Secret Rakshasa Arts - 'Purgatory'

From Elwiki
[Special Active: Strength]
[Secret Art] Activated when you activate 'Rakshasa Stance 1, 2, 3, 4' one after the other. Materializes numerous orbs from the ground and detonates them, damaging enemies.


Class Skills Requirement
Yama Raja Rakshasa Stance 1: Soul Reaping
Rakshasa Stance 2: Energy Burst
Rakshasa Stance 3: Spear Prison (Mod)
Rakshasa Stance 4: Soul Escape

Art Information

Mode Purgatory (Magical) Max Hits Total MP Usage Energy
Required Used Gained
PvE 2046% 12 260 MP 6 -8 +7 ~ +10
PvP 624%
Yama Raja: Transcendent
PvE 2046% 12 260 MP 5 -7 +7 ~ +10
PvP 624%

Extra Information

Total Damage

ModeBaseHell Gate
  • Does not include damage from Stances.
  • Average assumes 6 orb explosion hits.


Affected By Action Speed

Related Skills

Tips and Details

  • The total MP cost of the Secret Art can be reduced further with the Light Trait on Rakshasa Stance 1: Soul Reaping, and the Regenerating (1) Trait on Rakshasa Stance 3: Spear Prison, potentially reducing the cost to 180 MP.
  • As the orbs are spread apart a bit, this Art can only deal all of its damage to large enough targets.
    • Using a skill such as Suppression: Energy or Vortex Energy after the secret art can pull enemies through the orbs as they explode, allowing the art to deal much more damage even on smaller targets.
    • Player-sized opponents will be pushed slightly to the right as a result of Rakshasa Stance 3: Spear Prison's suctions and Purgatory's orb explosions. To ensure more orb explosions are landed, it is recommended to start the secret art standing about a player's-width to the left of the target.
  • Purgatory itself cannot be mana broken, but opponents can Mana Break from the individual skills to avoid its damage.
  • Due to the strange behavior of Rakshasa Stance 1: Soul Reaping when used close to a target, the Secret Art can actually be started with a mere 2 energy instead of the required 5. This is because Soul Reaping cancels itself and gives you 2 energy (thus 3 in total on 1 target) before Energy Burst is cast (which consumes 3 energy).



Date Changes
07/10/2014 -
  • Damage increased.
  • None
  • Damage modifier adjusted.
01/25/2017 02/08/2017
  • Damage decreased.
04/27/2017 05/10/2017
  • Damage increased.
  • None
07/27/2017 08/09/2017
  • Fixed issue where affected by Stance 4's Skill Damage Increase effect.
09/14/2017 -
  • Fixed issue where not affected by Skill Ring.
04/05/2018 04/18/2018
  • Damage decreased.
07/26/2018 08/08/2018
  • Damage increased.
  • Damage decreased.
07/04/2019 07/31/2019
  • Damage increased.
09/11/2019 09/25/2019
  • Casting speed increased.

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
South Korea 나찰 오의 - '연옥'
나찰 오의 : 연옥
Rakshasa Secret Art - 'Purgatory'
Rakshasa Secret Art: Purgatory
South Korea (literal Chinese name) 羅剎奧義 - '煉獄'
Rakshasa Secret Art - 'Purgatory'
Rakshasa Secret Art: Purgatory
China (Simplified Chinese) 罗刹奥义:炼狱 Rakshasa Secret Art: Purgatory
Germany Rakshasa-Geheimtechnik: Fegefeuer Rakshasa Secret Technique: Purgatory
Spain Artes secretas de Rakshasa: Purgatorio Rakshasa Secret Arts: Purgatory
France Technique secrète Rakshasa : purgatoire Rakshasa Secret Technique: Purgatory
Italy Tecnica Segreta Rakshasa: Purgatorio Rakshasa Secret Technique: Purgatory
Poland Tajemnicza Technika Rakshasa: Purgatorium Rakshasa Secret Technique: Purgatory
Brazil Estilo Rakshasa: Purgatório Rakshasa Style: Purgatory