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|'''Bloody Glitter Spearman''' - This is a stronger variant of the '''Glitter Guard''' that you have encountered throughout Velder.
|'''Bloody Glitter Spearman''' - This is a stronger variant of the '''Glitter Guard''' that you have encountered throughout Velder.
-''Spear Combo:'' Stab forward with its spear then performs an overhead slash.
*'''Spear Combo:''' Stab forward with its spear then performs an overhead slash.
*'''Spear Charge:''' Charges forward with his spear dealing multiple hits.
-''Spear Charge:'' Charges forward with his spear dealing multiple hits.
*'''Aerial Counter:''' It will counter attack with a downward smash if it is struck while in the air.
-''Aerial Counter:'' It will counter attack with a downward smash if it is struck while in the air.
|'''Bloody Glitter Sniper''' - This is a stronger variant of the '''Glitter Sniper''' that you have encountered throughout Velder.
|'''Bloody Glitter Sniper''' - This is a stronger variant of the '''Glitter Sniper''' that you have encountered throughout Velder.
-''Arrow Shot:'' Fires an arrow forward.
*'''Arrow Shot:''' Fires an arrow forward.
*'''Down Shot:''' Fire an arrow downward.
-''Down Shot:'' Fire an arrow downward.
*'''[[Backflip Shot]]:''' Perform a backflip and fire 3 arrow downward.
-''[[Backflip Shot]]:'' Perform a backflip and fire 3 arrow downward.
|'''Bloody Glitter Defender''' - This is a stronger variant of the '''Glitter Defender''' that you have encountered throughout Velder.
|'''Bloody Glitter Defender''' - This is a stronger variant of the '''Glitter Defender''' that you have encountered throughout Velder.
-''Defend:'' Guards against any on coming attacks from the front. Can now reflect projectile back.
*'''Defend:''' Guards against any on coming attacks from the front. Can now reflect projectile back.
*'''Shield Bash:''' Smashes players with its shield. Now including spikes.
-''Shield Bash:'' Smashes players with its shield. Now including spikes.
*'''Shield Rush:''' Dash forward shield bashing anybody in front of it.
-''Shield Rush:'' Dash forward shield bashing anybody in front of it.
|'''Bloody Glitter Dasher''' - This is a stronger variant of the '''Glitter Dasher''' that you have encountered throughout Velder.
|'''Bloody Glitter Dasher''' - This is a stronger variant of the '''Glitter Dasher''' that you have encountered throughout Velder.
-''Hammer Swing:'' Pulls its hammer back then slams it into the ground.
*'''Hammer Swing:''' Pulls its hammer back then slams it into the ground.
*'''Dash Swing:''' It can perform an upward swing while dashing launching players into the air.
-''Dash Swing:'' It can perform an upward swing while dashing launching players into the air.
*'''Leap Smash:''' Leaps in the air and smashes the ground with its hammer.
-''Leap Smash:'' Leaps in the air and smashes the ground with its hammer.
|'''Bloody Wyvern''' - This is a stronger variant of the '''Wyverns''' that you have encountered throughout Velder.
|'''Bloody Wyvern''' - This is a stronger variant of the '''Wyverns''' that you have encountered throughout Velder.
-''Wyvern Dive:'' Wyvern will stall in the air then dive at an angle.
*'''Wyvern Dive:''' Wyvern will stall in the air then dive at an angle.
*'''Meteor Breath:''' Wyverns will fire mini-meteor fireballs out of their mouths. It is inadvisable to stand in front of a wyvern when he vomits meteors as it can juggle you, dealing very substantial damage.
-''Meteor Breath:'' Wyverns will fire mini-meteor fireballs out of their mouths. It is inadvisable to stand in front of a wyvern when he vomits meteors as it can juggle you, dealing very substantial damage.
|'''Bloody Uno Hound''' - This is a smaller variant of '''[[5-1|Uno Hound]]'''. It will use the same moves that the regular '''Uno Hound''' will and possesses much more attack speed.
|'''Bloody Uno Hound''' - This is a smaller variant of '''[[6-1|Uno Hound]]'''. It will use the same moves that the regular '''Uno Hound''' will and possesses much more attack speed.
