4-2 : Plaine du retour

From Elwiki

Plaine du retour

Tu ressens un courant d'air.
Nasod Graveyard. Ponggos saw some moving Nasods.
Niveau recommandé
Capacité de combat requise
Plan du donjon
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Image Description Attaques
Black Crow Engineer - Combatant of The Black Crow. He repairs broken weapons and machines.
Black Crow Sniper - A sniper among the Black Crows. He uses his rifle to shoot small grenades that either stun or explode with accurate precision.
Black Crow Gladiator - A fighter who quickly swipes at you using his blade.
Nasod Scout Type-L - Nasod that spies on Alterasia-infested areas. It can also shoot lightning and blasts of energy from its eye!
Nasod Gardener Type-F - A Nasod that launches fire blasts from its arm-cannon!
Corrupt Nasod Miner - A miner that jabs you using its drill, however, it seems to be infected by something strange... When their life reaches low enough, they will attempt to self destruct.
Boss intermédiaire
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Image Description Attaques
Supervisor of Nasod Miners - A large white Nasod Miner.
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Image Description
Land Mine - Landmines scattered everywhere are activated once someone steps on them activating their 3 second countdown detonation.
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Image Description Attaques
Corrupt Nasod Driller - An abandoned driller created to excavate minerals and attack intruders. It somehow started moving again.
Butins de bossMusique de fond
Image Name Boss Character Stats
Purified Nasod Drill
Purified Nasod Drill
Corrupt Nasod Driller

Lv34 Great Sword:

Physical Attack +2477

Magical Attack +2477

[Unidentified * ?]

[Unidentified * ?]

Critical +3%

Action Speed +2%




  • Despite the fact that the Black Crows have agreed to stop their antics, they still appear as enemies in this area. It could be possible that some of them have still remained rogue.
