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== [[Elder/zh-hans|艾德]]史诗 ==
== [[Elder/zh-hans|艾德]] ==

在平抚了[[White Mist Swamp/zh-hans|赛亚噗鲁]]之后,艾索德和他的同伴跟随着逃跑的班德斯来到了[[Elder/zh-hans|艾德]]。但是艾德村民似乎有着一个更大的问题需要解决……

=== <u>EP.2 追击!班得斯!</u> ===
=== <u>[[Story/Chapter 2/zh-hans|EP.2 瓦利城堡的秘密]]</u> ===
*'''EP.2 #1:'''<u>艾德村庄的大商人</u>
: <u>任务</u>:
[[File:Story-2.jpg|thumb|EP.2 瓦利城堡的秘密|450px]]
: <u>简介</u>:
:: 为了抓到逃走的<font color=blue>班得斯</font>需要情报。去见见夏格斯介绍的<font color=red>艾德村庄</font>大商人霍夫曼吧。
: <u>接受任务对话</u>:
:: 夏格斯:''艾德村庄是通往各个城市的商业村。我们村庄也从艾德村庄获得很多物资,引领着村庄的霍夫曼是我很亲近的朋友。到了艾德村庄先去找他,他肯定会帮助你的。''
: <u>完成任务对话</u>:
:: 霍夫曼:''你好。有什么可以帮你的吗?''
|-|艾索德 & 蕾娜=
:: 艾索德/蕾娜:''是魔奇村庄的夏格斯介绍我来的。你知道班得斯在哪吗?''
:: 霍夫曼:''啊~原来是夏格斯村长大人提起的英雄们!请进来喝杯茶吧。''
:: 爱莎:''我是魔奇村长夏格斯先生介绍过来的。你听说过盗贼班得斯吗?''
:: 霍夫曼:''啊~原来是夏格斯村长大人提起的英雄们!请进来喝杯茶吧。''
|-|雷文 & 伊芙=
:: 雷文/伊芙:''您好,我是魔奇村庄夏格斯先生介绍来的。请问您知道一个叫班得斯的盗贼在哪里吗?''
:: 霍夫曼:''啊~夏格斯村长大人说的英雄就是你啊。很荣幸见到你。来,快进来。我来给你倒杯茶。''
|-|澄 & 艾拉=
:: 澄/艾拉:''是魔奇村庄的夏格斯介绍我来的。你知道班得斯在哪吗?''
:: 霍夫曼:''啊~夏格斯村长大人说的英雄就是你啊。很荣幸见到你。来,快进来。我来给你倒杯茶。''
:: 艾丽希斯:''好久不见,霍夫曼大叔,你知道盗贼班得斯在哪里吗?''
:: 霍夫曼:''不是~原来夏格斯村长说的是艾丽希斯啊!好久不见,艾丽希斯,快进来。我给你泡杯茶。''
:: 艾迪:''通过魔奇村庄夏格斯老头的介绍来的。你知道班得斯在哪里吗?''
:: 霍夫曼:''啊~夏格斯村长大人说的英雄就是你啊。很荣幸见到你。来,快进来。我来给你倒杯茶。''
: <u>奖励</u>:
:: '''ED:'''700
:: '''EXP:'''759
*'''EP.2 #2:'''<u>[场景] 积累信任</u>
: <u>任务</u>:
:*进入[[Wally's Memorial Bridge/zh-hans|瓦利纪念桥]]
:*盗走的物品(盗贼团:侦察兵,盗贼团:佣兵,瓦利纪念桥) 0/6
: <u>简介</u>:
:: 艾德村庄是商人村庄,
:: 对外地人很是怀疑。
:: 为了从霍夫曼那里获得信任,在 <font color=red>瓦利纪念桥</font>附近寻找 <font color=blue>被偷的物品</font>吧。
: <u>接受任务对话</u>:
:: 霍夫曼:''出了艾德村庄,就能看到瓦利纪念桥。最近盗贼经常出没找商人的麻烦,清除他们找回盗走的物品,村民就会信任你们的。''
: <u>完成任务对话</u>:
:: 霍夫曼:''欢迎~是盗贼偷走的物品啊,艾德商人会很高兴的。这是信赖的象征。''
: <u>奖励</u>:
:: '''ED:'''6900
:: '''EXP:'''2300
*'''EP.2 #3:'''<u>霍夫曼的信任</u>
: <u>任务</u>:
: <u>简介</u>
:: 为了让霍夫曼彻底信任,<font color=red>积累信任</font>收集<font color=blue>霍夫曼的贴纸</font>吧。
:: 要得到什么,一定要付出代价。
: <u>接受任务对话</u>:
