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== [[Elder/zh-hans|艾德]]史诗 ==
== [[Elder/zh-hans|艾德]] ==

在平抚了[[White Mist Swamp/zh-hans|赛亚噗鲁]]之后,艾索德和他的同伴追踪''班德斯'''到了[[Elder/zh-hans|艾德]]。但是艾德村民似乎有着一个更大的问题需要解决……
在平抚了[[White Mist Swamp/zh-hans|赛亚噗鲁]]之后,艾索德和他的同伴跟随着逃跑的班德斯来到了[[Elder/zh-hans|艾德]]。但是艾德村民似乎有着一个更大的问题需要解决……
=== <u>EP.2 追击!班德斯!</u> ===
Chief Hagus has suggested that Elsword and his party seek Hoffman from Elder Village. Both Hoffman and Lenphad have informed the El Search Party that Banthus is hiding out in a cave. They started to chase Banthus again but failed to catch him. On the way, they found a letter written by Lord Wally of Elder. The letter states that Wally commanded Banthus to steal the El. This leaves our heroes no choice but to turn to Luichel, the former thief, for help to get into Wally's Kingdom.
* 完成“[[Story/Ruben/zh-hans#EP.1 觊觎艾尔的班德斯|'''[副本]神圣的动物''']]”或进入[[Elder/zh-hans|艾德村庄]]
* 为了和商人[[NPCs/zh-hans#艾德|霍夫曼]]对话访问[[Elder/zh-hans|艾德村庄]]
* 为了抓到逃走的<font color=blue>班德斯</font>需要情报。去见见夏格斯介绍的<font color=red>艾德村庄</font>大商人霍夫曼吧。
*'''Raven:'''''You're Hoffman? Hagus from Ruben sent me.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''I've heard a lot from Hagus. Please, come in and make yourselves at home.''
*'''Raven:'''''Banthus fled this way, know anything about it?''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Banthus is also known in Elder. It's not just Ruben, recently there has been multiple disappearance of El Shards in other towns. The Lord of this land is not doing anything but staying inside his castle. Not to mention the guards, they are all inside their castle. There has been an increase in bandits that go after traveling merchants.''
*'''Raven:'''''There are issues happening all over Elrios...''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Banthus is the leader of the Bandits around town. He finally something unimaginable. We would like to provide you his info.. But in the world of merchants, nothing is free.''
*'''Raven:'''''Of course, you won't give me the info that easily.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Hahaha, we always measure the weights between two things.''
*'''Raven:'''''What do you need me to do?''
*'''Hoffman:'''''You must prove yourself and build their trust in order to receive their help. If you help us solve our problem that we cannot do ourselves we will use everything in our power to locate Banthus.''
*'''Raven:'''''Understood, I won't be able to collect all the info on my own.''
*'''Eve:'''''Are you Hoffman? Hagus has sent me to see you.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''I've heard a lot from Hagus. Please, come in and make yourselves at home.''
*'''Eve:'''''Do you know anything about that muscle hea--... Banthus?''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Banthus is also known in Elder. It's not just Ruben, recently there has been multiple disappearance of El Shards in other towns. The Lord of this land is not doing anything but staying inside his castle. Not to mention the guards, they are all inside their castle. There has been an increase in bandits that go after traveling merchants.''
*'''Eve:'''''Power of El always exceed expectations..  (That's right. At that moment I did not expect the situation to get out of hand..)''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Banthus is the leader of the Bandits around town. He finally something unimaginable. We would like to provide you his info.. But in the world of merchants, nothing is free.''
*'''Eve:'''''Logical but I can't understand that logic at our current situation.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Hahaha, we always measure the weights between two things.''
*'''Eve:'''''I don't understand. What do you want me to do?''
*'''Hoffman:'''''You must prove yourself and build their trust in order to receive their help. If you help us solve our problem that we cannot do ourselves we will use everything in our power to locate Banthus.''
*'''Eve:'''''Understood. It would be faster for multiple people to gather intel rather than myself.''
*'''Chung:'''''Are you Hoffman? Hagus sent me from Ruben to see you.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''I've heard a lot from Hagus. Please, come in and make yourselves at home.''
*'''Chung:'''''... And that's how I got here. Following that immature adult.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Banthus is also known in Elder. It's not just Ruben, recently there has been multiple disappearance of El Shards in other towns. The Lord of this land is not doing anything but staying inside his castle. Not to mention the guards, they are all inside their castle. There has been an increase in bandits that go after traveling merchants.''
*'''Chung:'''''The situation looks a lot worse than I thought.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Banthus is the leader of the Bandits around town. He finally something unimaginable. We would like to provide you his info.. But in the world of merchants, nothing is free.''
*'''Chung:'''''I.. I see.. I guess I can't expect any information for free without appropriate payment.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Hahaha, we always measure the weights between two things.''
*'''Chung:'''''What can I do to help?''
*'''Hoffman:'''''You must prove yourself and build their trust in order to receive their help. If you help us solve our problem that we cannot do ourselves we will use everything in our power to locate Banthus.''
*'''Chung:'''''Understood. It would be better than myself gathering the information.''
*'''Ara:'''''Um... Are you Hoffman? Hagus sent me from Ruben to see you.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''I've heard a lot from Hagus. Please, come in and make yourselves at home.''
*'''Ara:'''''.. And that's how I got here, chasing down Banthus.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Banthus is also known in Elder. It's not just Ruben, recently there has been multiple disappearance of El Shards in other towns. The Lord of this land is not doing anything but staying inside his castle. Not to mention the guards, they are all inside their castle. There has been an increase in bandits that go after traveling merchants.''
*'''Ara:'''''Darn, trouble everywhere.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Banthus is the leader of the Bandits around town. He finally something unimaginable. We would like to provide you his info.. But in the world of merchants, nothing is free.''
*'''Ara (Eun):'''''//As expected, always move for profit. Dirty merchants.//''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Hahaha, we always measure the weights between two things.''
*'''Ara:'''''(Eun, you're so cruel...!) That's wasn't me... It was... Mm... What should I do?''
*'''Hoffman:'''''You must prove yourself and build their trust in order to receive their help. If you help us solve our problem that we cannot do ourselves we will use everything in our power to locate Banthus.''
*'''Ara:'''''I can't just expect to take people hard work without doing something for them. Leave it to me!''
*'''Elesis:'''''You're Hoffman? Ruben's Hagus sent me here to see you.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''I've heard a lot from Hagus. Please, come in and make yourselves at home.''
*'''Elesis:'''''I heard Banthus ran this way, have you heard anything about him?''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Banthus is also known in Elder. It's not just Ruben, recently there has been multiple disappearance of El Shards in other towns. The Lord of this land is not doing anything but staying inside his castle. Not to mention the guards, they are all inside their castle. There has been an increase in bandits that go after traveling merchants.''
*'''Elesis:'''''Elder's not doing so well too, huh?''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Banthus is the leader of the Bandits around town. He finally something unimaginable. We would like to provide you his info.. But in the world of merchants, nothing is free.''
*'''Elesis:'''''Sigh, merchants. Sneaky little bastards.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Hahaha, we always measure the weights between two things.''
*'''Elesis:'''''Fine, what do I need to do?''
*'''Hoffman:'''''You must prove yourself and build their trust in order to receive their help. If you help us solve our problem that we cannot do ourselves we will use everything in our power to locate Banthus.''
*'''Elesis:'''''I guess it beats having to collect info by myself.''
*''' 艾迪:'''''你是霍夫曼?是魔奇村庄的村长夏格斯介绍我来的。''
*'''Lu:'''''Are you Hoffman? Ruben of Hagus sent me here to see you.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''I've heard a lot from Hagus. Please, come in and make yourselves at home.''
*'''Ciel:'''''This tea is rather nice, with a bit of bitterness. But do you know anything about Banthus?''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Banthus is also known in Elder. It's not just Ruben, recently there has been multiple disappearance of El Shards in other towns. The Lord of this land is not doing anything but staying inside his castle. Not to mention the guards, they are all inside their castle. There has been an increase in bandits that go after traveling merchants.''
*'''Lu:'''''You're having your own problems here, huh?''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Banthus is the leader of the Bandits around town. He finally something unimaginable. We would like to provide you his info.. But in the world of merchants, nothing is free.''
*'''Lu:'''''Grrr, merchants are all the same here or the demon world.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Hahaha, we always measure the weights between two things.''
*'''Ciel:'''''Hm... Then what do you want us to do?''
*'''Hoffman:'''''You must prove yourself and build their trust in order to receive their help. If you help us solve our problem that we cannot do ourselves we will use everything in our power to locate Banthus.''
*'''Ciel:'''''Fine, it would be better than us two looking around town.''
*'''Rose:'''''Good day, sir. Are you Mr. Hoffman? Mr. Hagus sent me here to see you.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''I've heard a lot from Hagus. Please, come in and make yourselves at home.''
*'''Rose:'''''I'm searching for a bandit. This bandit stole the El Shard from Ruben Forest. I think he's hiding in Elder Village.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Banthus is also known in Elder. It's not just Ruben, recently there has been multiple disappearance of El Shards in other towns. The Lord of this land is not doing anything but staying inside his castle. Not to mention the guards, they are all inside their castle. There has been an increase in bandits that go after traveling merchants.''
*'''Zero:'''''After the Great Explosion, everything was in ruins. Dimensional Coordinates RX-178, mission log...''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Banthus is the leader of the Bandits around town. He finally something unimaginable. We would like to provide you his info.. But in the world of merchants, nothing is free.''
*'''Zero:'''''Kyahahaha! A typical merchant.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Hahaha, we always measure the weights between two things.''
