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Quand le grand El est descendu sur Elrios et a respiré la vie sur tous les continents, une bête céleste qui détient l'énergie de la terre est née pour chaque territoire. Certaines de ces bêtes célestes bénirent les terres qu'elles parcouraient, mais d'autres tuèrent et pillèrent tout sur leur passage.
Quand le grand El est descendu sur Elrios et a respiré la vie sur tous les continents, une bête céleste qui détient l'énergie de la terre est née pour chaque territoire. Certaines de ces bêtes célestes bénirent les terres qu'elles parcouraient, mais d'autres tuèrent et pillèrent tout sur leur passage.

=== Les Elfes d'Elrios ===
=== Les Elfes d'Elios ===
Dans un passé lointain, les Elfes et les Elfes Noirs n'étaient qu'un seul et même être. Certains choisirent d'habiter dans le domaine des Forêts Sombres où l'énergie démoniaque était présente. Avec le temps, ces Elfes ont rapidement acquis une affinité avec l'énergie démoniaque et ont appris à l'utiliser. Ces elfes devinrent connus sous le nom d'Elfes Noirs et furent considérés comme des êtres maudits par ceux de l'extérieur. Finalement, ces elfes ont réussi à trouver un moyen de passer d'Elrios au Royaume des Démons, où ils résident maintenant.
Dans un passé lointain, les Elfes et les Elfes Noirs n'étaient qu'un seul et même être. Certains choisirent d'habiter dans le domaine des Forêts Sombres où l'énergie démoniaque était présente. Avec le temps, ces Elfes ont rapidement acquis une affinité avec l'énergie démoniaque et ont appris à l'utiliser. Ces elfes devinrent connus sous le nom d'Elfes Noirs et furent considérés comme des êtres maudits par ceux de l'extérieur. Finalement, ces elfes ont réussi à trouver un moyen de passer d'Elrios au Royaume des Démons, où ils résident maintenant.

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=== Gardien en acier Eltrion ===
=== Gardien en acier Eltrion ===
Pendant cette période, l'utilisation des Nasods dans le royaume d'Elrien a explosé et ils sont devenus un élément de base de la société d'Elrien. De nombreuses grandes réalisations ont été faites avec l'utilisation des Nasods, notamment la création de [[City in the Sky/fr|Ville céleste]], une forteresse de défense flottante qui abritait le Gardien d'acier Eltrion qui protégeait la capitale d'Elrianode.
Pendant cette période, l'utilisation des Nasods dans le royaume d'Elios a explosé et ils sont devenus un élément de base de la société d'Elios. De nombreuses grandes réalisations ont été faites avec l'utilisation des Nasods, notamment la création de la [[City in the Sky/fr|Ville céleste]], une forteresse de défense flottante qui abritait le Gardien d'acier Eltrion qui protégeait la capitale d'Elyanode.

Pendant le règne d'Eltrion en tant que Gardien d'acier d'Elrianode, le groupe de recherche d'El s'est retrouvé face aux Nasod lorsqu'ils ont traversé une Porte Chrono. Après une bataille acharnée, le El Search Party réussit à vaincre Eltrion.
Pendant le règne d'Eltrion en tant que Gardien d'acier d'Elrianode, le groupe de recherche d'El s'est retrouvé face aux Nasod lorsqu'ils ont traversé une Porte Chrono. Après une bataille acharnée, les Chercheurs d'Eldrit réussisse à vaincre Eltrion.

== Seven Tower ==
== Tour Sept ==
=== Elrians and Debrians ===
=== Elians et Debrians ===
With the Elrian Kingom restored over time, the organization of [[Seven Tower]] was created. The organization was designed to house the most talented of the Elrian Kingdom at using the power of the El. Among the organization's initial founders was a famed magician of the Landar family. During its existence, it was an origination which used magic to research and develop tools for the benefit of the Elrian Kingdom.
Avec la restauration du royaume d'Elios au fil du temps, l'organisation [[Seven Tower/fr|Tour Sept]] a été créée. L'organisation a été conçue pour accueillir les plus talentueux du royaume d'Elios à utiliser la puissance de l'El. Parmi les fondateurs initiaux de l'organisation se trouvait un célèbre magicien de la famille Landar. Au cours de son existence, c'était une origine qui utilisait la magie pour rechercher et développer des outils au profit du Royaume d'Elios.

As the organization progressed and prominence of the Debrians grew, Seven Tower would eventually open its doors to the Debrians. However the influx of these new members were not without consequence, it soon became apparent that the Elrians and Debrians both had different views on where the organization should go forwards. In the struggling times, the Landar family decided to distance themselves from the organizations a whole.
Au fur et à mesure que l'organisation progressait et que l'importance des Debrians augmentait, Les 7 Tours a fini par ouvrir ses portes aux Debrians. Cependant, l'arrivée de ces nouveaux membres n'était pas sans conséquence, il devint bientôt évident que les Elians et les Debrians avaient tous deux des points de vue différents sur la direction que devait prendre l'organisation. Dans les temps difficiles, la famille Landar décida de se distancer de l'ensemble des organisations.

Among the Debrians which were in Seven Tower was the man now know as [[Glave]]. He performed his own private investigations and experiments in his own personal quests for absolute truth. In his research of Henir itself, he created a machine with the power of extracting life, turning it inside out, and creating new life. This device, he called the "Seed of Life". Knowing the implications of this device, Glave decided to seal it away in a place nobody would ever find it.
Parmi les Debrians qui se trouvaient dans la Tour Sept se trouvait l'homme que l'on appelle maintenant [[Glave/fr|Glave]]. Il menait ses propres enquêtes et expérimentations dans sa quête personnelle de la vérité absolue. Dans ses recherches sur [[Henir/fr|Henir]] lui-même, il créa une machine ayant le pouvoir d'extraire la vie, de la retourner et de créer une nouvelle vie. Cet appareil, il l'a appelé la "graine de vie". Connaissant les implications de ce dispositif, [[Glave/fr|Glave]] décida de le sceller dans un endroit où personne ne le trouverait jamais.

In the end, his research would have consequences, punished by the "Creator", Glave was sealed off and sent to Henir. Losing a woman, someone dear to him, as well as losing his emotions and real body.
Au final, ses recherches auront des conséquences, puni par le "Créateur", [[Glave/fr|Glave]] est mis sous scellés et envoyé à [[Henir/fr|Henir]]. Perdre une femme, une personne qui lui est chère, ainsi que perdre ses émotions et son vrai corps.

=== Henir's Order ===
=== Ordre de Henir ===
After [[Glave]] was banished to Henir, members of Seven Tower were able to rediscover his inventions and they found the Seed of Life. The group soon became fixated on the potential of the device's ability to create new life out of Henir energy.
Après que [[Glave/fr|Glave]] ait été banni à [[Henir/fr|Henir]], les membres de la Tour Sept ont pu redécouvrir ses inventions et ils ont trouvé la Graine de Vie. Le groupe se fixa rapidement sur le potentiel de la capacité de l'appareil à créer une nouvelle vie à partir de l'énergie de [[Henir/fr|Henir]]

A faction of the Debrians with the help of the Elrian royals themselves, began conducting forbidden research and experiments underneath the then palace. They were highly interested in taking the technology [[Glave]] pioneered with the Seed of Life and furthering its potential. If their research were successful, it could change the entire Elrios continent. During one of their experiments, the Debrians opened a passage from Elrios to the core of Henir itself by accident. With the gateway open, the researchers were granted a seemingly limitless supply of Henir energy. With the energy they were able to further pursuit their experiments with Henir. Upon further research, the group learned that the unification of the Dark and Primal El could grant them unimaginable power. With the power of Henir's Passage and knowledge of unimaginable power, many of the researchers soon founded a new organization, Henir's Order.
Une faction des Debrians, avec l'aide des rois d'Elios eux-mêmes, commença à mener des recherches et des expériences interdites sous le palais de l'époque. Ils étaient très intéressés à prendre la technologie que [[Glave/fr|Glave]] à mise au point avec la Graine de vie et à développer son potentiel. Si leurs recherches étaient couronnées de succès, elles pourraient changer le continent d'Elios tout entier. Au cours d'une de leurs expériences, les Debrians ont ouvert par accident un passage d'Elios vers le noyau d'Henir lui-même. Avec la porte ouverte, les chercheurs ont obtenu un approvisionnement apparemment illimité en énergie de Henir. Grâce à cette énergie, ils ont pu poursuivre leurs expériences avec Henir. En poursuivant leurs recherches, le groupe apprit que l'unification du cristal d'El Sombre et du cristal d'El Primal pouvait leur accorder une puissance inimaginable. Avec la puissance du Passage de Henir et la connaissance d'un pouvoir inimaginable, beaucoup de chercheurs fondèrent bientôt une nouvelle organisation, l'Ordre de Henir.