-''Downward Punch:'' The Glitter pulls his arm back and punches downwards at you. The punch is inaccurate and it will miss you entirely if you stand right next to him.
*'''Downward Punch:''' The Glitter pulls his arm back and punches downwards at you. The punch is inaccurate and it will miss you entirely if you stand right next to him.
*'''Double Lariat:''' The Glitter spins himself around with his arms wide apart, knocking everything in his radius away from him. This does rather substantial damage if he manages to combo you.
-''Double Lariat:'' The Glitter spins himself around with his arms wide apart, knocking everything in his radius away from him. This does rather substantial damage if he manages to combo you.
*'''Leap Smash:''' The Glitter leaps up into the air and smashes downwards.
*'''Running Punch:''' If the Glitter notices that you are some distance away from you, he will run towards you and punch you. This does not do much damage as long as he doesn't combo you.
-''Leap Smash:'' The Glitter leaps up into the air and smashes downwards.
*'''Seismic Smash:''' The Glitter squats, and repeatedly smashes the ground with his two arms. At the 4th smash, it will cause an earthquake effect on whoever is on the same level ground as it. Does substantial damage.
-''Running Punch:'' If the Glitter notices that you are some distance away from you, he will run towards you and punch you. This does not do much damage as long as he doesn't combo you.
-''Seismic Smash:'' The Glitter squats, and repeatedly smashes the ground with his two arms. At the 4th smash, it will cause an earthquake effect on whoever is on the same level ground as it. Does substantial damage.
|'''Puppet Stone''' - These are the red puppets that you have encountered when you fought against [[5-4|Crazy Puppet]].
|'''Puppet Stone''' - These are the red puppets that you have encountered when you fought against [[5-4|Crazy Puppet]].
-''Self-Destruct:'' The Pupper Stones will try to get close to use and perform their little dance before exploding.
*'''Self-Destruct:''' The Puppet Stones will try to get close to use and perform their little dance before exploding.
|'''Bloody Glitter Bomber''' - This is a stronger variant of the '''Glitter Rock Thrower'''. But instead of rocks, this Glitter holds a case full of bombs on their back and is no longer immobile.
|'''Bloody Glitter Bomber''' - This is a stronger variant of the '''Glitter Rock Thrower'''. But instead of rocks, this Glitter holds a case full of bombs on their back and is no longer immobile.
-''Bomb Throw:'' Toss a bomb forward at enemies. The bomb will explode momentarily.
*'''Bomb Throw:''' Toss a bomb forward at enemies. The bomb will explode momentarily.
|'''Joaquin's Hallucination (Crazy Puppet)''' - During this stage, you will encounter Crazy Puppet as a hallucination.
|'''Joaquin's Hallucination (Crazy Puppet)''' - During this stage, you will encounter Crazy Puppet as a hallucination.
-''Ignite:'' Crazy Puppet will ignite the ground to his left or right. The torch also does melee damage.
*'''Ignite:''' Crazy Puppet will ignite the ground to his left or right. The torch also does melee damage.
|'''Puppet Stones''' will be summoned in large numbers.
|'''Puppet Stones''' will be summoned in large numbers.
-''Crazy Puppet Heal:'' If these puppets dance near one of the Crazy Puppets it will heal a significant amount of its HP.
*'''Crazy Puppet Heal:''' If these puppets dance near one of the Crazy Puppets it will heal a significant amount of its HP.
*'''Self-Destruct:''' The Puppet Stones will try to get close to use and perform their little dance before exploding
-''Self-Destruct:'' The Pupper Stones will try to get close to use and perform their little dance before exploding
|'''Bloody Glitter Assassin''' - This is a stronger variant of the '''Arc Glitter Assassins''' that you have encountered throughout Velder.
|'''Bloody Glitter Assassin''' - This is a stronger variant of the '''Arc Glitter Assassins''' that you have encountered throughout Velder.
-''Aerial Slash:'' Dashes forward and perform an aerial attack.
*'''Aerial Slash:''' Dashes forward and perform an aerial attack.
*'''Slash & Dodge:''' After stabbing you, it will roll away.
-''Slash & Dodge:'' After stabbing you, it will roll away.
