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====EP.5 贝斯马的问题====
====EP.5 贝斯马的问题====
不幸的是,保安队的搜查计划被蜥蜴人的起义给提前打断了。蜥蜴人突然变得狂暴这件事本身就充满着谜团,所有人都不理解为何蜥蜴人会突然狂暴并对村民进行攻击。由于这个事件的突然发生,Unfortunately, their search was preemptively halted as the Lizardman uprising started to peak its head. The event is still shrouded in mystery of why the Lizardmen began to attack out of nowhere as they've peacefully coexisted with humans up to this point. The problems plaguing [[Bethma]] are preventing many people from helping in the search for Wally. To get the villagers to help, Stella suggests going to the [[Dragon Road]] and recovering some of the Lizardmen's weapons.
不幸的是,保安队的搜查计划被蜥蜴人的暴动给提前打断了。蜥蜴人突然变得狂暴这件事本身就充满着谜团,所有人都不理解为何蜥蜴人会突然狂暴并对村民进行攻击。由于这个事件的突然发生,很多参与协助寻找瓦利的人不得不前往应付蜥蜴人的问题。丝泰拉于是建议艾索德一行人前往[[Dragon Road/zh-hans|巨龙之路]],以支援在前线的村民并缴获一些蜥蜴人使用的武器。

When the El Search Party return with news of the Lizardmen calling out for [[Chacha Buch]] and Berauk, she and the party head over the [[Chacha Buch]]. After further investigations, Stella's hypothesis that the uprising was from a few rogue Lizardmen proved wrong and a greater problem was ahead. Things started to fit together for Stella once [[Chacha Buch]] pointed out that [[Kayak]] was the most likely culprit, having known to express his distrust of humans. Stella helps decode [[Kayak]]'s whereabouts and urges the El Search Party to act quickly before [[Kayak]]'s scheme could come to fruition.
艾尔搜查队截获了蜥蜴人们想要寻找[[Berauk/zh-hans|贝罗克]]以及[[Chacha Buch/zh-hans|恰恰波可]]的情报。于是丝泰拉立即带着小队成员前往探访了[[Chacha Buch/zh-hans|恰恰波可]]。经过进一步的调查,丝泰拉发现了之前关于蜥蜴人陷入暴动并非是由少数对住民不友好的蜥蜴人发动的,背后可能有更大的阴谋。后面从获得的情报中,丝泰拉发现了[[Chacha Buch/zh-hans|恰恰波可]]曾经指出[[Kayak/zh-hans|卡亚克]]的嫌疑非常大,因为卡亚克非常不信任人类。于是丝泰拉开始着手调查卡亚克,协助破译了卡亚克的行踪,并建议艾尔搜查队在卡亚克实现他的野心之前打断他的行动。

====Chapter 4: Wally's whereabouts====
====Chapter 4: Wally's whereabouts====