*'''Rose:'''''Nothing's free, huh? What do I need to do?''
*'''Hoffman:'''''You must prove yourself and build their trust in order to receive their help. If you help us solve our problem that we cannot do ourselves we will use everything in our power to locate Banthus.''
*'''Zero:'''''Fine. Since my data isn't up to date, we'll need new info.''
|ED= 700
|EXP= 759
* 完成“[[Story/Elder/zh-hans#EP.2 追击!班德斯!|'''艾德村庄的大商人''']]”
* 进入[[Shadow Forest/zh-hans|黑暗森林]]“普通”以上
* 调查堕落的原因(黑暗森林“普通”以上)
* 堕落的艾特的树枝(愤怒的艾特,黑暗森林“普通”以上) 0/1
* 艾德村庄周围的森林变成<font color=red>黑暗森林</font>了。
* 虽然是艾尔消失的缘故,但惟独那片森林很奇怪。
* <font color=blue>调查堕落的原因</font>吧。
*'''Hoffman:'''''As you know Elder is a town of merchants and to us trust is one of the most important things.''
*'''Raven:'''''Hasn't tipped the scale yet?''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Not at all. Because you helped us while the town was in dire need of help keeping the town in check, you have gained the merchants' trust.''
*'''Raven:'''''I see. What about the information?''
*'''Hoffman:'''''You have helped us all you can, now it is our turn to return the favor and locate Banthus. Recently there has been increased activity and ferocity from the forest spirits and causing trouble with the villagers. This happened when the El Shard disappeared so it might have something do with Banthus... Would you investigate it for us?''
*'''Raven:'''''... Fine, I might find something there as well.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''As you know Elder is a town of merchants and to us trust is one of the most important things.''
*'''Eve:'''''Are you telling me the deed I've done is still not enough?''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Not at all. Because you helped us while the town was in dire need of help keeping the town in check, you have gained the merchants' trust.''
*'''Eve:'''''I see.. and the reward for that trust is?''
*'''Hoffman:'''''You have helped us all you can, now it is our turn to return the favor and locate Banthus. Recently there has been increased activity and ferocity from the forest spirits and causing trouble with the villagers. This happened when the El Shard disappeared so it might have something do with Banthus... Would you investigate it for us?''
*'''Eve:'''''You are so called a 'cheap' human.. I see, I will investigate.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''As you know Elder is a town of merchants and to us trust is one of the most important things.''
*'''Chung:'''''Huh..? I still haven't earned their trust?!''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Not at all. Because you helped us while the town was in dire need of help keeping the town in check, you have gained the merchants' trust.''
*'''Chung:'''''Phew.. I'm glad.. I got worried...''
*'''Hoffman:'''''You have helped us all you can, now it is our turn to return the favor and locate Banthus. Recently there has been increased activity and ferocity from the forest spirits and causing trouble with the villagers. This happened when the El Shard disappeared so it might have something do with Banthus... Would you investigate it for us?''
*'''Chung:'''''Yes, of course. I will gladly help!''
*'''Hoffman:'''''As you know Elder is a town of merchants and to us trust is one of the most important things.''
*'''Ara:'''''Ahh... I guess they don't trust me enough.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Not at all. Because you helped us while the town was in dire need of help keeping the town in check, you have gained the merchants' trust.''
*'''Ara:'''''Whew.. I was almost hurt.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''You have helped us all you can, now it is our turn to return the favor and locate Banthus. Recently there has been increased activity and ferocity from the forest spirits and causing trouble with the villagers. This happened when the El Shard disappeared so it might have something do with Banthus... Would you investigate it for us?''
*'''Ara (Eun):'''''//You slave driver, how much longer are you planning to make us work?//''
*'''Ara:'''''(Eun... We can help the villagers a littl--..)
*'''Hoffman:'''''As you know Elder is a town of merchants and to us trust is one of the most important things.''
*'''Elesis:'''''Uweh, i'm still building trust?''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Not at all. Because you helped us while the town was in dire need of help keeping the town in check, you have gained the merchants' trust.''
*'''Elesis:''''' Dont' scare me like that, so where's that info?'
*'''Hoffman:'''''You have helped us all you can, now it is our turn to return the favor and locate Banthus. Recently there has been increased activity and ferocity from the forest spirits and causing trouble with the villagers. This happened when the El Shard disappeared so it might have something do with Banthus... Would you investigate it for us?''
*'''Elesis:'''''You sly fox. Anyways, I guess it might be worth checking out so I'll on out.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''As you know Elder is a town of merchants and to us trust is one of the most important things.''
*'''Lu:'''''W-..What you still lack trust in me?''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Not at all. Because you helped us while the town was in dire need of help keeping the town in check, you have gained the merchants' trust.''
*'''Lu:'''''Huhu.. What did I say before, leave it all to me.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''You have helped us all you can, now it is our turn to return the favor and locate Banthus. Recently there has been increased activity and ferocity from the forest spirits and causing trouble with the villagers. This happened when the El Shard disappeared so it might have something do with Banthus... Would you investigate it for us?''
*'''Lu:'''''Ahaha, alright. I'll be on my way!''
*'''Ciel:'''''... Lu, can you even find your missing power?''
*'''Hoffman:'''''As you know Elder is a town of merchants and to us trust is one of the most important things.''
*'''Zero:'''''Tsk... What do you need, now?''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Not at all. Because you helped us while the town was in dire need of help keeping the town in check, you have gained the merchants' trust.''
*'''Rose:'''''I see, thank you.''
*'''Zero:'''''How naive... They're just setting you up by making you run their errands. Rose...Don't fall for it!''
*'''Hoffman:'''''You have helped us all you can, now it is our turn to return the favor and locate Banthus. Recently there has been increased activity and ferocity from the forest spirits and causing trouble with the villagers. This happened when the El Shard disappeared so it might have something do with Banthus... Would you investigate it for us?''
*'''Rose:'''''Understood, we'll be on our way shortly.''
*'''Zero:'''''Damn it!! Rose! I thought you had this thing called a brain!''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Enraged Forest Spirit and Ent attacked people and dark being are roaming around? That's very strange... It's too weird to only blame it on the disappearance of the El Shard...but.. This sounds like the Great Monster Outbreak that had happened to the Black Forest long ago.''
*'''Raven:'''''Is this also the cause of El's power weakening? We must find it quickly.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''You said you saw many Dark Wizards inside Dark Forest? They say those being only show up when the Forest is surrounded in dark energy. Rumor has it that it might be related to this strange place called the Demon World...''
*'''Raven:'''''Demon World? I thought it was dark powers.. but didn't expect that.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''I'm sure it was the Dark Wizards spreading those nasty dark energies to the Fairies and the Ents. We have to rid of them.''
*'''Raven:'''''We can't let dark beings run loose.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''You've dealt with them? Thank you. We are not sure how far spread the Dark Energies are , we should observe first.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Enraged Forest Spirit and Ent attacked people and dark being are roaming around? That's very strange... It's too weird to only blame it on the disappearance of the El Shard...but.. This sounds like the Great Monster Outbreak that had happened to the Black Forest long ago.''
*'''Eve:'''''Illgoical things are happening... Is this also the power of El?''
*'''Hoffman:'''''You said you saw many Dark Wizards inside Dark Forest? They say those being only show up when the Forest is surrounded in dark energy. Rumor has it that it might be related to this strange place called the Demon World...''
*'''Eve:'''''Demon World? This is a place that is not registered inside my data base.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''I'm sure it was the Dark Wizards spreading those nasty dark energies to the Fairies and the Ents. We have to rid of them.''
*'''Eve:'''''Dark Beings. More data to register.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''You've dealt with them? Thank you. We are not sure how far spread the Dark Energies are , we should observe first.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Enraged Forest Spirit and Ent attacked people and dark being are roaming around? That's very strange... It's too weird to only blame it on the disappearance of the El Shard...but.. This sounds like the Great Monster Outbreak that had happened to the Black Forest long ago.''
*'''Chung:''''' ''Bizarre things are happening... Would El have something to do with it?''
*'''Hoffman:'''''You said you saw many Dark Wizards inside Dark Forest? They say those being only show up when the Forest is surrounded in dark energy. Rumor has it that it might be related to this strange place called the Demon World...''
*'''Chung:'''''Demon World? I see.... (Demons are already effecting this area.. I can't forgive them!)''
*'''Hoffman:'''''I'm sure it was the Dark Wizards spreading those nasty dark energies to the Fairies and the Ents. We have to rid of them.''
*'''Chung:'''''We can't let these dark beings roam free. I will rid of them all!''
*'''Hoffman:'''''You've dealt with them? Thank you. We are not sure how far spread the Dark Energies are , we should observe first.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Enraged Forest Spirit and Ent attacked people and dark being are roaming around? That's very strange... It's too weird to only blame it on the disappearance of the El Shard...but.. This sounds like the Great Monster Outbreak that had happened to the Black Forest long ago.''
*'''Ara:'''''All those weird phenomenon... Is this really the El?''
*'''Hoffman:'''''You said you saw many Dark Wizards inside Dark Forest? They say those being only show up when the Forest is surrounded in dark energy. Rumor has it that it might be related to this strange place called the Demon World...''
*'''Ara:'''''Demon World? Eun was right...''
*'''Hoffman:'''''I'm sure it was the Dark Wizards spreading those nasty dark energies to the Fairies and the Ents. We have to rid of them.''
*'''Ara:'''''Understood. I can't forgive these dark beings.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''You've dealt with them? Thank you. We are not sure how far spread the Dark Energies are , we should observe first.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Enraged Forest Spirit and Ent attacked people and dark being are roaming around? That's very strange... It's too weird to only blame it on the disappearance of the El Shard...but.. This sounds like the Great Monster Outbreak that had happened to the Black Forest long ago.''