The organization would grow into a type of cult who appeared to worship Henir. Over the long period of time after their creation, they would remain in the shadows but have acted in what appears to be defiance against Elria. Henir's Order have managed to launch assaults against the El Tower as well as historically planted spies within the El Order's ranks. Notably, a near successfully attack on the El Lady during the Harmony Festival as recent as 100 years before the El Explosion.
L'organisation allait se développer en un type de culte qui semblait vénérer Henir. Pendant la longue période qui suivit leur création, ils restèrent dans l'ombre, mais ont agi dans ce qui semble être un défi contre Elia. L'Ordre d'Henir a réussi à lancer des assauts contre la Tour d'El, ainsi qu'à implanter historiquement des espions dans les rangs de l'Ordre d'El. Notamment, une attaque presque réussie sur la Dame d'El pendant le Festival de l'Harmonie, 100 ans avant l'explosion d'El.

== Nasod War ==
== La Guerre Nasod ==
=== Founding of Elysion ===
=== Création d'Elysion ===
As time grew, the Debrians and Kings began to see themselves as higher than the Elrian Kingdom, or even the gods themselves. They believed they could surpass the power of El with the power of science and come out above the goddess. With their scientific discoveries, Adrian and the Debrians planned to leave Elrios and establish their own colony. Using the El's properties, they manged to open a gate into another dimension, they made their way and would find themselves in what would eventually be [[Elysion]]. The dimension they had colonized was home to a unique material known as Diceon, which allowed them to store and multiply El Energy, create a large reservoir on energy which they could use to create their new city.
Avec le temps, les Debrians et les Rois commencèrent à se considérer comme supérieurs au Royaume d'Elios, ou même aux dieux eux-mêmes. Ils croyaient qu'ils pouvaient surpasser la puissance d'El avec le pouvoir de la science et s'élever au-dessus de la déesse. Avec leurs découvertes scientifiques, Adrien et les Debrians ont prévu de quitter Elios et d'établir leur propre colonie. En utilisant les propriétés du El, ils ont réussi à ouvrir une porte dans une autre dimension, ils ont fait leur chemin et se retrouveraient dans ce qui serait éventuellement [[Elysion/fr|Elysion]]. La dimension qu'ils avaient colonisée abritait un matériau unique connu sous le nom de Diceon, qui leur permettait de stocker et de multiplier l'énergie du El, de créer un grand réservoir d'énergie qu'ils pouvaient utiliser pour créer leur nouvelle ville.

Adrian built [[Yuno & Nono|Herjuno]] a Nasod who would be the lead architect in building [[Elysion]]. Limited by his mortal body, Adrian and other Debrians would spend hundreds of years in a suspended hibernation and would occasionally check up and guide Nasods' accomplishments.
Adrian a construit [[Yuno & Nono/fr|Herjuno]] un Nasod qui serait l'architecte principal de la construction [[Elysion/fr|Elysion]]. Limités par son corps mortel, Adrian et d'autres Debrians passeront des centaines d'années en hibernation suspendue et vérifieront et guideront occasionnellement les réalisations des Nasods.

=== Nasod War and the El Lady ===
=== La guerre des Nasods et la Dame d'El ===
Back in Elrios, with Adrian having abandoned Elrios, many of the Nasods he left behind were now under the sole control of Adam alongside [[Eve]].
De retour à Elios, Adrian ayant abandonné Elios, plusieurs des Nasods qu'il avait laissés derrière lui étaient maintenant sous le contrôle exclusif d'Adam aux côtés d'[Eve/fr|Eve].

Due to both humanity and the Nasod's greedy use of the El, its powers began to diminish. This declining essential resource soon became an ever apparent looming threat to both the humans and Nasods. The two forces soon began to wage war on each other in an effort to fight for the remaining El energy. This war would be known as the Nasod War.
En raison de l'humanité et de l'utilisation avide du El par les Nasod, ses pouvoirs ont commencé à diminuer. Cette ressource essentielle en déclin devint bientôt une menace imminente pour les humains et les Nasods. Les deux forces commencèrent bientôt à se faire la guerre dans un effort pour se battre pour l'énergie restante du El. Cette guerre sera connue sous le nom de guerre des Nasods.

As the war dragged out, the Nasods soon found themselves in an impossible situation. Humans developed Alterasia to disrupt Nasod functions and the Nasods lacked sufficient resources to continue the war against the humans. Among the chaos, Adam placed [[Eve]] into stasis to survive through the war while he would cease to function as the war soon reached its end with the Nasod's defeat.
Alors que la guerre se prolongeait, les Nasods se sont vite retrouvés dans une situation impossible. Les humains ont développé l'Alterasia pour perturber les fonctions des Nasod et les Nasods n'avaient pas les ressources suffisantes pour continuer la guerre contre les humains. Au milieu du chaos, Adam plaça [[Eve/fr|Eve]] en stase pour survivre pendant la guerre tandis qu'il cesserait de fonctionner, car la guerre touchait bientôt à sa fin avec la défaite des Nasod.

Nasod production stopped and the sea spilled over to the land, dividing the earth up. The El was at its breaking point due to the constant harnessing of its power but with the help of a lady possessed by [[Ishmael]]'s power, she was able to restore the El. Life slowly returned and the people started to venerate the [[Hernia|El Lady]].
La production de Nasod s'est arrêtée et la mer s'est déversée sur la terre, divisant la terre. Le El était à son point de rupture en raison de l'exploitation constante de sa puissance, mais avec l'aide d'une dame possédée par le pouvoir d'[Ismaël/fr|Ismaël], elle a pu restaurer le El. La vie est lentement revenue et les gens ont commencé à vénérer la [[Hernia/fr|Dame d'El]].
Those who survived the rough environment started to rebuild the continent with the highly powered Nasods. Although the power of El was not as strong as before, the continent is slowly returning to life. Ever since the revival of the continent, the people worshiped the El Lady for being the one which maintained and stabilized the El's power.
Ceux qui ont survécu à cet environnement difficile ont commencé à reconstruire le continent avec les Nasods, très puissants. Bien que la puissance de El ne soit plus aussi forte qu'avant, le continent revient lentement à la vie. Depuis la renaissance du continent, les gens vénèrent la Dame El pour être celle qui a maintenu et stabilisé la puissance du El.

== Order of El and the Harmony Festival ==
== Ordre d'El et la Fête de l'Harmonie ==
[[File:El Masters.jpg|thumb|450px]]
[[File:El Masters.jpg|thumb|450px]]
=== Formation ===
=== Création ===
Everyone rejoiced in the blessed life again and people started to preserve the power of El that the El Lady left behind. Masters were chosen to govern the El, and they in turn found a new El Lady to watch over it.
Tout le monde se réjouit à nouveau de la vie bénie et les gens commencent à préserver la puissance du El que la Dame a laissé derrière elle. Des maîtres furent choisis pour gouverner le El, et ils trouvèrent à leur tour une nouvelle Dame du El pour veiller sur lui.

With the next El Lady found, the El Master acted as her guardian knights and the Order of El was formed at the heart of the restored Elrian Kingdom.
Avec la prochaine Dame d'El trouvée, le Maître d'El a agi comme ses chevaliers gardiens et l'Ordre de El a été formé au cœur du Royaume d'Elios restauré.

In Elrios, a special event takes place once every 3 years. When the Sun and Moon become one, the sky will become dark and all living creatures spend this time to unwind and enjoy each other's company. The purpose of this event is to let the El's natural energy prosper and unite all; it was called the "Harmony Festival." This day was indeed the most peaceful and tranquil in Elrios.
A Elios, un événement spécial a lieu une fois tous les 3 ans. Lorsque le Soleil et la Lune ne font plus qu'un, le ciel s'assombrit et toutes les créatures vivantes passent ce temps à se détendre et à profiter de la compagnie de l'autre. Le but de cet événement est de laisser l'énergie naturelle du El prospérer et d'unir tout le monde, il a été appelé " Festival de l'Harmonie ". Ce jour était en effet le plus paisible et le plus tranquille d'Elios.
The El looks natural and full of spirit, but in reality, it is at its most unstable state during the Harmony Festival. If the El facilitates the circulation of energy on its own, then it will become defenseless. During this time, it is the duty of the El Lady to keep the El stable and to keep it from shattering.
Le El semble naturel et plein d'esprit, mais en réalité, il est à son état le plus instable pendant le Festival d'Harmonie. Si le El facilite la circulation de l'énergie par lui-même, alors il deviendra sans défense. Pendant ce temps, il est du devoir de la Dame du El de maintenir le El stable et de l'empêcher de se briser.

=== Transition to the El Priestesses ===
=== Transition vers les Prêtresses d'El ===
In the later years leading up the the El Explosion. The El Masters were actually planning to reorganize their structure, introducing the El Priestess system. While the El Masters were introduced as guardians to the El Lady, these El Priestesses, would be taught by the El Masters not the art or combat, but the ability to maintain and stabilize the El much like the El Lady. The introduction of this system was designed to ensure that the El would not shatter if the El Lady herself what compromised as well as serving as a potential solution to retire the need for the El Lady to be sacrificed to the El. Among the first El Priestesses was [[Gaia]]'s sister, [[Verdel]].
Dans les dernières années qui ont précédé l'explosion d'El. Les Maîtres El prévoyaient en fait de réorganiser leur structure, en introduisant le système de la Prêtresses d'El. Alors que les Maîtres El étaient présentés comme les gardiens de la Dame El, ces Prêtresses El, seraient enseignées par les Maîtres El non pas l'art ou le combat, mais la capacité de maintenir et de stabiliser le El tout comme la Dame El. L'introduction de ce système a été conçue pour s'assurer que le El ne se brise pas si la Dame elle-même compromettait ce qui sert aussi de solution potentielle pour retirer le besoin pour la Dame d'être sacrifiée au El. Parmi les premières Prêtresses du El, il y avait la sœur de [[Gaia/fr|Gaia]], [[Verdel/fr|Verdel]].

