
Story/Side Story/Rena/zh-hans: Difference between revisions

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|Description= 两个小精灵一直共同探索村庄周围的森林。
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|CReward1=记忆中的钟摆 (7天)
|CReward1=记忆中的钟摆 (7天)
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*Clear 5 dungeons within level range (excluding Ruben/Henir/Ereda)
|Description= By the time the two children had explored the majority of the forest, a small change had occurred in Rena.
|Description= 经过一段时间后,两个孩子探索完大部分森林,蕾娜身上也有了微小的变化。
*'''Rena''': ''Hahaha, guys, that tickles….!''
*'''蕾娜:''' ''哈哈哈,好痒啊小家伙们。。。!''
*''After some time had passed to the point where they now explored most of the forest, a small change started to occur around Rena. Things called 'spirits' started to naturally gather around Rena. They protected Rena so she wouldn't get hurt and granted Rena's requests from time to time. Other elves thought 'spirits particularly follow that child' and were amazed. This was a same case as the greatest elder of the Erindel territory, Branwen Erindel. Erindel started to observe Rena more carefully but didn't particularly get close to the child.''
*'''Lua''': ''Rena, can you pick that one too?''
*'''路亚:''' ''蕾娜,那个也可以摘下来吗?''
*'''Rena''': ''Of course! Look closely! These children will help me!''
*'''蕾娜:''' ''当然了!看好!这些小家伙会帮助我!''
*''Lua and Rena still liked exploring various places inside the forest. Sometimes near the barrier that they were told absolutely not to leave, sometimes into a deep southern forest that the other elves didn't visit often…. When the two children went exploring, Rena didn't hesitate to borrow the powers of the spirits.''
*'''Rena''': ''Alright, here it is. Can you cut it in half?''
*'''蕾娜:''' ''来,给你。要不要分一半?''
*''Fruit hanging on top of a tall tree fell down right away when the wind spirits shook the tree strongly. Then other spirits blew winds so that the fruit wouldn't smash into the ground and got the fruit on top of Rena's palm safely.''
*'''Lua''': ''That's so amazing!''
*'''路亚:''' ''真是太棒了!''
*''Lua cut the fruit in half then handed one half to Rena while looking at the spirits that were circling around Rena as if they wanted compliments.''
*'''Rena''': ''This is nothing.''
*'''蕾娜:''' ''没什么大不了的嘛?''
*'''Lua''': ''What do you mean by nothing? Those children won't listen to what I say.''
*'''路亚:''' ''哪有!这些孩子根本不听我的话好吧…?''
*'''Rena''': ''Hmm… that's true.''
*'''蕾娜:''' ''嗯…那倒也是。''
*''Rena who was looking at the spirits around her shrugged as she took a bite out of the fruit. Spirits that had abruptly approached Rena listened to anything she requested of them. They followed Rena wherever she went and tried to protect her. She didn't even have a clue as to why the spirits listened to her but what was certain was that they were of "help".''
*'''Rena''': ''I don't exactly know why they listen to me….. But we can have more fun exploring thanks to these children right?''
*'''蕾娜:''' ''虽然不知道为什么会跟着我…但有了这些家伙探险也更好玩了不是吗?''
*''Lua who was looking at Rena smile brightly withdrew her envious gaze then nodded.''
*'''Lua''': ''Anyways… how about we go check on that now?''
*'''路亚:''' ''话说。。。我们去看看那个怎么样?''
*''Lua asked Rena while munching on the fruit. Rena seemed to ponder for a moment at what 'that' was then shouted while clapping as if she remembered.''
*'''Rena''': ''Ah! I almost forgot! Would that child be alright? We didn't get to visit yesterday….''
*'''蕾娜:''' ''啊!我都忘记了!那个孩子应该还好吧?昨天没去看…''
*'''Lua''': ''It should be fine. There's morning dew… and there's a pond nearby.''
*'''路亚:''' ''应该没事。不是还有晨露…再加上就在泉水附近…''
*''Two children started moving even before each other's words finished. They stopped their steps when they reached the pond that they often visited.''
