
Phantasmal Geyser/fr: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "{{Languages|9-3}} {{DISPLAYTITLE:9-3 : Étrange geyser}} {{DungeonPageFR | Orient=2 | Color={{ColorSel|Village|9}} | DunButton=9-3Button.png | SmallPic=9-3FR.png | BigPic=9-3l...")
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| Ally=<span style="display:none">{{</span>
| Ally=<span style="display:none">{{</span>
|'''Steel''' - While not an active helper, Steel aids by adjusting the teleporters.
|'''Stala''' - Sans être d'une grande aide, Stala aide en ajustant les téléporteurs.
<span style="display:none">}}</span>
<span style="display:none">}}</span>
| Mob=<span style="display:none">{{</span>
| Mob=<span style="display:none">{{</span>
| '''???''' - A tiny red goblin dressed up for a relaxing spa day.
| '''???''' - Un petit gobelin rouge habillé pour une journée en spa.
| '''???''' - A tiny red goblin who specializes in planting mines which will countdown upon a player standing on them.
| '''???''' - Un petit gobelin rouge qui est spécialisé en plantation de mines qui décompteront une fois que le joueur sera passé dessus.
| '''???''' - A chubby Black Smith suited up for a day at the spa.
| '''???''' - Un forgeron grassouillet habillé pour une journée en spa.
| '''???''' - A very masculine Black Smith, he wields two wooden buckets which he will use to harm you.
| '''???''' - Un forgeron très virile, il porte deux seaux en bois qu'il utilisera pour vous attaquer.
| '''???''' - A mermaid who attack by releasing a chain of 4 bubbles that pop in front of her. She can also release a bubble aura and when defeated will explode trying to capture the player in a bubble.
| '''???''' - Une sirène qui attaque en libérant une chaîne de 4 bulles devant elle. Elle peut aussi libérer une aura de bulle qui explosera si on la tue, piégeant ainsi le joueur dans une bulle.
| '''???''' - A merman wielding a spiked club which he'll try to whack you with.
| '''???''' - Un homme poisson portant une massue épineuse avec quoi il essayera de vous attaquer.
| '''???''' - A giant merman wielding a spiked club which he'll try to whack you with.
| '''???''' - Un homme poisson géant portant une massue épineuse avec quoi il essayera de vous attaquer.
<span style="display:none">}}</span>
<span style="display:none">}}</span>
| MiniBoss=<span style="display:none">{{</span>
| MiniBoss=<span style="display:none">{{</span>
| '''???''' - One of the head Black Smiths clad in his Black Smith armor and spa towels. He wields a giant bucket.
| '''???''' - L'une des têtes des forgerons vêtu dans son armure et de sa serviette de spa. Il porte un seau géant.
- ''Bucket Smash:'' Aluminu will take his giant bucket and smash the area in front of him several times.
- ''Frappe de seau'' : Aluminium prendra son seau géant et frappera la zone en face de lui plusieurs fois.
- ''Run Away:'' Aluminu can run to the side while in super armor.
- ''Fuite'' : Aluminium peut courir vers les côtés en protection K.O.
- ''Buckets Throw:'' He will start chucking buckets in a parabolic arc.
- ''Lancé de seaux'' : Il commencera à lancer des seaux en un arc parabolique.
<span style="display:none">}}</span>
<span style="display:none">}}</span>
| Obstacle=<span style="display:none">{{</span>
| Obstacle=<span style="display:none">{{</span>
|'''Portal''' - Portals set up by Steel that teleport you from place to place around the springs. Steel will adjust where the main portal leads.
|'''Portail''' - Des portails mis en place par Stala qui vous téléporteront d'un endroit à un autre autour de la source d'eau chaude. Stala ajustera où les portails principaux mènent.
|'''Water Flow''' - Fast moving water that pulls you the direction it flows.
|'''Rapides''' - Fast moving water that pulls you the direction it flows. Des rapides qui vont attireront vers la direction
<span style="display:none">}}</span>
<span style="display:none">}}</span>
| Boss=<span style="display:none">{{</span>
| Boss=<span style="display:none">{{</span>
| '''Sirena''' - The leader of the mermaids, two demons In and Jin have appeared to have corrupted her driving her mad.
| '''Sirena''' - La dirigeante des sirènes, les deux démons In et Jin sont apparus pour la corrompre et la rendre folle.
- ''Bubble Fall:'' Sirena will summon a pillar of four bubbles and each one will fall diagonally.
- ''Chute de bulles'' : Sirena invoquera une colonne de quatre bulles et chacune d'elle tombera diagonalement.
- ''Circle Attack:'' She will swim in a circular motion rapidly hitting her target and knocking them away.
- ''Attaque circulaire'' : Sirena s'éloignera en faisant un rapide mouvement circulaire, attaquant ainsi les adversaires et les faisant tomber.
- ''Water Upper:'' She will swim around the stage out of range. Then an area will bubble for a moment before she bursts out from the ground.
- ''Water Upper'' : She will swim around the stage out of range. Then an area will bubble for a moment before she bursts out from the ground.
- ''Retreat:'' Sirena will dive into the ground and reappear on her thrown. She'll summon a group of ???.
- ''Retrait'' : Sirena will dive into the ground and reappear on her thrown. She'll summon a group of ???.
- ''Water Burst:'' While from her thrown she can cause several areas of the field to burst with small geysers of water. She will return back to the foreground after this.
- ''Water Burst:'' While from her thrown she can cause several areas of the field to burst with small geysers of water. She will return back to the foreground after this.
<span style="display:none">}}</span>
<span style="display:none">}}</span>
| Dialogue='''Boss Intro:'''
| Dialogue='''Boss Intro:'''
::In: ''"HaHaHaHeHeHe! It's getting more ridiculous." ''
::In: ''"Hahahahaha ! Ça devient de plus en plus ridicule." ''
::Jin: ''"Ah, we don't have time for that." ''
::Jin: ''"Ah, nous n'avons pas le temps." ''
::In:''"Ahh~ Yes, let's move onto the next place" ''
::In:''"Ahh~ Oui, allons au prochain endroit." ''
| BDrop={{tabs|name=1|tab1=???|contents1={{:9-3Bdrop1}} |tab2=???|contents2={{:9-3Bdrop2}} |tab3=???|contents3={{:9-3Bdrop3}} |tab4=???|contents4={{:9-3Bdrop4}} |tab5=???|contents5={{:9-3Bdrop5}} |tab6=Sirena Set|contents6={{:SirenaSet}}}}
| BDrop={{tabs|name=1|tab1=???|contents1={{:9-3Bdrop1}} |tab2=???|contents2={{:9-3Bdrop2}} |tab3=???|contents3={{:9-3Bdrop3}} |tab4=???|contents4={{:9-3Bdrop4}} |tab5=???|contents5={{:9-3Bdrop5}} |tab6=Ensemble de Sirena|contents6={{:SirenaSet}}}}
| DBGM=[ '''''music067_stage''''']
| DBGM=[ '''''music067_stage''''']
| BBGM=[ '''''music062_boss''''']
| BBGM=[ '''''music062_boss''''']