== White-Ghost Army ==
== Armée du fantôme blanc ==
=== Garns and Nous ===
=== Garns et Nous ===
In the Northwestern edge of the Demon Realm was a land scarce in resources, the primary races which inhabited the land were the Garn and Nous. The two races warred against each other for a long time before [[Aegirp]] came and offered her hand to both races alike. Under the rule of Aegirp, the two races managed to develop some form of peace and united to form the [[White-Ghost Army]], one of the Demon Realms most powerful factions.
Dans la partie nord-ouest du Royaume du Démon, une terre aux ressources limitées, les races primaires qui habitaient cette terre étaient les Garn et les Nous. Les deux races se firent la guerre pendant longtemps avant que [[Aegirp]] ne vienne et n'offre sa main aux deux races de la même façon. Sous le règne d'Aegirp, les deux races parvinrent à développer une certaine forme de paix et s'unirent pour former l'[[White-Ghost Army/fr|Armée du fantôme blanc]], l'une des plus puissantes factions du Royaume des Démons.

=== Aegirp's Ambition ===
=== L'ambition d'Aegirp ===
[[Aegirp]] believed that she could bring peace and prosperity to her land through trade between humans and demons. During her reign, she called for campaigns to try and create settlements in Elrios, where demons could attempt to try and live peacefully and trade with the beings of Elrios. After discovering an abandoned laboratory under the land she ruled, the White-Ghost Army was able to create a functioning portal between Elrios and the Demon Realm with the technology they found. One such settlement was a province of North Fluone, where she sent [[Calonne]], [[Gunther]], and [[Deborah]] as emissaries for her quest. There, the demons disguised themselves as humans and attempted to live among the people of Elrios. The White-Ghost Army's primary export were Mystic Stones, which they traded for other necessities which would be imported back to the Demon Realm.
[[Aegirp/fr|Aegirp]] croyait qu'elle pouvait apporter la paix et la prospérité à son pays grâce au commerce entre les humains et les démons. Pendant son règne, elle a lancé des campagnes pour essayer de créer des colonies à Elios, où les démons pourraient essayer de vivre en paix et de faire du commerce avec les êtres d'Elios. Après avoir découvert un laboratoire abandonné sous la terre qu'elle dirigeait, l'Armée du Fantôme Blanc a pu créer un portail fonctionnel entre Elios et le Royaume des Démons grâce à la technologie qu'ils ont trouvée. Une de ces colonies était une province de Fluone du Nord, où elle envoya [[Calonne/fr|Calonne]], [[Gunther/fr|Gunther]], et [[Deborah/fr|Deborah]] comme émissaires pour sa quête. , les démons se sont déguisés en humains et ont tenté de vivre parmi le peuple d'Elios. La principale exportation de l'Armée du fantôme blanc était les Pierres mystiques, qu'ils échangeaient contre d'autres produits de première nécessité qui seraient importés dans le Royaume des Démons.

== The Nine-Tailed Fox Eun (200 Years Before El Explosion) ==
== Le renard à neuf queues Eun (200 ans avant l'explosion d'El) ==
700 years before [[Ara]] was able to awaken Eun from her imprisonment inside the hairpin, the Holy Beast was free. Eun was a powerful beast with the ability to see into the future, a powerful demon however used their ancient magic and was able to seal Eun and trapped the beast inside the hairpin she would be imprisoned in for the next 700 years. During her long incarceration, her ability to see the world's future faded. Sometime during the long period in which she was trapped, the hairpin traded hands and eventually it became a divine relic which the Haan family protected.
700 ans avant que [[Ara/fr|Ara]] ne puisse réveiller Eun de son emprisonnement dans l'épingle à cheveux, la Sainte Bête était libre. Eun était une bête puissante avec la capacité de voir dans le futur, un puissant démon a cependant utilisé leur magie ancienne et a pu sceller Eun et emprisonner la bête dans l'épingle à cheveux dans laquelle elle serait emprisonnée pour les 700 prochaines années. Pendant sa longue incarcération, sa capacité à voir l'avenir du monde s'est éteinte. Pendant la longue période où elle fut piégée, l'épingle à cheveux fit l'objet d'un échange de mains et devint finalement une relique divine que la famille Haan protégea.

== Fenriart and Hernia Solace ==
== Fenriart et Hernia Solace ==
=== The Solace Clan ===
=== Le clan Solace ===
[[Hernia]] was a victim of a war, one which took both of her parents. She was brought in by the head of the Solace clan and adopted as one of their own. However she was not welcomed by her siblings, all except the young [[Solace|Fenriart]] who had been born of a different mother than his other siblings. Abused by their elder step-brother [[Sigmund]], the two children protected each other and in the process learned that they were both of Rubenian descent, giving them a strong connection to the El. In the years to come Sigmund would kidnap Hernia and try to extract her powers for his own, only to be killed by Fenriart. The two decided on that day that staying with their clan was not safe, that this would repeat so long as his other siblings lusted for her power. They planned to run away together on the Night of Ishmael on the final day of the Harmony Festival.
[[Hernie/fr|Hernie]] a été victime d'une guerre, qui a pris ses deux parents. Elle a été amenée par le chef du clan Solace et adoptée comme l'une des leurs. Cependant, elle n'a pas été accueillie par ses frères et sœurs, tous sauf le jeune [[Solace/fr|Fenriart]] qui était né d'une mère différente de ses autres frères et sœurs. Abusés par leur demi-frère aîné [[Sigmund/fr|Sigmund]], les deux enfants se protégeaient mutuellement et apprirent par la même occasion qu'ils étaient tous deux d'origine rubénienne, ce qui leur donna un lien solide avec le El. Dans les années qui suivirent, Sigmund kidnappa Hernia et essaya d'extraire ses pouvoirs pour les siens, pour ensuite être tué par Fenriart. Ce jour-là, les deux hommes décidèrent que rester dans leur clan n'était pas sûr, que cela se répéterait tant que ses autres frères et sœurs désireraient son pouvoir. Ils avaient prévu de s'enfuir ensemble la Nuit d'Ismaël, le dernier jour du Festival de l'Harmonie.

However, their plan wouldn't come to be. On the Night of Ishmael, Hernia did not come, Fenriart went to look for her, only to be greeted by a crowd of spectators and Envoys of High Priest. Hernia had been chosen to be the next El Lady and was taken away that very night.
Cependant, leur plan ne se réaliserait pas. La nuit d'Ismaël, Hernia n'étant pas venue, Fenriart partit à sa recherche, mais fut accueilli par une foule de spectateurs et d'envoyés du Grand Prêtre. Hernia avait été choisie pour être la prochaine El Lady et fut emmenée cette même nuit.

=== The Harmony Festival and the El Explosion (0 Years After El Explosion) ===
=== Le Festival de l'Harmonie et l'explosion de l'El (0 ans après le El Explosion) ===
Solace trained and gained the title of El Master of Sun in the hopes that he would once again reunite with Hernia. When he saw Hernia again, she was not who she used to be, now cold and distant. He was then told by [[Ebalon]] that she was under a process where she slowly becomes one with the El, called the Illuminous Phenomenon. Solace went to talk to Hernia herself, but she told him that she can't abandon her duties. Solace did not give up, and instead began devising a plan which would circumvent the need for the El Lady. When he completed his device, he tried to convince Hernia to leave with him and allow the machine to stabilize the El, but she was reluctant and refused. She admitted that even if she did leave, the girl he once knew was beginning to fade away, and that she can't put her own happiness over the happiness of the world. She pleaded Solace to make the right decision when the time came.
Solace s'est entraîné et a obtenu le titre de Maître du Soleil dans l'espoir de retrouver Hernia. Quand il revit Hernia, elle n'était plus ce qu'elle était, maintenant froide et distante. Il lui fut alors dit par [[Ebalon/fr|Ebalon]] qu'elle était sous un processus où elle ne faisait plus qu'un avec le El, appelé le Phénomène Illuminateur. Solace est allée parler à Hernia elle-même, mais elle lui a dit qu'elle ne pouvait pas abandonner ses fonctions. Solace n'abandonne pas, mais commence à élaborer un plan qui contourne le besoin de la Dame El. Lorsqu'il eut terminé son appareil, il essaya de convaincre Hernia de partir avec lui et de permettre à la machine de stabiliser le El, mais elle était réticente et refusa. Elle admit que même si elle partait, la fille qu'il avait connue commençait à s'effacer et qu'elle ne pouvait pas faire passer son propre bonheur avant celui du monde. Elle supplia Solace de prendre la bonne décision le moment venu.