*'''Bomb Recovery:''' When recovering they will roll out of the way and leave behind a poisonous explosive.
*'''[[Shadow Step]]:''' It will dash forward in a state of invincibility much like Raven's Shadow Step. It is also able to perform [[Shadow Piercing]].
-''Bomb Recovery:'' When recovering they will roll out of the way and leave behind a poisonous explosive.
-''[[Shadow Step]]:'' It will dash forward in a state of invincibility much like Raven's Shadow Step. It is also able to perform [[Shadow Piercing]].
|'''Zombie Glitter''' - As the name would suggest, this is a reanimated Glitter corpse.
|'''Zombie Glitter''' - As the name would suggest, this is a reanimated Glitter corpse.
-''Bite:'' The zombies will bite any enemies they get close to.
*'''Bite:''' The zombies will bite any enemies they get close to.
|'''Zombie Glitter Grave''' - A set of coffin which '''Zombie Glitters''' spawn from, they have a significantly large amount of HP.
|'''Zombie Glitter Grave''' - A set of coffin which '''Zombie Glitters''' spawn from, they have a significantly large amount of HP.
-''Zombie Summon:'' The graves will constatly summon more '''Zombie Glitters'''.
*'''Zombie Summon:''' The graves will constantly summon more '''Zombie Glitters'''. For each '''Zombie Glitter''' it produces, it will lose a bit of HP.
*For each '''Zombie Glitter''' it produces it will lose a bit of HP.
|'''Bloody Spear Glitter''' - This is one of the Elite Glitter that you will encounter.
|'''Bloody Spear Glitter''' - This is one of the Elite Glitter that you will encounter.
-''[[4-1|Raven]] Combos:'' This Glitter is able to perform some combos like that of the boss Raven.
*'''[[Raven]] Combos:''' This Glitter is able to perform some combos like that of Raven.
*'''[[Power Assault]]:''' Perform Raven's [[Power Assault]].
-''[[Power Assault]]:'' Perform Raven's [[Power Assault]].
*'''[[Charged Bolt - Hedgehog]]:''' Perform Raven's [[Charged Bolt - Hedgehog]].
-''[[Charged Bolt - Hedgehog]]:'' Perform Raven's [[Charged Bolt - Hedgehog]].
|'''Bloody Sniper Glitter''' - This is the second Elite Glitter that you will encounter. Unlike the '''Bloody Glitter Sniper''', these archers will be wearing green armor.
|'''Bloody Sniper Glitter''' - This is the second Elite Glitter that you will encounter. Unlike the '''Bloody Glitter Sniper''', these archers will be wearing green armor.
-''[[Rena]] Combos:'' This Glitter is able to perform some of Rena's arrow combos.
*'''[[Rena]] Combos:''' This Glitter is able to perform some of Rena's arrow combos.
*'''[[Assault Kick]]:''' Perform Rena's [[Assault Kick]].
-''[[Assault Kick]]:'' Perform Rena's [[Assault Kick]].
*'''[[Perfect Storm]]:''' Perform Rena's [[Perfect Storm]].
-''[[Perfect Storm]]:'' Perform Rena's [[Perfect Storm]].
|'''Bloody Magic Glitter''' - This is the third Elite Glitter that you will encounter.
|'''Bloody Magic Glitter''' - This is the third Elite Glitter that you will encounter.
-''[[Aisha]] Combos:'' This Glitter is able to perform some of Aisha's fireball combos.
*'''[[Aisha]] Combos:''' This Glitter is able to perform some of Aisha's fireball combos.
*'''[[Chain Fireball]]:''' Perform Aisha's [[Chain Fireball]].
-''[[Chain Fireball]]:'' Perform Aisha's [[Chain Fireball]].
*'''[[Gust Screw]]:''' Perform Aisha's [[Gust Screw]].
-''[[Gust Screw]]:'' Perform Aisha's [[Gust Screw]].
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|'''Awakened Bloody Spear Glitter''' - This is one of the Elite Glitter that you will encounter.
|'''Awakened Bloody Spear Glitter''' - This is one of the Elite Glitter that you will encounter.
-''[[4-1|Raven]] Combos:'' This Glitter is able to perform some combos like that of the boss Raven.