*'''Lua''': ''Ah….Rena…''
*'''路亚:''' ''啊…蕾娜…''
*''Lua noticed something soon as they arrived at the pond then started running hastily. Rena also followed Lua with a worried expression.''
*'''Lua''': ''….To think it ended up like this……''
*'''路亚:''' ''…居然变成这样…''
*''There was a single small wilted flower at the place Lua was kneeling. Lua who had been wordlessly looking down at the flower murmured quietly then even started sobbing.''
*'''Lua''': ''Is it….my fault? This child wouldn't have wilted…if I visited yesterday.''
*'''路亚:''' ''是…因为我?如果昨天来了…这些孩子应该就不会死掉….''
*'''Rena''': ''Lua….''
*'''蕾娜:''' ''路亚….''
*''Rena sat beside Lua looking down quietly at the wilted flower. She then suddenly put both of her hands on the ground then closed her eyes as if she was determined about something.''
*'''Lua''': ''Rena…? What are you trying to do?''
*'''路亚:''' ''蕾娜…?你要做什么?''
*'''Rena''': ''Sssh! I'm going to borrow the powers of the spirits. They might save this child.''
*'''蕾娜:''' ''嘘!我要借助元素的力量。有可能救活这些孩子不是吗?''
*''Rena gathered the spirits nearby then wished and wished again that she wanted to revive the wilted flower. Spirits gathered and circled around Rena like the usual but none of them listened to Rena's wish.''
*'''Rena''': ''(What…? Why are you not listening to me? You always listened to my requests…I ask you this time as well….. It's a precious flower that my friend holds dearly. Very precious flower she got as a gift from her parents…. Please, I ask you. Save this flower…..)''
*'''蕾娜:''' ''(什么…为什么不帮助我?…这次真的拜托了啊…这是我朋友非常喜爱的话。是她的父母送给她的生日礼物…所以拜托了。救活这朵花…)''
*''All the spirits began to circle around Rena and the flower and give off a small light. Light from the spirits seeped into the wilted flower as well and the flower bud slowly started to rise.''
*''Rena and Lua held their breaths as they watched this scene. They wished desperately for the flower to come back alive as they waited for the flower to completely bloom. But light from the spirits eventually disappeared and the flower bud lowered again.''
*'''Rena''': ''Why…..?''
*'''蕾娜:''' ''为社么…?''
*''Rena struggled to gather more spirits after getting startled from seeing the spirits around them scatter. But the spirits didn't answer Rena.''
*'''Rena''': ''(Why are you all acting like this….?)''
*'''蕾娜:''' ''(为什么要这样…)?''
*''She tried again and again but result was the same.''
*'''Lua''': ''Rena, stop! It's fine now….!''
*'''路亚:''' ''蕾娜,好了!可以了…!''
*''Rena shook off Lua's hand trying to stop her then called upon the spirits again. Her vision became blurry and her head felt dizzy but she didn't care.''
*'''Lua''': ''Rena? Rena!!!!''
*'''路亚:''' ''蕾娜?蕾娜!!!''
*''And with that, Rena lost consciousness.''
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*Clear 5 dungeons within level range (excluding Ruben/Henir/Ereda)
|Description= The person that had come to visit the unconscious Rena was the head elder, Branwen.
|Description= 大长老布兰维尔来找昏迷的蕾娜。
*'''Lua''': ''Lady, how is Rena doing?''
*'''路亚:''' ''阿姨,蕾娜怎么样了?''
*''Lilia quietly shook her head after looking at her daughter who twisted and turned while panting thinly as if she was in pain. Rena hadn't woken up ever since she came home being carried on Lua's back. She was getting bad fever which would soak the entire bed sheet in sweat from time to time. Spirits of the wind came and blew winds from beside Rena's head whenever this happened.''
*'''Lua''': ''I'm sorry… If it weren't for me….''
*'''路亚:''' ''对不起...如果不是我...''
*''Lilia hugged Lua who looked like she was about to burst into tears at any moment then patted her shoulder.''
*'''Lilia''': ''It's alright child. It wasn't your fault…. Rena will open her eyes again for sure. Look how the spirits are tending to Rena so sincerely. Rena won't lose easily.''