*'''Elesis:'''''Monster breakout.. Is the power of El doing this?''
*'''Hoffman:'''''You said you saw many Dark Wizards inside Dark Forest? They say those being only show up when the Forest is surrounded in dark energy. Rumor has it that it might be related to this strange place called the Demon World...''
*'''Elesis:'''''Demon world? Hmm... Could it be?''
*'''Hoffman:'''''I'm sure it was the Dark Wizards spreading those nasty dark energies to the Fairies and the Ents. We have to rid of them.''
*'''Elesis:'''''Don't need to think about it. I can't let those dark beings roam free!''
*'''Hoffman:'''''You've dealt with them? Thank you. We are not sure how far spread the Dark Energies are , we should observe first.''
*'''Add:'''''Something bigger... Interesting.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Enraged Forest Spirit and Ent attacked people and dark being are roaming around? That's very strange... It's too weird to only blame it on the disappearance of the El Shard...but.. This sounds like the Great Monster Outbreak that had happened to the Black Forest long ago.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''You said you saw many Dark Wizards inside Dark Forest? They say those being only show up when the Forest is surrounded in dark energy. Rumor has it that it might be related to this strange place called the Demon World...''
*'''Lu:'''''Hmm... It was feint but I did feel demon spirits.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''I'm sure it was the Dark Wizards spreading those nasty dark energies to the Fairies and the Ents. We have to rid of them.''
*'''Lu:'''''Now, Ciel! Deal with it quickly and let me taste that new tart recipe you told me about.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''You've dealt with them? Thank you.''
*'''Lu:'''''That was nothing.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''We are not sure how far spread the Dark Energies are , we should observe first.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Enraged Forest Spirit and Ent attacked people and dark being are roaming around? That's very strange... It's too weird to only blame it on the disappearance of the El Shard...but.. This sounds like the Great Monster Outbreak that had happened to the Black Forest long ago.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''You said you saw many Dark Wizards inside Dark Forest? They say those being only show up when the Forest is surrounded in dark energy. Rumor has it that it might be related to this strange place called the Demon World...''
*'''Zero:'''''So, the demons are finally starting to surface. Listen well, Rose. They could be the source of the disaster.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''I'm sure it was the Dark Wizards spreading those nasty dark energies to the Fairies and the Ents. We have to rid of them.''
*'''Rose:'''''Demon World.. Could they be the ones that are threatening the Heavens..?''
*'''Hoffman:'''''You've dealt with them? Thank you.''
*'''Rose:'''''They were a bit different than the ones we've fought before. That must have been the power of darkness.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''We are not sure how far spread the Dark Energies are , we should observe first.''
|ED= 2,600
|EXP= 3,400
|CReward1=祝福的强化石 x 1
|CReward2=魔法石 x1
|CImage2=[[File:HQ Shop Item 109945.png]]
|CReward3=红色小包  x 1
|CImage3=[[File:HQ Shop COMMON AC ARM 92111 Sorted.png|64px]]
|SReward1=[科宝]野生迷你噗鲁(持有宠物宝贝拾取器15日) x1
|SImage1=[[File:Special 500050.png]]
* 完成“[[Story/Elder/zh-hans#EP.2 追击!班德斯!|'''[副本]堕落的森林精灵''']]”
* 进入[[Shadow Forest/zh-hans|黑暗森林]]“中等”以上
* 暗黑法师(黑暗森林“中等”以上) 0/4
* 卡拉卡拉(黑暗森林“中等”以上) 0/1
* 原来是卡拉卡拉和暗黑法师让森林精灵堕落的。
* 在还原艾尔前可不能放任不管。
* 去<font color=red>黑暗森林</font>消灭<font color=blue>暗黑法师和卡拉卡拉</font>后解决问题吧。
*'''Raven:'''''There was a mercenary that was known fleeing... Banthus.. I think I remember it.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Oh, Luichel has found information on Banthus. I'm glad we could help.''
*'''Luichel:'''''Hello- My name's Luichel. I heard a lot about you. I've heard info the bandits hanging around the Wally Statue is under Banthus.''
*'''Raven:'''''Foolish, not getting tired of stealing?''
*'''Luichel:'''''I think you could find their hideout if you investigated.''
*'''Eve:'''''Lively Village... Sometimes I am envious of those who can live without the power of El.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Oh, Luichel has found information on Banthus. I'm glad we could help.''
*'''Luichel:'''''Hello- My name's Luichel. I heard a lot about you. I've heard info the bandits hanging around the Wally Statue is under Banthus.''
*'''Eve:'''''Banthus.. No matter how many times I punish him, he just gets back up and does it again... I am starting to wonder if he even has a brain.''
*'''Luichel:'''''I think you could find their hideout if you investigated.''
*'''Chung:'''''Such a lively town.. I can't let this place corrupted in darkness.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Oh, Luichel has found information on Banthus. I'm glad we could help.''
*'''Luichel:'''''Hello- My name's Luichel. I heard a lot about you. I've heard info the bandits hanging around the Wally Statue is under Banthus.''
*'''Chung:'''''Stealing.. While the whole World is in danger..''
*'''Luichel:'''''I think you could find their hideout if you investigated.''
*'''Ara:'''''A long time has passed since the trip.. I hope my brother is alright..''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Oh, Luichel has found information on Banthus. I'm glad we could help.''
*'''Luichel:'''''Hello- My name's Luichel. I heard a lot about you. I've heard info the bandits hanging around the Wally Statue is under Banthus.''
*'''Ara:'''''I knew it, it was Banthus! Those sly bastards!''
*'''Luichel:'''''I think you could find their hideout if you investigated.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Oh, Luichel has found information on Banthus. I'm glad we could help.''
*'''Luichel:'''''Hello- My name's Luichel. I heard a lot about you. I've heard info the bandits hanging around the Wally Statue is under Banthus.''
*'''Elesis:'''''As expected, doing bandit work.''
*'''Luichel:'''''I think you could find their hideout if you investigated.''
*'''Lu:'''''Ciel! Ciel! Ciel! Tart... Do you have more tart?!''
*'''Ciel:'''''Enough for today. If you have too many at once, your teeth will rot.''
*'''Lu:'''''Guuuuuu... Don't treat me like a kid!''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Oh, Luichel has found information on Banthus. I'm glad we could help.''
*'''Luichel:'''''Hello- My name's Luichel. I heard a lot about you. I've heard info the bandits hanging around the Wally Statue is under Banthus.''
*'''Lu:'''''Banthus! We can finally locate him!''
*'''Luichel:'''''I think you could find their hideout if you investigated.''
*'''Zero:'''''Rose! How about you start listening?! You have to carry out the mission in order for me to get my place back at the Capital!! How many times do I have to tell you? I am Zero. The overseer of defensive systems in the Capital!''
*'''Rose:'''''Yeah, yeah...''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Oh, Luichel has found information on Banthus. I'm glad we could help.''
*'''Luichel:'''''Hello- My name's Luichel. I heard a lot about you. I've heard info the bandits hanging around the Wally Statue is under Banthus.''
*'''Rose:'''''I see, I was wondering where he was, but then he finally showed himself!''
*'''Luichel:'''''I think you could find their hideout if you investigated.''
*'''爱莎 & 艾索德:'''''你说什么?''
*'''Hoffman:'''''This map piece, it's shows the location of Banthus' hideout.''
*'''Luichel:'''''Oh, how lucky.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''We finally have a shot at bringing back Ruben's El Shard.''
*'''Raven:'''''Hope this is the last time.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''We finally found where Banthus is hiding.''
*'''Lenphad:'''''Yoo, Hoffman. I heard you found Banthus' hideout?''
*'''Hoffman:'''''I was just about to ask these adventurers for their help.''
*'''Lenphad:'''''Hahaha, these kids?''
*'''Raven:'''''...! You are underestimating me.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Mr. Lenphad, these adventurers have solved the Dark Forest incident. Please don't be so rude to them.''
*'''Lenphad:'''''Alright but you can't blame me for not having an ounce of trust in them An opponent even 'I' myself struggled against is in that hideout. Especially watch out for the bats here. Also I heard there is a Giant Red Phoru inside this cave that is 3 times faster than a regular one.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''What do you think, Mr. Lenphad?''
*'''Lenphad:'''''It seems I have underestimated you lot, I apologize. Hahahaha!''
*'''Hoffman:'''''This map piece, it's shows the location of Banthus' hideout.''
*'''Luichel:'''''Oh, how lucky.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''We finally have a shot at bringing back Ruben's El Shard.''
*'''Eve:'''''It sounds like it would be easy, if no one gets in my way.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''We finally found where Banthus is hiding.''
*'''Lenphad:'''''Yoo, Hoffman. I heard you found Banthus' hideout?''
*'''Hoffman:'''''I was just about to ask these adventurers for their help.''
*'''Lenphad:'''''Hahaha, these kids?''
*'''Eve:'''''H--How rude!''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Mr. Lenphad, these adventurers have solved the Dark Forest incident. Please don't be so rude to them.''
*'''Lenphad:'''''Alright but you can't blame me for not having an ounce of trust in them An opponent even 'I' myself struggled against is in that hideout. Especially watch out for the bats here. Also I heard there is a Giant Red Phoru inside this cave that is 3 times faster than a regular one.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''What do you think, Mr. Lenphad?''
*'''Lenphad:'''''It seems I have underestimated you lot, I apologize. Hahahaha!''
*'''Hoffman:'''''This map piece, it's shows the location of Banthus' hideout.''