:: 霍夫曼:''班得斯是这附近有名的盗贼团头目。班得斯的藏身之处我们会找出来的。但是,艾德村庄的人都是商人,很难相信别人。首先要得到人们的信赖才能获得帮助。
: <u>完成任务对话</u>:
:: 霍夫曼:''现在会得到艾德商人的信赖的。
: <u>奖励</u>:
:: '''ED:'''900
:: '''EXP:'''759
:: '''道具:'''武器强化石 Lv.1 x 1,魔法石 x 1,红色小包
*'''EP.2 #4:'''<u>[副本] 堕落的森林精灵</u>
: <u>任务</u>:
:*堕落的艾特的树枝(艾特,黑暗森林‘普通’以上) 0/1
: <u>简介</u>:
:: 艾德村庄周围的森林变成<font color=red>黑暗森林</font>了。
:: 虽然是艾尔消失的缘故,但惟独那片森林很奇怪。
:: <font color=blue>调查堕落的原因</font>吧。
: <u>接受任务对话</u>:
:: 霍夫曼:''班得斯偷走魔奇村庄的艾尔后,附近森林笼罩在黑暗里,森林精灵们变得粗暴,在找村民的麻烦。是艾尔被偷后发生的事情,肯定跟班得斯有关,最好是调查一下。''
: <u>完成任务对话</u>:
:: 霍夫曼:''艾特攻击了你们,还出现了幽灵般的家伙是吗?真奇怪……说不上是艾尔之树的艾尔被偷引起的。''
: <u>奖励</u>:
:: '''ED:'''2600
:: '''EXP:'''2300
:: '''道具:'''武器强化石 Lv.1 x 1,魔法石 x 1,班迪特鞋子
*'''EP.2 #5:'''<u>[副本] 挥洒黑暗的魔法师</u>
: <u>任务</u>:
:*幽灵魔法师(黑暗森林‘中等’以上) 0/4
:*卡拉卡拉(黑暗森林‘中等’以上) 0/1
: <u>简介</u>:
:: 卡拉卡拉和幽灵魔法师使森林精灵艾特堕落了。
:: 在找回艾尔之前不能就这么看着。
:: 去<font color=red>黑暗森林</font>清除<font color=blue>幽灵魔法师和卡拉卡拉</font>解决森林问题吧。
: <u>接受任务对话</u>:
:: 霍夫曼:''看到了黑暗森林的幽灵魔法师吧,看来黑暗的元凶就在他们中间。肯定是他们的头目在散发着邪恶气息。要除掉啊。''
: <u>完成任务对话</u>:
:: 霍夫曼:''清除了他们吗?非常感谢。现在森林会渐渐变好的。''
: <u>奖励</u>:
:: '''ED:'''3100
:: '''EXP:'''2300
:: '''道具:'''魔法石 x 1,防具强化石 Lv.1 x 1,班迪特手套
*'''EP.2 #6 :'''<u>[场景] 发现基地!</u>
: <u>任务</u>:
:*不明的地图碎片(盗贼:侦察兵,盗贼:佣兵,瓦利纪念桥) 0/20
: <u>简介</u>:
:: 追踪班得斯的霍夫曼提供了线索。
:: 出没于<font color=red >瓦利纪念桥</font>的盗贼就是班得斯盗贼团。
:: 可以从他们那里打听到<font color=blue >班得斯的藏身之地</font>。
: <u>接受任务对话</u>:
:: 霍夫曼:''我们村的路易莎得到了关于班得斯的情报。能帮助你真是太好了。''
:: 路易莎:''你好~我是路易莎,听说你们的事情了。根据我的情报,最近出没在瓦利纪念桥的盗贼就是班得斯盗贼团残党。怎样,跟他们交手就知道班得斯的住所了。''
: <u>完成任务对话</u>:
:: 霍夫曼:''这些地图碎片。这是,班得斯盗贼团藏身处的地址!真幸运。这样就能找回魔奇村庄的艾尔了吧。''
: <u>奖励</u>:
:: '''ED:'''9600
:: '''EXP:'''2300
:: '''道具:'''防具强化石 Lv.1 x 1
*'''EP.2 #7:'''<u>[副本] 清除危险因素</u>
: <u>任务</u>:
:*蝙蝠(幽暗酒吧‘普通’以上) 0/5
:*炎魔噗鲁(幽暗酒吧‘普通’以上) 0/1
: <u>简介</u>:
:: 兰帕德警告发现班得斯的基地而高兴的一行人。
:: 因幽暗酒吧某次的蝙蝠和炎魔噗鲁,接近班得斯是一件不容易的事情。
:: 在<font color=red>幽暗酒吧</font> 清除<font color=blue>蝙蝠和炎魔噗鲁</font>解除危险吧。
: <u>接受任务对话</u>:
:: 兰帕德:''发现了班得斯的基地?而且这些小家伙要去抓盗贼?哇哈哈!''
