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=== <u>Chapter 33: In the Demon Realm</u> ===
= [[Varnimyr]] =
'''Varnimyr''', a region where the scorching hotness lies within the region.
The tower lies within the region, but what is the reason for the tower's appearance, as well as its purpose?
|QuestName= [Dungeon] Searching for Clues
== El Search Party Story ==
*Do the following
With Denif's help, the El Search Party makes a step into the unknown world, defined by Luciela as the Demon World. They make the first step into the first region, Varnimyr...
=== <u>[[Story/Chapter 33|Chapter 33: In the Demon Realm]]</u> ===
*Chat with [[Denif]]
[[File:Chapter33.png|thumb|Chapter 33|300px]]
|Description= The way to the Demon Realm is blocked by unexpected problems.
The group decides to look for clues regarding how to access the Demon Realm. After managing to get to the demon area, they are in for unexpected ambushes, and Elsword sees the group being defeated...although he gets smacked into reality. They go further, and get attacked by the dark elves, though the group is in a surprise when they meet Chloe...
*'''Lu''': ''Explain yourself! What do you mean we can't use this fragment?''
*'''Denif''': ''Let me try explaining this again. This fragment no longer holds the power of the El or the Dark El. There's no question that this fragment holds great power, but using a fragment that swirls with mixed energy is a recipe for disaster. With this particular fragment being from a mutated interdimensional being, the dangers are likely twofold.''
*'''Lu''': ''No...... But you are right. With this many people going through the portal, we'll have to find the safest way possible.''
*'''Raven''': ''It's too early to give up. We will find a way.''
*'''Add''': ''I'm getting the impression, that even with a proper medium, we will still get an unstable portal with your inexperienced magic.''
*'''Lu''': ''No need to be rude! Of course a mighty demon noble such as I, will find no use in petty skills like magic!''
*'''Aisha''': ''Did you just call magic petty?! Are you saying...!''
*'''Ain''': ''Haha, calm down everyone. I believe Mr. Ancient had something else to say.''
*'''Add''': ''Yes, and I'll specifically let you in on my perfectly contrived plan.''
*'''Lu''': ''Bah, I reckon it's worthless.''
*'''Ciel''': ''Let's give him a chance, Lu. You are a benevolent ruler after all.''
*'''Lu''': ''Hm, if you say so Ciel. Alright, let us hear that plan of yours.''
*'''Eve''': ''... Amazing. That was a flawless persuasion technique. I should attempt to learn this skill as well. It seems like a useful technique to have as a ruler.''
*'''Lu''': ''Hm? Did you say something?''
*'''Rena''': ''Ahahaha she said let's go~! Come now, let's get moving Eve. You too, Aisha! Stop pouting, I'm sure Lu didn't mean anything by it.''
*'''Aisha''': ''I, I'm no pouting..!''
*'''Add''': ''Kuhahaha! Too slow! You won't be able to catch up to me with that speed!''
*'''Lu''': ''Grr... How dare you! Get off that strange contraption this instance!''
*'''Denif''': ''...... Ah... Another lively day it seems...''
*'''Eve''': ''Is this portal device part of your 'Perfect Plan'?''
*'''Add''': ''Of course. This device used to be connected to the Heart of Henir. So all we need to do, is use this device to open a new portal to the Demon Realm.''
*'''Elsword''': ''Amazing! So what now?''
*'''Add''': ''Since the device is in good condition, we just need to enter the new coordinates and...''
*'''Elesis''': ''Coordinates?''
*'''Add''': ''......''
*'''Eve''': ''Do you know the coordinates to the Demon Realm, Add?''
*'''Add''': ''.........''
*'''Ain''': ''My, looks like this one is a dud as well.''
*'''Lu''': ''Hohoho! Sounds like your plan isn't quite 'perfect' after all!''
*'''Aisha''': ''It's no use squabbling amongst ourselves! Since all our ideas failed, we should think of another way.''
*'''Rose''': ''You are right of course. We are in quite a predicament...''
*'''Aisha''': ''Kya!! You scared me... How long were you standing there!?''
*'''Chung''': ''Haha, I didn't know you were so easily surprised, Aisha.''
*'''Aisha''': ''It's no my fault she goes around without making a sound...''
*'''Elesis''': ''Wait, isn't Rose from another world? Rose, how did you come to Elrios?''
*'''Rose''': ''A scientist obsessed with Elrios created a special portal. Zero acted as my guide.''
*'''Zero''': ''Hey, you call that an explanation? You didn't say anything about how much of a marvel I am with your Weapon conversion program and extensive knowledge on Elrios! Ahem! I am an AI of unparalleled brilliance using the El as my power source!''
*'''Ain''': ''Ah, so you have El energy inside your body? Hm... Come to think about it, the poewr of El is essential to making a sophisticated intelligent being.''
*'''Rose''': ''You know a lot about the El!''
*'''Ain''': ''Haha. Well, I am a priest. Anyway, you must have had a difficult time in the Hall of El if you use the El as your power source.''
*'''Zero''': ''Ahem, with a mind as brilliant as mine, nothing is considered a difficulty! Or... Something like that. Ha, haha...''
*'''Elsword''': ''It's harder to go to the Demon Realm than I thought. With demons popping up all over Elrios, I thought it would be just as easy for us to go...''
*'''Elesis''': ''Hm... Demons at Velder used the Earth El to come over.''
*'''Eve''': ''It may be off topic, but Adrian also used El energy to move to Elysion.''
*'''Add''': ''Wait, El energy... Time and Space... Demon Invasion... Perhaps...''
*'''Lu''': ''... it. Shatter it. Only then... Could it be...?''
*'''Ara''': ''Hm? Lu? What's wrong?''
*'''Add''': ''Everyone, come here, we have a lead.''
|QuestName= [Dungeon] Pieces Coming Together
*Complete the '''[Dungeon] Searching for Clues''' story quest
*Chat with [[Ventus]]
|Description= All the pieces come together as if by fate, and create a path.
*'''Elsword''': ''Denif!''
*'''Ventus''': ''Good gracious! If you're looking for the old man, you just missed him. He went for a walk, you see.''
*'''Elsword''': ''Alright. But we've got something urgent to say. The priestesses should join us as well.''
*'''Artea''': ''Of course.''
*'''Add''': ''Could you repeat what you said earlier, Nasod Queen?''
*'''Eve''': ''... Adrian moved to Elysion using El energy. Did I say something significant?''
*'''Ara''': ''Hm... It looks like El energy is necessary to warp between different dimensions.''
*'''Aisha''': ''Well, all energy is Elrios is based on the El. What we magicians call mana or magic, in the end originates from the El as well. So really, there isn't any other way other than using the power of El, right?''
*'''Add''': ''At first, I thought that was the reason as well. But then, something doesn't add up. For example, the demon invasion in Velder.''
*'''Elesis''': ''You mean where the demons opened a portal using the Earth El?''
*'''Rena''': ''Yes, that's rather strange. It's likely they didn't use the Dark El, since even Lu, as a demon ruler, never actually saw it. But the Demon Realm doesn't have the El. So El energy was not readily available for them, yet the demons went out of their way to use the Earth El.''
*'''Ventus''': ''The Earth El could have been the most powerful energy source they could find. With something as powerful as the Earth El, the demons could also afford to... experiment.''
*'''Artea''': ''... Perhaps Velder was merely an important strategic point with it housing the Earth El.''
*'''Ciel''': ''But Add couldn't use the portal device earlier because he didn't know the exact coordinates to the Demon Realm. It couldn't have been easy for demons to know the coordinates of the Earth El either. There must be a special reason they used the Earth El despite all these inconveniences. Wait, could it be... the El itself...''
*'''Add''': ''But the biggest hint was the fact that the El also appeared in that blondie's world.''
*'''Rose''': ''Mine? I've never heard any reports of... Oh, I see!''
*'''Zero''': ''Hm? Wha, what! What are you guys staring at me for?''
*'''Add''': ''That chunk of metal is proof. He said so himself, using the El as the power source, but created in a different dimension.''
*'''Rose''': ''Indeed. Where I come from, Elrios is so far away that you can't view it with any ordinary observation device.''
*'''Ain''': ''(It's probably somewhere outside the realm of influence of the El. A world not touched by the goddess... I should make note of it.)''
*'''Sasha''': ''If it reached out that far... It's likely a shard from the Great Explosion.''
*'''Add''': ''Anyway considering all these instances, I believe the El itself has the power to influence the connection between dimensions and Time and Space.''
*'''Elsword''': ''You mean the El has the power to connect worlds and dimensions?''
*'''Rose''': ''It may be so... But if the El connects between worlds, why is Elrios severed from the Demon Realm? It's not easy to go to different dimensions like Elysion either.''
*'''Add''': ''Heh, looks like you and I are finally on the same page.''
*'''Lu''': ''... a blocking ability...''
*'''Rena''': ''Hm? Lu, could you repeat that?''
*'''Lu''': ''I said the El must have the ability to interfere with the connection between worlds to block outer forces from entering Elrios. And that outer force that the El blocks... it probably the 'Demon Realm'.''
*'''Ara''': ''Why do you say that?''
*'''Lu''': ''When I was very young, I've heard an old nursery rhyme. "Apostles Bound, heed my words. A blue piercing light blinds your sight. The Reflection of creation, blocks your path. Reject it. Break it. To set things right."''