*'''Luichel:'''''Oh, how lucky.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''We finally have a shot at bringing back Ruben's El Shard.''
*'''Chung:'''''This... Finding it might be easier than expected.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''We finally found where Banthus is hiding.''
*'''Lenphad:'''''Yoo, Hoffman. I heard you found Banthus' hideout?''
*'''Hoffman:'''''I was just about to ask these adventurers for their help.''
*'''Lenphad:'''''Hahaha, these kids?''
*'''Chung:'''''K-.. Kid?!''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Mr. Lenphad, these adventurers have solved the Dark Forest incident. Please don't be so rude to them.''
*'''Lenphad:'''''Alright but you can't blame me for not having an ounce of trust in them An opponent even 'I' myself struggled against is in that hideout. Especially watch out for the bats here. Also I heard there is a Giant Red Phoru inside this cave that is 3 times faster than a regular one.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''What do you think, Mr. Lenphad?''
*'''Lenphad:'''''It seems I have underestimated you lot, I apologize. Hahahaha!''
*'''Hoffman:'''''This map piece, it's shows the location of Banthus' hideout.''
*'''Luichel:'''''Oh, how lucky.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''We finally have a shot at bringing back Ruben's El Shard.''
*'''Ara:'''''Di--Did I do good? Huhuhu... No, Eun.. I wasn't being cocky...''
*'''Hoffman:'''''We finally found where Banthus is hiding.''
*'''Lenphad:'''''Yoo, Hoffman. I heard you found Banthus' hideout?''
*'''Hoffman:'''''I was just about to ask these adventurers for their help.''
*'''Lenphad:'''''Hahaha, these kids?''
*'''Ara:'''''I--I know... I'm still not experienced..''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Mr. Lenphad, these adventurers have solved the Dark Forest incident. Please don't be so rude to them.''
*'''Lenphad:'''''Alright but you can't blame me for not having an ounce of trust in them An opponent even 'I' myself struggled against is in that hideout. Especially watch out for the bats here. Also I heard there is a Giant Red Phoru inside this cave that is 3 times faster than a regular one.''
*'''Ara:'''''And Eun, you are saying these are new?''
*'''Hoffman:'''''What do you think, Mr. Lenphad?''
*'''Lenphad:'''''It seems I have underestimated you lot, I apologize. Hahahaha!''
*'''Elesis:'''''I was hoping for something like this.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''This map piece, it's shows the location of Banthus' hideout.''
*'''Luichel:'''''Oh, how lucky.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''We finally have a shot at bringing back Ruben's El Shard.''
*'''Elesis:'''''I hope this is the last of Banthus, but I have a bad feeling it's not.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''We finally found where Banthus is hiding.''
*'''Lenphad:'''''Yoo, Hoffman. I heard you found Banthus' hideout?''
*'''Hoffman:'''''I was just about to ask these adventurers for their help.''
*'''Lenphad:'''''Hahaha, these kids?''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Mr. Lenphad, these adventurers have solved the Dark Forest incident. Please don't be so rude to them.''
*'''Lenphad:'''''Alright but you can't blame me for not having an ounce of trust in them An opponent even 'I' myself struggled against is in that hideout. Especially watch out for the bats here. Also I heard there is a Giant Red Phoru inside this cave that is 3 times faster than a regular one.''
*'''Elesis:'''''Interesting, time to get a little serious.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''What do you think, Mr. Lenphad?''
*'''Lenphad:'''''It seems I have underestimated you lot, I apologize. Hahahaha!''
*'''Hoffman:'''''This map piece, it's shows the location of Banthus' hideout.''
*'''Luichel:'''''Oh, how lucky.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''We finally have a shot at bringing back Ruben's El Shard.''
*'''Lu:'''''How's that! Pretty good, right?''
*'''Ciel:'''''Who was the one that was just eating tart at the back...?''
*'''Hoffman:'''''We finally found where Banthus is hiding.''
*'''Lenphad:'''''Yoo, Hoffman. I heard you found Banthus' hideout?''
*'''Hoffman:'''''I was just about to ask these adventurers for their help.''
*'''Lenphad:'''''Hahaha, these kids?''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Mr. Lenphad, these adventurers have solved the Dark Forest incident. Please don't be so rude to them.''
*'''Lenphad:'''''Alright but you can't blame me for not having an ounce of trust in them An opponent even 'I' myself struggled against is in that hideout. Especially watch out for the bats here. Also I heard there is a Giant Red Phoru inside this cave that is 3 times faster than a regular one.''
*'''Lu:'''''What's that?''
*'''Ciel:'''''Specially made?''
*'''Hoffman:'''''What do you think, Mr. Lenphad?''
*'''Lenphad:'''''It seems I have underestimated you lot, I apologize. Hahahaha!''
*'''Hoffman:'''''This map piece, it's shows the location of Banthus' hideout.''
*'''Luichel:'''''Oh, how lucky.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''We finally have a shot at bringing back Ruben's El Shard.''
*'''Zero:'''''Did you see that Rose? Just listen to me during battle and everything will be alright! Kahahaha!''
*'''Rose:'''''I'll give you that.. But that rude tone of voice, gee...!!''
*'''Hoffman:'''''We finally found where Banthus is hiding.''
*'''Lenphad:'''''Yoo, Hoffman. I heard you found Banthus' hideout?''
*'''Hoffman:'''''I was just about to ask these adventurers for their help.''
*'''Lenphad:'''''Hahaha, these kids?''
*'''Rose:'''''I think you better watch what you say, sir.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Mr. Lenphad, these adventurers have solved the Dark Forest incident. Please don't be so rude to them.''
*'''Lenphad:'''''Alright but you can't blame me for not having an ounce of trust in them An opponent even 'I' myself struggled against is in that hideout. Especially watch out for the bats here. Also I heard there is a Giant Red Phoru inside this cave that is 3 times faster than a regular one.''
*'''Rose:'''''Usually three times?''
*'''Zero:'''''What the? Is he wearing a silver mask?''
*'''Hoffman:'''''What do you think, Mr. Lenphad?''
*'''Lenphad:'''''It seems I have underestimated you lot, I apologize. Hahahaha!''
|ED= 9,600
|EXP= 2,300
|CReward1=祝福的强化石 x 1
|CImage2=[[File:HQ Shop Set Foot Rare Lv1.png]]
|CReward2=盗贼团鞋子  x 1
|SReward1=科宝特制战斗武器  x 1
|SImage1=[[File:Unknown Weapon2.png]]
* 完成“[[Story/Elder/zh-hans#EP.2 追击!班德斯!|'''[副本]挥洒黑暗的魔法师''']]”
* 进入[[Banthus Cave/zh-hans|幽暗酒吧]]“中等”以上
* 蝙蝠王(幽暗酒吧“中等”以上) 0/1
* 瓦利的密函(重装班德斯,幽暗酒吧“中等”以上) 0/1
*'''Lenphad:'''''The number of bandits are increasing.''
*'''Raven:'''''This many bandits are roaming free but no response from the Castle? Strange.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''That's right. The bandits that stole the El Shard snuck into the village but there was no movement from the guards... This is very strange.''
*'''Raven:'''''There might be a bigger plan behind all of this.''
*'''Lenphad:'''''I can't ask the villagers for their help without solid proof. Would you guys investigate first? People say they saw bandits in the underground waterway.''
*'''Lenphad:'''''The number of bandits are increasing.''
*'''Eve:'''''All these bandits are the castle is not doing anything about it. This is very strange indeed.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''That's right. The bandits that stole the El Shard snuck into the village but there was no movement from the guards... This is very strange.''
*'''Eve:'''''(Something or someone bigger is behind this.)''
*'''Lenphad:'''''I can't ask the villagers for their help without solid proof. Would you guys investigate first? People say they saw bandits in the underground waterway.''
*'''Lenphad:'''''The number of bandits are increasing.''
*'''Chung:'''''All these bandits and there isn't any movement from the castle? How suspicious..''
*'''Hoffman:'''''That's right. The bandits that stole the El Shard snuck into the village but there was no movement from the guards... This is very strange.''
*'''Chung:'''''You mean there's something behind it all?''
*'''Lenphad:'''''I can't ask the villagers for their help without solid proof. Would you guys investigate first? People say they saw bandits in the underground waterway.''
*'''Lenphad:'''''The number of bandits are increasing.''
*'''Ara:'''''Something's fishy. All these bandits around and the castle is not doing anything?''
*'''Hoffman:'''''That's right. The bandits that stole the El Shard snuck into the village but there was no movement from the guards... This is very strange.''
*'''Ara:'''''Ah? You--.......You mean he could be with the bandits?''
*'''Lenphad:'''''I can't ask the villagers for their help without solid proof. Would you guys investigate first? People say they saw bandits in the underground waterway.''
*'''Lenphad:'''''The number of bandits are increasing.''
*'''Elesis:'''''The castle is not doing anything about it? Something's fishy...''
*'''Hoffman:'''''That's right. The bandits that stole the El Shard snuck into the village but there was no movement from the guards... This is very strange.''
*'''Elesis:'''''I wonder what they are planning inside that castle of theirs.''
*'''Lenphad:'''''I can't ask the villagers for their help without solid proof. Would you guys investigate first? People say they saw bandits in the underground waterway.''
*'''Lenphad:'''''The number of bandits are increasing.''
*'''Ciel:'''''Something's fishy. The bandits are causing all kinds of trouble but the castle is not doing anything about it..''
*'''Hoffman:'''''That's right. The bandits that stole the El Shard snuck into the village but there was no movement from the guards... This is very strange.''