:: 霍夫曼:''嗯,知道啦~可我还是有点怀疑。喂,小心点啊小家伙。虽然现在我改过自新了,可从前可是个危险的人。连我都觉得麻烦的家伙就在那个洞穴的某处。那个,蝙蝠也很麻烦,特别是洞穴深处的红色狂熊噗鲁。那个家伙比其他噗鲁要快3倍。不是开玩笑,要小心。只要清除了那些家伙,其他盗贼就容易对付了。''
: <u>完成任务对话</u>:
:: 霍夫曼:''怎么样?兰帕德?''
:: 兰帕德:''嗯,看起来还挺厉害。那就……好吧!我就承认你们的实力!不错!哈哈哈!''
: <u>奖励</u>:
:: '''ED:'''4400
:: '''EXP:'''2610
:: '''道具:'''魔法石 x 1,防具强化石 Lv.1 x 1,班迪特下衣
*'''EP.2 #8:'''<u>[副本] 黑幕的一角</u>
: <u>任务</u>:
:*蝙蝠王(幽暗酒吧‘中等’以上) 0/1
:*瓦利的密函(重装班得斯,幽暗酒吧‘中等’以上) 0/1
: <u>简介</u>:
: <u>接受任务对话</u>:
:: 兰帕德:''那我们谈谈正事?之前的试探只是担心你们会不会犯错,所以请不要见怪。我认为盗贼们有组织的行动,但城里却没有丝毫的举措,很可疑啊。霍夫曼,你认为呢?''
:: 霍夫曼:''还真是啊,确实如此……偷走艾尔之石如此重大的事情,连个通缉令都没有。''
:: 兰帕德:''就是,分明是幕后有什么阴谋。但是我们也是城里的人民,没有任何理由就离开这里也有点困难哦。那就去找,肯定会有关于那些盗贼的什么证据。''
: <u>完成任务对话</u>:
:: 兰帕德:''怎样,有什么收获?''
:: 玩家:''班得斯逃掉了。但是找到了这个。''
:: 伊芙:''班得斯逃掉了。但发现了这个东西。''
:: 艾丽希斯:''班得斯,逃跑的时候还是挺快的。虽然让他逃掉了,但是找到了这个。''
:: 霍夫曼:''这……是一封信……''
:: 兰帕德:''来让我看一看。原来如此!之前认为城主有些可疑,果然是在叫盗贼们偷东西!''
:: 霍夫曼: ''真是意想不到,原本是保护我们的士兵,反而在算计我们……''
: <u>奖励</u>:
:: '''ED:'''5200
:: '''EXP:'''3060
:: '''道具:'''盗贼团头巾 x 5,武器强化石 Lv.1 x 1,班迪特上衣
*'''EP.2 #9:'''<u>[副本] 通往瓦利城堡的路</u>
: <u>任务</u>:
:*通关[[2-3/zh-hans|地下水路]]‘普通’以上 0/1
: <u>简介</u>:
:: 首饰店老板路易莎年少时是个强盗,
:: 根据儿时记忆告诉我们通往瓦利城堡的班得斯逃走的秘密通道,但不知道还能不能用。
:: 去<font color=red>地下水路</font><font color=blue>侦查</font>吧。
: <u>接受任务对话</u>:
:: 兰帕德:''呼……大喊一声后很舒坦啊!哈哈!''
:: 霍夫曼:''班得斯逃到哪里了?是不是逃到瓦利城主哪里了?我们不能让欺骗百姓并和盗贼同流合污的瓦利逍遥法外,我们要惩罚他们……但从正面对峙会很危险,如此一来应该请求她的帮助了。''
:: 路易莎:''看~受支持者的力量洗心革面经营一家首饰店的路易莎登场~!难道把我忘了?嗯,我之前对瓦利城堡的地形了如指掌,知道几个秘密通道~但是是好久以前的事情了,你们去看看通道还在不在。''
: <u>完成任务对话</u>:
:: 路易莎:''哎呀呀……班得斯那家伙居然在守着地下水道?果然盗贼们的心思都差不多嘛?哎呀呀,虽然我已经金盆洗手,但……哈哈,哈哈!''