*'''[[Raven]] Combos:''' This Glitter is able to perform some combos like that of Raven.
*'''[[Power Assault]]:''' Perform Raven's [[Power Assault]].
-''[[Power Assault]]:'' Perform Raven's [[Power Assault]].
*'''[[Charged Bolt - Hedgehog]]:''' Perform Raven's [[Charged Bolt - Hedgehog]].
-''[[Charged Bolt - Hedgehog]]:'' Perform Raven's [[Charged Bolt - Hedgehog]].
|'''Awakened Bloody Sniper Glitter''' - This is the second Elite Glitter that you will encounter. Unlike the '''Bloody Glitter Sniper''', these archers will be wearing green armor.
|'''Awakened Bloody Sniper Glitter''' - This is the second Elite Glitter that you will encounter. Unlike the '''Bloody Glitter Sniper''', these archers will be wearing green armor.
-''[[Rena]] Combos:'' This Glitter is able to perform some of Rena's arrow combos.
*'''[[Rena]] Combos:''' This Glitter is able to perform some of Rena's arrow combos.
*'''[[Assault Kick]]:''' Perform Rena's [[Assault Kick]].
-''[[Assault Kick]]:'' Perform Rena's [[Assault Kick]].
*'''[[Perfect Storm]]:''' Perform Rena's [[Perfect Storm]].
-''[[Perfect Storm]]:'' Perform Rena's [[Perfect Storm]].
|'''Awakened Bloody Magic Glitter''' -This is the third Elite Glitter that you will encounter.
|'''Awakened Bloody Magic Glitter''' -This is the third Elite Glitter that you will encounter.
-''[[Aisha]] Combos:'' This Glitter is able to perform some of Aisha's fireball combos.
*'''[[Aisha]] Combos:''' This Glitter is able to perform some of Aisha's fireball combos.
*'''[[Chain Fireball]]:''' Perform Aisha's [[Chain Fireball]].
-''[[Chain Fireball]]:'' Perform Aisha's [[Chain Fireball]].
*'''[[Gust Screw]]:''' Perform Aisha's [[Gust Screw]].
-''[[Gust Screw]]:'' Perform Aisha's [[Gust Screw]].
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==Mob Potions==  
==Mob Potions==  
Most '''Bloody Glitter''' monsters (Except Bloody Glitter Bomber) are capable of drinking potions whenever their health reaches about 60%. In Luto Mode, they will drink their potions at 70% HP. After drinking their potions, they will receive various effects.
Most '''Bloody Glitter''' monsters (Except Bloody Glitter Bomber) are capable of drinking potions whenever their health reaches about 60%. In Luto Mode, they will drink their potions at 70% HP. After drinking their potions, they will receive various effects.
*'''Red Smoke''' - Increasing their size and 100% critical chance.
*'''Yellow Smoke''' - Granting them super-armored status.
*'''Blue Smoke''' - Increasing their mana regeneration rate.
-'''Red Smoke''' - Increasing their size and 100% critical chance.
''They will have 90% damage reduction and super armor when they are drinking a potion but this can be prevented by using a launching attack or skill (getting Freeze or Petrified can work too to prevent drinking a Potion) just as they would normally drink a potion.  Sometimes they will gain the effect of the potion anyways when launched, though the animation for drinking the potion will still be skipped.
-'''Yellow Smoke''' - Granting them super-armored status.
-'''Blue Smoke''' - Increasing their mana regeneration rate.
*''They will have 90% damage reduction and super armor when they are drinking a potion but this can be prevented by using a launching attack or skill (getting Freeze or Petrified can work too to prevent drinking a Potion) just as they would normally drink a potion.  Sometimes they will gain the effect of the potion anyways when launched, though the animation for drinking the potion will still be skipped.
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|'''Joaquin's Hallucination'''
|'''Joaquin's Hallucination'''
-''Magic Shield:'' Joaquin will set up a shield that will drastically reduce all damage taken while drinking his potion to recover his health at an alarming rate.
*'''Magic Shield:''' Joaquin will set up a shield that will drastically reduce all damage taken while drinking his potion to recover his health at an alarming rate.