*'''Lu:'''''Something is behind it all! I'm getting pumped!''
*'''Lenphad:'''''I can't ask the villagers for their help without solid proof. Would you guys investigate first? People say they saw bandits in the underground waterway.''
*'''Lenphad:'''''The number of bandits are increasing.''
*'''Zero:'''''Strange, the town is overrun by bandits yet the authorities do nothing.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''That's right. The bandits that stole the El Shard snuck into the village but there was no movement from the guards... This is very strange.''
*'''Rose:'''''There  must be something going on inside that castle. If the Princess was in charge of this place, this would never have happened!''
*'''Lenphad:'''''I can't ask the villagers for their help without solid proof. Would you guys investigate first? People say they saw bandits in the underground waterway.''
*'''Raven:'''''(Shows the letter) As expected, Banthus was working with Wally.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''What? We've been tricked all this time?''
*'''Lenphad:'''''These bastards... We can't stand idle for any longer, let's move!''
*'''Raven:'''''... Reminds me of my past self.''
*'''Eve:'''''(Shows the letter) Muscle Head was working for Wally all along. Wally ordered Banthus to steal teh El Shard and now Wally has the El Shard.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''What? We've been tricked all this time?''
*'''Lenphad:'''''These bastards... We can't stand idle for any longer, let's move!''
*'''Eve:'''''(Humans... How can they be so greedy? Even if I were to recover the Nasod Empire... I don't know if we can co-exist with them without any conflict.)''
*'''Chung:'''''(Shows the letter) Wally and Banthus was on the same side! Wally ordered Banthus to steal the El Shard and Wally now has the El Shard.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''What? We've been tricked all this time?''
*'''Lenphad:'''''These bastards... We can't stand idle for any longer, let's move!''
*'''Chung:'''''How greedy... With Rulers like these, we won't be able to overcome the dangers ahead.''
*'''Ara:'''''(Shows the letter) I knew it! Wally and Banthus were working together! Wally was the one who ordered Banthus around and now he has the El Shard!''
*'''Hoffman:'''''What? We've been tricked all this time?''
*'''Lenphad:'''''These bastards... We can't stand idle for any longer, let's move!''
*'''Ara (Eun):'''''//Huhu... You're funny human, very funny.//''
*'''Ara:'''''(Eun.. Maybe you should cheer them on at this point..)''
*'''Elesis:'''''(Shows the letter) ...''
*'''Hoffman:'''''What? We've been tricked all this time?''
*'''Lenphad:'''''These bastards... We can't stand idle for any longer, let's move!''
*'''Elesis:'''''He's a failed lord.. What is he up to?''
*'''Lu:'''''(Shows the letter) Look! Banthus and Wally were working together all long!''
*'''Ciel:'''''Banthus stealing the El Shard and delivering it to the castle, it was all ordered by Wally.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''What? We've been tricked all this time?''
*'''Lenphad:'''''These bastards... We can't stand idle for any longer, let's move!''
*'''Ciel:'''''Wally must have the El Shard, we have to think of a way to get inside the castle.''
*'''Rose:'''''(Shows the letter) Look at this! Banthus and Wally were working together!!''
*'''Zero:'''''That's not all. The one who got Banthus to steal the El Shard for himself is Wally!''
*'''Hoffman:'''''What? We've been tricked all this time?''
*'''Lenphad:'''''These bastards... We can't stand idle for any longer, let's move!''
*'''Zero:'''''It sounds like the El Shard might be inside Wally's Castle.''
|ED= 5,200
|EXP= 3,660
|CReward3=祝福的强化石 x 1
|CReward2=盗贼团头巾 x 1
|CImage2=[[File:HQ Shop Item 109972.png]]
|CImage1=[[File:HQ Shop Set Hand Rare Lv1.png]]
|CReward1=盗贼团手套  x 1
* 完成“[[Story/Elder/zh-hans#EP.2 追击!班德斯!|'''[副本]黑幕的一角''']]”
* 进入[[Underground Waterway/zh-hans|地下水路]]“普通”以上
* 通关[[Underground Waterway/zh-hans|地下水路]]“普通”以上 0/1
* 首饰店老板路易莎年少时是个强盗,
* 根据儿时记忆告诉我们通往瓦利城堡的班德斯逃走的秘密通道,但不知道还能不能用。
* 去<font color=red>地下水路</font><font color=blue>侦查</font>吧。
*'''Lenphad:'''''We'll storm the castle first thing tomorrow!''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Going head on is not a good idea. You never know what they are scheming inside the castle and might be traps there too.''
*'''Raven:'''''They've already crossed the line, you don't know what they will do next.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''I guess we'll need her help.''
*'''Luichel:'''''Hmm.. There is an underground passage to Wally's castle inside the underground waterway. But it hasn't been used for a while so I don't know if you can still use it.''
*'''Raven:'''''I'll check it myself, I'm not worried about dying.''
*'''Lenphad:'''''We'll storm the castle first thing tomorrow!''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Going head on is not a good idea. You never know what they are scheming inside the castle and might be traps there too.''
*'''Eve:'''''I'm sure the traps will be very predictable... But it's always a good idea to be careful.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''I guess we'll need her help.''
*'''Luichel:'''''Hmm.. There is an underground passage to Wally's castle inside the underground waterway. But it hasn't been used for a while so I don't know if you can still use it.''
*'''Eve:'''''I will check if it is still valid.''
*'''Lenphad:'''''We'll storm the castle first thing tomorrow!''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Going head on is not a good idea. You never know what they are scheming inside the castle and might be traps there too.''
*'''Chung:'''''We have to be careful, now that we know Wally and Banthus work together.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''I guess we'll need her help.''
*'''Luichel:'''''Hmm.. There is an underground passage to Wally's castle inside the underground waterway. But it hasn't been used for a while so I don't know if you can still use it.''
*'''Chung:'''''My cannon can handle anything.''
*'''Lenphad:'''''We'll storm the castle first thing tomorrow!''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Going head on is not a good idea. You never know what they are scheming inside the castle and might be traps there too.''
*'''Ara:''''' ''
*'''Hoffman:'''''I guess we'll need her help.''
*'''Luichel:'''''Hmm.. There is an underground passage to Wally's castle inside the underground waterway. But it hasn't been used for a while so I don't know if you can still use it.''
*'''Ara:'''''Leave it to me. No matter the enemy, I'll show them the power of my family!''
*'''Lenphad:'''''We'll storm the castle first thing tomorrow!''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Going head on is not a good idea. You never know what they are scheming inside the castle and might be traps there too.''
*'''Elesis:'''''That's right, as long as Banthus is involved, I don't know what danger lurks.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''I guess we'll need her help.''
*'''Luichel:'''''Hmm.. There is an underground passage to Wally's castle inside the underground waterway. But it hasn't been used for a while so I don't know if you can still use it.''
*'''Elesis:'''''Underground waterway.. Fine, I guess I'll go check it out.''
*'''Lenphad:'''''We'll storm the castle first thing tomorrow!''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Going head on is not a good idea. You never know what they are scheming inside the castle and might be traps there too.''
*'''Lu:'''''Hmm, then we are flanking them!''
*'''Hoffman:'''''I guess we'll need her help.''
*'''Luichel:'''''Hmm.. There is an underground passage to Wally's castle inside the underground waterway. But it hasn't been used for a while so I don't know if you can still use it.''
*'''Ciel:'''''Hm, I guess we'll have to see for ourselves.''
*'''Lenphad:'''''We'll storm the castle first thing tomorrow!''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Going head on is not a good idea. You never know what they are scheming inside the castle and might be traps there too.''
*'''Rose:'''''We're outnumbered. I think we should flank them.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''I guess we'll need her help.''
*'''Luichel:'''''Hmm.. There is an underground passage to Wally's castle inside the underground waterway. But it hasn't been used for a while so I don't know if you can still use it.''
*'''Zero:'''''Kekeke, we'll have to find a route to infiltrate the Castle. Let's go, Rose!''
*'''Raven:'''''Banthus distracted me.. I couldn't properly figure it out... I was careless.''
*'''Luichel:'''''If we can't figure out the passage, Lenphad can't lead the villagers to infiltrate the Castle.''
*'''Luichel:'''''Banthus is one persistent person.. Now with a mechanical arm''
*'''Raven:'''''(Nasod Hand.... Who would?)''
*'''Hoffman:'''''If it is a mechanical arm there should be a device that controls it.''
*'''Raven:'''''It wasn't a complete Nasod hand.. The amulet he had was probably controlling the hand.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Not magic... or a simple machine.... Could it be??!''
*'''Raven:'''''It was Nasod Technology. I haven't a clue how he acquired the tech...''
*'''Lenphad:'''''Banthus seems weakened, let's take care of him first and get inside the castle.''
*'''Eve:'''''I couldn't investigate properly because of Banthus. He's very annoying, making me overheat.''
*'''Luichel:'''''If we can't figure out the passage, Lenphad can't lead the villagers to infiltrate the Castle.''
*'''Luichel:'''''Banthus is one persistent person.. Now with a mechanical arm''
*'''Eve:'''''(It's very rudimentary compared to Nasod technology... but I wonder who created it..?) ''
*'''Hoffman:'''''If it is a mechanical arm there should be a device that controls it.''
*'''Eve:'''''His amulet.. I believe that is the one controlling his Nasod... No, his mechanical arm.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Not magic... or a simple machine.... Could it be??!''
*'''Eve:'''''Not bad. It is made with Nasod technology. It's not to be used by someone so stupid..''
*'''Lenphad:'''''Banthus seems weakened, let's take care of him first and get inside the castle.''