The day of the Harmony Festival came and Solace agreed with Hernia, and decided not to use his machine. However, somebody else did, the machine was activated improperly and caused an explosion. Knowing that it would bring no good, he rushed to Hernia's side, with the other El Masters were unsure what was going on, they tried to stop Solace from running into danger. When he arrived to the top of the tower, he saw that Hernia was being consumed by the El, he reached out to her and the memories of their childhood brought her back. Without any other options, Solace escaped with Hernia. But without the El Lady, the El's stability was compromised and exploded, shattering into millions of pieces that scatted all across Elrios and even into other dimensions. This catastrophe was the El Explosion.
Le jour de la Fête de l'Harmonie arriva et Solace se mit d'accord avec Hernia, et décida de ne pas utiliser sa machine. Cependant, quelqu'un d'autre l'a fait, la machine a été activée incorrectement et a causé une explosion. Sachant que cela n'apporterait rien de bon, il se précipita aux côtés de Hernia, les autres El Masters n'étant pas sûrs de ce qui se passait, ils essayèrent d'empêcher Solace de courir un danger. Quand il arriva au sommet de la tour, il vit que Hernia était en train de se faire dévorer par le El, il lui tendit la main et les souvenirs de leur enfance la ramenèrent. Sans aucune autre option, Solace s'est échappé avec Hernia. Mais sans la Dame El, la stabilité du El était compromise et explosa, se brisant en millions de morceaux qui se dispersèrent dans tout Elrios et même dans d'autres dimensions. Cette catastrophe fut l'Explosion du El.

=== God's Agent ===
=== Agent de dieu ===
During that very Harmony Festival, the goddess Ishmael had sent an agent from the heavens, [[Ain|Ainchase Ishmael]], down to Elrios in the quest to restore the El back to its prime state. When Ain arrived to Elrianode, he was too late, the El had exploded, sending him through a gap in space time and leaving him stranded in the realm of Henir. There, he wanted through the void of chaos aimlessly in hopes of making it back to Elrios.
Pendant ce même Festival de l'Harmonie, la déesse Ismaël avait envoyé un agent du ciel, [[Ain/fr|Ainchase Ishmael]], à Elrios dans le but de restaurer le El à son état originel. Quand Ain arriva à Elyanode, il était trop tard, le El avait explosé, l'envoyant à travers un trou dans l'espace-temps et le laissant bloqué dans le royaume d'Henir. , il voulait traverser le vide du chaos sans but dans l'espoir de revenir à Elios.

=== Henir's Time and Space ===
=== L'espace-temps de Henir ===
After the El Explosion occurred, while most of the Henir energy resided in the explosion zone around Elrianode, the power of Henir was felt elsewhere as well. One such location was the now ruined temple of Seven Tower. Within the tower, a space-time enigma occurred and [[Glave]] was then tasks with maintaining it. This actions created a realm where figments of the past and future collide, [[Henir's Time and Space]].
Après l'explosion d'El, alors que la plus grande partie de l'énergie de Henir se trouvait dans la zone d'explosion autour d'Elyanode, la puissance de Henir s'est également fait sentir ailleurs. Un de ces endroits était le temple maintenant en ruine de la Tour Sept. A l'intérieur de la tour, une énigme spatio-temporelle se produisit et [[Glave/fr|Glave]] fut alors chargé de l'entretenir. Ces actions ont créé un royaume où les figures du passé et du futur se heurtent, [[Henir's Time and Space/fr|L'espace-temps de Henir]].

=== Solace in Elysion ===
=== Solace et Elysion ===
Through unknown means, Solace made his way with an unconscious [[Hernia|El Lady]] to [[Elysion]]. Solace had arrived to [[Elysion]] during a meteor shower that was assaulting the city. He helped defend the city with his immense powers and protected it from the meteor shower with ease, to [[Adrian]] Nasod's amazement. Solace soon found himself taking refuge in [[Elysion]], [[Yuno & Nono|Herjuno]] however feeling suspicious of Solace. [[Adrian]], blinded by his fascination towards the [[Hernia|El Lady]], planned to replace [[Yuno & Nono|Herjuno]] with [[Herbaon]]. Solace and his goons, suspicious of [[Yuno & Nono|Herjuno]], attacked the boy and threw him off [[Elysion]] into [[Atlas Station|Atlas]]. After [[Yuno & Nono|Herjuno]] had been disposed of, Solace had requested a stay in [[Adrian's Palace]] as well as a hibernation capsule for himself and the [[Hernia|El Lady]]. [[Adrian]], eager to investigate the [[Hernia|El Lady]] for himself, gladly complied to Solace's demands.
Par des moyens inconnus, Solace s'est frayé un chemin avec un inconscient [[Hernia/fr|El Lady]] jusqu'à [[Elysion/fr|Elysion]]. Solace était arrivé à [[Elysion/fr|Elysion]] pendant une pluie de météorites qui attaquait la ville. Il a aidé à défendre la ville avec ses immenses pouvoirs et l'a protégée de la pluie de météorites avec facilité, jusqu'à [[Adrian/fr|Adrian]] L'étonnement de Nasod. Solace se réfugia bientôt à [[Elysion/fr|Elysion]], [[Yuno & Nono/fr|Herjuno]] mais se montra suspicieux à l'égard de Solace. [[Adrian/fr|Adrian]], aveuglé par sa fascination pour la [[Hernie]], planifia de remplacer [[Yuno & Nono/fr|Herjuno]] par [[Herbaon/fr|Herbaon]]. Solace et ses hommes de main, qui se méfiaient de [[Yuno & Nono/fr|Herjuno]], ont attaqué le garçon et l'ont jeté [[Elysion/fr|Elysion]] dans [[Atlas/fr|Atlas]]. Après que [[Yuno & Nono/fr|Herjuno]] aient été éliminés, Solace avait demandé un séjour au [[Adrian's Palace/fr|Palais d'Adrian]] ainsi qu'une capsule d'hibernation pour lui et la [[Hernia/fr|Dame d'El]]. Adrian, désireux d'enquêter sur la [[Hernia/Dame d'El]] pour lui-même, a volontiers accédé aux demandes de Solace.

Adrian hacked into the El Lady's capsule and extracted information on her powers. Solace eventually caught wind of Adrian's scheme and became outraged at him. Refusing to allow any additional interference, Solace decided to shut off [[Adrian's Palace]] by placing barriers, not only preventing anybody from entering or exiting, but to also cutting off any signals from entering of leaving the palace so his plans would not be jeopardized. With Adrian trapped and returning to his slumber, Solace found his way to the city's main power supply and rerouted it to his base.
Adrian a piraté la capsule de la Dame d'El et en a extrait des informations sur ses pouvoirs. La consolation a finalement eu vent du plan d'Adrian et s'est indignée contre lui. Refusant de permettre toute interférence supplémentaire, Solace décida de fermer le [[Adrian's Palace/fr|Palais d'Adrian]] en plaçant des barrières, non seulement pour empêcher quiconque d'entrer ou de sortir, mais aussi pour couper tout signal d'entrée ou de sortie du palais afin de ne pas compromettre ses plans. Adrien étant pris au piège et retournant à son sommeil, Solace trouva le chemin de l'alimentation électrique principale de la ville et la redirigea vers sa base.

While in [[Elysion]], Solace came into contact with an [[Elysion]] Nasod named [[Dekal]], who would begin to work under Solace. Requiring high quality Diceon ore, Solace sent [[Dekal]] down to [[Atlas Station|Atlas]] in order to steal supplies of Diceon to be shipped directly to him. He planned to use the Diceon to generate enough energy to create a device he believed could be a permanent replacement for the El Lady's role so he could spare [[Hernia]].
Alors qu'il était à [[Elysion/fr|Elysion]], Solace est entré en contact avec un [[Elysion/fr|Elysion]] Nasod a nommé [[Dekal/fr|Deca]], qui commencerait à travailler sous les ordres Solace. Ayant besoin de minerai de Diceon de haute qualité, Solace envoya [[Dekal/fr|Deca]] à [[Station Atlas/fr|Atlas]] afin de voler des provisions de Diceon pour les lui envoyer directement. Il prévoyait d'utiliser le Diceon pour générer assez d'énergie pour créer un appareil qui, selon lui, pourrait remplacer de façon permanente le rôle de la Dame pour qu'il puisse épargner [[Hernia/fr|Hernia]].

== El Explosion Aftermath ==
== El Explosion Aftermath ==
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=== Reign of the Demon King ===
=== Reign of the Demon King ===
The Demon Realm for the longest time was a ruthless land filled with countless factions who all strive to claim power. However it wasn't until the [[Demon King]] arrived did the entire Demon Realm fall under one united rule. The Demon King sought out the Demon Realm's strongest rulers in his quest to unite the strongest and lay siege to the entire realm. While recruiting, he negotiated and pit his strength against those he saw as fit candidates and created ties with four of the Demon Realm's strongest. He had recruited: Black-Eye King [[Berngart]], Red-Demon King [[Stirbargen]], White-Ghost King [[Aegirp]], and Steel Queen [[Lu/Ciel|Luciela]]. With his new allies, he set them off to launch a campaign to unite the entirely of the Demon Realm. With the help of the four Demon Lords, the Demon King made his mark as the Demon Realms absolute ruler.
The Demon Realm for the longest time was a ruthless land filled with countless factions who all strive to claim power. However it wasn't until the [[Sultharen|Demon King]] arrived did the entire Demon Realm fall under one united rule. The Demon King sought out the Demon Realm's strongest rulers in his quest to unite the strongest and lay siege to the entire realm. While recruiting, he negotiated and pit his strength against those he saw as fit candidates and created ties with four of the Demon Realm's strongest. He had recruited: Black-Eye King [[Berngart]], Red-Demon King [[Stirbargen]], White-Ghost King [[Aegirp]], and Steel Queen [[Lu/Ciel|Luciela]]. With his new allies, he set them off to launch a campaign to unite the entirely of the Demon Realm. With the help of the four Demon Lords, the Demon King made his mark as the Demon Realms absolute ruler.