*'''Ciel''': ''Oh... That's the poem you sometimes mumble if your sleep.''
*'''Lu''': ''Oh?! I never realized. Anyways, I always thought this was rather bleak and difficult for a nursery rhyme.''
*'''Elsword''': ''You think the one that "blocks your path" is the El?''
*'''Lu''': ''Yes. I used to think it was just a meaningless old nursery rhyme, but Add's speculations seem to fit quite well with the words.''
*'''Gloria''': ''Ah, so people have been creating portal devices using the El's special power to connect worlds, without understanding why the El had the power to do so.''
*'''Raven''': ''Perhaps this... power of El formed because of human ambition. Is it possible for humans to have altered the El to fulfill their ambition of interfering with different worlds?''
*'''Ain''': ''Altering the El is not possible. The essential properties of the El was chosen by the Goddess. It is not something a human can alter.''
*'''Elsword''': ''Then...''
*'''Ventus''': ''The Goddess created the El to prevent a demon invasion.''
*'''Ain''': ''......''
*'''Ventus''': ''If our predictions are correct, that is.''
*'''Denif''': ''... So you want to investigate beneath the El Tower?''
*'''Ventus''': ''Of course! The giant hole beneath the El is nothing if not suspicious! Haven't you ever wondered what's down there?''
*'''Denif''': ''No, in fact, I haven't.''
*'''Chung''': ''Um... I, uh, actually I've already been...''
*'''Denif''': ''I don't think I heard that right. Did you say you've already went down below?''
*'''Ara''': ''Well... I accidentally tripped and fell down the hole...''
*'''Elsword''': ''Don't worry! No one was hurt!''
*'''Denif''': ''I can't believe this...! Sigh...''
*'''Eve''': ''It was certainly not designed for easy maneuvering. There were no signs of stairs or other methods of climbing.''
*'''Ventus''': ''But we saw an elaborate seal at the bottom.''
*'''Elsword''': ''Since we've already checked there aren't any traps or anything, we can investigate properly this time.... How about it?''
*'''Denif''': ''... Alright. However the moment we sense any danger, is the moment we will all retreat.''
*'''Ventus''': ''Sure, sure~ Everyone ready?''
*'''Anduran''': ''Let's go!''
*'''Ignia''': ''Huhu, how exciting! Just like an adventure~''
|QuestName= [Dungeon] To the Demon Realm
*Complete the '''[Dungeon] Pieces Coming Together''' story quest
*Clear [[12-1|Labyrinth of Ruin]] once
|Description= The dark area beneath the El Tower.<br>There, the El Search Party encounter...
*'''Ara''': ''I didn't realize how deep it was last time I fell. How much longer until we reach the bottom?''
*'''Eve''': ''Be careful. Aisha and I are trying our best to slow your descent, but we may all still end up falling in the end.''
*'''Ara''': ''Yes! We will be careful!''
*'''Rose''': ''Wow, Aisha's magic and Eve's tech are amazing. I can't believe how secure we are with this many people.''
*'''Elsword''': ''Look over there!''
*'''Denif''': ''Is this the 'seal' that you've mentioned?''
*'''Ventus''': ''Yes, I also found out about it when I jumped in to save those trouble makers~''
*'''Ara''': ''Ooof, sorry...''
*'''Ventus''': ''Hahaha, no harm done.''
*'''Ain''': ''(Now that we're close, I can definitely sense it. This seal was created by the Goddess.)''
*'''Denif''': ''Ventus, why did you think this was a seal?''
*'''Lu''': ''That's because I felt a faint presence of the Demon Realm on the other side.''
*'''Denif''': ''Presence... of the Demon Realm?''
*'''Lu''': ''Yes. I don't know exactly where, but I definitely feel the distinct aura of the Demon Realm. If this is connected to the Demon Realm, it explains the need for a seal.''
*'''Denif''': ''... This structure strongly resembles ancient seals. The ancient seal structure likely derived from this seal.........''
*'''Elsword''': ''Denif?''
*'''Denif''': ''As far as I'm aware, we cannot destroy this seal. Rather, we mustn't destroy it.''
*'''Rena''': ''But this could be the only way to the Demon Realm.''
*'''Denif''': ''... Yes. So what we should do is use some kind of... A trick. We'll use a spell to interfere with the flow of magic as its weakest point. Doing so will create a small gap that will allow you to pass through. It will use a great deal of mana, so I would need all the priestesses and Ventus to help.''
*'''Aisha''': ''Then I should also..!''
*'''Denif''': ''We don't know what's on the other side, so it's best for you to save your strengths.''
*'''Ventus''': ''What would you do? This will lead you to the Demon Realm. Anything can happen from now.''
*'''Rose''': ''... I want to follow. I mean, please let me follow you to the Demon Realm! I began my journey to prevent a great calamity fro approaching. I believe the answer will be at the end of your path. I will do my best to aid in your journey.''
*'''Add''': ''Hmph. Gotta admit we wouldn't have found this place if it weren't for this lump of metal... It seems to have its uses.''
*'''Zero''': ''Mwahaha! At least somebody appreciates my glorious presence!''
*'''Rose''': ''... Please don't compliment him. He's heavy as is without a big head.''
*'''Chung''': ''Haha...''
*'''Elsword''': ''We appreciate your help. I trust you'll be impartial as only someone from outside of Elrios and the Demon Realm could be. Glad to have you. It's always good to have more people on the same side.''
*'''Rose''': ''Thank you, I will do my best.''
*'''Ventus''': ''Alright then, ready everyone?''
*'''Anduran''': ''Ready!''
*'''Elesis''': ''...! The light!''
*'''Chung''': ''There's a gap between the seal!''
*'''Elsword''': ''Let's hurry!''
*'''Eun''': ''Ara.''
*'''Ara''': ''Yes, Eun?''
*'''Eun''': ''......''
*'''Ara''': ''Eun?''
*'''Eun''': ''Will you... trust me, no matter what happens?''
*'''Ara''': ''... You seemed worried.''
*'''Eun''': ''Hoho, me? Worried? ... Well yes, I'm worried you might trip and get into trouble again.''
*'''Ara''': ''Euun!! I don't do that any more! ... Much... And of course I trust you, always.''
*'''Eun''': ''Alright, alright. Just don't cause too much trouble.''
*'''Ara''': ''Yes!''
|ED= 2,002,200
|EXP= 5,154,470
|QuestName= [Dungeon] Labyrinth of Ruin 1
*Complete the '''[Dungeon] To the Demon Realm''' story quest
*Defeat '''Chaos Leviathan''' in [[12-1|Labyrinth of Ruin]]
|Description= The El Search Party enter the chaotic domain of Henir.<br>They follow the faint traces of the Demon Realm.
*'''Rena''': ''This is...!''
*'''Chung''': ''Henir energy?!''
*'''Ain''': ''This potency... The Demon Realm must be completely under the influence of Henir, My, isn't this exciting?''
*'''Elsword''': ''Henir energy is weighing down on my body... but it's more manageable than I thought...''
*'''Ciel''': ''That means we are stronger, right? Looks like all that training was worth the effort.''
*'''Eve''': ''Still, the Demon Realm is dangerous. If we are exposed to this much Henir energy for too long, we would likely perish.''
*'''Ara''': ''We need to find a way out of here...''
*'''Chung''': ''But it's too dark...''
*'''Ciel''': ''Didn't we pass this place just a moment ago?''
*'''Ain''': ''Miss Demon, can't you sense anything? My legs are getting tired...''
*'''Lu''': ''Hmph! Stop making such a fuss! You are distracting me! Grrrr... Over there, that way!''
*'''Elsword''': ''......''
*'''Ain''': ''Hm? You look like you have something to say, Elsword.''
*'''Elsword''': ''Ah, it's nothing. Just... If you're feeling tired, we could always take a rest. No need to push yourself.''
*'''Ain''': ''Haha, I never thought I'd worry you so much. I'd have to make sure to 'step up my game'. Don't worry. I'm feeling fine.''
*'''Elesis''': ''Since this is Henir's domain, I didn't think there would be anything alive. But that thing...''
*'''Raven''': ''... I don't know if you should call that thing alive. All I know is that it was as hard as a rock.''
*'''Eve''': ''Fascinating... These beings are truly contradictory.''
*'''Elsword''': ''Did you find something, Eve?''
*'''Eve''': ''Based on the data we collected in Elrianode, these monsters are comprosed of 98% Henir energy. Essentially, these beings are manifestations of chaos and destructin.''
*'''Add''': ''Destruction, which turns everything to nothing, chaos which scatters anything that is whole, and a 'manifestation' composed of destruction and chaos... A contradiction indeed. Shame we have to leave this fascinating test subject behind...''
*'''Chung''': ''Safety comes before research, come one!''
*'''Elsword''': ''Wait, stop!''
*'''Aisha''': ''......''
*'''Rena''': ''......''
*'''Elsword''': ''Huh, weird... I thought I felt something...''
*'''Aisha''': ''Ooooh, what was that for?! I thought my heart was going to stop.''
*'''Raven''': ''I don't sense anything. Let's move one.''
*'''Elsword''': ''... sure.''
*''(Rrrrrrr Click-!)''
*'''Chung''': ''Here! A stepping pad!''