*'''Chung:'''''I'm sorry.. I couldn't investigate properly because of Banthus.''
*'''Luichel:'''''If we can't figure out the passage, Lenphad can't lead the villagers to infiltrate the Castle.''
*'''Luichel:'''''Banthus is one persistent person.. Now with a mechanical arm''
*'''Chung:'''''He's known for survival... But I wonder who modified him.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''If it is a mechanical arm there should be a device that controls it.''
*'''Chung:'''''Hm! That amulet.. Banthus didn't have it before, could it be...? Maybe that's controlling the mechanical arm.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Not magic... or a simple machine.... Could it be??!''
*'''Chung:'''''What happened? You think the Lord..?''
*'''Lenphad:'''''Banthus seems weakened, let's take care of him first and get inside the castle.''
*'''Ara:'''''I'm sorry.. I talked big but Banthus got in my way again.''
*'''Luichel:'''''If we can't figure out the passage, Lenphad can't lead the villagers to infiltrate the Castle.''
*'''Luichel:'''''Banthus is one persistent person.. Now with a mechanical arm''
*'''Ara:'''''But.. Who gave him that power?''
*'''Hoffman:'''''If it is a mechanical arm there should be a device that controls it.''
*'''Ara:'''''Eun said she senses something suspicious from Banthus's amulet. He might be using it to control the mechanical arm.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Not magic... or a simple machine.... Could it be??!''
*'''Ara:'''''Eun, this is definitely Nasod technology!''
*'''Lenphad:'''''Banthus seems weakened, let's take care of him first and get inside the castle.''
*'''Elesis:'''''I couldn't investigate properly because of Banthus. That pesky little thief.''
*'''Luichel:'''''If we can't figure out the passage, Lenphad can't lead the villagers to infiltrate the Castle.''
*'''Luichel:'''''Banthus is one persistent person.. Now with a mechanical arm''
*'''Elesis:'''''Yeah, he was a lot stronger than before.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''If it is a mechanical arm there should be a device that controls it.''
*'''Elesis:'''''Ah, I noticed his amulet blinking like some kind of signal!''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Not magic... or a simple machine.... Could it be??!''
*'''Elesis:'''''W-Why aer you looking at me? I don't know these kind of stuff!''
*'''Lenphad:'''''Banthus seems weakened, let's take care of him first and get inside the castle.''
*'''Lu:'''''Wuuu.. We couldn't investigate further because of Banthus.''
*'''Ciel:'''''He was a lot stronger than before, even had a mechanical arm.
*'''Luichel:'''''If we can't figure out the passage, Lenphad can't lead the villagers to infiltrate the Castle.''
*'''Luichel:'''''Banthus is one persistent person.. Now with a mechanical arm''
*'''Ciel:'''''If we can't get rid of him, this plan will fail.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''If it is a mechanical arm there should be a device that controls it.''
*'''Lu:'''''Ah, I remember now! Every time his mechanical arm moved, his amulet lit up!''
*'''Ciel:'''''I see, the amulet is the secret.''
*'''Lu:'''''How's that? I brought Banthus's amulet!''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Not magic... or a simple machine.... Could it be??!''
*'''Lu:'''''Hmm, I sense something but it's definitely not magic.''
*'''Lenphad:'''''Banthus seems weakened, let's take care of him first and get inside the castle.''
*'''Zero:'''''Damn it! We ran in to Banthus while scouting our infiltration route. He stopped us.''
*'''Rose:'''''He was a lot stronger than he was before, and his strength seemed to be enhanced by this mechanical arm.''
*'''Luichel:'''''Banthus is one persistent person.. Now with a mechanical arm''
*'''Zero:'''''Hey, Rose! If we can't take care of that fool, Banthus, this mission's over!''
*'''Hoffman:'''''If it is a mechanical arm there should be a device that controls it.''
*'''Rose:'''''Hey, that's right. While we fought, each time his arm moved, his necklace blinked. It might be related somehow.''
*'''Zero:'''''Was that it? That bastard Banthus.. We'll get him this time!''
*'''Zero:'''''Kakaka! We got the necklace from Banthus!''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Not magic... or a simple machine.... Could it be??!''
*'''Rose:'''''(This feels a lot like what I feel from Zero....)''
*'''Lenphad:'''''Banthus seems weakened, let's take care of him first and get inside the castle.''
|ED= 6,100
|EXP= 4,050
|CReward1=中级体力药水 x 5
|CImage2=[[File:HQ Shop Item 92112.png]]
|CReward2=初心者戒指  x 1
=== <u>EP.3 瓦利城堡的秘密</u> ===
[[File:Story-3.jpg|thumb|Chapter 3|300px]]
Elsword and the gang finally obtained the key to Wally’s Castle from the soldier in the suburbs of Elder. The castle was mainly used to manufacture Nasods using the stolen El and taxes paid by innocent villagers. Our heroes destroy Wally No. 8 but Wally flees with the rest of the El Shards.
* 完成“[[Story/Elder/zh-hans#EP.3 瓦利城堡的秘密|'''[副本]通往瓦利城堡的路''']]”
* 进入[[2-4/zh-hans|瓦利城堡外围]]“普通”以上
* 威廉的检讨书(威廉噗鲁,瓦利城堡外围“普通”以上) 0/1
* 这次噗鲁的骚动也是威廉煽动起来的。
* 威廉居然想成为恶徒,不过是个小噗鲁罢了。
* 为了遵守在魔奇村庄写的检讨书,好像在艾德活动。
* 霍夫曼也饶恕了<font color=red>瓦利城堡外围</font>的威廉,为了防止再次闹事委托拿到<font color=blue>检讨书</font>。
*'''Luichel:'''''William? What's a trouble maker from Ruben doing here?''
*'''Raven:'''''Maybe I should have finished him... Hmm..''
*'''Lenphad:'''''I don't care why he showed up but he's interfering with our plans!''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Calm down, Lenphad. We must first stop the Phorus from causing a ruckus.''
*'''Luichel:'''''William? What's a trouble maker from Ruben doing here?''
*'''Eve:'''''... Did I go too easy on him? I guess I should deal with them a bit harsher.''
*'''Lenphad:'''''I don't care why he showed up but he's interfering with our plans!''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Calm down, Lenphad. We must first stop the Phorus from causing a ruckus.''
*'''Luichel:'''''William? What's a trouble maker from Ruben doing here?''
*'''Chung:'''''Did I go too easy on him... He looks so cute, I couldn't be harsh... I still got long ways to go.''
*'''Lenphad:'''''I don't care why he showed up but he's interfering with our plans!''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Calm down, Lenphad. We must first stop the Phorus from causing a ruckus.''
*'''Luichel:'''''William? What's a trouble maker from Ruben doing here?''
*'''Ara:'''''Darn.. It's my fault for not teaching him the lesson properly the first time.''
*'''Lenphad:'''''I don't care why he showed up but he's interfering with our plans!''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Calm down, Lenphad. We must first stop the Phorus from causing a ruckus.''
*'''Luichel:'''''William? What's a trouble maker from Ruben doing here?''
*'''Elesis:'''''Banthus and William, they are both very persistent.''
*'''Lenphad:'''''I don't care why he showed up but he's interfering with our plans!''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Calm down, Lenphad. We must first stop the Phorus from causing a ruckus.''
*'''Luichel:'''''William? What's a trouble maker from Ruben doing here?''
*'''Lenphad:'''''I don't care why he showed up but he's interfering with our plans!''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Calm down, Lenphad. We must first stop the Phorus from causing a ruckus.''
*'''Ciel:'''''Alright, I'll beat some sense into him.''
*'''Luichel:'''''William? What's a trouble maker from Ruben doing here?''
*'''Lenphad:'''''I don't care why he showed up but he's interfering with our plans!''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Calm down, Lenphad. We must first stop the Phorus from causing a ruckus.''
*'''Zero:'''''Sigh... What a pain. We'll teach you a lesson this time!''
*'''蕾娜 & 爱莎:'''''哈……''
*'''Raven:'''''William won't be causing any more trouble, I've made him understand this time.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Good, let's see if the castle guards will move back to their original position.''
*'''Luichel:'''''You've taken care of William but his minions are still around and causing trouble!''
*'''Raven:'''''Those Phorus.. After all that still hasn't come to their senses.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Because of them I heard the castle had to form a special force.''
*'''Lenphad:'''''In order to enter the castle we need to take care of the Phorus first, I'll leave that to you.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''We've dealt with the Phorus but they caused the castle security to be tighter.''
*'''Raven:'''''Silent infiltration is no longer an option.''
*'''Lenphad:'''''Screw it! We'll go head on! I wasn't the type of sneak in there anyways!''
*'''Raven:'''''Wait, a straight forward battle needs a plan.''
*'''Eve:'''''William wont be bothering us anymore. I've made sure he learned his lesson.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Good, let's see if the castle guards will move back to their original position.''
*'''Luichel:'''''You've taken care of William but his minions are still around and causing trouble!''
*'''Eve:'''''Phorus are starting to... really... annoy me.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Because of them I heard the castle had to form a special force.''
*'''Lenphad:'''''In order to enter the castle we need to take care of the Phorus first, I'll leave that to you.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''We've dealt with the Phorus but they caused the castle security to be tighter.''
*'''Eve:'''''Infiltration is no longer an option. We need to adjust our plans.''
*'''Lenphad:'''''Screw it! We'll go head on! I wasn't the type of sneak in there anyways!''
*'''Eve:'''''Sigh.. I guess in this situation having a simple mind is useful.''
*'''Chung:'''''He won't be able to make a mess of things anymore. I made sure of it.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Good, let's see if the castle guards will move back to their original position.''