: <u>奖励</u>:
:: '''ED:'''6100
:: '''EXP:'''3550
:: '''道具:'''中级体力药水 x 5,初心者戒指
*'''EP.2 #10:'''<u>[副本] 班得斯力量之源</u>
: <u>任务</u>:
:*破旧的班得斯项链(纳斯德班得斯,地下水路‘中等’以上) 0/1
: <u>简介</u>:
:: 班得斯很执着。
:: 从瓦利那里移植手臂变得更强大的班得斯在找到艾尔之前肯定是个绊脚石。
:: 不能再放任不管了,去<font color=red>地下水路</font>把班得斯的力量之源<font color=blue>项链</font>夺过来销毁。
: <u>接受任务对话</u>:
:: 路易莎:''那个叫班得斯的盗贼还好吗?真难缠……好像对你们怀恨在心,以后也继续找你们麻烦就不好了。''
:: 艾索德:''倒是不太担心……''
:: 爱莎:''对那些没有太多兴趣。''
:: 蕾娜:''有什么问题吗?''
:: 雷文:''那种家伙……很烦人。''
:: 伊芙:''不会太在意的。''
|-|澄 & 艾拉=
:: 澄/艾拉:''有什么问题吗?''
:: 艾丽希斯:''哈~?那种东西就不要管了。''
:: 艾迪:''哼?那种事情不要关心了。''
:: 兰帕德:''那么自以为是的盗贼,被你们打倒了会有多气愤啊。哈哈哈!''
:: 路易莎:''就算是个盗贼也不能小看一个男人的执着,要让他再也不敢接近你们才是。能做到吗?''
: <u>完成任务对话</u>:
:: 路易莎:''这个项链……?班得斯在从这个项链中接受力量?''
:: 兰帕德:''看起来是便宜货呢,哈哈!''
:: 霍夫曼:''才不是……这可能是很贵重的物品,可能是魔法……不,有可能还有其他什么东西在里面。这可能跟瓦利城主有关,所以最好对它进行一些调查。''
:: 路易莎:''反正,把这个项链摘掉,班得斯就没什么作为了。辛苦了!呵呵~''
: <u>奖励</u>:
:: '''ED:'''6100
:: '''EXP:'''3350
:: '''道具:'''武器强化石 Lv.1  x 1,魔法石 x 1
*'''EP.2 #11:'''<u>[场景] 地下水路与士兵</u>
: <u>任务</u>:
:*进入[[Twin Watchtower/zh-hans|双胞胎监视塔]]
:*胖子士兵的护手(监视塔警卫兵,双胞胎监视塔) 0/10
:*瘦子士兵的刀(瓦利侦察兵,双胞胎监视塔) 0/10
: <u>简介</u>:
:: 地下水路有士兵看着。
:: 这样下去就浪费好不容易发现的通道了。
:: 解开<font color=red>双胞胎监视塔</font>下方,路口的士兵的<font color=blue>武装</font>确保通路吧。
: <u>接受任务对话</u>:
:: 路易莎:''那进城之前先把那些可恶的盗贼收拾掉吧。''
:: 霍夫曼:''对!虽然地下水路由盗贼们守着,但总比跟城里的士兵正面冲突要好些。''
:: 路易莎:''对那些一直欺压我们的盗贼,绝对不要手下留情。拜托咯^ ^''
: <u>完成任务对话</u>:
:: 路易莎:''做了坏事当然要付出代价!那再拜托一点事情可以吧?''
: <u>奖励</u>:
:: '''ED:'''13300
:: '''EXP:'''4150
:: '''道具:'''武器强化石 Lv.1 x 1,班迪特武器
=== <u>EP.2-1 冒险伴侣!!</u> ===
*'''EP.2-1 #1:'''<u>[副本] (宠物)污染的生命之结晶 1/3</u>
: <u>任务</u>:
:*Shadow Forest, 'Any Difficulty'
:*4 Purified Jewels (Shadow Forest, 'Any Difficulty') 0/4
: <u>简介</u>:In order to cleanse the Tainted Life Crystal, <font color=blue>Purified Jewel</font> is needed. Go to <font color=blue>Shadow Forest </font> and bring <font color=blue>Purified Jewel </font> from the <font color=blue>Ghost Magicians.</font>
: <u>接受任务对话</u>:
:: 霍夫曼:'’Welcome. Chief Hagus has an urgent request. The Ancient Phoru you met a while ago is urgently asking for your help.
::夏格斯:'’The Ancient Phoru has asked us o purify this contaminated Life Crystal. Do you know how to do it?
:: 霍夫曼:''This is a Pocket Phoru’s Life Crystal. As far as I know, we need a few materials to purify it. One of them is a Purified Jewel, from the mages in the Shadow Forest. I can procure the other materials to purify the Life Crystal, but we need you to get that Purified Jewel.
: <u>完成任务对话</u>:
:: 霍夫曼:''Thank you for bringing the Purified Jewels. I was able to get everything we need except for one item. It’s really hard to find. The ancient Ents store their energy in the shape of an orb. We need more Ent Orbs to purify this Life Crystal. Please collect them from Ents in Shadow Forest.
