
Story/Laby Chapter 3/zh-hans: Difference between revisions

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===<u>[娜薇]EP.3 第二次帮助</u>===
===<u>[娜薇]EP.3 第二次帮助</u>===
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*{{StoryIcon|Laby}} '''娜薇:''' ''Mm... Zzz... Teacher... Beh? Peh!! Uuhhh... There's yucky scratchy stuff in Laby's mouth. Eww... What happened? Laby taught that octopus guy a lesson! And fell in the water... and teacher fell on the ship... Nisha, are you ok? We were floating together....... Mrrr. Beh... Laby can't think of anything because of the saltiness! There was a warm feeling after Laby fell in the water... Was it teacher? Where's teacher now? ... Is he lost...?!! No... Laby's the one lost... What did he say? When Laby is separated from teacher...''
*{{StoryIcon|Laby}} '''娜薇:''' ''呃……嗯嗯……师傅……''
*{{StoryIcon|Gaia}} '''博伦德:''' ''<font color=#F1670A>Laby, it's dangerous to just charge on ahead like that. You don't know anything about this place, what if you get lost? So, if we ever get separated, then you need to stay put where you are. If you stay where there's lots of people, I will come looking for you, alright?</font>''
*{{StoryIcon|Laby}} '''娜薇:''' ''嗯?呸!!''
*{{StoryIcon|Laby}} '''娜薇:''' ''Oh yeah! If Laby is waiting where there's lots of people, teacher will come look! It feels like Laby's forgetting something... but let's start moving! ... Wait... Teacher!! You didn't tell me where there's lots of people!!''
*{{StoryIcon|Laby}} '''娜薇:''' ''呃……嘴里全都是东西……一点也不好吃。''
*{{StoryIcon|Laby}} '''娜薇:''' ''发生什么事了?惩罚了那只坏章鱼后,我就掉进了水里。师傅好像也倒在了船上……''
*{{StoryIcon|Laby}} '''娜薇:''' ''妮莎,你还好吗?和我一样在飘着呢。''
*{{StoryIcon|Laby}} '''娜薇:''' ''……吐。''
*{{StoryIcon|Laby}} '''娜薇:''' ''吐……顾不了这么多了,满嘴都好咸啊!''
*{{StoryIcon|Laby}} '''娜薇:''' ''掉进水里的时候,好像有什么温暖的气息在围绕着我……是师傅在保护我吗?师傅现在在哪?''
*{{StoryIcon|Laby}} '''娜薇:''' ''……难道迷路的人是……!!''
*{{StoryIcon|Laby}} '''娜薇:''' ''娜薇吗……''
*{{StoryIcon|Laby}} '''娜薇:''' ''师傅他好像说过什么?如果我和他分开的话……''
*{{StoryIcon|Gaia}} '''博伦德:''' ''<font color=#F1670A>娜薇,一个人到处乱跑很危险的。如果你迷路了就麻烦了。</font>''
*{{StoryIcon|Gaia}} '''博伦德:''' ''<font color=#F1670A>如果你和我分开了,要好好待着。只要待在有人居住的地方,我一定会来找你的。明白了吗?</font>''
*{{StoryIcon|Laby}} '''娜薇:''' ''对!师傅说只要娜薇我待在有人居住的地方,师傅他一定会来找我的!虽然总觉得他还说过什么,但还是先出发吧!等会……''
*{{StoryIcon|Laby}} '''娜薇:''' ''你都没告诉我哪里有人在啊,师傅~!!''
*{{StoryIcon|Laby}} '''娜薇:''' ''Whoa! Teacher!! Look!! Look! The tree is empty here, so...! Ah... He's not here... Mrrr... Is Laby going the right way? If Laby knew this as going to happen, Laby would have asked where all~~ the people live!! Though, Laby's glad you're here, Nisha! So we're not alone! And if we keep walking, we'll be out of this forest in no time! If we go where there's lots of people, teacher will come look for us! Then the three of us can go meet teacher's teacher together!! Right, Nisha? Ok then, go go gooo!! ... Eh?''
*{{StoryIcon|Laby}} '''娜薇:''' ''哇!师傅你看!这些树都是空心的呢……!''
*{{StoryIcon|Lord Soldier}} '''Lord's Keep Spearman:''' ''Who's there!!''
*{{StoryIcon|Laby}} '''娜薇:''' ''啊……我都忘了我和师傅分开了。嗯……''
*{{StoryIcon|Laby}} '''娜薇:''' ''......''
*{{StoryIcon|Laby}} '''娜薇:''' ''呜呜……娜薇的方向真的对吗?早知道这样的话,应该先提早问问人们都会住在哪的……''
*{{StoryIcon|Lord Soldier}} '''Lord's Keep Spearman:''' ''Oh, it's only a kid. I have't seen her around before... How did she...''
*{{StoryIcon|Laby}} '''娜薇:''' ''不过还好妮莎你在!至少我不是孤身一人!只要走出森林就好了吧?''
*{{StoryIcon|Laby}} '''娜薇:''' ''Person? Person!! Finding him this quickly!! Great Laby!! Good Job Laby!! But something feels familiar... Did you meet Laby before?''
*{{StoryIcon|Laby}} '''娜薇:''' ''师傅他在有人居住的地方等着我,这样我们3个就又能团聚了!对吧,妮莎?''
*{{StoryIcon|Lord Soldier}} '''Lord's Keep Spearman:''' ''What... Is this kid talking about? This forest is the Lord's private property, how did she get in here?''
*{{StoryIcon|Laby}} '''娜薇:''' ''好,出发出发~嗯?''