*'''Luichel:'''''You've taken care of William but his minions are still around and causing trouble!''
*'''Chung:'''''Phorus... really like to fool around, don't they?''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Because of them I heard the castle had to form a special force.''
*'''Lenphad:'''''In order to enter the castle we need to take care of the Phorus first, I'll leave that to you.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''We've dealt with the Phorus but they caused the castle security to be tighter.''
*'''Chung:'''''Then the secret infiltration...?''
*'''Lenphad:'''''Screw it! We'll go head on! I wasn't the type of sneak in there anyways!''
*'''Chung:'''''Oh? Is that so?''
*'''Ara:'''''This time, he definitely got the message. Sigh.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Good, let's see if the castle guards will move back to their original position.''
*'''Luichel:'''''You've taken care of William but his minions are still around and causing trouble!''
*'''Ara:'''''Those darn Phorus! I knew I shouldn't have went easy on them because they were cute!''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Because of them I heard the castle had to form a special force.''
*'''Lenphad:'''''In order to enter the castle we need to take care of the Phorus first, I'll leave that to you.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''We've dealt with the Phorus but they caused the castle security to be tighter.''
*'''Ara:'''''Oh no, what should we do now?''
*'''Lenphad:'''''Screw it! We'll go head on! I wasn't the type of sneak in there anyways!''
*'''Ara:'''''Charge ahead, got it!''
*'''Elesis:'''''I've beat some sense into him. Although, I hope I didn't do it too hard.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Good, let's see if the castle guards will move back to their original position.''
*'''Luichel:'''''You've taken care of William but his minions are still around and causing trouble!''
*'''Elesis:'''''Darn Phorus! They are such an annoyance!''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Because of them I heard the castle had to form a special force.''
*'''Lenphad:'''''In order to enter the castle we need to take care of the Phorus first, I'll leave that to you.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''We've dealt with the Phorus but they caused the castle security to be tighter.''
*'''Elesis:'''''I don't think it will be that easy to infiltrate the underground waterway.''
*'''Lenphad:'''''Screw it! We'll go head on! I wasn't the type of sneak in there anyways!''
*'''Elesis:'''''That's what I like to hear!''
*'''Lu:'''''William's been taking care of... Not by useless Ciel, but ME!''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Good, let's see if the castle guards will move back to their original position.''
*'''Luichel:'''''You've taken care of William but his minions are still around and causing trouble!''
*'''Lu:'''''Those things.. They're really not bright.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Because of them I heard the castle had to form a special force.''
*'''Lenphad:'''''In order to enter the castle we need to take care of the Phorus first, I'll leave that to you.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''We've dealt with the Phorus but they caused the castle security to be tighter.''
*'''Ciel:'''''So much for the infiltration.''
*'''Lenphad:'''''Screw it! We'll go head on! I wasn't the type of sneak in there anyways!''
*'''Lu:'''''Ooo, I like it! I like it!''
*'''Rose''' ''It's fine, William won't be able to cause any more trouble.''
*'''Zero:'''''I'm getting old... Back in the day, I would have crushed that fool... Sigh.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Good, let's see if the castle guards will move back to their original position.''
*'''Luichel:'''''You've taken care of William but his minions are still around and causing trouble!''
*'''Zero:'''''Hey, Rose!! What did I tell you! I told you to go all out!!''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Because of them I heard the castle had to form a special force.''
*'''Lenphad:'''''In order to enter the castle we need to take care of the Phorus first, I'll leave that to you.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''We've dealt with the Phorus but they caused the castle security to be tighter.''
*'''Rose:'''''I guess infilration is no longer an option.''
*'''Lenphad:'''''Screw it! We'll go head on! I wasn't the type of sneak in there anyways!''
*'''Zero:'''''Tsk, all the work in the sewers for nothing.''
*'''蕾娜 & 爱莎:'''''哈……''
|ED= 8,200
|EXP= 4,820
|CReward1=祝福的强化石  x1
|CImage2=[[File:HQ Shop Set Lowbody Rare Lv1.png]]
|CReward2=盗贼团下衣  x 1
|SReward1=盗贼团武器  x 1
|SImage1=[[File:Unknown Weapon.png]]
* 完成“[[Story/Elder/zh-hans#EP.3 瓦利城堡的秘密|'''[副本]惩罚!''']]”
* 进入[[2-5/zh-hans|瓦利城堡]]“普通”以上
* 寻找瓦利(瓦利城堡“普通”以上)
* 清除瓦利8号(瓦利城堡“普通”以上) 0/1
* 威廉的出现导致之前的潜入计划泡汤,既然这样就直接冲进<font color=red>瓦利城堡</font>中心。
* 目标只有一个,找到<font color=blue>瓦利</font>让他们付出恶行的代价,找回艾尔吧!
*'''Hoffman:'''''We have no choice now. I wanted to lessen the damage but..''
*'''Raven:'''''I guess we have to expect some casualties..''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Adventurer, if you start a battle and focus the enemies forces on top of the castle walls, we'll go through the gates to enter the castle.''
*'''Lenphad:'''''Once we start the battle inside the castle the soldiers will split up to us. When that happens get inside the castle and find Wally then retrieve the El.''
*'''Luichel:'''''It won't be easy, take care of yourselves.''
*'''Raven:'''''Risking my life for a good cause... Would this help pay for my past sins..?''
*'''Hoffman:'''''We have no choice now. I wanted to lessen the damage but..''
*'''Eve:'''''We would have to expect casualties..''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Adventurer, if you start a battle and focus the enemies forces on top of the castle walls, we'll go through the gates to enter the castle.''
*'''Lenphad:'''''Once we start the battle inside the castle the soldiers will split up to us. When that happens get inside the castle and find Wally then retrieve the El.''
*'''Luichel:'''''It won't be easy, take care of yourselves.''
*'''Eve:'''''Leave it to me. Queen of Nasods won't be beaten so easily.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''We have no choice now. I wanted to lessen the damage but..''
*'''Chung:'''''We have to expect casualties... Such a shame..''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Adventurer, if you start a battle and focus the enemies forces on top of the castle walls, we'll go through the gates to enter the castle.''
*'''Lenphad:'''''Once we start the battle inside the castle the soldiers will split up to us. When that happens get inside the castle and find Wally then retrieve the El.''
*'''Luichel:'''''It won't be easy, take care of yourselves.''
*'''Chung:'''''Leave it to me, I will not be beaten here!''
*'''Hoffman:'''''We have no choice now. I wanted to lessen the damage but..''
*'''Ara:'''''I guess we have to expect casualties if we are going to charge in straight ahead.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Adventurer, if you start a battle and focus the enemies forces on top of the castle walls, we'll go through the gates to enter the castle.''
*'''Lenphad:'''''Once we start the battle inside the castle the soldiers will split up to us. When that happens get inside the castle and find Wally then retrieve the El.''
*'''Luichel:'''''It won't be easy, take care of yourselves.''
*'''Ara:'''''Time for the Han's family's martial arts to shine, leave it to me!''
*'''Hoffman:'''''We have no choice now. I wanted to lessen the damage but..''
*'''Elesis:'''''I know, we have to expect some casualties.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Adventurer, if you start a battle and focus the enemies forces on top of the castle walls, we'll go through the gates to enter the castle.''
*'''Lenphad:'''''Once we start the battle inside the castle the soldiers will split up to us. When that happens get inside the castle and find Wally then retrieve the El.''
*'''Luichel:'''''It won't be easy, take care of yourselves.''
*'''Elesis:'''''Don't worry about me. Now, how should I take care of Wally.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''We have no choice now. I wanted to lessen the damage but..''
*'''Ciel:'''''We have to expect casualties..''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Adventurer, if you start a battle and focus the enemies forces on top of the castle walls, we'll go through the gates to enter the castle.''
*'''Lenphad:'''''Once we start the battle inside the castle the soldiers will split up to us. When that happens get inside the castle and find Wally then retrieve the El.''
*'''Luichel:'''''It won't be easy, take care of yourselves.''
*'''Lu:'''''Leave it to me!''
*'''Hoffman:'''''We have no choice now. I wanted to lessen the damage but..''
*'''Zero:'''''No use crying about it now. If that's the decision, it's better to carry it out as soon as possible.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Adventurer, if you start a battle and focus the enemies forces on top of the castle walls, we'll go through the gates to enter the castle.''
*'''Lenphad:'''''Once we start the battle inside the castle the soldiers will split up to us. When that happens get inside the castle and find Wally then retrieve the El.''
*'''Luichel:'''''It won't be easy, take care of yourselves.''
*'''Rose:'''''Leave it to me.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Thank you very much, thanks to you all we were able to subdue the enemy forces. It was a great victory with very little casualties.''
*'''Raven:'''''But we've lost the El, Wally took it and fled.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''We can't say for sure if he actually escaped.''
*'''Raven:'''''Mm.. Might still be inside the castle.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''But you said Wally was using a giant robot? ..Could it be..Nasod?''
*'''Raven:'''''It's a little incomplete to call a Nasod.. But it's definitely related.''
*'''Echo:'''''It's not a myth... Wally was already working on them.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Hm? Miss Echo already knew?''
*'''Echo:'''''Yeah, way back when he suddenly came to me with a Nasod part and asked me bunch of questions. I don't know where he got it but because it was something I've never seen either, I told some papers related to it.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''I understand now. All our taxes were used for Nasod research and in order to power it they had the bandits steal the El Shard.''
*'''Lenphad:'''''Wally you bastard! I'll make you pay for causing so much trouble to the villagers!''
*'''Hoffman:'''''The El will definitely be at the center of the castle. Let's get it back''
*'''Hoffman:'''''On behalf of all the villagers that were under Wally's silent tyranny, we thank you.''
