill unlocked upon advancing to 3rd job class.

Additional Commands

 : All damage values for new and preexisting commands receive a 1.1x multiplier during 2nd job.
Image Description Damage

After doing a single , drop a gaint moonstone to freeze the area around the enemies feet, slide along it to move behind them and finish with a crescent wave. You will be in Super Armor.

309% Mag. Damage
170% Phy. Damage
48% Phy. Damage x5

After doing the standard combo, fire moon energy in a shape of a ball forward.

302% Mag. Damage
48% Phy. Damage x?


Pale Pilgrim/Skills


Transcendence Advancement

Completing the following advancement quest or using the Item Mall item: Book of Transcendence: God's Will will advance to your Transcendent 2nd job.

Pale Pilgrim/ko - Transcendence
Limit Break 1/5
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Achieve level 70
  • Complete your Second Job Advancement
  • Clear 2 dungeons in your level range
    (excluding Ruben/Event Dungeon/Guild Mini Game/Guild Expedition/Ereda Island/Dimension of Sinister Intent/Twisted Time and Space - Fahrmann's Peak/Henir's Time and Space/Gate of Darkness/Add's Energy Fusion Theory)

[Book of Transcendence] - Intro
Many seek power, but it's not easy to acquire one. Among those that seek power, the El Masters have achieved theirs in a unique way.
Each El Master has overcome their limits using their innate abilities. This book, specifically, will be narrating the power of transcendence, a power that was developed and used by the Earth Master.
Power of Transcendence is given to those that overcome their limits, no matter their origin.
First, one should prove their worth.

Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Limit Break 2/5
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the quest Limit Break 1/5
  • Collect Symbol of Resolve (Northen Lanox R dungeons) 0/2

[Book of Transcendence] - Chapter 1
Those who seek power must first look and see if they are properly prepared.
A powerful body obtained through regular training is important, one's resolve to face difficult trials is more important.
Your firm resolve and belief in yourself will materialize Symbol of Resolve.

Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Limit Break 3/5
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the quest Limit Break 2/5
  • Collect Symbols of Determination (Northen Lanox R dungeons) 0/2

[Book of Transcendence] - Chapter 2
Transcendence is the power to overcome your limits. You must undergo trials in order to find the key to do so.
Though a proven method is to throw yourself in danger, you need the determination to turn those dangerous situations into an opportunity.
Your unshaken determination will materialize as Symbol of Determination.

Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Limit Break 4/5
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the quest Limit Break 3/5
  • Collect Symbol of Purpose (Northen Lanox R dungeons) 0/1

[Book of Transcendence] - Chapter 3
Those seeking the power of transcendence will face many trials. When you lose yourself in face of these trials, you must remember your goal, your purpose.
Your single minded focus in showing your purpose will materialize as Symbol of Purpose and put you closer to transcendence.

Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Limit Break 5/5
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the quest Limit Break 4/5
  • Clear 3 dungeons in your level range
    (excluding Ruben/Event Dungeon/Guild Mini Game/Guild Expedition/Ereda Island/Dimension of Sinister Intent/Twisted Time and Space - Fahrmann's Peak/Henir's Time and Space/Gate of Darkness/Add's Energy Fusion Theory)

[Book of Transcendence] - Chapter 4
Those who have faced their limits, now you will face the final trial.
Only those who overcome their own limitations are truly worthy of power.
You will now face transcendence, but remember, those who found the end, will soon find themselves a new beginning.
Overcome your limits and prove your worth. Then, the power of transcendence will reside in you.

Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 0 [Cobo] Transcendence Useful Items Cube N/A
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0

Upon reaching Lv.99, a Transcendent: Pale Pilgrim/ko can job advance to a Nyx Pieta.


Pale Pilgrim/Transcendent/Skills


Full Gallery: Noah/Gallery




  • The skill cut-in shows Noah using the Relic of Confession, while the Transcendence cut-in shows Noah using the Relic of Rest.
  • Upon advancing to Pale Pilgrim, his in-game hair changes to be a lighter shade than Second Grief, but this is not shown in his portraits.
  • In this path, Clamor breaks due to overexerting himself protecting Noah during the time he was supposed to die in the second loop. This is shown by the orb that had acted as Clamor's eye until this point having turned grey with several cracks.
    • This is likely the reason for the third part of his Job Change quest being in Depths of Temple of Time instead of Clamor's Memory like his other 2nd Jobs, as the Door of Regret would not have been able to show Clamor's past to Noah without him present, making Pale Pilgrim the only class advancement to have a different dungeon requirement than its counterparts.

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
South Korea 페일 필그림 Pale Pilgrim
Japan ペールピルグリム Pale Pilgrim
Taiwan (Traditional Chinese) 蒼月聖徒 Moon Pilgrim
China (Simplified Chinese) 苍白朝圣者 Pale Pilgrim
Germany Mondpilger Moon Pilgrim
Spain Peregrino lunar Moon Pilgrim
France Pèlerin lunaire Moon Pilgrim
Italy Luna errante Wandering Moon
Poland Księżycowy Pielgrzym Moon Pilgrim
United Kingdom Moon Pilgrim
Brazil Peregrino Pálido Pale Pilgrim