=== Stirbargen's Crimson Eye ===
=== Stirbargen's Crimson Eye ===
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== Rena's Journey ==
== Rena's Journey ==
=== Portrait of Younger Days ===
=== Portrait of Younger Days ===
Every day, two young elves, [[Lua]] and [[Rena]], explored the forests that surrounded their village. One such day, a change occurred in Rena, as she was now seeing small spirits gather around her. She attempted to tap into the power of these spirits by saving a wilted flower, but the effort caused her to fall unconscious. The head elder, [[Branwen]] arrived to help, sending the spirits away and awakening Rena. After learning what happened, Branwen took Rena in as her disciple, and taught her how to control and use her power responsibly.
Every day, two young elves, [[Lua]] and [[Rena]], explored the forests that surrounded their village. One such day, a change occurred in Rena, as she was now seeing small spirits gather around her. She attempted to tap into the power of these spirits by saving a wilted flower, but the effort caused her to fall unconscious. The head elder, [[Branwen]] arrived to help, sending the spirits away and awakening Rena. After learning what happened, Branwen took Rena in as her disciple, and taught her how to control and use her power responsibly.
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Sometime after, an event occurred which caused Rena to lose her best friend [[Lua]]. Still haunted by the memories.
Sometime after, an event occurred which caused Rena to lose her best friend [[Lua]]. Still haunted by the memories.

More than 2 years before the El Search Party's arrival in [[Elrianode]], [[Rena]] met the wind spirit [[Lincy]] outside the forests of [[Ruben]]. Lincy had waken up after a long slumber inside a cave, but she had a mission to retrieve an item that tied her and [[Ventus|Soran]] together. Rena helps the fairy but finds that she is scared to call for the spirits, looking back to her childhood and especially when she lost Lua. When Rena falls off cliff trying to save Lincy, she finds that the spirits still want to protect her. The two eventually find the cave that Lincy was looking for and she resonates with the Wind Stone. With that, [[Ventus|Soran]] had awakened. Outside the cave, as a gift of gratitude, Lincy gives Rena a bow, one that once belonged to Soran, before the two departed their separate ways.
More than 2 years before the El Search Party's arrival in [[Elrianode]], [[Rena]] met the wind spirit [[Lincy]] outside the forests of [[Ruben]]. Lincy had waken up after a long slumber inside a cave, but she had a mission to retrieve an item that tied her and [[Ventus|Soren]] together. Rena helps the fairy but finds that she is scared to call for the spirits, looking back to her childhood and especially when she lost Lua. When Rena falls off cliff trying to save Lincy, she finds that the spirits still want to protect her. The two eventually find the cave that Lincy was looking for and she resonates with the Wind Stone. With that, [[Ventus|Soren]] had awakened. Outside the cave, as a gift of gratitude, Lincy gives Rena a bow, one that once belonged to Soren, before the two departed their separate ways.

== Soran Ventus ==
== Soren Ventus ==
Having been awakened due to [[Lincy]]'s efforts, [[Ventus]] was not awake in a new time period. He first met up with Lincy once again and the two explored the new time period. The group would eventually catch wind of [[Henir's Order]] boiling up a plan. From there on, Ventus lurked and observed their actions from a far, all the way till they reached [[Elrianode]] when it was reawakened by [[Elsword]].
Having been awakened due to [[Lincy]]'s efforts, [[Ventus]] was not awake in a new time period. He first met up with Lincy once again and the two explored the new time period. The group would eventually catch wind of [[Henir's Order]] boiling up a plan. From there on, Ventus lurked and observed their actions from a far, all the way till they reached [[Elrianode]] when it was reawakened by [[Elsword]].

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== Raven's Story ==
== Raven's Story ==
=== Short Story of Memories ===
=== A Piece of Memory ===
[[Raven]] Cronwell is a commoner born in the Velder Kingdom. His biological father was an unknown commoner but also a strong warrior. At some point, he died, leaving Raven orphaned. Raven was later adopted by one of Velder's most powerful commanders, General Cronwell. He raised Raven to be an expert swordsman. He attended a prestigious military academy but once word of his commoner upbringing became known, many of the students began to discriminate against him, birthing his hatred for nobles. During the academy's Mock Siege Warfare, Raven saved a student named [[Owen]], a brilliant tactician who was bullied by other students. Raven met [[Seris]] leading up to the Siege Warfare, a student who wasn't part of any team, she asks Raven and Owen if she could be a part of their team. While Owen was reluctant, Raven agreed to invite her. The three turned out to be a great team and won the competition.
[[Raven]] Cronwell is a commoner born in the Velder Kingdom. His biological father was an unknown commoner but also a strong warrior. At some point, he died, leaving Raven orphaned. Raven was later adopted by one of Velder's most powerful commanders, General Cronwell. He raised Raven to be an expert swordsman. He attended a prestigious military academy but once word of his commoner upbringing became known, many of the students began to discriminate against him, birthing his hatred for nobles. During the academy's Mock Siege Warfare, Raven saved a student named [[Owen]], a brilliant tactician who was bullied by other students. Raven met [[Seris]] leading up to the Siege Warfare, a student who wasn't part of any team, she asks Raven and Owen if she could be a part of their team. While Owen was reluctant, Raven agreed to invite her. The three turned out to be a great team and won the competition.

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== My Brother & I ==
== My Brother & I ==
[[File:Brother & I 4.png|thumb|left|350px]]
[[File:Brother & I 4-2.png|thumb|left|350px]]
In the Northern Empire, resides a martial arts family, known for having sealed the destructive Spiritual Beast, Eun. After the great El Explosion, the Haan family was able to wield the power of the Moon El after it flew into their territory, turning them into fierce warriors. This did not sit well with others in the capital, who tried to quell their power by appointing the eldest son, [[Aren]] as the capital's guard captain. [[Ara]]'s mother met the head of the Haan family by chance and the two started to see each other, eventually marrying. Within the family, some of Ara's new step siblings weren't too pleased with her and her mother being a part of the family, all except Aren who treated her just as he would any of his other siblings. She tried her best to be as perfect as can be, in order to avoid being teased by her other siblings. Due to Aren's respect and faith in her, she was able to withstand the teasing from her other siblings, knowing that at least one of them cared for her.
In the Northern Empire, resides a martial arts family, known for having sealed the destructive Spiritual Beast, Eun. After the great El Explosion, the Haan family was able to wield the power of the Moon El after it flew into their territory, turning them into fierce warriors. This did not sit well with others in the capital, who tried to quell their power by appointing the eldest son, [[Aren]] as the capital's guard captain. [[Ara]]'s mother met the head of the Haan family by chance and the two started to see each other, eventually marrying. Within the family, some of Ara's new step siblings weren't too pleased with her and her mother being a part of the family, all except Aren who treated her just as he would any of his other siblings. She tried her best to be as perfect as can be, in order to avoid being teased by her other siblings. Due to Aren's respect and faith in her, she was able to withstand the teasing from her other siblings, knowing that at least one of them cared for her.

Ara saw herself as a failure who despite her best efforts, continued to fail at martial arts. Aren showed up to ease her resentful mind, and ordered her to spar with him. After pushing her to do her best, she defeated him, much to his amazement as he encouraged her to continue devoting herself to training. During a festival worshiping the Spiritual Beast, Ara struggled to find excuses to avoid participating in a sparring contest, in fear of soiling her family's reputation. As she hid, she overheard members of the Zhen family questioning the Haan family's reputation after defeating her siblings in sparring, including Aren who had previously injured his arm. Aren pointed out there was one participant remaining, which was Ara, who he escorted to the arena. Remembering her brother's words of encouragement, she managed to defeat the Zhen family participants, earning the Haan family the final victory of the sparring contest. Aren smiled in delight at her accomplishment, knowing that she was on the path to becoming a great warrior.
Ara saw herself as a failure who despite her best efforts, continued to fail at martial arts. Aren showed up to ease her resentful mind, and ordered her to spar with him. After pushing her to do her best, she defeated him, much to his amazement as he encouraged her to continue devoting herself to training. During a festival worshiping the Spiritual Beast, Ara struggled to find excuses to avoid participating in a sparring contest, in fear of soiling her family's reputation. As she hid, she overheard members of the Jin family questioning the Haan family's reputation after defeating her siblings in sparring, including Aren who had previously injured his arm. Aren pointed out there was one participant remaining, which was Ara, who he escorted to the arena. Remembering her brother's words of encouragement, she managed to defeat the Jin family participants, earning the Haan family the final victory of the sparring contest. Aren smiled in delight at her accomplishment, knowing that she was on the path to becoming a great warrior.