: <u>奖励</u>:
:: '''ED:'''900
:: '''EXP:'''530
:: '''道具:'''蜂蜜药水 x 5
*'''EP.2-1 #2:'''<u>[副本] (宠物)污染的生命之结晶 2/3</u>
: <u>任务</u>:
:*Shadow Forest, 'Hard or higher'
:*Ent Orb (Shadow Forest, 'Hard or Higher') 0/1
: <u>简介</u>:
: <u>接受任务对话</u>:
:: 霍夫曼:''I was able to get everything we need except for one item. It’s really hard to find. The ancient Ents store their energy in the shape of an orb. We need more Ent Orbs to purify this Life Crystal. Please collect them from Ents in Shadow Forest.
: <u>完成任务对话</u>:
:: 霍夫曼:'' Good, now we have everything. Let me ask Echo to purfity this crystal. Echo, can you do that?
:: 艾可:''Okay, this is enough. Please give me a moment. Take this! Now this crystal is purified.
: <u>奖励</u>:
:: '''ED:'''1000
:: '''EXP:'''620
:: '''道具:'''中级体力药水 x 5
*'''EP.2-1 #3:'''<u>[副本] (宠物)污染的生命之结晶 3/3</u>
: <u>任务</u>:
:*Banthus Cave, 'Any Difficulty'
:*Giant Phoru (Banthus Cave, 'Any Difficulty') 0/1
: <u>简介</u>: Go to <font color=blue>Banthus Cave</font> and kill <font color=blue>Giant Phoru</font>
: <u>接受任务对话</u>:
:: 霍夫曼:''Hagus, you have purified our polluted life crystal. What are you going to do with this Crystal now?
:: 夏格斯:''Actually, I have been pondering on this matter for a while.. but I think you will the best for this job. This Crystal will soon turn into a Pocket Phoru, which means you’ll have to take it with you on your adventures. I want to make sure that you can protect this this Crystal from heinous monsters.
:: 霍夫曼:''Chief Hagus, I have an idea. Why don’t you ask these adventurers to eliminate those two ruthless Phorus in the Banthus Cave?
:: 夏格斯:''That’s a great idea! Adventurers, please go to the Banthus Cave and defeat ruthless Phorus.
: <u>完成任务对话</u>:
:: 霍夫曼:''Thank you. Now I’m convinced that you can protect this Life Crystal. It’s yours. While exploring this Elrios Continent, this crystal will turn into a Pocket Phoru that will aid you in your adventures.
: <u>奖励</u>:
:: '''ED:'''1500
:: '''EXP:'''860
:: '''道具:'''生命之结晶 (迷你噗鲁),艾尔之树种子 x 10
=== <u>EP.2-2 科宝</u> ===
: <u>任务</u>:
: <u>简介</u>: Hoffman’s reference will allow me to start the Cobo service, the biggest adventurer support. Let’s show <font color=blue> Hoffman’s Reference</font> to <font color=blue>Ariel.</font> She will give a surprising gift to all new adventurers.
: <u>接受任务对话</u>:
:: 霍夫曼:''Incredible… Elder Village has just escaped the crisis because of your efforts. Ah… You were chasing after Banthus right? Have you heard of the Adventurer Support Service, Cobo? Their services are targeting all adventurers from Elrios Continent. I heard they just started a new service here. You will need to have a reference to use the new service. I’ll write you a reference letter myself.
: <u>完成任务对话</u>:
:: 阿莉尔:''Hello there! You are about to experience our Cobo Service! You have qualified by Hoffman recommending you to us! You are so lucky to have our Cobo Service! Let me tell you about the Cobo Weapon. It’s the best weapon that was carefully crafted for beginning adventurers with the following special functions… Hope we can meet in the future. We, Cobo will be there for you when you need us!
: <u>奖励</u>:
:: '''ED:'''2360
:: '''EXP:'''590
:: '''道具:'''科宝特制武器
=== <u>EP.2-3 真的变强了</u> ===
*'''EP.2-3 #1:'''<u>铁匠介绍</u>
: <u>任务</u>:
: <u>简介</u>:Cobo Service has advised us on <font color=blue>how to become stronger</font> in Elrios. It feels good to know there is someone taking care of me. Let’s go to <font color=blue>Lenphad</font> in Elder.
: <u>接受任务对话</u>:
:: 阿莉尔:''Hello, Cobo services for your adventures! Oh you’re back already? How is that Cobo weapon working out for you? Cobo will like support all your adventurers needs! Here! Take this Cobo Membership and bring it to Lenphad.