*He appears to be limited to using this ability 3~6 times total, and may vary depending on his skill selection and difficulty mode. (Needs more research, after Hunting Fields patch he appears to be able to heal more times and more often.)
**He appears to be limited to using this ability 3~6 times total, and may vary depending on his skill selection and difficulty mode. (Needs more research, after Hunting Fields patch he appears to be able to heal more times and more often.)
*He can heal up to almost half of his total HP each time he uses this skill.
**He can heal up to almost half of his total HP each time he uses this skill.
*Joaquin will not use this skill for the same HP threshold twice, however he will remember to use 'missed' thresholds.
**Joaquin will not use this skill for the same HP threshold twice, however he will remember to use 'missed' thresholds.
*He cannot use this skill while in Dwarf mode.
**He cannot use this skill while in Dwarf mode.
-''Hallucination:'' When you are in a party, Joaquin will randomly debuff one of the characters in your group. All attacks that the debuffed character makes will damage their teammates as well, including Special Actives. It is very possible to kill your own teammates while you are suffering from the debuff's effects.
*'''Hallucination:''' When you are in a party, Joaquin will randomly debuff one of the characters in your group. All attacks that the debuffed character makes will damage their teammates as well, including Special Actives. It is very possible to kill your own teammates while you are suffering from the debuff's effects.
*[10-24-12] Patch changes(?) seem to have made it so that the person Hallucinating is randomized per each player.  '''This means that everyone can see someone different as being under the effect and be killed by them without the other person even realizing they are under the effect.'''
**[10-24-12] Patch changes(?) seem to have made it so that the person Hallucinating is randomized per each player.  '''This means that everyone can see someone different as being under the effect and be killed by them without the other person even realizing they are under the effect.'''
*''Possible Glitch:'' The electrical aura of Raven's [[Anger of Raven| Nasod Core]] may continue to damage party members even after Hallucination has subsided.
**''Possible Glitch:'' The electrical aura of Raven's [[Anger of Raven| Nasod Core]] may continue to damage party members even after Hallucination has subsided.
-''Dwarf:'' Joaquin will drink a potion and after flexing, he will release ghosts in all directions from his body, potentially dealing high damage.  If you are standing close to him when he uses this it is possible to get hit by multiple ghosts. After the ghosts move off-screen, Joaquin will be minimized, therefore reducing his hitbox and making attacks difficult to use.  Additionally he will gain super armor, 100% critical rate buff, and he will not possess a collision hitbox causing players to pass through him for the duration.  This skill lasts for approximately 30 seconds.
*'''Dwarf:''' Joaquin will drink a potion and after flexing, he will release ghosts in all directions from his body, potentially dealing high damage.  If you are standing close to him when he uses this it is possible to get hit by multiple ghosts. After the ghosts move off-screen, Joaquin will be minimized, therefore reducing his hitbox and making attacks difficult to use.  Additionally he will gain super armor, 100% critical rate buff, and he will not possess a collision hitbox causing players to pass through him for the duration.  This skill lasts for approximately 30 seconds.
*Much like for his '''Magic Shield''' this appears based on HP thresholds, however this shares many of the same HP thresholds as well.
**Much like for his '''Magic Shield''' this appears based on HP thresholds, however this shares many of the same HP thresholds as well.
*Rather than using '''Magic Shield''' and healing, it is possible that he will use this skill instead, which appears to count against the usage of his healing skill for a threshold point.  However the reverse does not always seem to apply.
**Rather than using '''Magic Shield''' and healing, it is possible that he will use this skill instead, which appears to count against the usage of his healing skill for a threshold point.  However the reverse does not always seem to apply.
*The ghosts released count as magic projectiles and can be blocked\reflected\absorbed by skills like [[Reflect Kick]], [[Phoenix Talon]], and [[Statue of Glory]].
**The ghosts released count as magic projectiles and can be blocked\reflected\absorbed by skills like [[Reflect Kick]], [[Phoenix Talon]], and [[Statue of Glory]].
*Joaquin is now significantly larger than before when minimized. (About the same size as a player character, but still does not possess a collision hitbox.)
**Joaquin is now significantly larger than before when minimized. (About the same size as a player character, but still does not possess a collision hitbox.)