*'''Aisha''': ''I knew things wouldn't be easy... But I never thought we would be lost in Henir's domain without a way out.''
*'''Eve''': ''Watch your step. If you fall, there is no coming back. Of course we'll try our best to rescue anyone who falls... But some situations call for sacrifices.''
*'''Aisha''': ''That's brutal!''
*'''Eve''': ''Huhu, I am joking. I believe I am getting a hang of this 'humor'.''
*''(Keee- Screeeech-))''
*'''Aisha''': ''Uaaah, what was that?! Did anyone else hear that?''
*'''Rena''': ''I heard it too! Could it be...?''
*'''Rena''': ''!''
*'''Aisha''': ''!''
*'''Eve''': ''!''
*'''Ara''': ''U, up there...!''
*'''Ciel''': ''Quiet, this one looks tough. It seems this is the guy that Elsword sensed earlier.''
*'''Raven''': ''... It's gone. Did it not see us?''
*'''Ciel''': ''Or maybe we're not even worth a bother.''
*'''Lu''': ''Look! I can smell the Demon Realm beyond this strange wall.''
*'''Elsword''': ''You were... looking through smell...?''
*'''Lu''': ''I meant figuratively. Come on!''
*'''Rena''': ''Everyone, make sure we stay together.''
|ED= 2,002,200
|EXP= 5,154,470
|QuestName= [Dungeon] Labyrinth of Ruin 2
*Complete the '''[Dungeon] Labyrinth of Ruin 1''' story quest
*Clear [[12-1|Labyrinth of Ruin]] once
|Description= The boy's vision was not a pleasant one.
*'''Chung''': ''I see something over there!''
*'''Elsword''': ''Is that the way to the Demon Realm?''
*''(Keee- Screeeech-)''
*'''Rose''': ''Raven, behind you!!''
*'''Raven''': ''Kugh!''
*'''Ciel''': ''Are you alright!?''
*'''Raven''': ''I'm fine. I shouldn't have let my guard down.''
*'''Elesis''': ''Looks like we need to defeat that thing before we can move one!''
*'''Add''': ''This one is nothing like the ones we've encountered earlier! Stay alert!''
*'''Ciel''': ''Ugh, it's just one problem after another...''
*'''Elsword''': ''Is everyone alright?''
*'''Elesis''': ''Somewhat. That was pretty tough.''
*'''Eve''': ''Data analysis complete. That creature is the strongest among all that dwell in this area.''
*'''Rose''': ''Let's move on before anything else comes.''
*'''Raven''': ''Yes. And thank you for the save earlier.''
*'''Rose''': ''I've only done what I had to do. I'm glad you're safe.''
*'''Raven''': ''Do you have a background in tactics? You seem to know what you were doing, when you fell back to support.''
*'''Rose''': ''Indeed, I'm glad you noticed! Since I specialize in guns and other long-range artillery, I tend to fall back to make most use of my abilities.''
*'''Add''': ''Hm... And this tin can is surprisingly useful as a navigation system, even though it's useless as a battle unit.''
*'''Zero''': ''Hey you, stop staring at me like that. What are you, wait-what's that? Are you planning to take me apart?! ROOOOSE! HEEELP!! PROTECT ME RIGHT THIS INSTANT!!!!''
*'''Rose''': ''For example, this grenade was recently developed to...''
*'''Zero''': ''Oi! Stop ignoring me!''
*'''Eve''': ''Fascinating, an AI powered by the El, created in a different dimension...''
*'''Zero''': ''Gyaaaaa!''
*'''Rena''': ''Haha, seems everyone is getting along.''
*'''Elesis''': ''Well, I have to admit she is useful in battle. Though I don't know if I can trust her yet.''
*'''Rena''': ''Being cautious is fine, but do make sure you're not always thinking of her negatively. You might become biased, thought I'm sure you know best.''
*'''Elesis''': ''... I don't think she's a bad person. I just think we need more time to figure out what kind of person she is.''
*'''Rena''': ''Huhuhu, that's why we always rely on our Captain of the Red Knights.''
*'''Lu''': ''Ohoho is that why you were so wary of me as well? Aren't you just adorable~''
*'''Elesis''': ''Errr...''
*'''Elsword''': ''Haha, come on everyone, let's stop the chit chat and move on. Something doesn't feel...''
*''(Keeee- Screeeech- Keeeee--!!)''
*'''Chung''': ''Ara!!!''
*'''Ara''': ''Kugh...!''
*'''Aisha''': ''I thought we defeated that thing earlier!?''
*'''Eve''': ''It's not the same monster, it merely has the same appearance. Wait... Enemies approaching! 10... 20... 50... 100?! Danger level at critical point! Everyone wa..!!''
*'''Elsword''': ''Aisha! Eve! Chung! Kugh...!! Rena! Ara! Lu! Ciel! Raven! Sis! Please! Open your eyes! Ugh...! Ain! Rose! No...''
*''(Keeeeee- Keee-!!!)''
*'''Elsword''': ''No... We can't... be...''
*'''Aisha''': ''... sword. Elsword!! Are you okay?''
*'''Elsword''': ''?!''
*'''Aisha''': ''What are you zoning out for? Let's go, everyone's waiting.''
*'''Elsword''': ''(What... was that...? A vision?)''
*'''Aisha''': ''Did you hurt yourself earlier? ... If you're worried about anything, let us know, ok?''
*'''Elsword''': ''...... Ok. Though I don't know how much help you would be~''
*'''Aisha''': ''What did you say-!! You want a taste of my magic?!''
*'''Elsword''': ''Uuah!''
|ED= 2,002,200
|EXP= 5,154,470
|QuestName= [Dungeon] Guardian's Forest 1
*Complete the '''[Dungeon] Labyrinth of Ruin 2''' story quest
*Defeat '''Sentinel Commander''' in [[12-2|Guardian's Forest]]
|Description= The El Search Party finally leave Henir's domain.<br>The forest that greets them is new, but familiar.
*'''Ain''': ''This is...''
*'''Lu''': ''Yes. This air... This atmosphere... There's no question. This is what you call the Demon Realm. My home world.''
*'''Add''': ''I don't understand how Henir's domain appeared in between Elrios and the Demon Realm, but we're here.''
*'''Rena''': ''There are trees everywhere... Looks like we're in the middle of a forest.''
*'''Ciel''': ''There's no sign of living things. Not even animals.''
*'''Lu''': ''Hm... I've never been to this forest. I don't know which way to go.''
*'''Add''': ''Hmph, what use is a demon that doesn't know their way around the Demon Realm?''
*'''Ara''': ''Ahaha, Add... (Sigh)''
*'''Elsword''': ''Well, let's go up that tree to take a look around.''
*'''Rose''': ''Good idea. Let's hurry then.''
*'''Aisha''': ''I didn't think the trees would be big enough to just walk up...''
*'''Ain''': ''It may take some time, but at least we won't fall down.''
*'''Aisha''': ''Don't jinx it! It might actually happen you know...''
*'''Elesis''': ''Anyways, this forest is really dense. With this many trees growing to this size, I won't be surprised if there's some kind of a guardian in this forest.''
*'''Rena''': ''It's quite similar to Elder's Shadow Forest. I wish I could communicate with the spirits of the Demon Realm...''
*'''Aisha''': ''Is it not possible to communicate with them?''
*'''Rena''': ''I'm not sure. They just run away when I try to talk to them...''
*'''Chung''': ''Look! This mushroom is glowing blue!''
*'''Lu''': ''Ohoho~ They're quite cute! Ciel, can you cook with this?''
*'''Ciel''': ''I don't know anything about mushrooms in the Demon Realm, but we don't touch colorful mushrooms like these in Elrios since they usually have poison.''
*'''Lu''': ''Ah, such a shame.''
*'''Raven''': ''Though it will be easier to find our way with the mushrooms lighting to the path. Even if we can't eat it.''
*'''Elsword''': ''... Hey, sis.''
*'''Elesis''': ''Hm?''
*'''Elsword''': ''... I want to say...''
*'''Rena''': ''Everyone stand where you are.''
*'''Ciel''': ''Oh,''
*'''Lu''': ''Ow! Ciel! Why did you stop all of a sudden!''
*'''Ara''': ''Ack!''
*'''Add''': ''Did you just smack me?!''
*'''Rena''': ''Shhh! ... There's something ahead. Is that...?!''
*'''Elesis''': ''What did you see? ...! A dark elf..?''
*'''Lu''': ''Oh, so this is the forest of the Dark Elves!''
*'''Elesis''': ''(Then this must be the dark continent. I never knew the dark continent was part of the Demon Realm.)''
*'''Rena''': ''... They seem different from the Dark Elves that invaded Elrios.''
*'''Elsword''': ''Yeah? I can't really tell.''
*'''Rena''': ''Let's try speaking to them.... I'm sure they'd understand the Ancient Elvan language.''
*'''Dark Elf''': ''<font color=#D600FF>! Who's there!</font>''
*'''Rena''': ''<font color=#2EE400>We have no intention to fight. We're here to talk.</font>''
*'''Dark Elf''': ''<font color=#2EE400>Ancient Elvan? Are you an elf from Elrios?</font>''
*'''Elsword''': ''I don't understand what's going on, but they look friendly.''
*'''Aisha''': ''I hope so...''