: <u>完成任务对话</u>:
:: 兰帕德:''Welcome. Let me tell you a little about Sword Smith Cats! We are the first and finest branch based in Velder Kingdom! Our shop has the best facilities and managed by the best blacksmith! Me! Ahahaha… This is my token of gratitude towards a customer of Cobo service, they are the partners of the Sword Smith Cats!
: <u>奖励</u>:
:: '''ED:'''2300
:: '''EXP:'''1370
:: '''道具:'''武器强化石 Lv.1  x 2
*'''EP.2-3 #2:'''<u>看到好装备时铁匠的心情</u>
: <u>任务</u>:
:*道具强化卷轴 0/1
: <u>简介</u>: Lenphad bragged about Sword Smith Cats and himself as the best blacksmith in the village. He is asking me to <font color=blue>enhance a weapon</font>. Let’s read <font color=blue> Item Enchantment Scroll</font> to go over what Lenphad told me.
: <u>接受任务对话</u>:
:: 兰帕德:''Did you see that? Betcha it won’t be easy to find someone better forging skills around this town!!! Enchancing a weapon is easy as ABC’s for a skillful blacksmith like me! Ahahah!... Does it sound like I am bragging? Anyways, if you have a stone enhance your equipment. Just visit me to upgrade your favorite gears. Don’t hesitate to ask Lenphad the skillful!
: <u>完成任务对话</u>:
:: 兰帕德:''I have just one more bit of advice for making your weapon stronger. There is another element that will make your weapon stronger! If you are passionate having a high-end weapon, why don’t you go ask Luichel about it?
:: 路易莎:''Hey there!! Lenphad told me that you were going to visit me to ask about making your weapon stronger.  Let me teach you how to improve the weapon by socketing a magic stone! Let me give you the magic stone first! I will tell you how to use it!
: <u>奖励</u>:
:: '''ED:'''2300
:: '''EXP:'''1360
:: '''道具:'''魔法石 x 2
*'''EP.2-3 #3:'''<u>神秘力量的宝石,魔法石</u>
: <u>任务</u>:
:*魔法石镶嵌说明书 0/1
:*使用魔法石 0/2
: <u>简介</u>: Luichel who loves gemstones like all women, told me how to use a magic stone. Let’s try to use a magic stone. Let’s read <font color=blue>Item Socketing Scroll</font> to go over what Luichel told me.
: <u>接受任务对话</u>:
:: 路易莎:''A magic stone can give different powers into a socket in equipments!! Just open your inventory (Press ‘I’ key) and click on ‘Item Socket’ button, then select an equipment you want to socket! After that you will be able to place your magic stone on the socket! Isn’t it simple?  Alrighty! Can you try to place the magic stone on a socket of your equipment?
: <u>完成任务对话</u>:
:: 路易莎:''Oh! Before you take off, let me tell you my tip about enchanting a weapon!! Ready? You can enchant the power within El Shards to weapons and armors. You need to get help from an ‘Alchemist’! Echo is the cutest alchemist in Elder Village, why don’t you go talk to her? I will let Echo know you are coming.
:: 艾可:''Kekeke… are you the adventurer Luichel talked about? So you want to enchant the power of an El Shard in a weapon? Kekeke… The enchanted equipment will get random special abilities! Here, take this El Shard to practice!
: <u>奖励</u>:
:: '''ED:'''2300
:: '''EXP:'''1370
:: '''道具:'''艾尔结晶(未鉴定) x 6
*'''EP.2-3 #4:'''<u>借用艾尔之力的属性强化</u>
: <u>任务</u>:
:*属性强化的简要 0/1
: <u>简介</u>:Echo showed me the thesis she was working on. She’s been experimenting attribute enchantment on equipments. Let’s help Echo to complete her experiment by handing her El Shards and an equipment. Let’s read <font color=blue>Thesis on Attribute Enchantment</font> to go over what Echo told me.
: <u>接受任务对话</u>:
:: 艾可:''Echo is experimenting on enchanting the power of El on a weapon!! Kekeke… People call it, enchanting ‘Attribute’! Now!! Use this ‘El Shard’ to enchant an ‘Attribute’ in a weapon!! To enchant a attribute, speak to an alchemist like me, Echo. Click on the [Atrributes] button. Then select an equipment from the inventory that you want to enchant a special attribute! Ah!! Don’t worry!! I will give you back the El Shard once you complete the practice!!
: <u>完成任务对话</u>:
:: 艾可:''How does it feel? Your equipment got a special attribute right? Which one did you get? Did I tell you this? There are six different powers in ‘El Shard’! Six abilities to boost your combat power…. I hope you pick your favorite attribute that goes well with your style of combat!!! Kekeke…
: <u>奖励</u>:
:: '''ED:'''2300
:: '''EXP:'''1270
:: '''道具:'''艾尔结晶(未鉴定) x 6
*'''EP.2-3 #5:'''<u>分解很重要</u>
: <u>任务</u>:
: <u>简介</u>: Echo thanked me for participating in the experiment and gave me an equipment. It clearly was not a useful equipment but she told me to dismantle it to get some goodies. Let’s try to <font color=blue>dismantle</font> the rusty equipment and return to <font color=blue>Ariel</font>.