-''Thunderstorm:'' Joaquin will release several clouds in the air which will regularly shoot lightning at intervals, an electric effect will appear in the clouds over the player if this has targeted them.  This move can be avoided if you move far away.
*'''Thunderstorm:''' Joaquin will release several clouds in the air which will regularly shoot lightning at intervals, an electric effect will appear in the clouds over the player if this has targeted them.  This move can be avoided if you move far away.
*Each bolt will strike a player twice if they don't move.
**Each bolt will strike a player twice if they don't move.
*It is dangerous for multiple players to be in the same area when he uses this.
**It is dangerous for multiple players to be in the same area when he uses this.
-''Thunder:'' Joaquin can create smaller clouds in the air that will shoot a single bolt of lightning that can inflict status ailments such as Curse, Burn, Poison, and Confusion. <br>
*'''Thunder:''' Joaquin can create smaller clouds in the air that will shoot a single bolt of lightning that can inflict status ailments such as Curse, Burn, Poison, and Confusion.  
-''Puppet Summoning:'' Joaquin will occasionally spawn '''Puppet Stones''' to distract and attack you.<br>
*'''Puppet Summoning:''' Joaquin will occasionally spawn '''Puppet Stones''' to distract and attack you.
-''Zombie Summoning:'' Joaquin will occasionally create '''Zombie Glitter Graves''' at both ends of the map to spawn '''Zombie Glitters''' to slow you down.<br>
*'''Zombie Summoning:''' Joaquin will occasionally create '''Zombie Glitter Graves''' at both ends of the map to spawn '''Zombie Glitters''' to slow you down.
-''Building Crash:'' Throughout the battle, Joaquin will repeatedly create large portals in the air that will create buildings from the background and have them crash into the ground. These buildings will do damage and will act as large barricades to limit you from moving around the stage.<br>
*'''Building Crash:''' Throughout the battle, Joaquin will repeatedly create large portals in the air that will create buildings from the background and have them crash into the ground. These buildings will do damage and will act as large barricades to limit you from moving around the stage.
-''Combustion:'' Joaquin can still use his old move where he toss black powder around him and ignite them to create an explosion.
*'''Combustion:''' Joaquin can still use his old move where he toss black powder around him and ignite them to create an explosion.
*The resulting explosion's hitbox is significantly larger than the actual explosion would indicate.
**The resulting explosion's hitbox is significantly larger than the actual explosion would indicate.
-''Potion Fling:'' In the same style as the Arc Glitter Alchemists, Joaquin will throw a potion at you to create a cloud that can inflict various status ailments.
*'''Potion Fling:''' In the same style as the Arc Glitter Alchemists, Joaquin will throw a potion at you to create a cloud that can inflict various status ailments.
*This cloud is larger and the effects are more potent than the version used by Glitter Alchemists.
**This cloud is larger and the effects are more potent than the version used by Glitter Alchemists.
*Has a stoic threshold of 30 hits.
-Has a stoic threshold of 30 hits.
*Has near immunity to all elements, roughly 450/500 resistance to everything.
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! style="background-color: {{ColorSel|Village|6}};" class="textfloat" colspan="12" | '''Tactics'''
! style="background-color: {{ColorSel|Village|6}};" class="textfloat" colspan="12" | '''Tactics'''
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*Keep an eye out for Hallucination\Puppet Debuff and do not attack until it is clear no one sees you under its effect even if you do not see yourself under its effect.
*Keep an eye out for Hallucination\Puppet Debuff and do not attack until it is clear no one sees you under its effect even if you do not see yourself under its effect.
=== Other Information ===
*Has near immunity to all elements, roughly 450\500 resistance to everything.
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| XSet={{tabs|name=4|tab1=Glitter Berserker|contents1={{:GlitBers}} |tab2=(Old) Glitter Amethyst|contents2={{:GlitAmet}} |tab3=(Old) Glitter Alchemist|contents3={{:GlitAlch}}}}
| XSet={{tabs|name=4|tab1=Glitter Berserker|contents1={{:GlitBers}} |tab2=(Old) Glitter Amethyst|contents2={{:GlitAmet}} |tab3=(Old) Glitter Alchemist|contents3={{:GlitAlch}}}}
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