*'''Dark Elf''': ''<font color=#2EE400>... What?! You came through the Cave of Death? You dare lie to us? Nothing can survive inside that cave. I knew you were suspicious. You're under arrest!</font>''
*'''Rena''': ''Kugh!''
*'''Aisha''': ''I knew it!''
*'''Elesis''': ''No choice, let's get out of here for now!''
|ED= 2,002,200
|EXP= 5,154,470
|QuestName= [Dungeon] Guardian's Forest 2
*Complete the '''[Dungeon] Guardian's Forest 1''' story quest
*Defeat '''Forginay''' in [[12-2|Guardian's Forest]]
|Description= The hostile forest was the home of the Dark Elves.<br>When the El Search Party finally reached the top they see...
*'''Raven''': ''They're stronger than the Dark Elves at Velder. Especially the one with a giant bow.''
*'''Lu''': ''Of course. They're in their home domain. Sigh... It's not easy to subdue them without causing harm.''
*'''Chung''': ''Yes... While my body... still feels heavy.''
*'''Ain''': ''We're removed from the protection of El after all. It may feel heavy at first, but we'll get used to it.''
*'''Lu''': ''Mmhm~ And this is coming from someone who's struggling the most.''
*'''Ain''': ''Haha, if you shut up, I'll feel much better.''
*'''Elesis''': ''Let's get out of here before reinforcements arrive.''
*'''Aisha''': ''Did you hear that?''
*'''Chung''': ''Sounds like something big is coming towards us...!''
*'''Aisha''': ''O, over there! That giant shadow! Do you see?''
*'''Ciel''': ''It's very big.... But looks like it didn't notice us.''
*'''Rena''': ''Sigh... We can't let our guards down even a moment...''
*'''Ara''': ''Look! We can step on these mushrooms to reach to the top of this tree!''
*'''Elsword''': ''Alright, let's head on up!''
*'''Rose''': ''There's no getting higher. We're at the top.''
*'''Eve''': ''Is this..?''
*'''Rena''': ''It's dark... Unlike all the other plants we've seen so far.''
*'''Add''': ''It looks like a good hideout. It hasn't bloomed yet.''
*'''Rena''': ''Wait Add, don't touch...!''
*'''Add''': ''... It's nothing special. This one illuminates in the inside as well.''
*'''Aisha''': ''Wow, so pretty!''
*'''Eve''': ''Stand back, the pollen might be poisonous.''
*'''Elsword''': ''Look! There's another one that looks just like...''
*'''Elsword''': ''Uah?!''
*'''Rose''': ''Ah, looks like it lures its food this way. Everyone be careful!''
*'''Raven''': ''It's not calming down...!''
*'''Chung''': ''The Dark Elves are going to find out our location!''
*'''Rena''': ''We have no other choice... Let's defeat it!''
*'''Aisha''': ''Phew, it's finally quiet.''
*'''Ciel''': ''Stay vigilant. We don't know when those things might show up again.''
*'''Chloe''': ''You, you imbeciles!!! I can't believe you just killed the Red Guardian!!! Damn it! Of course things turn out this way.''
*'''Raven''': ''Red Guardian? Is that the name of this plant?''
*'''Aisha''': ''Y, y, you are...!''
*'''Everyone''': ''Chloe!?''
|ED= 2,002,200
|EXP= 5,154,470
|QuestName= [Dungeon] Guardian's Forest 3
*Complete the '''[Dungeon] Guardian's Forest 2''' story quest
*Clear [[12-2|Guardian's Forest]] once
|Description= Chloe seems to know a lot about this forest.
*'''Chloe''': ''You look like you've seen a ghost.''
*'''Rena''': ''Well...''
*'''Raven''': ''When you've fought us at every corner only to disappear after Hamel, isn't it natural we thought you were dead?''
*'''Chloe''': ''If I were weak and naive like you lot maybe.''
*'''Elsword''': ''... Are you here to pick a fight? We won't go down easy this time.''
*'''Elesis''': ''Elsword, wait. Chloe, what are you doing all alone? You've always had a couple of elves with you when you were in Velder. Plus, the Dark Elves we've seen earlier didn't seem to know anything about the Demon invasion in Elrios.''
*'''Chloe''': ''......''
*'''Elesis''': ''What's going on here?''
*'''Chloe''': ''What, do I have a nanny now? Asking me what I'm doing every step of the way?''
*'''Ciel''': ''I don't think you understand the situation you're in. We are choosing to be courteous, but that could always change.''
*'''Chloe''': ''Tsk... I'm no longer a general of the Demon Army. In fact, I walked out of the army a while ago.''
*'''Rose''': ''... A deserter?''
*'''Chloe''': ''Hmph, call me what you want. I merely have business with the Dark Elves.''
*'''Ara''': ''Is there a village nearby?''
*'''Chloe''': ''... Yes, on the way to the village, I heard a commotion. When I came to check, you morons went ahead and killed the Red Guardian.''
*'''Elsword''': ''What's so important about this flower?''
*'''Chloe''': ''I can't believe I'm talking to these idiots. The Guardian represents the forest. It eliminates the enemies of the forest in place of the trees. The Dark Elves live in symbiotic relationship with the Red Guardian as the other guardian of the forest. By now, they probably know you're here. I can't believe you lot are still getting in my way.''
*'''Add''': ''What did you...!''
*'''Rena''': ''Whoa, whoa, Add, calm down..!''
*'''Raven''': ''We can't fully trust her due to what happened in the past, but we need her help to get out of this forest.''
*'''Ciel''': ''If we can just resolve our misunderstanding with the Dark Elves, we might be able to stay temporarily at their village.''
*'''Elsword''': ''Then...''
*'''Chloe''': ''No.''
*'''Aisha''': ''We didn't even finish asking.''
*'''Chloe''': ''Isn't it obvious? I refuse to go anywhere with a bunch of nitwits.''
*'''Elesis''': ''We need your knowledge of the area, and you need to arrive safely at the village. Let's just say we're using each other, if you don't like the idea of working together.''
*'''Chloe''': ''...... Tsk, fine.''
|ED= 2,002,200
|EXP= 5,154,470

=== <u>Chapter 34: Strange Phenomenon</u> ===
=== <u>[[Story/Chapter 34|Chapter 34: Strange Phenomenon]]</u> ===
With Chloe's assistance, the group manages to get Edith to stop attacking them for the moment being as Chloe explains the situation of the Demon Realm to them. However, shortly after, they are attacked by spirits, and they come face to face with Nephilim Lord, although not the same as the one from Velder. They decide to go to the tower.
|QuestName= [Dungeon] To Dark Elves' Village
*Complete the '''[Dungeon] Guardian's Forest 3''' story quest
*Clear [[12-3|Dark Elves' Outpost]] once
|Description= The El Search Party heads toward Dark Elves village with Chloe's help.<br>However, the Dark Elves are in high-alert.
*'''Lu''': ''I don't know about this. Didn't you say she attacked you multiple times in Velder? How can we rely on such a character?''
*'''Chloe''': ''Why, pipsqueak. You took the words right out of my mouth.''
*'''Lu''': ''Pi, pi, pipsqueak? You impertinent peasant! Do you know who you are speaking to?''
*'''Elesis''': ''Calm down Lu. Remember, we're using her so we can avoid fighting with the Dark Elves.''
*'''Chloe''': ''...... The scouts are coming up. We'll lose them by climbing back down. Don't make a sound, and follow me.''
*'''Ara''': ''Amazing...! She moves so quickly.''
*'''Ain''': ''We might lose her if we don't furry. Let us proceed.''
*'''Chung''': ''Ah...''
*'''Eve''': ''Do you require assistance?''
*'''Chung''': ''Oh, thank you! I wasn't prepared for so much wild life. My cannon keeps getting in the way, haha.''
*'''Eve''': ''Moby, Remy, please cut down all the branches around Chung.''
*'''Elsword''': ''Be careful Ara, there's a puddle over there.''
*'''Ara''': ''Oooh! Thank you! I almost splashed myself.''
*'''Add''': ''Hm... Dynamo, analyze the components. This is drinkable water.''
*'''Elsword''': ''Amazing, so the Demon Realm also has normal water.''
*'''Chloe''': ''... Are you stupid? What did you think the Demon Realm would be like?''
*'''Ara''': ''Err... Barren wasteland swarming with monsters?''
*'''Chloe''': ''You-! Shouldn't you have corrected their misconception as the ruler of the Demon Realm?''
*'''Lu''': ''Hm? The area I used to live IS a barren wasteland.''
*'''Chloe''': ''Sigh... you should have at least explained that the term 'Demon Realm' was given by the idiots in Elrios.''
*'''Ara''': ''Watch out! I saw a dark elf over there..!''
*'''Chung''': ''They're on high alert...!''
*'''Chloe''': ''There are more guards than usual. Tsk, it's all because you attacked the Red Guardian.... but it is what it is.''
*'''Dark Elf''': ''<font color=#D600FF>Intruders!</font>''
*'''Ciel''': ''Tsk, they discovered us.''
*'''Dark Elf''': ''<font color=#D600FF>Surrender your selves! You are surrounded...?! Chloe?</font>''
*'''Chloe''': ''......''