*'''莉莉娅:''' ''不要紧,孩子,不是你错...蕾娜一定会醒过来的。看,元素们在那么认真地照顾蕾娜。蕾娜不会轻易认输的。''
*''Lua barely withheld her tears and nodded as she headed to Rena's bedside. Rena's face was pale and her head felt hot.''
*'''Isilad''': ''Lilia! I brought the elder!''
*'''伊实拉德:''' ''莉莉娅!我把长老请过来了!''
*''Isilad's voice came from downstairs and broke the silence in the room. Sounds of wood floor creaking seemed to continue then Isilad and elder Branwen entered.''
*'''Lilila''': ''I'm sorry for making you come all this way.''
*'''莉莉娅:''' ''很抱歉让你走那么远的路。''
*'''Branwen''': ''No, I should obviously help if there's someone in need. It's my job after a….''
*'''布兰维尔:''' ''不。如果有人陷入困境那就应该帮助。那就是我要做的事...''
*''Branwen trailed her words as her gaze headed towards Rena lying behind Lilia. She had already known Rena's condition wasn't good from the rumors. Just like the rumors, this child's condition didn't look too good. Branwen looked towards the spirits beside Rena's head while petting the head of Lua who was looking up at her worriedly.''
*'''Branwen''': ''(…So that's what happened.)''
*'''布兰维尔:''' ''(…原来是这样。)''
*''After nodding and sending the spirits away, Branwen calmly put her hand on top of the child's forehead. Blue light started to dwell near Rena.''
*'''Rena''': ''.uuugh….''
*'''蕾娜:''' ''…额呃...''
*''Light disappeared after a while. Then surprisingly, Rena who had been asleep as if she was dead stretched her arms and got up as if nothing had happened.''
*'''Rena''': Mom….dad….Lua….and even the elder? What are you all doing here?''
*'''蕾娜:''' ''母亲...父亲...路亚...还有长老大人?大家都在干什么啊?''
*'''Lua''': ''Rena…. Rena!!!''
*'''路亚:''' ''蕾娜...蕾娜!!!''
*''Looking at Lua burst into tears and jumping into her arms, Rena scratched her head as if she was embarrassed''.
*'''Rena''': ''What's wrong everyone…?''
*'''蕾娜:''' ''大家都怎么了...?''
*'''Branwen''': ''You were deep asleep, very sick.''
*'''布兰维尔:''' ''你一直在沉睡着。''
*''Branwen spoke with a soft voice. Then she looked straightly into Rena's eyes then made a strict expression.''
*'''Branwen''': ''You should know better why you ended up like this right, Rena?''
*'''布兰维尔:''' ''你应该比我们更了解你为什么会变成这样的,蕾娜?''
*''Rena recalled what happened with the spirits earlier then nodded hesitantly.''
*'''Branwen''': ''….Alright, it's good if you understand.''
*'''布兰维尔:''' ''…好,知道就好。''
*''Branwen loosened her expression then smiled. She then asked a question that surprised everyone in the room.''
*'''Branwen''': ''It looks like you'll need a proper mentor. Would you like to become my disciple?''
*'''布兰维尔:''' ''你需要一个好师范大人。要不要做我的徒弟?''
*''Rena seemed to think for a moment with a surprised expression then gave a large nod with an expression as if she had determined something.''
*'''Rena''': ''Yes! I will!''
*'''蕾娜:''' ''好!!''
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*Clear 5 dungeons within level range (excluding Ruben/Henir/Ereda)
|Description= From Branwen, Rena learned about 'power'.
|Description= 蕾娜在布兰维尔处学习到了‘力量’。
*'''Branwen''': ''Remember, Rena. People with power cannot use their power carelessly.''
*'''布兰维尔:''' ''记住了,蕾娜。拥有力量的人不能随意使用自己的力量。''
*''Branwen spoke gently as she showed Rena the powers that the spirits held. Rena's eyes shined brightly as she looked at the images of light that appeared and disappeared at the end of Branwen's fingertips.''
