
Dimension of Sinister Intent/de: Difference between revisions

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|'''Crimson Flames Haley''' - A fighter similar to [[Blazing Heart]]. Wearing a Salvatore Rosso set.<br>
|'''Crimson Flames Haley''' - Eine Kämpferin, die die Techniken des [[Blazing Heart/de|Flammenherz]] beherrscht. Sie trägt ein Feuermeister-Set.<br>
"Burn you all... to the soul..."
"Burn you all... to the soul..."
*'''[[Blazing Heart]] Combos:''' She can perform basic [[Blazing Heart]] commands.
*'''[[Blazing Heart/de|Flammenherz]] Combos:''' She can perform basic [[Blazing Heart]] commands.
*'''Roar:''' If a player is out of range for too long, she will perform a stage wide roar which will burn your MP.
*'''Schrei:''' If a player is out of range for too long, she will perform a stage wide roar which will burn your MP.
*'''[[Awakening Mode]]:''' She can enter awakening state, freezing the screen and increasing her damage by 20%.
*'''[[Awakening Mode/de|Machtbooster]]:''' She can enter awakening state, freezing the screen and increasing her damage by 20%.
*'''[[Dodge and Slash]]:''' Swiftly dash forward and perform a slash attack.
*'''[[Dodge and Slash/de|Schnelles Ausweichen]]:''' Swiftly dash forward and perform a slash attack.
*'''[[Fireplay]]:''' Throw chunks of explosive flames. Targets hit will be surrounded in a ring of fire.
*'''[[Fireplay/de|Feuerwerk]]:''' Throw chunks of explosive flames. Targets hit will be surrounded in a ring of fire.
*'''[[Infernal Blade]]:''' Swing a flaming sword and slash 3 times. Grants the user the ability to wield an Infernal Blade for a set duration. Has skill delay and a skill cut-in.
*'''[[Infernal Blade/de|Höllenklinge]]:''' Swing a flaming sword and slash 3 times. Grants the user the ability to wield an Infernal Blade for a set duration. Has skill delay and a skill cut-in.
*'''[[Rising Burst]]:''' Summon a wave of large magical swords from the ground.
*'''[[Rising Burst/de|Flammenschlag]]:''' Summon a wave of large magical swords from the ground.
|'''Gold Crimson Cynus''' - A fighter similar to [[Lord Knight]]. Wearing an Evil Tracer 2 set.<br>
|'''Gold Crimson Cynus''' - Ein Kämpfer, der die Techniken des [[Lord Knight/de|Hoheritter]]s beherrscht. Er trägt ein Monsterjäger 2-Set.<br>
"Take my pride! Sandstorm!"
"Take my pride! Sandstorm!"
*'''[[Lord Knight]] Combos:''' He can perform basic [[Lord Knight]] commands.
*'''[[Lord Knight/de|Hoheritter]] Combos:''' He can perform basic [[Lord Knight]] commands.
*'''[[Awakening Mode]]:''' He can enter awakening state, freezing the screen and increasing his damage by 20%.
*'''[[Awakening Mode/de|Machtbooster]]:''' He can enter awakening state, freezing the screen and increasing his damage by 20%.
*'''Roar:''' If a player is out of range for too long, he will perform a stage wide roar which will burn your MP.
*'''Schrei:''' If a player is out of range for too long, he will perform a stage wide roar which will burn your MP.
*'''[[Impact Smash]]:''' Swing your sword and smash it to the ground. This can cancel Mana Break and possesses a chance to stun.
*'''[[Impact Smash/de|Donnerschlag]]:''' Swing your sword and smash it to the ground. This can cancel Mana Break and possesses a chance to stun.
*'''[[Counter Attack]]:''' Block forward and counter physical attacks.
*'''[[Counter Attack/de|Konterattacke]]:''' Block forward and counter physical attacks.
*'''[[Sandstorm]]:''' Generate a strong tornado of sand.
*'''[[Sandstorm/de|Sandorkan]]:''' Generate a strong tornado of sand.
*'''[[Sonic Blade]]:''' Create a circular shockwave by quickly swinging your sword. Enemies hit by the shockwave will be stunned.
*'''[[Sonic Blade/de|Singende Klinge]]:''' Create a circular shockwave by quickly swinging your sword. Enemies hit by the shockwave will be stunned.
|'''Black Eagle Convarre''' - A fighter similar to [[Blade Master]]. Wearing a Salvatore Gaia set.<br>
|'''Black Eagle Convarre''' - Ein Kämpfer, der die Techniken des [[Blade Master/de|Schwertmeister]]s beherrscht. Er trägt ein Erdmeister-Set.<br>
"It feels like the world has stopped."
"It feels like the world has stopped."
*'''[[Blade Master]] Combos:''' He can perform basic [[Blade Master]] commands.
*'''[[Blade Master/de|Schwertmeister]] Combos:''' He can perform basic [[Blade Master]] commands.