*'''Raven:'''''Hope this would lighten a load off my sins...''
*'''Hoffman:'''''I'm sorry you couldn't retrieve the El because of our troubles.''
*'''Lenphad:'''''But you are the savior of Elder. If you need any help let me know, I'll gladly help.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Merchants of Elder will do everything in our power to locate Wally.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Thank you very much, thanks to you all we were able to subdue the enemy forces. It was a great victory with very little casualties.''
*'''Eve:'''''But.. Wally took the El and escaped.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''We can't say for sure if he actually escaped.''
*'''Eve:'''''You mean, they might still be in the castle?''
*'''Hoffman:'''''But you said Wally was using a giant robot? ..Could it be..Nasod?''
*'''Eve:'''''That's right... To be precise they just copied our technology... in a bad way.''
*'''Echo:'''''It's not a myth... Wally was already working on them.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Hm? Miss Echo already knew?''
*'''Echo:'''''Yeah, way back when he suddenly came to me with a Nasod part and asked me bunch of questions. I don't know where he got it but because it was something I've never seen either, I told some papers related to it.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''I understand now. All our taxes were used for Nasod research and in order to power it they had the bandits steal the El Shard.''
*'''Lenphad:'''''Wally you bastard! I'll make you pay for causing so much trouble to the villagers!''
*'''Hoffman:'''''The El will definitely be at the center of the castle. Let's get it back''
*'''Hoffman:'''''On behalf of all the villagers that were under Wally's silent tyranny, we thank you.''
*'''Eve:'''''That's a relief, even though we lost the El and the stupid looking machine.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''I'm sorry you couldn't retrieve the El because of our troubles.''
*'''Lenphad:'''''But you are the savior of Elder. If you need any help let me know, I'll gladly help.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Merchants of Elder will do everything in our power to locate Wally.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Thank you very much, thanks to you all we were able to subdue the enemy forces. It was a great victory with very little casualties.''
*'''Chung:'''''I'm glad.. But I lost El.. And Wally.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''We can't say for sure if he actually escaped.''
*'''Chung:'''''You mean they are still hiding somewhere inside the Castle?''
*'''Hoffman:'''''But you said Wally was using a giant robot? ..Could it be..Nasod?''
*'''Chung:'''''Nasod... Do you really think so? (Looks a lot different compared to Eve..)''
*'''Echo:'''''It's not a myth... Wally was already working on them.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Hm? Miss Echo already knew?''
*'''Echo:'''''Yeah, way back when he suddenly came to me with a Nasod part and asked me bunch of questions. I don't know where he got it but because it was something I've never seen either, I told some papers related to it.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''I understand now. All our taxes were used for Nasod research and in order to power it they had the bandits steal the El Shard.''
*'''Lenphad:'''''Wally you bastard! I'll make you pay for causing so much trouble to the villagers!''
*'''Hoffman:'''''The El will definitely be at the center of the castle. Let's get it back''
*'''Hoffman:'''''On behalf of all the villagers that were under Wally's silent tyranny, we thank you.''
*'''Chung:'''''Finally, everything will be back to normal.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''I'm sorry you couldn't retrieve the El because of our troubles.''
*'''Lenphad:'''''But you are the savior of Elder. If you need any help let me know, I'll gladly help.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Merchants of Elder will do everything in our power to locate Wally.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Thank you very much, thanks to you all we were able to subdue the enemy forces. It was a great victory with very little casualties.''
*'''Ara:'''''Thankfully we were albe to suppress them without getting harmed. But we lost Wally.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''We can't say for sure if he actually escaped.''
*'''Ara:'''''You mean to say they might still be inside the castle?''
*'''Hoffman:'''''But you said Wally was using a giant robot? ..Could it be..Nasod?''
*'''Ara:'''''Yes, Eun said she felt a feint power of El from that machine.''
*'''Echo:'''''It's not a myth... Wally was already working on them.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Hm? Miss Echo already knew?''
*'''Echo:'''''Yeah, way back when he suddenly came to me with a Nasod part and asked me bunch of questions. I don't know where he got it but because it was something I've never seen either, I told some papers related to it.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''I understand now. All our taxes were used for Nasod research and in order to power it they had the bandits steal the El Shard.''
*'''Lenphad:'''''Wally you bastard! I'll make you pay for causing so much trouble to the villagers!''
*'''Hoffman:'''''The El will definitely be at the center of the castle. Let's get it back''
*'''Hoffman:'''''On behalf of all the villagers that were under Wally's silent tyranny, we thank you.''
*'''Ara:'''''I hope the next ruler is a kind one.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''I'm sorry you couldn't retrieve the El because of our troubles.''
*'''Lenphad:'''''But you are the savior of Elder. If you need any help let me know, I'll gladly help.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Merchants of Elder will do everything in our power to locate Wally.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Thank you very much, thanks to you all we were able to subdue the enemy forces. It was a great victory with very little casualties.''
*'''Elesis:'''''Sigh.. Wally took the El and ran.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''We can't say for sure if he actually escaped.''
*'''Elesis:'''''You think he is inside the castle with the El still?''
*'''Hoffman:'''''But you said Wally was using a giant robot? ..Could it be..Nasod?''
*'''Elesis:'''''That tin can? I thought Nasods were cooler and more advanced looking.''
*'''Echo:'''''It's not a myth... Wally was already working on them.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Hm? Miss Echo already knew?''
*'''Echo:'''''Yeah, way back when he suddenly came to me with a Nasod part and asked me bunch of questions. I don't know where he got it but because it was something I've never seen either, I told some papers related to it.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''I understand now. All our taxes were used for Nasod research and in order to power it they had the bandits steal the El Shard.''
*'''Lenphad:'''''Wally you bastard! I'll make you pay for causing so much trouble to the villagers!''
*'''Hoffman:'''''The El will definitely be at the center of the castle. Let's get it back''
*'''Hoffman:'''''On behalf of all the villagers that were under Wally's silent tyranny, we thank you.''
*'''Elesis:'''''Glad to hear! But that Wally...''
*'''Hoffman:'''''I'm sorry you couldn't retrieve the El because of our troubles.''
*'''Lenphad:'''''But you are the savior of Elder. If you need any help let me know, I'll gladly help.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Merchants of Elder will do everything in our power to locate Wally.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Thank you very much, thanks to you all we were able to subdue the enemy forces. It was a great victory with very little casualties.''
*'''Lu:'''''Guuuu.... Wally ran off with the El.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''We can't say for sure if he actually escaped.''
*'''Lu:'''''Mm... Still hiding in the castle then?''
*'''Hoffman:'''''But you said Wally was using a giant robot? ..Could it be..Nasod?''
*'''Ciel:'''''I guess it wasn't just a regular tin can.''
*'''Echo:'''''It's not a myth... Wally was already working on them.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Hm? Miss Echo already knew?''
*'''Echo:'''''Yeah, way back when he suddenly came to me with a Nasod part and asked me bunch of questions. I don't know where he got it but because it was something I've never seen either, I told some papers related to it.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''I understand now. All our taxes were used for Nasod research and in order to power it they had the bandits steal the El Shard.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''On behalf of all the villagers that were under Wally's silent tyranny, we thank you.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''I'm sorry you couldn't retrieve the El because of our troubles.''
*'''Lenphad:'''''But you are the savior of Elder. If you need any help let me know, I'll gladly help.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Merchants of Elder will do everything in our power to locate Wally.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Thank you very much, thanks to you all we were able to subdue the enemy forces. It was a great victory with very little casualties.''
*'''Zero:'''''Damn, how did Wally escape from my perfect plan?''
*'''Hoffman:'''''We can't say for sure if he actually escaped.''
*'''Rose:'''''So that means.. Well it looked like they ran away, but they might still be in the castle.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''But you said Wally was using a giant robot? ..Could it be..Nasod?''
*'''Zero:'''''Nasod...? That's the machine civilization that used to exist in Elrios...''
*'''Echo:'''''It's not a myth... Wally was already working on them.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Hm? Miss Echo already knew?''
*'''Echo:'''''Yeah, way back when he suddenly came to me with a Nasod part and asked me bunch of questions. I don't know where he got it but because it was something I've never seen either, I told some papers related to it.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''I understand now. All our taxes were used for Nasod research and in order to power it they had the bandits steal the El Shard.''
*'''Lenphad:'''''Wally you bastard! I'll make you pay for causing so much trouble to the villagers!''
*'''Hoffman:'''''The El will definitely be at the center of the castle. Let's get it back''
*'''Hoffman:'''''On behalf of all the villagers that were under Wally's silent tyranny, we thank you.''
*'''Zero:'''''He knows about Coverand Concealment, keke. That doesn't mean we won't find him though!''
*'''Hoffman:'''''I'm sorry you couldn't retrieve the El because of our troubles.''
*'''Lenphad:'''''But you are the savior of Elder. If you need any help let me know, I'll gladly help.''
*'''Hoffman:'''''Merchants of Elder will do everything in our power to locate Wally.''
|ED= 10,800
|EXP= 6,390
|CReward1=祝福的强化石 x 1
|CImage2=[[File:HQ Shop COMMON AC FACE2 92116.png]]
|CReward2=海洋眼罩 x 1
|CImage3=[[File:HQ Shop Set Upbody Rare Lv1.png]]
|CReward3=盗贼团上衣  x1

=== <u>[[Story/Chapter 2/zh-hans|EP.2 瓦利城堡的秘密]]</u> ===
[[File:Story-2.jpg|thumb|EP.2 瓦利城堡的秘密|450px]]