*'''Dark Elf''': ''<font color=#D600FF>You traitor... Did you bring these outsiders? How dare you show yourself after leaving our village? You will die where you stand!!</font>''
*'''Zero''': ''Ack! They're shooting arrows left and right!!!''
*'''Aisha''': ''The situation is worse than before!''
*'''Raven''': ''Everyone focus! The battle already started!''
*'''Ciel''': ''Even if we do arrive at the Dark Elves' Village, at this rate...''
*'''Raven''': ''We might as well draw a target on our foreheads.''
*'''Rena''': ''What happened Chloe?''
*'''Chloe''': ''... Isn't it obvious? They are conservative and old fashioned, treating those who leave the village as traitors. It's apparent now that a warm welcome was too much to ask for. Just... shut up and follow me. There's still one more trick up my sleeve.''
*'''Elsword''': ''What do you mean?''
*'''Chloe''': ''There's one elf I can talk to, who somewhat understands my situation. We need to talk to her. We're going through the shortcut. I'm not slowing down for you, if you lose me, that will be your damn fault.''
|ED= 2,002,200
|EXP= 5,154,470
|QuestName= [Dungeon] Elder of the Dark Elves
*Complete the '''[Dungeon] To Dark Elves' Village''' story quest
*Defeat '''Sentinel Commander''' in [[12-3|Dark Elves' Outpost]]
*Defeat '''Fae Panther''' in [[12-3|Dark Elves' Outpost]]
*Clear [[12-3|Dark Elves' Outpost]] once
|Description= The Sentinel Commander appears in front of the El Search Party with the Blue Guardian, 'Fae Panther'.<br>The one to stop the continuous fight was...
*'''Ain''': ''Ms. Captain!''
*'''Elesis''': ''!!''
*'''Rena''': ''Phew, that was close... I didn't expect there to be a trap like that.''
*'''Aisha''': ''It's an arrow specially crafted with magic. It might be too late by the time we notice it.''
*'''Ciel''': ''There are multiple outposts on the way. Coming this way may have been for naught.''
*'''Zero''': ''What's this shiny thing...? Uaaah! Thorns!!''
*'''Chung''': ''I guess we should watch where we're going as well.''
*'''Elsword''': ''There's no other way. We must face them head on!''
*'''Chloe''': ''Do you want to be a pin cushion?''
*'''Elsword''': ''But there's no other way. This is Dark Elves' domain. The longer we stay, the more we're at a disadvantage. It's better to just fight them and get this over with.''
*'''Raven''': ''Elsword does have a point...''
*'''Ara''': ''It might take them by surprise.''
*'''Chloe''': ''Whatever. As long as we can get out of this mess, it doesn't matter. I will lead you directly to the village then.''
*'''Zero''': ''.........?!! Hey guys?! Are you just going to leave me here?! Hey guuuys!''
*'''Sentinel Commander''': ''<font color=#D600FF>Hmph, you think you can take us head on? Well, I commend your bravery.</font>''
*'''Chloe''': ''Tsk, how troublesome. Of course it's going to be her.''
*'''Elsword''': ''That's the elf we saw earlier.''
*'''Sentinel Commander''': ''<font color=#D600FF>You shall not pass. We will make you regret entering our domain.</font>''
*'''Sentinel Commander''': ''<font color=#D600FF>Come, Blue Guardian! Answer my call! Aid your fellow guardians!!!</font>''
*'''Chloe''': ''!!''
*'''Chung''': ''A whistle? Did she call something...?!''
*'''Chloe''': ''She called another guardian. This is bad...!''
*'''Elesis''': ''Oof..!! What a presence...!!''
*'''Sentinel Commander''': ''<font color=#D600FF>Come! Traitors and intruders have no place here!</font>''
*'''Elsword''': ''She's too fast! We're barely making a hit!''
*'''Ciel''': ''Is this ever going to end?''
*'''Sentinel Commander''': ''<font color=#D600FF>... I acknowledge you are strong warriors, but I will not let you pass!</font>''
*'''Raven''': ''She's still going strong!''
*'''Add''': ''Hmph, I've already adjusted to this heavy atmosphere. That attack won't work on me!''
*'''Sentinel Commander''': ''Ugh!''
*'''Add''': ''Oi, don't just stand there, idiots! Start attacking!''
*'''Rena''': ''Haaaaa!''
*'''Sentinel Commander''': ''!!''
*'''???''': ''<font color=#D600FF>That's enough.</font>''
*'''Ara''': ''Rena's arrow... just disappeared...?!''
*'''Sentinel Commander''': ''<font color=#D600FF>Elder..!!</font>''
*'''Chloe''': ''......''
*'''Dark Elf Elder''': ''<font color=#D600FF>Stop the fight.</font>''
*'''Sentinel Commander''': ''<font color=#D600FF>But...!</font>''
*'''Dark Elf Elder''': ''<font color=#D600FF>I don't think these outsiders mean any harm. If I need your assistance, I will let you know as soon as possible.</font>''
*'''Sentinel Commander''': ''<font color=#D600FF>Understood.</font>''
*'''Dark Elf Elder''': ''<font color=#D600FF>...... I apologize in advance Chloe. As you know, we don't allow outsiders in our village. However, I have set up a temporary space for us to converse.</font>''
*'''Chloe''': ''<font color=#D600FF>... That's fine.</font>''
*'''Dark Elf Elder''': ''<font color=#D600FF>Please let our visistors know what I said, as they won't understand our language.</font>''
*'''Chloe''': ''<font color=#D600FF>That stuck up Elrios Elf over there understands ancient Elven, so why don't you just talk to her?</font>''
*'''Dark Elf Elder''': ''<font color=#D600FF>Ah... I see... an elf from Elrios...</font> <font color=#2EE400>Let us go somewhere we can sit down, shall we?</font>''
*'''Dark Elf Elder''': ''<font color=#2EE400>...! Yes, thank you for your hospitality.</font>''
|ED= 2,002,200
|EXP= 5,154,470
|QuestName= [Dungeon] Offer
*Complete the '''[Dungeon] Elder of the Dark Elves''' story quest
*Defeat '''Sentinel Guardians''' in [[12-3|Dark Elves' Outpost]]
|Description= Dark Elf Elder Edith makes an offer to the El Search Party.
*'''Chung''': ''She just blocked Rena's arrow with one hand...!''
*'''Rena''': ''Haha, I think we can relax. It doesn't look like she wants to fight.''
*'''Edith''': ''<font color=#2EE400>Huhu... My name is Edith, I am the village elder, the leader of this village. Because of our location being surrounded by the forest, we have developed out own language. I have one question for you. Why did you think we would understand Ancient Elven?</font>''
*'''Rena''': ''<font color=#2EE400>My village Elder used to teach me the history of the Elves. That's when she told me... That Dark Elves and Elrios Elves derived from the same roots.</font>''
*'''Edith''': ''<font color=#2EE400>... I see. So you don't believe we are the 'Cursed Elves'?</font>''
*'''Rena''': ''<font color=#2EE400>That... That is...</font>''
*'''Elsword''': ''... What are they talking about?''
*'''Aisha''': ''Something important, that's for sure. They look serious...''
*'''Edith''': ''<font color=#2EE400>Ah, I apologize if I made you unconfortable with this question. I was merely curious. This is something others should understand as well. Chloe, if you would?</font>''
*'''Chloe''': ''As you know, Dark Elves and Elves from Elrios share the same ancestors. Which means Dark Elves used to dwell in Elrios as well.''
*'''Eve''': ''Why did you come here then? It couldn't have been easy to move away from the spirits and the El in Elrios.''
*'''Chloe''': ''The ancestors of Dark Elves used to dwell in the Obsidian Forest, an area with the strongest demonic energy in Elrios. Their bodies, exposed to the demonic energy, adapted, and began utilizing the demonic energy that surrounded them. The other Elves, who could no accept the use of demonic energy, shunned them, called them the 'Cursed Ones'.''
*'''Rena''': ''... That's why they had to leave.''
*'''Chloe''': ''It's still a mystery how they ended up in the Demon Realm though.''
*'''Elesis''': ''I read an ancient tome in Velder that said, 'Dark Elves live in the Dark Continent.' Does that mean we're in the Dark Continent right now? Or was the tome incorrect?''
*'''Chloe''': ''Do I look like your teacher?''
*'''Edith''': ''......''
*'''Chloe''': ''... Fine. This is the Dark Continent. It's the edge of the Demon Realm, with guardians protecting the forest forever dark as night. But that is a name given by outsiders. We Dark Elves call this place, Varnimyr.''
*'''Elesis''': ''I see...''
*'''Chloe''': ''<font color=#D600FF>... I have no time for idle chitchat with outsiders. I came to warn the village of what's happening.</font>''
*'''Edith''': ''<font color=#D600FF>A warning, you say?</font>''
*'''Chloe''': ''<font color=#D600FF>The Demon Army is in complete disarray. With several commanders defeated in Elrios, the spots left empty are being fought over by those who are hungry for power. I left before I got caught in the mess, but they probably noticed I'm gone by now. This place is no longer safe. We need to leave now.</font>''
*'''Edith''': ''......''
*'''Elsword''': ''Hey, what are you guys talking about? Is it serious? Can we help?''
*'''Elesis''': ''... I'm still in your debt. If we can help in any way, I want you to tell us.''
*'''Chloe''': ''......''