*'''[[Evacuation!]]:''' Grants a chance to automatically activate Shadow Step when attacked from behind. Passive. Has a higher activation chance than Blade Master's, with no cooldown. Convarre's Evacuation! also grants invincibility frames.
*'''[[Evacuation!/de|Flucht!]]:''' Grants a chance to automatically activate Shadow Step when attacked from behind. Passive. Has a higher activation chance than Blade Master's, with no cooldown. Convarre's Evacuation! also grants invincibility frames.
*'''[[Awakening Mode]]:''' He can enter awakening state, freezing the screen and increasing his damage by 20%.
*'''[[Awakening Mode/de|Machtbooster]]:''' He can enter awakening state, freezing the screen and increasing his damage by 20%.
*'''Roar:''' If a player is out of range for too long, he will perform a stage wide roar which will burn your MP.
*'''Schrei:''' If a player is out of range for too long, he will perform a stage wide roar which will burn your MP.
*'''[[Shadow Step]]:''' Charge through enemies and perform a strong thrust attack.
*'''[[Shadow Step/de|Schattenschritt]]:''' Charge through enemies and perform a strong thrust attack.
*'''[[Sonic Slash]]:''' Execute multiple slashes with extreme speed.
*'''[[Sonic Slash/de|Schallhieb]]:''' Execute multiple slashes with extreme speed.
*'''[[Rend]]:''' Gravely wound an enemy to cause a large amount of damage.
*'''[[Rend/de|Wundentreffer]]:''' Gravely wound an enemy to cause a large amount of damage.
*'''[[Flash]]:''' Move quickly to ambush the enemy.
*'''[[Flash/de|Blitz]]:''' Move quickly to ambush the enemy.
*'''[[Shockwave - Cutter]]:''' A forward slash that generates a shockwave.
*'''[[Shockwave - Cutter/de|Schockwelle - Schneider]]:''' A forward slash that generates a shockwave.
*'''[[Sharp Charge]]:''' Perform a giant slash which deals large damage on enemies and inflicts them with the [Wound] debuff. This skill has a long startup time, making it possible to avoid by escaping its range.
*'''[[Sharp Charge/de|Geschärfter Angriff]]:''' Perform a giant slash which deals large damage on enemies and inflicts them with the [Wound] debuff. This skill has a long startup time, making it possible to avoid by escaping its range.
|'''Hamel Artillery Squad Captain A-Ruth''' - A fighter similar to Chung. Wearing a Hamel Navy Officer set with Naval Artillery Officer hair and a Frost Cannon.<br>
|'''Hamel Artillery Squad Captain A-Ruth''' -Ein Kämpfer, der die Techniken von Chung beherrscht. Er trägt ein Hamelmarine-Offiziersset mit einem Hamelgebirgsjäger-Haarschnitt und einer Kanone der Kälte. <br>
"Let go of your stereotypes and biases."
"Let go of your stereotypes and biases."
*'''[[Chung]] Combos:''' He can perform various [[Chung]] commands from various paths including [[Iron Paladin]]'s {{CZ}}{{CZ}}{{CX}} and [[Deadly Chaser]]'s {{CX}}{{CZ}}.
*'''[[Chung/de|Chung]] Combos:''' He can perform various [[Chung]] commands from various paths including [[Iron Paladin]]'s {{CZ}}{{CZ}}{{CX}} and [[Deadly Chaser]]'s {{CX}}{{CZ}}.
*'''[[Awakening Mode]]:''' He can enter awakening state, freezing the screen and increasing his damage by 20%.
*'''[[Awakening Mode/de|Machtbooster]]:''' He can enter awakening state, freezing the screen and increasing his damage by 20%.
*'''Roar:''' If a player is out of range for too long, he will perform a stage wide roar which will burn your MP.
*'''Schrei:''' If a player is out of range for too long, he will perform a stage wide roar which will burn your MP.
*'''[[Back Blast]]:''' Create an explosion to escape the current position. Invincible during skill animation.
*'''[[Back Blast/de|Rückstoß-Sprung]]:''' Create an explosion to escape the current position. Invincible during skill animation.
*'''[[Siege Shelling]]:''' Siege Mode Stance. Last shot will be an enhanced cannonball shot. He'll have super armor when casting and the shots have light homing instead of auto aiming. A-Ruth is capable of turning around while in Siege stance.
*'''[[Siege Shelling/de|Festes Ziel]]:''' Siege Mode Stance. Last shot will be an enhanced cannonball shot. He'll have super armor when casting and the shots have light homing instead of auto aiming. A-Ruth is capable of turning around while in Siege stance.
*'''[[Aiming Shot]]:''' Fire an aimed shot at the nearest enemy.
*'''[[Aiming Shot/de|Gezielter Schuss]]:''' Fire an aimed shot at the nearest enemy.
*'''[[Leap Attack]]:''' Air leap towards the enemy with destructive force in Super Armor status.
*'''[[Leap Attack/de|Sprungangriff]]:''' Air leap towards the enemy with destructive force in Super Armor status.
