8-5 : Sandtilus

From Elwiki


Ancient Relic Sandtilus. Track down Karis with the technology of the Caluso Tribe, the essential magical source enhanced by using Sander's technology!
A flying ship created by Caluso artifacts and Sander technology combined with ancient magic.
Niveau recommandé
Capacité de combat requise
Plan du donjon
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Image Description
Power Engine - The engine is being attacked! Protect the engine from monsters!
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Image Description Attaques
Dark Vegar Trock - An evolved version of Vegar Trock that has been corrupted by Succubus magic, giving them a boost in power.
Dark Oba Trock - An evolved version of Oba Trock that has been corrupted by Succubus magic, giving them a boost in power.
Dark Buggy Trock - An evolved version of Buggy Trock that has been corrupted by Succubus magic, giving them a boost in power.
Dark Rocky Trock - An evolved version of Rocky Trock that has been corrupted by Succubus magic, giving them a boost in power.
Dark Fogta Trock - An evolved version of Fogta Trock that has been corrupted by Succubus magic, giving them a boost in power.
Dark Iron Trock - An evolved version of Rash Iron Trock that has been corrupted by Succubus magic, giving them a boost in power.
Dark Caskey - A Caskey corrupted by Succubus magic, giving them a boost in power.
Slayer: Anu - A hybrid Waldo enhanced by Succubus magic.
Incubus: Ikus - Ikus will use his claws and Incubus magic to deal damage.
Succubus: Eris - Eris will stay airborne while using Succubus magic and bats for ranged support.
Bomberlord - This demon will hover above you and drop Bombers on the field. Will explode when defeated.
Bomber - Demons that drop from Bomberlord. They will latch onto you and explode.
Boss intermédiaire
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Image Description Attaques
Incubus : Incoolord - A larger, more dangerous Incubus that uses enhanced magic to deal damage.

-Dark Pillar: Incoolord will summon a large mark underneath players, unleashing dark energy shortly after.
-Twilit Void: He will summon a void that sucks in players while damaging them as well. After a while, he will detonate the void.

Slayer : Anud - A larger, more evolved hybrid Waldo enhanced by Succubus magic. Uses magic and claws to deal damage.

-Dark Fury: Anud envelopes his claws in a dark aura and slashes rapidly. He will slam the ground and create a dark shock wave if the animation is finished.
-Mad Rush: Anud will charge forward and damage anyone until he stops.

Succubus : Erilot - A larger, blonde haired Succubus that uses enhanced magic to deal damage.
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Image Description
Strong Wind - A powerful gust of wind that sweeps the top of the airship that will launch players back.
Launch Pad - Jumping on this platform will propel you upward in order to reach the next airship.
Control Device - Giant wind cannons mounted on the Sandtilus's side. Use these to take down Behemoth.
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Image Description Attaques

-Slight Flight: She possesses the ability to float upwards and hover briefly to avoid attacks.
-Teleporting Slash: She teleports to a player while twirling her scythe in a wide arc. She will tend to do this whenever a player is out of her range.
-Dark Light: Fires an enormous spread of dark bats comboing and pushing back players in a fashion reminiscent of Chain Burst or Hellfire Gatling, does extremely high damage. In addition, she will typically use her teleport attack and attempt to catch and continue comboing after this.
-Scythe Reaping: While in flight she can make a reaping motion with her scythe.

  • This move does not inflict Suppression. This effect was re-applying after 2014/03/27 KR patch.

-Scythe Impalement: She swings the blade of her scythe downward like a pickaxe quickly and repeatedly.
-Soul Scythe: Charges her scythe with dark energies and rushes forwards swinging before ending with her own version of Spiral Blast.
-Nok Spear: Similar to Splash Explosion but with dark runes.
-Death Strike: A shower of void balls rains down and explodes around her.

  • Usage of this attack will be signaled with an onscreen danger warning.

-Has a stoic threshold of 50 hits.
-All of her moves except Nok Spear have no super armor frames so watch out when she uses this move while her stoic is active.
-Stoic threshold of 50 hits which lasts 20 seconds.

  • When she activates this, she can crazily use some moves that have no super armor frames.
Butins de bossMusique de fond
Image Name Boss Character Stats
Incoolord Accessorized Demon Sword
Incoolord Accessorized Demon Sword
Incubus : Incoolord

Lv70 Great Sword:

Physical Attack +4262

Magical Attack +4262

[Unidentified * ?]

[Unidentified * ?]

Critical +4%

All weapons attributes +0.5%




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