*'''Branwen''': ''When using power, one must take responsibility for their power. Do you remember what happened before?''
*'''布兰维尔:''' ''使用力量时需要付出相应的代价。你记得之前发生的事情吗?''
*''Branwen put her hands down on her knees then asked while staring straightly at Rena. Rena had never brought up that event ever since she woke up. She kept changing the topic if that event was about to come up.''
*'''Rena''': ''…. Yes.''
*'''蕾娜:''' ''…. 是的。''
*'''Branwen''': ''What were you thinking when you asked the spirits to revive that flower?''
*'''布兰维尔:''' ''让元素救活那朵花时,你在想什么?''
*''Rena couldn't answer right away and twitched her mouth. She barely suppressed herself from answering "I didn't think about anything" then thought and thought again to find a proper answer. But the answer Rena gave in the end wasn't too different from the answer she first thought of.''
*'''Rena''': ''…… Nothing.''
*'''蕾娜:''' ''...什么也没有。''
*''Branwen smiled as if she was satisfied by Rena's honest answer then continued her words.''
*'''Branwen''': ''Thank you for answering honestly. But Rena…..that was honestly a foolish action.''
*'''布兰维尔:''' ''谢谢你能这么坦白。但是蕾娜啊...那个行动真的是非常愚蠢的。''
*''Rena's face reddened as she lowered her head. Rena was also regretting what happened on that day. I shouldn't have done that. I shouldn't have forced those children. She even repeatedly resolved hundreds, thousands of times to not use power of the spirits again.''
*'''Branwen''': ''About everything that will happen if you revived that flower…. reviving that flower but making the surrounding plants wilt or spirits turning into dew then disappearing after using up all their power to save that flower…. Were you prepared to take responsibility if such things happened?''
*'''布兰维尔:''' ''在你想要复活那朵花是发生的所有事情...假如将那朵花复活后让周围的草都枯死,或者元素们全部变为露珠消失...万一发生那种事情,你做好负责的觉悟了吗?''
*''Rena quietly shook her head. She hadn't thought that far so she realized once more how foolish her action on that day was.''
*'''Branwen''': ''Not everyone can wield this power. There are more people in this world that don't have power. We, as the people with power need to take up appropriate responsibility and resolve. Always think before you use your power. About the result using your power will bring, if someone will be harmed because of me, if so then what kind of responsibility I need to take because of it.''
*'''布兰维尔:''' ''不是谁都可以使用那种力量的。这世上没有拥有力量的人反而更多。我们作为拥有力量的人,需要承担起责任与觉悟。在使用力量之前想一想。在你使用了力量后会发生什么事情,会不会有某人会因为我而受到伤害,如果是那我要承担什么责任。''
*''Rena quietly whispered to the spirits while feeling Branwen's warm hands petting her head.''
*'''Rena''': ''(I'm really sorry.)''
*'''蕾娜:''' ''(真的对不起。)''
*''Branwen looked at Rena as if she was cute then focused once more and created an image of light in front of Rena again. Light quickly started to transform and started to show image of a giant tree.''
*'''Rena''': ''Wow… this is… isn't this that giant tree near the pond?''
*'''蕾娜:''' ''哇...这个...不是泉水附近的那颗大树吗?''
*''Branwen nodded gently as she continued her words.''
*'''Branwen''': ''That's right. This tree is called Eldrasil. It's a tree that gained enormous amount mana due to the power of El. This tree has gained 'consciousness' and is protecting this forest.''
*'''布兰维尔:''' ''对啊。这棵树叫做艾德拉斯,它作为一颗树因为艾尔之力而拥有巨大的魔力。树产生了’自我‘而守护者这片森林。''
*'''Rena''': ''I… it was such an amazing tree?''
*'''蕾娜:''' ''它...是那么伟大的树?''
*'''Branwen''': ''Haha, you don't have to be so startled. Eldrasil loves all the life residing in the forest. It must be very happy that you two came to visit every day.''
*'''布兰维尔:''' ''呼呼,不要惊讶。艾德拉斯爱着所有森林里居住的生命。你们每天都去找它它应该很高兴。''
*''Rena started to stare straightly at the light image with a bright expression again.''