*'''Elsword''': ''So, to get this straight, Chloe joined the demon army so they didn't disturb the village.''
*'''Rose''': ''But she left to avoid being swept in the current conflict; which leaves the village in danger as it's a breach in contract.''
*'''Add''': ''So it's all your fault. In the end, it's because you were not confident enough in your abilities to deal with those coming for your throat.''
*'''Ara''': ''A, Add!''
*'''Chloe''': ''You're right. It's because I'm no strong enough.... But that's why I'm here. I could no let my weakness be the downfall of this village.''
*'''Elsword''': ''Anyway, sis. What do you mean you're in her debt?''
*'''Elesis''': ''Haha, it's a long story that happened long ago. How about I tell you next time?''
*'''Edith''': ''<font color=#2EE400>So you've come here to find information on the Dark El and find your missing family members.</font>''
*'''Rena''': ''<font color=#2EE400>Yes, do you know anything?</font>''
*'''Edith''': ''<font color=#2EE400>The spirits would know about the Dark El in detail. We will need their help as well, in order to prepare for what Chloe has warned us about. You wish to help us? Then how about you escort elves that will be meeting with the spirits. They've been carefully selected and will be able to communicate with you smoothly. What do you think? I believe it will be beneficial for the both of us.</font>''
*'''Rena''': ''<font color=#2EE400>Please let us discuss amongst ourselves.</font> ...... So what do you think about this offer?''
*'''Ara''': ''I think we should do it. We will be able to help the Dark Elves while still receiving the information we need. It will be killing two birds with one stone.''
*'''Aisha''': ''It's not a bad idea. I'm sure spirits will know many things that are no privy to us.''
*'''Raven''': ''I agree as well. It will be good for us to make allies we can trust.''
*'''Chung''': ''So there are other people that live in the Demon Realm other than demons. It's rather surprising.''
*'''Edith''': ''<font color=#2EE400>Have you decided?</font>''
*'''Rena''': ''<font color=#2EE400>Yes, we accept your offer. However, we are all exhausted from the constant battles. We would like some place to rest before we are needed.</font>''
*'''Edith''': ''<font color=#2EE400>Huhu, that will be no problem at all. You will be heading towards Spirit Asylum, where our patron deity Nephilim Lord dwells. Normally, we would alert him of our visits... But I have not been able to communicate with him.</font>''
*'''Chloe''': ''<font color=#2EE400>Maybe you're just losing touch.</font>''
*'''Edith''': ''<font color=#2EE400>Huhuhu... That may be, but you can never be too careful.</font>''
*'''Aisha''': ''... We're done for now, right? Can we go rest?''
*'''Rena''': ''Haha, yes. We should rest up.''
*'''Aisha''': ''Yes! Ciel! Let's have some tea!''
*'''Ciel''': ''Alright, I have the perfect tea set.''
*'''Eve''': ''You mean they were not damaged during battle?''
*'''Elsword''': ''Um... Ain...''
*'''Ain''': ''Yes, Elsword?''
*'''Elsword''': ''......''
*'''Ain''': ''?''
*'''Elsword''': ''... Never mind. It's nothing. I'm sorry to bother you.''
*'''Ain''': ''No need to apologize. When you're ready to talk, I'll still be listening.''
|ED= 2,002,200
|EXP= 5,154,470
|QuestName= [Dungeon] Spirit Asylum 1
*Complete the '''[Dungeon] Offer''' story quest
*Clear [[12-4|Forsaken Spirit Asylum]] once
|Description= An ominous wind passes through the once peaceful Spirit Asylum.
*'''Aisha''': ''Um... What are the enormous beings patrolling outside the forest?''
*'''Dark Elf''': ''Ah, so you've met him.''
*'''Aisha''': ''Him?''
*'''Dark Elf''': ''He is a Dark Nephilim that came from Spirit Asylum specifically to help us. You are lucky to be still alive after witnessing his magnificence.''
*'''Ara''': ''There are more than one Dark Nephilim?''
*'''Dark Elf''': ''Yes. We worship Nephilim Lord, the very first, most ancient among Dark Nephilims.''
*'''Rena''': ''Nephilim Lord... Mm... Could you also tell us about the Cave of Death?''
*'''Dark Elf''': ''I see you are curious about many things. The Cave of Death is the cave of legend, it brings death to all who've tried to enter. As such, that area became forbidden. Even Dark Nephilims do not go near the cave.''
*'''Chung''': ''(It makes sense... Most beings will cease to exist upon coming in contact with Henir energy after all.)''
*'''Dark Elf''': ''We've arrived. This is Spirit Asylum.''
*'''Eve''': ''Interesting. The plants here are much more docile than the ones we saw in the forest.''
*'''Ara''': ''Oh! Look over there! That cute creature reminds me of butterflies!''
*'''Aisha''': ''C, cute..? It's a little creepy in my opinion... Wait, it looks like...''
*'''Lu''': ''!''
*'''Ciel''': ''What is it, Lu?''
*'''Lu''': ''I smell ashes.''
*'''Ciel''': ''Ashes?''
*'''Lu''': ''Something is burning.''
*'''Aisha''': ''Gah! Get off me! Get OFFFF MEEE!!''
*'''Ara''': ''Something's wrong! All the spirits are attacking..!!''
*'''Dark Elf''': ''What's going on...? The spirits have gone berserk! They are not listening to us.''
*'''Small Spirit''': ''Over here...! Please... somebody...''
*'''Rena''': ''Over there! There's still a spirit that hasn't gone berserk!''
*'''Elsword''': ''Let's go!''
*'''Elsword''': ''Hey, are you alright?''
*'''Small Spirit''': ''Thank you for saving me...''
*'''Chung''': ''Oh! I can hear it's voice! I thought only elves could communicate with spirits?''
*'''Rena''': ''A powerful spirit can communicate with anyone. They just refuse to speak, as they are wary of strangers.''
*'''Rena''': ''Looks like spirits of the Demon Realm have the same ability.''
*'''Ara''': ''So Lincy didn't say anything because she's shy...!''
*'''Rena''': ''Ahaha... Sure. Let's go with that...''
*'''Raven''': ''I thought Nephilim Lord dwelled here?''
*'''Dark Elf''': ''... Yes, he is the ruler of this place... I don't understand. How could this happen?''
*'''Small Spirit''': ''I'm not sure... All my friends suddenly became violent and started attacking each other... and... and... WAAHHHH!''
*'''Ara''': ''... Don't worry! We'll protect you! I'm sure we can find a way to get your friends back to normal as well!''
*'''Elsword''': ''There's nothing we can do from here. Let's go see Nephilim Lord.''
|ED= 2,002,200
|EXP= 5,154,470
|QuestName= [Dungeon] Spirit Asylum 2
*Complete the '''[Dungeon] Spirit Asylum 1''' story quest
*Defeat 10 '''Mople''' in [[12-4|Forsaken Spirit Asylum]]
*Defeat 5 '''Njord''' in [[12-4|Forsaken Spirit Asylum]]
*Clear [[12-4|Forsaken Spirit Asylum]] once
|Description= An eerie aura surrounds Spirit Asylum.<br>It seems something is wrong with the Nephilim Lord. Let's hurry to the Nephilim Lord.
*'''Aisha''': ''Ugh. Is it me, or it's really hot.''
*'''Chung''': ''Look..! It's as if there's and invisible line here...! Everything... is so...''
*'''Dark Elf''': ''How... No... I can't believe it... The Asylum...''
*'''Ciel''': ''I can't believe this is the same area as the entrance. It's completely barren. And this red storm...''
*'''Eve''': ''The plants are also dying. It seems to be alive at this moment... But not for long.''
*'''Small Spirit''': ''This way! This is the short cut to where our Lord lives!''
*'''Ara''': ''Wait for us! It's too dangerous...!''
*'''Eun''': ''... Ara... Be careful.''
*'''Ara''': ''Eun! Did you sense something?''
*'''Eun''': ''I'm not certain. But something... is not right.''
*'''Ara''': ''... I see. I'll make sure to be careful.''
*'''Eun''': ''(There's something...)''
*'''Lu''': ''Hm? What's wrong, you're not sick again, are you?''
*'''Ain''': ''No, I'm fine. It's just...''
*'''Lu''': ''Yes?''
*'''Ain''': ''I sense something quite different here.''
*'''Lu''': ''Mmm... I don't sense anything...''
*'''Ain''': ''Haha, maybe you're just obtuse.''
*'''Lu''': ''What? You good for nothing...! I can't believe I was worried about you!''
*'''Elsword''': ''Ain is right. I don't know what it is... but something feels familiar.''
*'''Rena''': ''That's the same monster we saw in the forest!''
*'''Aisha''': ''I thought they were with the Dark Elves!! Wait... Did it always look like that...?!''
*'''Dark Elf''': ''Kugh, it's no use! It's not listening to me! It's been tainted by some kind of energy!''
*'''Eve''': ''The monster... the spirits... It seems everything here went berserk due to some kind of outer influence.''
*'''Add''': ''Oi, you!''
*'''Small Spirit''': ''Wah!?''
*'''Add''': ''You can't even fight. Don't get in our way and stay here.''
*'''Rena''': ''We have to fight the spirits now? I feel bad...''
*'''Raven''': ''We should be able to knock them out without harming them too much. Let's go!''