: <u>接受任务对话</u>:
:: 艾可:''Have you dismantled an equipment before? Don’t be afraid to dismantle an item! You will get useful items, which can be used in crafting new equipments! You may also get items used in ‘Enchance’ or ‘Item Socket’; The materials for improving equipments!! I will give you a ‘Rusy Equipment’ to practice! After dismantling the item, go to Ariel to get a prize…!
: <u>完成任务对话</u>:
:: 阿莉尔:''How was the lesson? It wasn’t hard, right? When you get a new equipment, Just remember these three things!! Enhancement, Socket, and Attribute!! You will be the strongest adventurer ever! Oh! You can find new equipment in dungeons and you also craft them too. I hope you challenge yourself on crafting an item one day! Hope you enjoy your adventure!! My name is Ariel and I’m from Cobo Service!!
: <u>奖励</u>:
:: '''ED:'''2300
:: '''EXP:'''1370
:: '''道具:'''武器模具 Lv.1 x 2,防具样本 Lv.1 x 4
=== <u>EP.3 瓦利城堡的秘密</u> ===
*'''EP.3 #1:'''<u>[场景]代价</u>
: <u>任务</u>:
:*在城里盗走的物品(波鲁,卡鲁,双胞胎监视塔) 0/10
: <u>简介</u>:You finally reached <font color=blue>Suburbs of Wally’s Castle</font> past the Underground Waterway. Let’s infiltrate the castle under the cover of night as Luichel recommended.
: <u>接受任务对话</u>:
:: 路易莎:''You wanted to enter through Suburbs of Wally’s Castle but it’s heavily guarded because of phorus?! Ugh… at this rate, our plan of sneaking in won’t work…
:: 霍夫曼:''It’s odd to see wild phorus causing this much trouble. I’m quite shocked. First then, we need to stop those phorus and return the stolen goods.
: <u>完成任务对话</u>:
:: 路易莎:''Never imagined our plan of sneaking in would go to waste because of the phorus!
:: 霍夫曼:''For now, some of the phorus are taken care of, but still there are phorus near Suburbs of Wally’s Castle causing problems.
: <u>奖励</u>:
:: '''ED:'''13300
:: '''EXP:'''4150
:: '''道具:'''中级体力药水 x 3,中级魔力药水 x 3
*'''EP.3 #2:'''<u>[副本]惩罚!</u>
: <u>任务</u>:
:*威廉的检讨书(威廉噗鲁,瓦利城堡外围‘普通’以上) 0/1
: <u>简介</u>:
: <u>接受任务对话</u>:These Phorus have turned out to be just like William! William is trying to be the bad guy but he is merely just thoughtless and immature. Let’s go to <font color=red>The Suburbs of Wally’s Castle</font> to forgive William and just get his <font color=blue>Apology Letter</font>!
:: 路易莎:''From what I hear, that phoru named William is behind all this mess. He used to be a menace in Ruben Village, why is he even here?!
:: 霍夫曼:''William promised Hagus that he won’t cause any more trouble. So he’s being a smart-butt and moved to Elder. You can’t look soft here. Please teach them a lesson so they don’t think about doing anything bad ever again. Should we get a written promise note too? Sometimes keeping a strict rule is the best. Hahaha.
: <u>完成任务对话</u>:
:: 霍夫曼:''Hmm… this is indeed William’s writing. He kept his promise with Hagus so hopefully he keeps his word and doesn’t cause any trouble in Elder too.
: <u>奖励</u>:
:: '''ED:'''8200
:: '''EXP:'''4820
:: '''道具:'''防具强化石 Lv.1 x 1
*'''EP.3 #3:'''<u>[副本]亦步亦趋</u>
: <u>任务</u>:
:*窃贼噗鲁(瓦利城堡外围‘中等’以上) 0/10
:*盗贼噗鲁(瓦利城堡外围‘中等’以上) 0/10
: <u>简介</u>:William has surely made some mistakes, but he’s not the only one who caused trouble. <font color=blue>William’s Men</font> are dressed as thieves, so we must teach them a lesson! Let’s <font color=blue>teach these lost Phorus a lesson</font>!
: <u>接受任务对话</u>:
:: 路易莎:''Although William was behind all this, other phorus should also be blamed for the trouble too!
:: 霍夫曼:''Even the soldiers form Wally’s Castle have turned their backon us, so it would wise to take care of the rest too.
