Sakra Devanam/ko

From Elwiki
제천 (帝天)
  • 2차 전직
  • 초월
  • 일반
  • 호선경

아라 한
제천 (帝天)
169 cm (5 ft 7 in)
물리 방어력

24 January 2013
8 August 2013
24 December 2013
1 January 2014
2 January 2014
6 August 2014
초월 전직
28 July 2016
28 September 2016
28 September 2016
28 September 2016
28 September 2016
14 December 2016
I must end the cycle of tragedy so no one else suffers.


[A defender of justice that punishes evil with her spear.]


  • In-game Version
  • Nexon Version

A defender of justice that punishes evil with her spear.

As Ara encounters more and more malicious people, she realizes that the tragedies that happened to her could happen to other people as well.

Unless someone punishes all evil, true peace will never be achieved.

Ara now acts as the keeper of peace and defender of justice that punishes all evil, which grants her the title Sakra Devanam from the people she helped.

Second Class Advancement

Completing the following advancement quest or using the Item Mall item: Sakra Devanam's Oath File:Job Change - Sakra Devanam/ko.png will change your job to Sakra Devanam/ko.

Sakra Devanam/ko
Sakra Devanam/ko 1/5
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives

자신의 정의를 관철하며 악을 응징해온 아라. 마음을 다잡은 이후로 그 길에 망설임은 없었지만, 세상에는 너무도 많은 악이 있었고 그들을 응징하는 길은 영원히 끝나지 않을 것만 같았다. 자신이 약해서 그런 걸까? 창을 쥔 손의 힘이 풀리는 걸 느꼈지만 애써 마음을 다잡은 아라는 다시금 창을 내질렀다.

Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 700 N/A N/A
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Sakra Devanam/ko 2/5
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete Sakra Devanam/ko 1/5

한번 흔들린 마음에 계속해서 파문이 인다. 아라는 모든 사람의 마음에 선이 있으며, 누구나 처음부터 악하지는 않을 것이라 믿어왔다. 지금까지 그 선을 믿고 창을 휘둘러 왔으나 만약 자신이 잘못 생각한 것이라면. 이 악행이 결코 끝나지 않는 것이라면 자신은 어떻게 해야 하는가. 쉽게 나오지 않는 답에 아라는 창을 쥔 손에 힘을 더했다.

Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 6,900 N/A N/A
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Sakra Devanam/ko 3/5
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete Sakra Devanam/ko 2/5
  • Enter 'Feita Village'
    (Right-click from World Map (Press M Key) to see the location.)

마족들과의 전투에서 아라는 그들의 사악한 주술에 많은 사람이 영향받는걸 보았다. 이렇게 악은 세를 불려가는 것인가. 이들의 힘 아래 얼마나 많은 선한 자들이 변절하며 악의 편이 된걸까. 문득 떠오르는 그리운 얼굴에 아라의 표정이 어두워졌다.

Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 7,600 N/A N/A
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Sakra Devanam/ko 4/5
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete Sakra Devanam/ko 3/5

자신의 오라버니 또한 마족에 의해 변절되었다. 오라버니뿐만이 아닐 것이다. 어딘가에는 자신과 같은 사람이 또 있을 거라고 아라는 생각했다. 이 굴레를 막기 위해서 자신은 더욱 강해져야 했다. 아라는 굳은 결심으로 자신의 창을 들어 올렸다.

Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 700 N/A N/A
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Sakra Devanam/ko 5/5
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete Sakra Devanam/ko 4/5

아라의 마음이 한 길로 향했다. 자신이 겪어야만 했던 비극을 남들도 겪게 하지 않을 것이다. 마족을 징벌하여 이들로 인해 제2의, 3의 오라버니가 생겨나는 것을 막는 것. 그것이 바로 아라가 정한 길이었다. 창처럼 곧게 뻗은 정의와 투기로 마족들을 단죄하자.

Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 14,600 2nd Job Change Promotion Cube x1 N/A
ED 8,000 [Cobo] 2nd Job Useful Items Cube x1 N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0

You can Transcend at Lv 70.

Skill Tree

Skills Passives
Level 35

Level 45
Level 50
Level 55

Level 60

Level 65
Level 70

Level 80

Level 90
Level 95
  • 2nd Job Skill Traits unlocked at Level 70.
  • 2nd Job Final Enhanced Skill unlocked upon Transcending.
  • Transcendence Skill Traits unlocked at Level 99.
  • Transcendence Final Enhanced Skill unlocked upon advancing to 3rd job class.

Additional Commands

 : All damage values for new and preexisting commands receive a 1.1x multiplier during 2nd job.
Image Description Damage

After doing the standard combo, dive diagonally downward, creating a shockwave where you land. You will be in Super Armor upon landing after the dive.

174% Phy. Damage
276% + 186% Phy. Damage

After doing the combo, propel yourself backwards by kicking away, launching any enemies hit by the gale you leave behind.

249% Phy. Damage

After doing the standard combo, dive diagonally in the opposite direction, creating a shockwave where you land. You will be in Super Armor upon landing after the dive.