*'''Small Spirit''': ''We've arrived. This is where Nephilim Lord dwells.''
*'''Aisha''': ''There's something ominous about this place as well.''
*'''Elsword''': ''Where is Nephilim Lord?''
*''Booom- Craaaack!''
*'''Ara''': ''Uuah! E.. Earthwuake?!''
*'''Dark Elf''': ''No. This is...''
*'''Nephilim Lord''': ''Grrrrrrr...''
*'''Dark Elf''': ''<font color=#D600FF>Oh Noble Protector! We, the Black Guardians under your helpful guidance have come to seek your advice...!</font>''
*'''Nephilim Lord''': ''......... Grrrrr...''
*'''Ciel''': ''... I don't think he understands what we're saying.''
*'''Eve''': ''He's also in berserk. A power so strong that it influences Nephilim Lord...? I don't believe this.''
*'''Nephilim Lord''': ''Kuuuaaah!!''
*'''Elsword''': ''Everyone move!''
*'''Chung''': ''Kugh...!!!''
*'''Raven''': ''The Dark Nephilim in Velder has nothing on this one...!!!''
*'''Rena''': ''Is this the power of Nephilim Lord...?''
*'''Lu''': ''With this power, no wonder the Dark Elves worship him!''
*'''Elesis''': ''If he doesn't understand what we're saying... There's no other way but to fight!''
|ED= 2,002,200
|EXP= 5,154,470
|QuestName= [Dungeon] Nephilim Lord
*Complete the '''[Dungeon] Spirit Asylum 2''' story quest
*Defeat '''Nephilim Lord''' in [[12-4|Forsaken Spirit Asylum]]
|Description= The Nephilim Lord returns to his senses.<br>The El Search Party asks for information on the Dark El, however...
*'''Nephilim Lord''': ''Ugh...!''
*'''Chung''': ''Wait, it seems like he's coming back to his senses..!''
*'''Ciel''': ''Everyone stop!''
*'''Raven''': ''Do you know where you are?''
*'''Nephilim Lord''': ''...? Who... are you?''
*'''Dark Elf''': ''<font color=#D600FF>Oh Noble Protector! These are adventurers that are in alliance with us. What happened to this place...!!</font>''
*'''Nephilim Lord''': ''I see... So it's already happened.''
*'''Nephilim Lord''': ''... 'It' appeared around 500 years ago by mortal standards. I didn't pay any attention to it, because it didn't do anything. But recently, it began to emit an aura unfamiliar to me.''
*'''Rena''': ''An unfamiliar aura?''
*'''Nephilim Lord''': ''Yes. I am the first Nephilim. The most ancient among the spirits that dwell in this asylum. But even I have never felt such an aura before. It was faint, but I felt anger within its being. A violent wish to burn and destroy all things...... I did my best to protect the asylum, but it seems I have succumbed to it first.''
*'''Add''': ''Why did you succumb to it first? I thought you were the strongest spirit in this place.''
*'''Nephilim Lord''': ''You are daring, to demand your answers from me. I am what links all spirits into one. All the spirits here, their memories, knowledge, even their abilities all come back to me. As such, when the spirits were affected by the aura, all their afflictions accumulated within me... And so I have lost control.''
*'''Dark Elf''': ''<font color=#D600FF>You are not at fault Noble Protector...! It was our duty as the Black Guardians to notice anything that's gone amiss!</font>''
*'''Nephilim Lord''': ''Now is not the time to decide who's at fault. We have to eliminate the source of this matter.''
*'''Elsword''': ''Tell us about 'It' that appeared 500 years ago. That's what caused all this, right?''
*'''Nephilim Lord''': ''... Ah, I remember you. You are the boy in my memory.''
*'''Elsword''': ''Wait... Were you the Dark Nephilim we fought at Southern Gate in Velder?''
*'''Nephilim Lord''': ''Perhaps it was, perhaps it wasn't.''
*'''Elsword''': ''Um... What do you mean?''
*'''Nephilim Lord''': ''It's impossible for someone inexperienced to summon me in entirety. To resolve this, they brought an artificial source of mana. But my power is not to be contained by such inferior device. The being that was summoned there, is weaker than the youngest Nephilim here.''
*'''Elesis''': ''(And we struggled really hard trying to stop it...''
*'''Aisha''': ''(Yeah, if we can, we should avoid fighting with Nephilim Lord again.''
*'''Ciel''': ''And because it was a summon, albeit an incomplete one, you still have its memories?''
*'''Nephilim Lord''': ''Yes.... But as I was saying... Red Boy, you ask of 'It' that appeared 500 years ago? It is shaped like a tower. But it is not a true contruction. It rejects entry of other beings like it's alive. It never disturbed us. As long as nobody attempted to enter it, nothing changed.''
*'''Rena''': ''Until now when its strange aura caused everyone to go berserk...''
*'''Eve''': ''Do you remember exactly when you started sensing this aura?''
*'''Nephilim Lord''': ''Hm... I cannot be certain, but its only been a few months. But you're an adventurer from a different realm with no concern for ours. What is it that you wish to ask of me?''
*'''Ciel''': ''You are right. As expected of the Great Deity.''
*'''Elsword''': ''We need to find the Dark El. There's a suspicious group called Henir's Order trying to get a hold of it.''
*'''Nephilim Lord''': ''And how do I know you're any different from this... group?''
*'''Lu''': ''I can't believe how obstinate you are being! Did you forget that we helped you come to your senses?''
*'''Nephilim Lord''': ''... There's always those who seek the power of the Dark El. I have never encountered any who claimed themselves to be of Henir's Order. But perhaps they were among many I've met.''
*'''Elsword''': ''What do we need to do to prove ourselves?''
*'''Nephilim Lord''': ''Hm... Perhaps you should eliminate the source of the aura that disturbed this place in my stead. Once the source is eliminated and the asylum at peace, I will accept you have integrity, and provide you the information you need.''
*'''Lu''': ''Sigh... Seems like we're running errands for anyone these days.''
*'''Elsword''': ''The Dark El must be important to the spirits here. I understand why we would need to earn their trust. And if the aura was strong enough to put Nephilim Lord under its influence, then we should probably check to make sure it doesn't come in our way.''
*'''Lu''': ''Yes, yes, of course. It's just as you say. And I'm not so heartless that I'd ignore the situation they are in.''
*'''Ciel''': ''Huhu...''
*'''Lu''': ''... Why are you looking at me like that. You're treating me like a child again, aren't you Ciel. Ahem!''
*'''Dark Elf''': ''We will stay and take care of the fallen spirits.... We will await your return.''
*'''Ara''': ''Just leave it to us!''
*'''Small Spirit''': ''Since I'm the only spirit that can guide you at this moment, I'll lead the way!''
*'''Raven''': ''You're not inconveniencing yourself?''
*'''Small Spirit''': ''This is nothing! Please let me repay you for saving my life.''
*'''Elsword''': ''Alright, then let's go!''
*'''Nephilim Lord''': ''... Hm?''
*'''Dark Elf''': ''What is it, Lord Nephilim?''
*'''Nephilim Lord''': ''Ah, no need to concern yourself. I must be growing weary...''
|ED= 2,002,200
|EXP= 5,154,470

=== <u>Chapter 35: Cradle of Sin</u> ===
=== <u>[[Story/Chapter 35|Chapter 35: Cradle of Sin]]</u> ===
[[File:Chapter 35 Story 7-6.png|thumb|Chapter 35|300px]]
They follow the Tiny Spirit to the field. They get attacked by the mysterious monsters, and they decide to head inside the tower, and subdue the Eye; the path to the center of tower opens. They are forced to fight the Malice; at the point the tower falls apart, and they're forced to fight the Recluse. However, they are shocked to learn it is actually the Fire Master, Rosso, and at that point, the group goes further.
|QuestName= [Dungeon] Howling Field
*Complete the '''[Dungeon] Nephilim Lord''' story quest
*Defeat '''Remnant of Crimson Calamity''' in [[12-5|Crimson Tower of Howling Flames]]
|Description= The El Search Party follows the Tiny Spirit to a barren field.
*'''Raven''': ''All the plants here are completely dried out. Everything looks dead.''
*'''Eve''': ''There's no sign of life. As expected, this is a dangerous place.''
*'''Rena''': ''Thanks for leading the way. We can take it from here.''
*'''Tiny Spirit''': ''Please be safe. I'll be waiting for you here.''
*'''Ara''': ''Looks like even the sky is falling apart... It feels... creepy.''
*'''Chung''': ''It's odd. Even though this is where the abnormalities began, the sky here is more blue than it is above Spirit Asylum.''
*'''Elesis''': ''Looks like everywhere else is surrounded by red fog. But it's clear where we're standing.''
*'''Raven''': ''Like the eye of the storm...''
*'''Elsword''': ''I knew it. This place... feels a lot like Lanox.''
*'''Ain''': ''You too? I also feel like something is vaguely familiar.''
*'''Ciel''': ''I don't know. It's true Lanox is also covered in ashes and flames, but it's definitely more livelier than this place.''
*'''Rena''': ''Maybe you feel like it's similar because Lanox has a lot of demonic energy.''
*'''Chung''': ''Over there! I see something!''
*'''Add''': ''It looks suspicious even from afar. Is that the 'Thing' Nephilim Lord was talking about?''