*'''Branwen''': ''My power is also possible due to connection with Eldrasil.''
*'''布兰维尔:''' ''我的力量也是在与艾德拉斯的交流而产生的。''
*''Rena focused intently on Branwen's words as she stretched out her hand to touch various part of the light image.''
*'''Branwen''': ''This is a most important part in our lessons from now on so please remember well. Also, one more thing.''
*'''布兰维尔:''' ''这是最重要的部分所以一定要记住。还有一点。''
*'''Rena''': ''Keep the fact that I'm elder's disciple a secret right?''
*'''蕾娜:''' ''是不是要保密我是长老大人的弟子?''
*''Rena stood up as if she understood then smiled.''
*'''Branwen''': ''Yes, no one except you, Lua and your parents…. Must know that you are my disciple.''
*'''布兰维尔:''' ''对。除了你,路亚,还有你的父母之外...任何人都不能知道你是我的弟子这件事情。''
*''Rena answered yes to Branwen's request as she always did. After that, she reviewed 'creating light images' she learned from Branwen then got up to leave.''
*''Branwen made a mysterious smile while looking at Rena's back.''
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*Clear 5 dungeons within level range (excluding Ruben/Henir/Ereda)
|Description= As always, Lua and Rena enjoyed the time they spent exploring the forest.
|Description= 以前路亚与蕾娜很喜欢森林探险。
*'''Lua''': ''Rena, are we there yet?''
*'''路亚:''' ''蕾娜,还远吗?''
*''Lua spoke in a sullen voice as she moved past the dense plants while following after Rena's back.''
*'''Rena''': ''We're here! Tada~ look in front of you!''
*'''蕾娜:''' ''快到了!开,看看前方!''
*''Once Lua saw over Rena's shoulder, she forgot all about how she was complaining and quickly dashed in front to look around at the numerous archery targets.''
*'''Lua''': ''No way….so this place is….''
*'''路亚:''' ''天啊...这里就是...''
*'''Rena''': ''It's a place where our village's archery squad used to practice!''
*'''蕾娜:''' ''我们村庄的弓兵团进行训练的地方!''
*''Rena smiled proudly as she grabbed the bow she was carrying on her back. She grabbed couple arrows that were lying all over the area then continued speaking.''
*'''Rena''': ''We can shoot arrows much as we want here. There are so many arrows here after all…''
*'''蕾娜:''' ''在这里应该可以尽情射箭。周围也有很多箭矢...''
*'''Lua''': ''Haha, then we can finally settle the score between us today.''
*'''路亚:''' ''呼呼,那今天应该可以跟你一决高下了!''
*''Two of them took their positions and got ready. Calmly just like you learned, Rena murmured this then fired the first shot. The arrow got stuck right in the middle of the target.''
*'''Lua''': ''Not bad. But I can also do that much!''
*'''路亚:''' ''不错嘛?但是这种程度的话我也能做到!''
*''Lua took her position again soon as she finished speaking. Just when she internally counted up to three and was about to let go of her hand…''
*'''Lua''': ''Kyaaaaaah!''
*'''路亚:''' ''啊啊啊啊!''
*''Lua got surprised from seeing something small jump in all of a sudden and fell backwards on her bottom. The arrow cut across the air and got stuck on a high tree branch.''
*'''Rena''': ''Lua, Are you okay!?''
*'''蕾娜:''' ''没事吗,路亚!?''
*''Lua got up from being supported by Rena then pointed at the creature hiding behind the target with shaking hands.''
*'''Lua''': ''O, over there… there's something.''
*'''路亚:''' ''那,那里...有东西...''
*'''Rena''': ''Let's check it out.''
*'''蕾娜:''' ''去看看吧。''
*''Two carefully approached the target and examined the small creature with shiny red eyes. Its entire body was covered in fluffy white fur and it was shaking as if it was scared.''
*'''Rena''': ''Oh my…. This child must have gotten surprised too.''
*'''蕾娜:''' ''...它好像也吓了一跳。''
*'''Lua''': ''I've never seen this child before…''
*'''路亚:''' ''好像第一次见到它...?''