: <u>完成任务对话</u>:
:: 霍夫曼:''Issues with William seem to be sorted out now but… still the problem remains. Because of William, the Castle security is more tightened.
: <u>奖励</u>:
:: '''ED:'''9400
:: '''EXP:'''5570
:: '''道具:'''魔法石 x 1,防具强化石 Lv.1 x 1,艾德佣兵手套
*'''EP.3 #4:'''<u>[副本]冲进瓦利城堡!</u>
: <u>任务</u>:
:*清除瓦利8号(瓦利城堡‘普通’以上) 0/1
: <u>简介</u>: William’s plan to sneak into <font color=red>Wally’s Castle</font> has been undermined and now he’s boldly trying to enter. There is only one motive. We must find <font color=blue>Wally</font> to make him pay for all this trouble and retrieve the El!
: <u>接受任务对话</u>:
:: 霍夫曼:''This won’t be easy. Wally’s Castle is guarded by an army of soldiers, inside and out. It’ll be almost impossible to break through and reach the El in Wally’s possession. Need to eliminate the guards slowly and steadily. Then find Wally and punish him for his evil deeds and retrieve the El. I trust you will be able to do it.
: <u>完成任务对话</u>:
:: 霍夫曼:''Thank you so much! All our citizens thank you, for saving us from Wally’s tyranny. We still have a major problem, though. Wally ran off with the Els. He must need them to continue his Nasod researEP.
: <u>奖励</u>:
:: '''ED:'''10800
:: '''EXP:'''6390
:: '''道具:'''防具强化石 Lv.1 x 1,海洋眼罩
*'''EP.3 #5:'''<u>[副本]警卫队长</u>
: <u>任务</u>:
:*钥匙串(拜伦格特,瓦利城堡‘中等’以上) 0/1
: <u>简介</u>:According to Hoffman, Verngert is the captain of the guards in Wally’s Castle. We must get the main gate <font color=blue>Key</font> from Verngert to open <font color=red>Wally’s Castle’s</font> main gate! Be careful, this guard is as formidable as Lenphad!
: <u>接受任务对话</u>:
:: 霍夫曼:''Also… It is said that those missing villagers are imprisoned in Wally’s castle. The castle security is still very tight too. I think Verngert, the captain of the guards in Wally’s Castle, has the prison key.
:: 兰帕德:''Ah, right. That guy. He was my partner when we were mercenaries. Of course he wasn’t as good as me. He was only after money and fame so everyone hated him and he’s a guard captain eh…
:: 霍夫曼:''Like Lenphad said, do not let your guard down and take him lightly. We need the key to rescue the villagers. Could you get it please?
: <u>完成任务对话</u>:
:: 霍夫曼:''Thank you very muEP. The villagers have reunited with their families and everyone’s very grateful.
: <u>奖励</u>:
:: '''ED:'''12400
:: '''EXP:'''7200
:: '''道具:'''中级魔力药水 x 10,魔法石 x 1
*'''EP.3 #6:'''<u>[副本]瓦利和纳斯德</u>
: <u>任务</u>:
:*不明的发条装置(皇家警卫兵,瓦利城堡‘困难’) 0/10
:*瓦利8号的配件(瓦利8号,瓦利城堡‘困难’) 0/1
: <u>简介</u>: Lord Wally has stolen the El and tax money to create a Legendary Ancient Nasod machine. Let’s gather <font color=blue>Evidence</font> and look for the missing El from <font color=red>Wally’s Castle</font>!
: <u>接受任务对话</u>:
:: 霍夫曼:''Did you really see Nasods? I thought they were unreal!
:: 艾可:''Lord Wally has been studying the Nasods.
:: 霍夫曼:''Huh? Echo, you knew that already?
:: 艾可:''Yes. He showed some Nasod components and asked several questions. I don’t know where or how he found them. I hadn’t seen anything like them before, so I gave him a few reference files for his information.
:: 霍夫曼:''If I guessed correctly, he wasted our taxes to study Nasods, hired thieves to collect the El, and locked his castle up tight, to hide what he’s done! Now everything’s clear, and he must be punished for deceiving his people. The El must be in the center of the castle. Wish you the best of luck.
: <u>完成任务对话</u>:
:: 霍夫曼:''Thank you so much! All our citizens thank you, for saving us from Wally’s tyranny. We feel bad that you went out of your ways to help us and that resulted in the failure of retrieving the El. If there is anything we can do to help, please let us know.
: <u>奖励</u>:
:: '''ED:'''12400
:: '''EXP:'''7280
:: '''道具:'''佣兵的旗帜 x 5,武器强化石 Lv.2 x 1,艾德佣兵上衣