*'''Elesis''': ''Let's approach this carefully. It has to be dangerous if it can cause a powerful being like Nephilim Lord to go berserk.''
*'''Lu''': ''You worry too much. The tower is still far away! Unless something flies towards us...''
*'''Eve''': ''!! Incoming!! Everyone spread out!''
*'''Elsword''': ''Ooof... Is everyone alright?!''
*'''Lu''': ''Wha, where did that come from?!''
*'''Ciel''': ''I don't think anyone's hurt, but what was that?''
*'''Eve''': ''I saw it flying straight from the tower. It looked like a giant orb of fire...''
*'''Add''': ''How did it fly all the way here without us noticing anything? We should have felt it coming.''
*'''Elsword''': ''(That familiar feeling... It's stronger now... What's happening?)''
*''Rumble Rumble''
*'''Ara''': ''The ground is sharking! Is it from the impact earlier?''
*'''Elesis''': ''No... That's not it. Look over there! The crater!''
*'''Aisha''': ''The core... And the rocks that surrounds it... This looks like a golem of some sort! This energy...! Something tells me these golems are going to be very dangerous...!!''
*'''Elesis''': ''Everyone get ready!''
*'''Chung''': ''Phew... I think we did it. I can't believe we had to defeat all four of them at once!''
*'''Aisha''': ''I can't believe this. From what I know, you need hundreds of magicians to summon a golem like this.''
*'''Ciel''': ''Lu, are all creatures in the Demon Realm like this?''
*'''Lu''': ''Usually not in the middle of nowhere! I've never heard there could be something like this out here!''
*'''Add''': ''You're truly useless as a guide.''
*'''Elesis''': ''Something's strange.''
*'''Eve''': ''I think so too. This creature... did not have any demonic energy. In fact...''
*'''Elsword''': ''In fact?''
*''Rumble Rumble''
*'''Chung''': ''Everything is shaking again! Are the monsters back?!''
*'''Ara''': ''The ground is cracking!''
*'''Raven''': ''Damn it, it's too late to escape. Prepare yourselves, we're going to fall!''
|ED= 2,002,200
|EXP= 5,154,470
|QuestName= [Dungeon] Longing Flame
*Complete the '''[Dungeon] Howling Field''' story quest
*Defeat '''Crimson Soul''' in [[12-5|Crimson Tower of Howling Flames]]
|Description= Undying fire strikes the El Search Party.<br>What will the vicious flame hold...?
*'''Rena''': ''Is everyone alright?''
*'''Ara''': ''Owwww...''
*'''Elesis''': ''I can't believe such a large open area was just beneath out feet. At least we didn't fall during battle...''
*'''Ciel''': ''It's good we're all so positive about this, but we should really start thinking about getting out of this place.''
*'''Aisha''': ''If this was formed naturally, there should be an exit somewhere.''
*'''Lu''': ''I guess it's my turn. Let us head towards the smell of wind and ashes~''
*'''Add''': ''I can't believe we still have to rely on your sense of smell.''
*'''Rena''': ''There are traces on the wall that look like lava. Looks like we fell down pretty deeply...''
*'''Elsword''': ''Huh? Is this mark also a lava mark?''
*'''Eve''': ''Let me see. How interesting. This looks like it was cut with a sharp, scorching weapon.''
*'''Aisha''': ''Everyone look! Is that... a scythe? It's a giant scythe!''
*'''Chung''': ''I wonder whose weapon it was. But why is it in such a place?''
*'''Eve''': ''Sharp... scorching weapon......! Everyone get back!''
*'''Chung''': ''?!''
*'''Aisha''': ''Wha, what is that? It's moving by itself! A gh, ghost?''
*'''Add''': ''Don't be stupid. There's no such thing as gh, gh, ghosts!!''
*'''Elesis''': ''We can't let our guard down even for a second...!''
*'''Ain''': ''Perhaps we should have this conversation after we defeat it?''
*'''Chung''': ''(Huff huff), It's hard to breathe...''
*'''Eve''': ''It's burning all the oxygen. The longer we fight, the more we'll be at a disadvantage.''
*'''Rena''': ''Also, this fire doesn't seem to go out.''
*'''Raven''': ''A ghost scythe ahead, and a field of fire in the back... There's no way to hide.''
*'''Ara''': ''Ah?!''
*'''Ain''': ''What is it, Miss Fox?''
*'''Ara''': ''Um... I'm not sure, but I think I saw a faint figure near the scythe...''
*'''Aisha''': ''A soul attached to the scythe? ... Wait...''
*'''Ciel''': ''It disappeared.''
*'''Lu''': ''No! It teleported!''
*'''Chung''': ''Elsword, duck!!''
*'''Add''': ''It missed? No, that's not it!''
*'''Elesis''': ''The fire...! Elsword!!''
*'''Elsword''': ''Kugh!!''
*'''???''': ''I'm not interested... In strength to protect someone else. I need to fulfill my purpose...''
*'''Elsword''': ''(What...?)''
*'''Ain''': ''Elsword!!''
*'''Elsword''': ''Cough, cough! Ugh...! Phew... This is nothing after being hit by Aisha's fireballs a million times!''
*'''Aisha''': ''This is no time to joke around! Go get yourself healed!''
*'''Elsword''': ''Ahaha... (What was that? A memory...?)''
*'''Rena''': ''The fire... is gone.''
*'''Ara''': ''The scythe turned into flames, wait!''
*'''Add''': ''It's getting away. It went towards the tower.''
*'''Chung''': ''Sigh... I don't think we can chase it right now.''
*'''Aisha''': ''Ooooh... I'm all out of mana... I can't fight anymore.''
*'''Add''': ''You obviously have enough energy to talk.''
*'''Aisha''': ''What did you...? Ugh... Never mind. I'm too tired...''
*'''Raven''': ''Our best course of action is to rest here for now. We should stay here until everyone is well rested.''
*'''Elsword''': ''Anyway, Eve, what were you going to say earlier?''
*'''Eve''': ''Earlier? Ah, you mean before we fell. The golem we fought had some demonic energy due to the rocks and ore being from the Demon Realm... But unlike the exterior, it looked like the core had little to do with demonic energy.''
*'''Elesis''': ''You're right... It almost felt like... Fire.''
*'''Rena''': ''Fire?''
*'''Elesis''': ''Yes. Just like Eve said, the golems, the scythe, they both didn't feel like they were made of demonic energy.''
*'''Elsword''': ''Yeah, almost like fighting against a raging fire.''
*'''Aisha''': ''Well Elsword kept saying it felt like Lanox around here. Maybe it's because these things are made of fire?''
*'''Ain''': ''Hm... But why would a place in the Demon Realm have fire energy similar to the one in Lanox? After all, it's not like another Fire El is housed here.''
*'''Rena''': ''Hm...''
*'''Aisha''': ''Mmmm...''
*'''Elesis''': ''This would have been easier to figure out if Denif or Ignia were here...''
*'''Elsword''': ''Either way, we should rest here and go after the scythe. I don't like how it went straight towards the tower.''
|ED= 2,002,200
|EXP= 5,154,470
|QuestName= [Dungeon] Into The Tower
*Complete the '''[Dungeon] Longing Flame''' story quest
*Defeat '''Crimson Calamity''' in [[12-5|Crimson Tower of Howling Flames]]
|Description= -

=== <u>[[Story/Chapter 36|Chapter 36: The Master of the Crimson Eye]]</u> ===
Venturing in the Shadow Vein, Ara is shocked to learn that Nero is Ran's right handed man. However, although the group defeats him, Nero manages to escape and cause disarray in the Search Party. More surprises keeps showing up, as the spirit reveals himself as Stirbargen, one of the four Demon Rules like Lu. Ara's companion, Eun, has a grudge with him due to the bet from years ago. After the introduction and meeting, Elsword decides to reveal the truth about the vision.

== Laby Story ==
|ED= 2,002,200
===<u>[[Story/Laby Chapter 11|[Laby] Chapter 11: Preparation]]</u>===
|EXP= 5,154,470
Ventus decides to tell his adventures in Varnimyr to Laby.
|QuestName= [Dungeon] Cage of Thorns 1
*Complete the '''[Dungeon] Into The Tower''' story quest
*Awaken '''Dark Observer''' in [[12-6|Never-Ending Darkness]]
|Description= -

== Noah Story ==
===<u>[[Story/Noah Chapter 11|[Noah] Chapter 11: Information from the Wind]]</u>===
As with the case for Laby, Ventus recounts the story to Noah.

== To a New Region ==
|ED= 2,002,200
Clear the quest to follow Elsword's story, in the next region.
|EXP= 5,154,470
|QuestName= [Dungeon] Cage of Thorns 2
|QuestName= Entering Rigomor
*Complete the '''[Dungeon] Cage of Thorns 1''' story quest
*Achieve Level 99
*Defeat '''Dark Observer''' in [[12-6|Never-Ending Darkness]]
*Clear [[Shadow Vein]] once
|Description= -
|Description=Clear the quest to enter Demon Realm - Rigomor.

|ED= 2,002,200
|EXP= 5,154,470
{{Hunting Fields|name=b|Orient=2}}
{{Hunting Fields|name=b|Orient=2}}
[[Category:Story Quest]]
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