*'''[[Iron Howling]]:''' Cry out with a sharp steel-like noise that stuns the enemy.
*'''[[Iron Howling/de|Eiserner Schrei]]:''' Cry out with a sharp steel-like noise that stuns the enemy.
*'''[[Comet Crasher]]:''' Shoot consecutive bombs to the ground. Oddly he will still be affected by gravity and drop straight down while casting the skill. Has a smaller range than Deadly Chaser's version.
*'''[[Comet Crasher/de|Kometeneinschlag]]:''' Shoot consecutive bombs to the ground. Oddly he will still be affected by gravity and drop straight down while casting the skill. Has a smaller range than Deadly Chaser's version.
*'''[[Bullet Blitz]]:''' Shoot a magical bullet which chases nearby enemies.
*'''[[Bullet Blitz/de|Blitzprojektil]]:''' Shoot a magical bullet which chases nearby enemies.
*'''[[Lunatic Fury]]:''' Charge towards the enemy and blast the ground with massive attacks.
*'''[[Lunatic Fury/de|Irrer Kanonenwüter]]:''' Charge towards the enemy and blast the ground with massive attacks.
*'''[[Shooting Star]]:''' Shoot multiple missiles, which tracks down enemies.
*'''[[Shooting Star/de|Sternschnuppen]]:''' Shoot multiple missiles, which tracks down enemies.
*'''[[Cannon Strike]]:''' Stomp the ground and reverse smash into targets. Goes into Siege Shelling mode at the end of the skill.
*'''[[Cannon Strike/de|Kanonenhieb]]:''' Stomp the ground and reverse smash into targets. Goes into Siege Shelling mode at the end of the skill.
*'''[[Dual Buster]]:''' Leap backwards while firing two bullets. A-Ruth's variation of this skill has him shooting in the direction he is moving in.
*'''[[Dual Buster/de|Doppelschuss]]:''' Leap backwards while firing two bullets. A-Ruth's variation of this skill has him shooting in the direction he is moving in.
|'''Relentless Arbiter Shai''' - A fighter similar to [[Crimson Avenger]]. Wearing a Thanatos set.<br>
|'''Relentless Arbiter Shai''' - Eine Kämpferin, die die Techniken der  [[Crimson Avenger/de|Roter Rächer]]n beherrscht. Sie trägt ein Thanatos-Set<br>
"Be gone now."
"Be gone now."
*'''[[Crimson Avenger]] Combos:''' She can perform basic [[Crimson Avenger]] commands.
*'''[[Crimson Avenger/de|Roter Rächer]] Combos:''' She can perform basic [[Crimson Avenger]] commands.
**She can maintain her {{CDR}}{{CConZ}}... combo for an infinite number of hits.  
**She can maintain her {{CDR}}{{CConZ}}... combo for an infinite number of hits.  
*'''[[Awakening Mode]]:''' She can enter awakening state, freezing the screen and increasing her damage by 20%.
*'''[[Awakening Mode/de|Machtbooster]]:''' She can enter awakening state, freezing the screen and increasing her damage by 20%.
*'''Roar:''' If a player is out of range for too long, she will perform a stage wide roar which will burn your MP.
*'''Schrei:''' If a player is out of range for too long, she will perform a stage wide roar which will burn your MP.
*'''[[Dodge and Slash]]:''' Swiftly dash forward and perform a slash attack.
*'''[[Dodge and Slash/de|Schnelles Ausweichen]]:''' Swiftly dash forward and perform a slash attack.
*'''[[Iron Body - Strong]]:''' Increases attack power and can reflect an enemy's attacks. It can be used while attacking and when receiving attacks; it will neutralize the damage.
*'''[[Iron Body - Strong/de|Ehrgeiz - Stark]]:''' Increases attack power and can reflect an enemy's attacks. It can be used while attacking and when receiving attacks; it will neutralize the damage.
*'''[[Blood Sting]]:''' Instantly stab then pull to cause Bleeding status.
*'''[[Blood Sting/de|Blut-Stachel]]:''' Instantly stab then pull to cause Bleeding status.
*'''[[Fate Smash]]:''' Discard your fate and seal your enemies with an ultimate attack. Has a '''Skill Freeze''', cancels [[Mana Break]], has no Cooldown and has a Skill Cut-In.
*'''[[Fate Smash/de|Schicksalsklinge]]:''' Discard your fate and seal your enemies with an ultimate attack. Has a '''Skill Freeze''', cancels [[Mana Break]], has no Cooldown and has a Skill Cut-In.
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File:S-5 Stage 2.jpg|Zone 11-20
File:S-5 Stage 2.jpg|Zone 11-20
File:S-5 Stage 3.jpg|Zone 21-30
File:S-5 Stage 3.jpg|Zone 21-30
File:S-5Concept.png|Concept art of '''Dimension of Sinister Intent'''
File:S-5Concept.png|Konzept-Artwork vom '''Düsterraum'''
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