*{{StoryIcon|Laby}} '''娜薇:''' ''Lord? Laby doesn't know what that is, but Laby came from waaaaay over there where there's lots of sea and yellow sand! So, so, do you live by yourself? Do you know where there's lots of people? Laby has someone to meet!''
*{{StoryIcon|Lord Soldier}} '''领主城枪兵:''' ''那边的小鬼,是谁!''
*{{StoryIcon|Lord Soldier}} '''Lord's Keep Spearman:''' ''Insolent brat...! As you said, there's only the sea there. But that coast is also off limits.... How suspicious. Looks like you're coming with me until I get some answers!''
*{{StoryIcon|Laby}} '''娜薇:''' ''……''
*{{StoryIcon|Laby}} '''娜薇:''' ''What are you doing? Laby needs to go meet teacher! Let go!!''
*{{StoryIcon|Lord Soldier}} '''领主城枪兵:''' ''什么?你这小鬼。我没见过你。你是从哪进来的……''
*{{StoryIcon|Lord Soldier}} '''Lord's Keep Spearman:''' ''Ooof... She's strong...! RED ALERT! There's a suspicious kid running away!! Catch her!!''
*{{StoryIcon|Laby}} '''娜薇:''' ''人?!是人!居然这么快就找到人了!娜薇我真是太棒了!超棒~!!''
*{{StoryIcon|Laby}} '''娜薇:''' ''Uuuh... Why are they all yelling at Laby? And trying to drag Laby away... We need to get to a village... But let's avoid those people for now, Nisha!''
*{{StoryIcon|Laby}} '''娜薇:''' ''但总觉得好像有点熟悉……你以前见过娜薇吗?''
*{{StoryIcon|Lord Soldier}} '''领主城枪兵:''' ''你在……说什么?这片森林是我们领主大人的统治地盘,外人是不能进来的。你是怎么混进去的?!''
*{{StoryIcon|Laby}} '''娜薇:''' ''领主?我听不懂诶,但哪位我是从海的那~边过来的,那边有好多好多黄色的沙子!''
*{{StoryIcon|Laby}} '''娜薇:''' ''你是一个人主宰者吗?能不能告诉我人们都住在哪?我得去那里找人!''
*{{StoryIcon|Lord Soldier}} '''领主城枪兵:''' ''你很吵啊……!你说得没错,那边的确是海,但船只是不可能通过那片海域的。''
*{{StoryIcon|Lord Soldier}} '''领主城枪兵:''' ''你很可疑啊,趁着我还能好好说话的时候,最好乖乖跟我来!''
*{{StoryIcon|Laby}} '''娜薇:''' ''你在做什么?我得去找我的师傅!放开我!''
*{{StoryIcon|Lord Soldier}} '''领主城枪兵:''' ''什么?居然拥有这样的力量……?!呃,那边,那边有个可疑的人!!抓住她!!''
*{{StoryIcon|Laby}} '''娜薇:''' ''呼……为什么那些人要对娜薇大喊大叫啊?他们还要把娜薇带走……''
*{{StoryIcon|Laby}} '''娜薇:''' ''在前往村子的同时……''
*{{StoryIcon|Laby}} '''娜薇:''' ''也要躲开那些人才行,妮莎!''
*{{StoryIcon|Lord Soldier}} '''Lord's Keep Spearman:''' ''I see her over there!! Catch her!!''
*{{StoryIcon|Lord Soldier}} '''领主城枪兵:''' ''她在那!抓住她!!''
*{{StoryIcon|Laby}} '''娜薇:''' ''They don't give up! And there's so many of them!! Now Laby remember! Teacher said to avoid anyone creepy! And Laby thinks they're creepy...''
*{{StoryIcon|Laby}} '''娜薇:''' ''他们真是执着啊!而且人还那么多~!!''
*{{StoryIcon|Lord Soldier}} '''Lord's Keep Crossbowman:''' ''Over there! Up Ahead!!''
*{{StoryIcon|Laby}} '''娜薇:''' ''娜薇我想起来了!师傅说过娜薇要避开奇怪的家伙!''
*{{StoryIcon|Laby}} '''娜薇:''' ''Uuah!! There are no trees around here!! Where can Laby hide? Nisha!! Please hide Laby!!''
*{{StoryIcon|Laby}} '''娜薇:''' ''那些家伙看起来好奇怪……''
*{{StoryIcon|Mao}} '''???:''' ''Hey, you!!''
*{{StoryIcon|Lord Soldier}} '''领主城石弓兵:''' ''那里!她在那!''
*{{StoryIcon|Laby}} '''娜薇:''' ''Huh?''
*{{StoryIcon|Laby}} '''娜薇:''' ''呜哇~!这里没有树了?!我,我该藏在哪?妮莎!快帮我藏起来!''
*{{StoryIcon|Mao}} '''???:''' ''Over here. Run!''
*{{StoryIcon|Mao}} '''???:''' ''喂,你!''
*{{StoryIcon|Laby}} '''娜薇:''' ''Ehhh?!''
*{{StoryIcon|Laby}} '''娜薇:''' ''嗯?''
|ED= 231,600
*{{StoryIcon|Mao}} '''???:''' ''这边!快点!''
*{{StoryIcon|Laby}} '''娜薇:''' ''嗯??''
|ED= 826,300
|EXP= 553,760
|EXP= 553,760
|CReward1=Intermediate Giant Weapon Cube
|CImage2=[[File:HP Potion Intermediate.png]]
|CImage2=[[File:HP Potion Intermediate.png]]
|CReward2=Intermediate HP Potion x 10
|CReward2=中级HP恢复药 x 10