== Elesis's Story ==
== Elesis's Story ==
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== Nasods of Elder ==
== Nasods of Elder ==
=== Lord Wally ===
=== Lord Wally ===
The Lord of Elder, [[Wally]] at the time began to gain a fascination in Nasods of the ancient past. In order to fund his research into these machines, he imposed high taxes and severe reinforcement of them over the merchants. In his quest he visited the village alchemist [[Echo]] and manage to salvage some documents relating to the Nasods.
The Lord of Elder, [[Wally]] at the time began to gain a fascination in Nasods of the ancient past. In order to fund his research into these machines, he imposed high taxes and severe reinforcement of them over the merchants. In his quest he visited the village alchemist [[Echo (NPC)|Echo]] and manage to salvage some documents relating to the Nasods.

=== Add in Elder ===
=== Add in Elder ===
[[Add]] was teleported exactly 300 years into the future and found himself in [[Elder]]. Exploring the town he found [[Echo]] and his attention gravitated to an old Nasod part she had. She gave him a new change of clothes and asks him he would check on an EMP disturbance in the waterways in exchange for the Nasod part. Add investigates the area and find a hidden room that once belonged to his family, there he learned about what his mother did and was compelled to travel back to his own time. He returns to the library and uses the last of its energy to read through everything he could. He concludes that he need the core of the Nasod Queen [[Eve]] in order to meet his ends.
[[Add]] was teleported exactly 300 years into the future and found himself in [[Elder]]. Exploring the town he found [[Echo (NPC)|Echo]] and his attention gravitated to an old Nasod part she had. She gave him a new change of clothes and asks him he would check on an EMP disturbance in the waterways in exchange for the Nasod part. Add investigates the area and find a hidden room that once belonged to his family, there he learned about what his mother did and was compelled to travel back to his own time. He returns to the library and uses the last of its energy to read through everything he could. He concludes that he need the core of the Nasod Queen [[Eve]] in order to meet his ends.

After leaving the library for the last time, he encountered [[Wally]] and proposed that the Lord could make use of his Nasod expertise in exchange for aid in his quest to find the Nasod Queen. The Lord agrees, Add providing him with schematics for various Nasods. The two research and discover the existence of the Nasod Queen [[Eve]]. Following the discovery, both Add and Wally plotted to back stab each other. Add tries to confront Wally in his underground lab but Wally had already anticipated his betrayal, sending his Nasod after Add. Add manages to defeat the Nasod and escapes with the information related to Eve.
After leaving the library for the last time, he encountered [[Wally]] and proposed that the Lord could make use of his Nasod expertise in exchange for aid in his quest to find the Nasod Queen. The Lord agrees, Add providing him with schematics for various Nasods. The two research and discover the existence of the Nasod Queen [[Eve]]. Following the discovery, both Add and Wally plotted to back stab each other. Add tries to confront Wally in his underground lab but Wally had already anticipated his betrayal, sending his Nasod after Add. Add manages to defeat the Nasod and escapes with the information related to Eve.
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One of the earliest target of the Demon Army was the Moon El located in the Northern Empire Xin, in Isshin village. [[Aren]] Haan was a strong warrior of the Haan clan and was stationed as a guard captain for the land's capital. He was the target of the demons, the demon [[Ran]] managed to possess Aren's body. With one of the empire's best warrior under their control, Ran opened a portal and demons began to flood the city. The capital city quickly descended into chaos and fell.
One of the earliest target of the Demon Army was the Moon El located in the Northern Empire Xin, in Isshin village. [[Aren]] Haan was a strong warrior of the Haan clan and was stationed as a guard captain for the land's capital. He was the target of the demons, the demon [[Ran]] managed to possess Aren's body. With one of the empire's best warrior under their control, Ran opened a portal and demons began to flood the city. The capital city quickly descended into chaos and fell.

Ran, hoping to take the Moon El for the demon army, went to the village of [[A burning village|Isshin]], Aren's hometown. His demon forces were powerful and the village burned to the ground. [[Ara]] did her best to defend her village but the oncoming demon forces forced her and the other Haans further back, [[Ara]] being one of the few remaining. Hurrying to the sanctuary, she confronted Ran and Victor. Ran went off to search for the Moon El while Victor attacked [[Ara]]. Cornered and without any hope of surviving, the floor crumbled beneath her and she found herself in an ancient sanctuary where Eun's hairpin was kept. A shadow loomed over her, [[Ara]] looked up and got a good look at the figure, only to realize that she was face to face with her brother [[Aren]]. Ran, realized the girl had some connection to the body he was possessing. Having little sympathy for her, he was ready to strike her down, but the remnants of [[Aren]] prevented him. The opening allowed Eun's power to awaken inside of Ara and the fox spirit now controlling Ara's body was able to fight back, she fought against Ran and the other invading demons. Eun's powerful was able to make work of the lesser demons, but Ran was able to escape the fox spirit.
Ran, hoping to take the Moon El for the demon army, went to the village of [[Burning Village|Isshin]], Aren's hometown. His demon forces were powerful and the village burned to the ground. [[Ara]] did her best to defend her village but the oncoming demon forces forced her and the other Haans further back, [[Ara]] being one of the few remaining. Hurrying to the sanctuary, she confronted Ran and Victor. Ran went off to search for the Moon El while Victor attacked [[Ara]]. Cornered and without any hope of surviving, the floor crumbled beneath her and she found herself in an ancient sanctuary where Eun's hairpin was kept. A shadow loomed over her, [[Ara]] looked up and got a good look at the figure, only to realize that she was face to face with her brother [[Aren]]. Ran, realized the girl had some connection to the body he was possessing. Having little sympathy for her, he was ready to strike her down, but the remnants of [[Aren]] prevented him. The opening allowed Eun's power to awaken inside of Ara and the fox spirit now controlling Ara's body was able to fight back, she fought against Ran and the other invading demons. Eun's powerful was able to make work of the lesser demons, but Ran was able to escape the fox spirit.

In time, Ara was able to regain her own consciousness and she began to hear Eun's voice calling from the hairpin. Eun filled Ara in on what had happened as well as why she was trapped inside of the hairpin. The fox spirit requiring Ara to act as her medium decides to make a deal with the girl. Eun would help save Ara's brother in exchange for Ara helping Eun seek out the power of the El, a power she believed might be strong enough to break the seal that had been placed upon her, undoing the ancient seal.
In time, Ara was able to regain her own consciousness and she began to hear Eun's voice calling from the hairpin. Eun filled Ara in on what had happened as well as why she was trapped inside of the hairpin. The fox spirit requiring Ara to act as her medium decides to make a deal with the girl. Eun would help save Ara's brother in exchange for Ara helping Eun seek out the power of the El, a power she believed might be strong enough to break the seal that had been placed upon her, undoing the ancient seal.
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Upon arriving to [[Hamel]] the group meet up with the Red Knight Captain [[Penensio]]. He tells them that while [[Velder]] is in trouble, Hamel is in just as much trouble and they can't simple leave the situation as is. [[Raven]] realizes that if Hamel get's taken, Velder might follow soon after regardless, [[Elesis]] agrees and they all stand to solve the crisis and Hamel first.
Upon arriving to [[Hamel]] the group meet up with the Red Knight Captain [[Penensio]]. He tells them that while [[Velder]] is in trouble, Hamel is in just as much trouble and they can't simple leave the situation as is. [[Raven]] realizes that if Hamel get's taken, Velder might follow soon after regardless, [[Elesis]] agrees and they all stand to solve the crisis and Hamel first.

Helputt led the Demon army and stormed Resiam on the [[Dawn of Hamel]], where he slaughtered anybody who stood in his way and nearly killed his own son [[Chung]]. However, [[Chung]] managed to escape into [[Resiam Outskirts]], where the El Search Party find him. [[Aisha]] asks him if he would help them as their objective align, Chung agrees. Raven notices the demon are stronger than the ones in Velder, Chung telling them that they have a stone similar to that of the Guardian Stone, though wonder how the demons were able to use it. After melting the stone, they find that the demons cast a spell that corrupted the gem, after defeating the Shadow Master they were able to restore the gems.
Helputt led the Demon army and stormed Resiam on the [[Hamel of Dawn]], where he slaughtered anybody who stood in his way and nearly killed his own son [[Chung]]. However, [[Chung]] managed to escape into [[Resiam Outskirts]], where the El Search Party find him. [[Aisha]] asks him if he would help them as their objective align, Chung agrees. Raven notices the demon are stronger than the ones in Velder, Chung telling them that they have a stone similar to that of the Guardian Stone, though wonder how the demons were able to use it. After melting the stone, they find that the demons cast a spell that corrupted the gem, after defeating the Shadow Master they were able to restore the gems.