*''Two of them had explored many areas of the forest so far but this was the first time they've seen this red eyed creature that was hiding behind the target, so they backed up to maintain their distance.''
*'''Rena''': ''We haven't come to this place before. Maybe it's a child that's been living here?''
*'''蕾娜:''' ''我们没有来过这里啊。这家伙是不是就是住在这里?''
*'''Lua''': ''I hope so…''
*'''路亚:''' ''如果是那样就好了...''
*''Red eyed creature sniffed around the ground for a long time then disappeared into the forest as if it lost interest.''
*'''Lua''': ''Ugh… it feels like something scarier might pop up if we stay here, let's go back.''
*'''路亚:''' ''额...好像继续呆在这里会看到更可怕的东西。我们回去吧。''
*''Rena stared at the direction the creature ran off to and pondered for a moment if she should tell this to Branwen, but she shook her head from Lua's voice calling her and thought.''
*'''Rena''': ''(That's right, it must be something that lives here… It's probably not a big issue.)''
*'''蕾娜:''' ''(对,应该是住在这里的家伙...难道还会有什么事情?)''
*''Rena looked behind her one more time as she walked towards Lua then left the site.''
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*Clear 5 dungeons within level range (excluding Ruben/Henir/Ereda)
|Description= As the two children looked up at the stars in the night sky, they spoke of their futures.
|Description= 晚上两个孩子会遥望星空畅想未来。
*''Night with especially bright stars, the village was in high spirits in a festival atmosphere. Everyone was out in the streets singing and dancing. Lua and Rena used this chance when the streets were hectic to ditch helping out with the festival and quickly headed inside the forest.''
*'''Lua''': ''Phew… we would have served foods until sunrise if we stayed there.''
*'''路亚:''' ''呼...如果待在那里估计要搬运食物到天亮。''
*''The place two of them arrived at was a pond with the Eldrasil. Two climbed up the Eldrasil as they always did then lied down in their spots to look down at the forest and enjoyed their leisure time.''
*'''Rena''': ''This is great….''
*'''蕾娜:''' ''真好...''
*''There were countless stars shining as if they were about to shower down at any moment when they raised their heads up to look up towards the sky. Endlessly vast forest stretched out in front of their eyes when they lowered their heads back down to look forwards.''
*'''Lua''': ''Ah….! Look Rena! It's smoke!''
*'''路亚:''' ''啊...!蕾娜看那边!烟!''
*''There was a smoke rising up from the place where Lua was pointing. Lua stood up to climb to a higher spot and stared at the smoke disperse in the air while drawing in her mind picture of the human village that should be over there.''
*'''Lua''': ''Rena, have you ever thought about your future?''
*'''路亚:''' ''蕾娜,你有没有想过未来?''
*''Rena answered quietly while stroking the spirits that gathered around her.''
*'''Rena''': ''Not yet. It's not like I have something I want to do in particular…''
*'''蕾娜:''' ''暂时还没有。没什么想要做的事...''
*''When Rena's answer ended, Lua seemed to think for just a moment then opened her mouth as if she finally made up her mind.''
*'''Lua''': ''For past couple of days I've been thinking about what I would have become in the future. But no matter how much I thought, there was only one thing that came up in my mind.''
*'''路亚:''' ''这几天我一直在想未来的我会是什么样的。但怎么想都只有一个''
*''Lua had already moved down to sit beside Rena.''
*'''Lua''': ''I want to someday leave this forest and journey all around the world. I want to see the world of humans with my own eyes. I want to go to places that aren't a forest. I want to talk with humans, befriend them, become companions…. And do something that will help all the people in the world.''
*'''路亚:''' ''我想某一天离开这个森林到全世界各地看看。想亲眼看看人类的世界。我想去森林外看看。与人类说说话,跟他们结伴...做有助于这世界的事情。''
*''Lua held her breath as she carefully chose her words. After a moment, she quietly and calmly finished her words.''
*'''Lua''': ''I'm going to become an adventurer. And my first companion will be…''
*'''路亚:''' ''我要成为冒险家。然后我的第一个同伴就是...''
