• English
Torta Brothers Leader
Full Name
Dream Demon
Torta Brothers Leader

~ Ricardo



Chapter 61: Suspicious Invite

Ever since the El Search Party left the Abyss, Ricardo took note of the group and started to use his Dream Demon powers to peer into their minds. He found Raven's past interesting and kept looking into his dreams. Intruiged by this group, he sent an invitation to them, though the invitation itself was just a sheet with fifteen tally marks on it.

Chapter 62-1: Story of the Past

After the El Search Party returned to Magmelia after contacting Queen of Gold, Medovine, they took a rest. Ricardo pried into Elsword's mind, but found it quite boring.

Chapter 64: Hunters' Canyon

As the battles at the Torta Arena played out, Ricardo couldn't help but feel bored by the types of battles he'd seen before. When the El Search Party finally make it out of the tunnels, Ricardo notices them and greats them to his arena. Aisha calls him a stalker for peering into their dreams but Ricardo is to excited to see some actions he gets his men to activate the elevator to get them fighting, placing his bets on the El Search party.

Challenging the area in a series of 1 on 1s, Lu tries to assert herself as the Steel Queen but nobody believes her, having encountered many pretenders in the past. He has his men take Lu away as the next match starts, bringing their Champion into the ring. Raven defeats the Champion, in order to spice things up, Ricardo decides to have Raven fight Ciel. They spar until Lu finally makes it back to the arena to demand Ciel to stand down. The crowd was disappointed but Ricardo felt ready to join the fray and fight Raven himself. Ricardo hypes up the crowd and announces that they will conqueror the Land of Steel with the El Search Party as their secret weapon, challenging them to a duel of loyalty. Raven wonders if he refused, Ricardo telling them they'll never find a way into the Land of Steel without their help. Raven accepts the challenge.

The two fight, but Ricardo can feel Raven is holding back compared to how he performed in the Abyss, playing mostly defensively. They converse as they battle until the elevator reaches its highest point, piercing the surface, they find themselves just a ways away from The Great Steel Wall, the intimating structure looming in the distance. Ricardo and Raven come to an agreement for the terms of the winner, whoever wins gain the loyalty of the other faction. The two continue their fight until Raven gets the upper hand, unfortunately the fight was suddenly interrupted by Lilith, who crashes into Raven, incapacitating him.

Ricardo notices the intruder is the same one that hangs around the Steel Wall, and prepares to retaliate but Lilith wishes only to relay information. After the robot leaves, Ricardo calls Shaddie to kick out the spectators and get aid for Raven. Despite not actually losing the duel, he acknowledge he would've lost if not for the interference and accepts defeat.

As they recover, he notices that he wasn't able to pry into Lu's head before, Lu asserts its because her status, but Ricardo still doesn't buy it. He leads them to the foot of the wall, where there is a door secured by a scanning device. Lu attempts to enter, but the door rejects her. Ricardo warns that a battalion of airships come after the 5th denial, but also points out the door itself is a trap. Shaddie shows them the route to the top they've made. He devises the El Search Party head up the wall and deactivate whatever security network controls the wall so they can invade after.

Chapter 65: The Great Steel Wall

Ricardo provides them with a recording to help them against the powerful security system at the top of the wall. Though when Rena played back the recording, it was all fluff and of little actual use.


Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
  South Korea 리카르도 Ricardo