Needing more answers, they seek out the Lord of Hamel, [[Rod Ross]], however he was not in his quarters. They soon discovered that a band of jealous Mermen had taken Rod to the sunken city, they managed to save him from the depths. When they returned, [[Chung]] noticed that the water levels of Hamel were still abnormally high, [[Denka]] suspected that not only the Water El, but the [[Ancient Waterway|Ancient Waterways]] had something to do with it. [[Ain]] realizes that the kidnapping of the Earth Priestess and Water Priestess were probably connected, but he found himself unable to do anything, [[Elsword]]'s memories of Ain begin to waver and his body get reduced to mere energy. When the group reached the end of the Waterway, they were faced with many light contraptions, ones which Denka believes he could use to read the Guardian Stone, but they are soon attacked by the Holy Beast Taranvash. The group fought and defeated the beast, or so they thought before it recovered and tried one final attack against [[Eve]], she was saved by [[Add]] who had been tracking them for some time. The group thank Add for saving Eve, but he remains dismissive towards them, but sees that they could be used to his advantage.
Needing more answers, they seek out the Lord of Hamel, [[Rod Ross]], however he was not in his quarters. They soon discovered that a band of jealous Mermen had taken Rod to the sunken city, they managed to save him from the depths. When they returned, [[Chung]] noticed that the water levels of Hamel were still abnormally high, [[Denka]] suspected that not only the Water El, but the [[Ancient Waterway|Ancient Waterways]] had something to do with it. [[Ain]] realizes that the kidnapping of the Earth Priestess and Water Priestess were probably connected, but he found himself unable to do anything, [[Elsword]]'s memories of Ain begin to waver and his body get reduced to mere energy. When the group reached the end of the Waterway, they were faced with many light contraptions, ones which Denka believes he could use to read the Guardian Stone, but they are soon attacked by the Holy Beast Taranvash. The group fought and defeated the beast, or so they thought before it recovered and tried one final attack against [[Eve]], she was saved by [[Add]] who had been tracking them for some time. The group thank Add for saving Eve, but he remains dismissive towards them, but sees that they could be used to his advantage.
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=== Fahrmann's Peak ===
=== Fahrmann's Peak ===
Another time gate that the El Search Party were taken to lead them to [[Fahrmann's Peak]] where they faced on against the Dark Serpant Drabaki who dwells in the corrupted dark mountains in the Fahrmann region. After the beast was defeated however and the Chrono Gates closed, the powers of Henir came and consumed the area, breaking it off from Elrios and into a pocket dimension of Henir. The powerful serpent reduced to a tool at the hands of a mysterious [[Red Henir Fanatic]].
Another time gate that the El Search Party were taken to lead them to [[Fahrmann's Peak]] where they faced on against the Dark Serpant Drabaki who dwells in the corrupted dark mountains in the Fahrmann region. After the beast was defeated however and the Chrono Gates closed, the powers of Henir came and consumed the area, breaking it off from Elrios and into a pocket dimension of Henir. The powerful serpent reduced to a tool at the hands of a mysterious [[Red Henir's Order Member]].

== Demon Duo ==
== Demon Duo ==
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=== The Other Dimensional World ===
=== The Other Dimensional World ===
Passing through the pillar of light, the El Search Party find themselves in the completely unfamiliar [[Atlas Station]] and are greeted by [[Yuno & Nono|Yuno]]. He introduces himself and his companion Nono as the area's Nasod Director and apologizes to [[Eve]] who he immediately recognizes. [[Add]] realizes that Yuno is an advanced 3rd generation Nasod. [[Elsword]] tried to ask him about the El Lady but he has no response, Elsword then asks him about [[Solace]] which Yuno then stutters before an alarm signals indicating that Diceon Cubes were detected missing from the mines.
Passing through the pillar of light, the El Search Party find themselves in the completely unfamiliar [[Atlas|Atlas Station]] and are greeted by [[Yuno & Nono|Yuno]]. He introduces himself and his companion Nono as the area's Nasod Director and apologizes to [[Eve]] who he immediately recognizes. [[Add]] realizes that Yuno is an advanced 3rd generation Nasod. [[Elsword]] tried to ask him about the El Lady but he has no response, Elsword then asks him about [[Solace]] which Yuno then stutters before an alarm signals indicating that Diceon Cubes were detected missing from the mines.

At about the same time, [[Rose]] was sent by Princess [[Ezre]] of the Empyrean Empire in a different dimension to investigate the forces said to bring forth a great calamity. She traveled through a portal created by [[Cloud Mason]] and ended up in the dimension between her's and Elrios, landing on the outskirts of Atlas.
At about the same time, [[Rose]] was sent by Princess [[Ezre]] of the Empyrean Empire in a different dimension to investigate the forces said to bring forth a great calamity. She traveled through a portal created by [[Cloud Mason]] and ended up in the dimension between her's and Elrios, landing on the outskirts of Atlas.
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=== The Elysion Journey to Solace ===
=== The Elysion Journey to Solace ===
Outside the city, [[Eve]] sends Moby and Remy to scout the city, they return with information revealing that the city is filled with enemies. When they approach the city, they are all spotted and the alarms start to ring. The security system has them pinned as the Diceon Cube thieves. With security high, the group flee the city and [[Elsword]] suggests they go back to Yuno for help. When they return back to [[Atlas Station]] they they find that Yuno has taken on a different form, glowing yellow, he reveals that he was once [[Elysion]]'s architect, Herjuno. Herjuno regained memories he had previously lost when Atlas City reactivated its emergency protocol and remembers that he has betrayed by [[Solace]] and was cast down into Atlas. He realizes that he needs to get back to Elysion, that he knows that Solace is planning something. Elsword, [[Aisha]], and [[Lu/Ciel|Lu]] support Herjuno and agree to help him.
Outside the city, [[Eve]] sends Moby and Remy to scout the city, they return with information revealing that the city is filled with enemies. When they approach the city, they are all spotted and the alarms start to ring. The security system has them pinned as the Diceon Cube thieves. With security high, the group flee the city and [[Elsword]] suggests they go back to Yuno for help. When they return back to [[Atlas|Atlas Station]] they they find that Yuno has taken on a different form, glowing yellow, he reveals that he was once [[Elysion]]'s architect, Herjuno. Herjuno regained memories he had previously lost when Atlas City reactivated its emergency protocol and remembers that he has betrayed by [[Solace]] and was cast down into Atlas. He realizes that he needs to get back to Elysion, that he knows that Solace is planning something. Elsword, [[Aisha]], and [[Lu/Ciel|Lu]] support Herjuno and agree to help him.

Due to Dekal no longer present to cover up the missing cubes, the security system found the El Search Party in Dekal's lab, pinning the blame on them. Herjuno uses his position as an administrator to hack Altas City's system traces the missing cubes to the last factory leading to Elysion. Reaching the coordinate, [[Aisha]] notices that the missing cubes are being hid inside statues that are being shipped to Elysion. They follow the statues which leads then to [[Elysion Tower]], but they are prevented from entering as only A-Rank Nasod and above are allowed entry. The group take on the head security Nasod, Surveillan, and Yuno is able to mask the the El Search Party as A-Rank Nasods.
Due to Dekal no longer present to cover up the missing cubes, the security system found the El Search Party in Dekal's lab, pinning the blame on them. Herjuno uses his position as an administrator to hack Altas City's system traces the missing cubes to the last factory leading to Elysion. Reaching the coordinate, [[Aisha]] notices that the missing cubes are being hid inside statues that are being shipped to Elysion. They follow the statues which leads then to [[Elysion Tower]], but they are prevented from entering as only A-Rank Nasod and above are allowed entry. The group take on the head security Nasod, Surveillan, and Yuno is able to mask the the El Search Party as A-Rank Nasods.
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== Elrianode ==
== Elrianode ==
[[File:Chapter 27 Quest 1-4.png|thumb|400px]]
=== The Boy and the El ===
=== The Boy and the El ===
With [[Elsword]] having sacrificed himself, his will restored the El. The seal that [[Denif]] had placed on [[Elrianode]] was lifted and the El Master began to awaken from their slumber. Additionally, all the El Priestesses were teleported to the reawakened city, where they met Denif and conversed about what had happened over the past 500 years as well as the recent development with the El Search Party. [[Ain]], much like he anticipated completely lost his form when Elsword restored the El.
With [[Elsword]] having sacrificed himself, his will restored the El. The seal that [[Denif]] had placed on [[Elrianode]] was lifted and the El Master began to awaken from their slumber. Additionally, all the El Priestesses were teleported to the reawakened city, where they met Denif and conversed about what had happened over the past 500 years as well as the recent development with the El Search Party. [[Ain]], much like he anticipated completely lost his form when Elsword restored the El.
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When Bellonde found his sister's grave, that is when he met the mysterious girl of the Black Forest. Laby leaving the black forest, saw a light and followed it till she found herself as the Earth Priestess's grave. He introduced himself and asked why the girl was in the forest, she explains that it is where she came from. Gaia is oddly suspicious of how she could've existed in the forest of demonic energy, but they both start hearing voices calling for help. The girl jump to try and help but Gaia realizes it is likely a trap by a monster. Laby is lured in by the monster but Gaia manages to save her. Gaia worries for the child, learning that she didn't know anybody or even had a name. He then goes on to tell her about the forest she came from, Nisha Labyrinth. Using the name of the forest, he gives her the name, Laby, which she gleefully adopts. She then gives her mirror the name, Nisha, calling it her friend. Bellonde is confused when he looks at the mirror as he sees no reflection and begins to wonder if it is some kind of Nasod. With Bellonde planning to meet with his teacher [[Denif]], he decides to take Laby with him, hoping that he might potentially know more about what the girl was.
When Bellonde found his sister's grave, that is when he met the mysterious girl of the Black Forest. Laby leaving the black forest, saw a light and followed it till she found herself as the Earth Priestess's grave. He introduced himself and asked why the girl was in the forest, she explains that it is where she came from. Gaia is oddly suspicious of how she could've existed in the forest of demonic energy, but they both start hearing voices calling for help. The girl jump to try and help but Gaia realizes it is likely a trap by a monster. Laby is lured in by the monster but Gaia manages to save her. Gaia worries for the child, learning that she didn't know anybody or even had a name. He then goes on to tell her about the forest she came from, Nisha Labyrinth. Using the name of the forest, he gives her the name, Laby, which she gleefully adopts. She then gives her mirror the name, Nisha, calling it her friend. Bellonde is confused when he looks at the mirror as he sees no reflection and begins to wonder if it is some kind of Nasod. With Bellonde planning to meet with his teacher [[Denif]], he decides to take Laby with him, hoping that he might potentially know more about what the girl was.

