
Wally's Underground Laboratory/zh-hans: Difference between revisions

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|'''红鬼弓兵''' - These crossbowmen are similar to those at [[2-5]], except it has high attack speed (when not in the '''Bunker'''), can activate super armor and shoot up to three arrows in a row. Their arrows can cause the burning ailment.  Their super armor will end before they can attack. Also, whenever attacked they will gain super armor for the duration of their stun animation.
|'''红鬼弓兵''' - [[2-5/zh-hans|瓦利城堡]]的'''十字弓士兵'''类似。当他们不受到'''碉堡'''保护时,他们具有更快的攻击速度。他们会以霸体状态连续射出三支箭,并使被攻击玩家处于[[Status Effects/zh-hans|火伤]]状态。
|'''青鬼弓兵''' - These crossbowmen are similar to those at [[2-5]],  except it has high attack speed (when not in the '''Bunker'''), can activate super armor and shoot up to three arrows in a row. Their arrows can cause the poison ailment.  Their super armor will end before they can attack.
|'''青鬼弓兵''' - [[2-5/zh-hans|瓦利城堡]]的'''十字弓士兵'''类似。当他们不受到'''碉堡'''保护时,他们具有更快的攻击速度。他们会以霸体状态连续射出三支箭,并使被攻击玩家[[Status Effects/zh-hans|中毒]]。
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|'''赤鬼警卫兵''' - These Knights are similar to '''Wally's Guardian''' in [[2-5]], but can activate super armor if hit 10 times (15 times in Hell mode).  Their super armor will last until the end of their counter attack.  These will randomly enter a defense stance when under attack.  Their attack speed was significantly increased after the Hunting Fields patch.
|'''赤鬼警卫兵''' - [[2-5/zh-hans|瓦利城堡]]的'''巨剑警卫兵'''类似,同时当他遭受10次攻击之后他的身体会变为黑色,产生霸体并迅速挥剑进行攻击(黑霸)。
|'''狂牛警卫兵''' - These Knights are similar to '''Vergent''' in [[2-5]] and will activate super armor if hit 10 times (15 times in Hell mode).  Their super armor will last until the end of their counter attack.  Their attack speed was significantly increased after the Hunting Fields patch.
|'''狂牛警卫兵''' - [[2-5/zh-hans|瓦利城堡]]的'''拜伦格特'''类似,同时当他遭受10次攻击之后他的身体会变为黑色,产生霸体并迅速挥舞巨槌进行攻击(黑霸)。
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|'''污染的奇美拉''' - Their attack style is very similar to the Giant Phorus, but their attacks can poison you. (Except Bull Attack)同时当它遭受20次攻击之后它的身体会变为黑色,将玩家弹开并产生霸体(黑霸)。
|'''污染的奇美拉''' - 它们的攻击方式和'''邪魔噗鲁'''、'''炎魔噗鲁'''和'''魔神噗鲁'''等类似,并且它们的攻击可以使你[[Status Effects/zh-hans|中毒]]。同时当它遭受20次攻击之后它的身体会变为黑色,将玩家弹开并产生霸体(黑霸)。
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-当瓦利7号遭受25次攻击之后它的身体会变为黑色,并连续释放''机械臂攻击''、''粉碎''、''跟踪导弹'' 或''发射激光''。
-In Hell Mode, '''Wally No. 7''' will stoic after every 3 hits outside of super armor frames. Also, whenever it does a downward smash, debris will fall randomly to both sides of itself.
-In Hell Mode, '''Wally No. 7''' will stoic after every 3 hits outside of super armor frames. Also, whenever it does a downward smash, debris will fall randomly to both sides of itself.