278% Phy. Damage
170% Phy. Damage + 186% Phy. Damage


Date Changes
09/03/2015 02/17/2016
  • Added new combo.
07/04/2019 07/31/2019
  • Added Super Armor upon landing during the following commands:


Sakra Devanam/Skills


Transcendence Advancement

Completing the following advancement quest or using the Item Mall item: Book of Transcendence: God's Will will advance to your Transcendent 2nd job.

Sakra Devanam/ko - Transcendence
Limit Break 1/5
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Achieve level 70
  • Complete your Second Job Advancement
  • Clear 2 dungeons in your level range
    (excluding Ruben/Event Dungeon/Guild Mini Game/Guild Expedition/Ereda Island/Dimension of Sinister Intent/Twisted Time and Space - Fahrmann's Peak/Henir's Time and Space/Gate of Darkness/Add's Energy Fusion Theory)

[Book of Transcendence] - Intro
Many seek power, but it's not easy to acquire one. Among those that seek power, the El Masters have achieved theirs in a unique way.
Each El Master has overcome their limits using their innate abilities. This book, specifically, will be narrating the power of transcendence, a power that was developed and used by the Earth Master.
Power of Transcendence is given to those that overcome their limits, no matter their origin.
First, one should prove their worth.

Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Limit Break 2/5
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the quest Limit Break 1/5
  • Collect Symbol of Resolve (Sander, Lanox, Atlas, Elysion dungeons) 0/2

[Book of Transcendence] - Chapter 1
Those who seek power must first look and see if they are properly prepared.
A powerful body obtained through regular training is important, one's resolve to face difficult trials is more important.
Your firm resolve and belief in yourself will materialize Symbol of Resolve.

Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Limit Break 3/5
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the quest Limit Break 2/5
  • Collect Symbols of Determination (Sander, Lanox, Atlas, Elysion dungeons) 0/2

[Book of Transcendence] - Chapter 2
Transcendence is the power to overcome your limits. You must undergo trials in order to find the key to do so.
Though a proven method is to throw yourself in danger, you need the determination to turn those dangerous situations into an opportunity.
Your unshaken determination will materialize as Symbol of Determination.

Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Limit Break 4/5
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the quest Limit Break 3/5
  • Collect Symbol of Purpose (Sander, Lanox, Atlas, Elysion dungeons) 0/1

[Book of Transcendence] - Chapter 3
Those seeking the power of transcendence will face many trials. When you lose yourself in face of these trials, you must remember your goal, your purpose.
Your single minded focus in showing your purpose will materialize as Symbol of Purpose and put you closer to transcendence.

Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Limit Break 5/5
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the quest Limit Break 4/5
  • Clear 3 dungeons in your level range
    (excluding Ruben/Event Dungeon/Guild Mini Game/Guild Expedition/Ereda Island/Dimension of Sinister Intent/Twisted Time and Space - Fahrmann's Peak/Henir's Time and Space/Gate of Darkness/Add's Energy Fusion Theory)

[Book of Transcendence] - Chapter 4
Those who have faced their limits, now you will face the final trial.
Only those who overcome their own limitations are truly worthy of power.
You will now face transcendence, but remember, those who found the end, will soon find themselves a new beginning.
Overcome your limits and prove your worth. Then, the power of transcendence will reside in you.

Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 0 [Cobo] Transcendence Useful Items Cube N/A
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0

Upon reaching Lv.99, a Transcendent: Sakra Devanam/ko can job advance to an Apsara.


Sakra Devanam/Transcendent/Skills



Full Gallery: Ara/Gallery




  • In the Korean server, in-game, KOG uses the directly translated Chinese name; 帝天, rather than the English name.
  • Official documents show this class was initially called 帝釋天 (제석천), which is pronounced as Dìshìtiān and does in fact refer to Śakra. As such, it can be argued that while 帝天 does not mean Śakra, it is simply an abbreviation to stick to Ara's theme of having a 2 symbol name among all her classes.
    • Śakra, sometimes used as an epithet for the god Indra in Hindu mythology, is the ruler of the Trāyastriṃśa Heaven and the Devas according to Buddhist cosmology. Śakra's full title is known as Śakro devānām indraḥ, hence the class's English name.
  • This class's art, as well as some other skills in this path, are styled after the White Tiger, one of the 4 guardian beasts in various Asian mythologies.
    • Fittingly, this path's other art, as well as both of Surya's arts are styled after the remaining 3 beasts.
  • Interestingly, most of Ara's portraits portray her Eun Mode with 8 tails, while Sakra Devanam portray her having 7. This may simply be a matter of any missing tails being out of view.
  • Sakra Devanam's artist, Sando, originally intended for her to have a bigger bust and a different expression during her concept art. The artwork was changed upon release due to it being too provocative. This has the odd effect of making her seem smaller than her base art.

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
South Korea 제천 (Je Cheon)
Abbreviation of 제석천
Emperor of the Heavens
South Korea (literal Chinese name) 帝天 (Dì Tiān)
Abbreviation of 帝釋天
Emperor of the Heavens
Japan 帝釈天 (Taishakuten) Śakra
Taiwan (Traditional Chinese) 帝天 (Dì Tiān) Emperor of the Heavens
China (Simplified Chinese) 帝天 (Dì Tiān) Emperor of the Heavens