*''Lua held Rena's hand and made an expression like a child dreaming of something exciting as she looked at Rena.''
*'''Lua''': ''You, Rena!''
*'''路亚:''' ''蕾娜,就是你!''
*''Rena opened her eyes widely as she looked far out towards the forest where the smoke had disappeared. Fluttering and pounding heart, and a strong will wanting to make it a reality seemed to pass into her through Lua's hand that she was holding. Rena smiled as she answered.''
*'''Rena''': ''Yes! Let's go together!''
*'''蕾娜:''' ''嗯!我们一起!''
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*Clear 5 dungeons within level range (excluding Ruben/Henir/Ereda)
|Description= Rena, wanting to show the results of the lessons she had learned, requested a test from Branwen.
|Description= 蕾娜为了展现她努力的成果,接受了布兰维尔的考验。
*''Forest became darker as she moved deeper inside.''
*'''Rena''': ''(I can't see anything…. I can use this in a time like this!)''
*'''蕾娜:''' ''(什么都看不到啊...这时候就要用这个!)''
*''Rena focused her power on the tip of her hands and created a small light image. Surroundings became brighter and she could see in front of her properly now.''
*'''Rena''': ''(That elder… she said it was a simple mission. But sending me to a place like this…)''
*'''蕾娜:''' ''(长老也真是...说好简单的任务,居然把我派到这种地方。)''
*''Certainly the mission itself was simple, but the place Rena had to go wasn't very easy. Dense trees were covering up the sky so it was always dark, and dangerous animals tended up appear from time to time so it wasn't a place that other elves visited often.''
*'''Rena''': ''(Anyways, does glowing mushroom even exist? I've never seen one… Map that elder gave me must be correct right?)''
*'''蕾娜:''' ''(话说真有发光的蘑菇吗?我怎么没有见过...长老给的地图应该没有错吧?)''
*''Rena moved forwards while having various thoughts. She calmed the spirits that were hastily gathering around her as she arrived at her destination early.''
*'''Rena''': ''(Great! This must be the place… the glowing mushroom is…)''
*'''蕾娜:''' ''(好!就是这附近...发光的蘑菇...)''
*''Rena looked around searching for the glowing mushroom but got distracted from the spirits gathering urgently around her again. She sighed and halted the spirits.''
*'''Rena''': ''Why are you all acting so uneasy today? Is there something dangerous around here?''
*'''蕾娜:''' ''你们今天是怎么了?难道周围有什么危险的东西吗?''
*''She knew that spirits sometimes moved hastily to warn her of danger, but they had never been so uneasy before so Rena's worry started to grow.''
*'''Rena''': ''Don't worry, I'll get out of here soon as I find the mushroom… But you guys are acting weird today.''
*'''蕾娜:''' ''不要担心。找到蘑菇后我就会离开这里...今天真的很奇怪啊''
*''Rena quickly searched due the spirits urging her and finally found the glowing mushroom near the root of a giant tree. She grabbed the mushroom and cheered then quickly started to leave the forest.''
*'''Rena''': ''(How strange… why are the spirits acting like this today?)''
*'''蕾娜:''' ''(真的好奇怪...元素们今天是怎么了?)''
*''She thought carefully but she couldn't think of a likely answer. Were they warning Rena how dangerous the forest she entered was? Or were they trying to chase off a dangerous animal that was nearby, or maybe….''
*'''Rena''': ''(Because an extremely large danger is approaching…?)''
*'''蕾娜:''' ''(有很危险的事情即将发生...?)''
*''Rena thought seriously for a moment but made a hollow laugh and shook her head while looking at the spirits that were now calm.''
*'''Rena''': ''(But they are so calm now. What a ridiculous thought. We have the Eldrasil so we'll be safe.)''
*'''蕾娜:''' ''(现在这么安静?我真是想多了。有艾德拉斯守护着我们应该是很安全的。)''
*''Rena shook off the worries by thinking about the present that Branwen prepared for her as a reward and headed to the village.''
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|CImage1=[[File:Pendulum of Memories.png]]
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