[[File:Map - East Lurensia.png|thumb|left|350px]]

=== The Sea, the Ship, and the Teacher ===
=== The Sea, the Ship, and the Teacher ===
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== North Fluone ==
== North Fluone ==
[[File:Map - North Fluone.png|thumb|400px]]
=== Second Help ===
=== Second Help ===
After being castaway, [[Laby]] ended up washing ashore in [[North Fluone]]. She is spotted by a Feudal Guard that worked under the lord of the land, the demon [[Nenya]]. Guard give chase but Laby runs away. [[Mao]] sees and helps Laby escape the guards. The guards lose her but report the news of the intruder up to the lord. Mao and Laby hide out, Mao tells her that the guards patrol the [[Bamboo Forest|Bamboo Forests]] and prevent the townspeople from leaving. Laby explains how she ended up here, but just confuses Mao, she asks to go to the town. Mao first properly introduces herself but due to the guards advises Laby not to head to town. She then offers to take Laby to her home high in the mountains. Mao tells her the town and the capital's situation.
After being castaway, [[Laby]] ended up washing ashore in [[North Fluone]]. She is spotted by a Feudal Guard that worked under the lord of the land, the demon [[Nenya]]. Guard give chase but Laby runs away. [[Mao]] sees and helps Laby escape the guards. The guards lose her but report the news of the intruder up to the lord. Mao and Laby hide out, Mao tells her that the guards patrol the [[Bamboo Forest|Bamboo Forests]] and prevent the townspeople from leaving. Laby explains how she ended up here, but just confuses Mao, she asks to go to the town. Mao first properly introduces herself but due to the guards advises Laby not to head to town. She then offers to take Laby to her home high in the mountains. Mao tells her the town and the capital's situation.
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== Varnimyr ==
== Varnimyr ==
[[File:Chapter 33 Quest 5-2.png|thumb|400px]]
=== In the Demon Realm ===
=== In the Demon Realm ===
[[Denif]] informs them that the Dark El that [[Hennon]] had used was no longer a viable means to getting to the Demon Realm. Seeking another means, they brainstorm several ideas, namely the use of the Henir Portal in [[Debrian Laboratory]], but ran into dead ends without the Demon Realm's exact coordinates. They realized that the El was the key for interdimensional travel, or specifically disrupting said travel. [[Ara]] remembers seeing something below the Large El when she had fallen down one time. Looking below, they find an ancient seal, so ancient it may have been placed by the goddess herself. [[Denif]] refuses to break the seal, but decides they could pry it open temporarily just long enough to let the El Search Party through.
[[Denif]] informs them that the Dark El that [[Hennon]] had used was no longer a viable means to getting to the Demon Realm. Seeking another means, they brainstorm several ideas, namely the use of the Henir Portal in [[Debrian Laboratory]], but ran into dead ends without the Demon Realm's exact coordinates. They realized that the El was the key for interdimensional travel, or specifically disrupting said travel. [[Ara]] remembers seeing something below the Large El when she had fallen down one time. Looking below, they find an ancient seal, so ancient it may have been placed by the goddess herself. [[Denif]] refuses to break the seal, but decides they could pry it open temporarily just long enough to let the El Search Party through.
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At the end Eve detects that only sea lied beyond. The door in front of them began to move on its own, revealing itself to be a A.M.P.S type robot itself. Once the group managed to defeat the robot, Eve detected a new life form approaching. [[Winster]] had already spotted the group, especially Steel Queen [[Lu/Ciel|Luciela]] and had considered destroying the tunnel entirely to rid the potential threads, however he meets to greet them on the possibility they may ally, feigning ignorance of Lu's identity. [[Ara]] and [[Chung]] were wary of the demon as a potential subordinate of [[Ran]] due to his appearance. Laby notes that [[Calonne]] had a similar look, Winster surprised to hear of his former comrade, he then denies any relation to Ran and introduces himself. Lu asks Winster the purpose of the tunnel, Winster tells them the history of his people and how they were persecuted and took refuge in the region, as well as their plans to rebel and reclaim their land.
At the end Eve detects that only sea lied beyond. The door in front of them began to move on its own, revealing itself to be a A.M.P.S type robot itself. Once the group managed to defeat the robot, Eve detected a new life form approaching. [[Winster]] had already spotted the group, especially Steel Queen [[Lu/Ciel|Luciela]] and had considered destroying the tunnel entirely to rid the potential threads, however he meets to greet them on the possibility they may ally, feigning ignorance of Lu's identity. [[Ara]] and [[Chung]] were wary of the demon as a potential subordinate of [[Ran]] due to his appearance. Laby notes that [[Calonne]] had a similar look, Winster surprised to hear of his former comrade, he then denies any relation to Ran and introduces himself. Lu asks Winster the purpose of the tunnel, Winster tells them the history of his people and how they were persecuted and took refuge in the region, as well as their plans to rebel and reclaim their land.

[[File:Chapter 38 Quest 3.png|thumb|400px|left]]
=== Deal for Return ===
=== Deal for Return ===
[[Winster]] invites the group to his village, however the group still prioritized returning to Elrios. Winster suggests helping them reach the surface on the condition they go to his village to hear them out. The group hesitantly agree and take Winster's submarine. The submarine crashes in an air pocket of [[Rigomor]]. As they landed, local Troshes stole the energy core of the submarine, Winster requests the group help retrieve the energy core back while he stays and called for help, he does plea them not to harm the local wildlife. While on their mission they ran into Winster's son, [[Haivan]], who was also in the region searching for something. Haivan guides the group to the nest, they enter the nest and encounter the Troshes. The group managed to retrieve the energy core and stop the Troshes without excessive violence, however Haivan comes to deliver the finishing blow before the El Search Party stop him telling him of his father's request. They return with the energy core and the news that they abided by his conditions. Winster then bows down to Steel Queen [[Lu/Ciel|Lu]], revealing he was testing if Lu would be their ally. He reveals their plan to revive [[Aegirp]]. [[Add]] is very caution of the prospect of reviving a demon lord, however Lu tells the group that Aegirp is one that they could trust. Laby reveals that Aegirp's army had already been trying to conduct trade in Northern Fluone. [[Elsword]] wonders if they'd have a useable portal, they learn of an ancient portal they had discovered but had never used. Winster offers the use of the portal in exchange for Lu's cooperation, the group compromise and agree to work alongside Lu to assist in reviving Aegirp first. However both [[Add]] and [[Eve]] request to see the portal before anything is decided.
[[Winster]] invites the group to his village, however the group still prioritized returning to Elrios. Winster suggests helping them reach the surface on the condition they go to his village to hear them out. The group hesitantly agree and take Winster's submarine. The submarine crashes in an air pocket of [[Rigomor]]. As they landed, local Troshes stole the energy core of the submarine, Winster requests the group help retrieve the energy core back while he stays and called for help, he does plea them not to harm the local wildlife. While on their mission they ran into Winster's son, [[Haivan]], who was also in the region searching for something. Haivan guides the group to the nest, they enter the nest and encounter the Troshes. The group managed to retrieve the energy core and stop the Troshes without excessive violence, however Haivan comes to deliver the finishing blow before the El Search Party stop him telling him of his father's request. They return with the energy core and the news that they abided by his conditions. Winster then bows down to Steel Queen [[Lu/Ciel|Lu]], revealing he was testing if Lu would be their ally. He reveals their plan to revive [[Aegirp]]. [[Add]] is very caution of the prospect of reviving a demon lord, however Lu tells the group that Aegirp is one that they could trust. Laby reveals that Aegirp's army had already been trying to conduct trade in Northern Fluone. [[Elsword]] wonders if they'd have a useable portal, they learn of an ancient portal they had discovered but had never used. Winster offers the use of the portal in exchange for Lu's cooperation, the group compromise and agree to work alongside Lu to assist in reviving Aegirp first. However both [[Add]] and [[Eve]] request to see the portal before anything is decided.
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