
Story/Chapter 46/zh-hans: Difference between revisions

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*{{StoryIcon|Haivan}} '''海云:''' ''.......''
*{{StoryIcon|Haivan}} '''海云:''' ''……''
*{{StoryIcon|Aegirp Soul2}} '''白鬼王的灵魂:''' ''[... So I have divided my soul into multiple pieces. Hoping, that one day, the two races will truly come together.]''
*{{StoryIcon|Aegirp Soul2}} '''白鬼王的灵魂:''' ''……所以我把我的灵魂分裂开来。等待着在谣远的未来,两个种族能够和平共处的一天。''
*{{StoryIcon|Aegirp Soul2}} '''白鬼王的灵魂:''' ''[Of course, I don't oppose to being awakened before that day. When my power is needed, I trust that those who are loyal to me, will come together to awaken me.]''
*{{StoryIcon|Aegirp Soul2}} '''白鬼王的灵魂:''' ''就算那一天没有到来,如果需要我的帮助的话,我所信赖的部下们一定也会合力找到我的。''
*{{StoryIcon|Haivan}} '''海云:''' ''You should have picked better people to trust.''
*{{StoryIcon|Haivan}} '''海云:''' ''你可真的该好好筛选一下可以‘信赖’的家伙。''
*{{StoryIcon|Aegirp Soul2}} '''白鬼王的灵魂:''' ''[I have but one concern. I worry that the portal I leave will be used as a way to instigate conflict and war.]''
*{{StoryIcon|Aegirp Soul2}} '''白鬼王的灵魂:''' ''我唯一担心的是,我所留下的传送门会被用作争斗或者是战争的手段。''
*{{StoryIcon|Haivan}} '''海云:''' ''What did you expect, leaving this kind of power?''
*{{StoryIcon|Haivan}} '''海云:''' ''你留着这股力量,还指望别人不会用在坏事上?''
*{{StoryIcon|Aegirp Soul2}} '''白鬼王的灵魂:''' ''[Technology that can connect different worlds must only be used for peace... so that we may extend our hand to someone different from us in another world.]''
*{{StoryIcon|Aegirp Soul2}} '''白鬼王的灵魂:''' ''连接其他世界的惊人技术是要用在和平之上的,要让身处于不同世界的我们能够与他们携手共进。''
*{{StoryIcon|Haivan}} '''海云:''' ''You probably left your soul in case of your death, so you can ensure you stay in power.''
*{{StoryIcon|Haivan}} '''海云:''' ''死后还要留下用于复活的灵魂的你,是想长时间统治王国吧。''
*{{StoryIcon|Haivan}} '''海云:''' ''I get that you led your people to prosperity... But to be so assured of yourself that you become blind to the possibility of betrayal... How does it feel to be overthrown because of your own stupidity?''
*{{StoryIcon|Haivan}} '''海云:''' ''一方面看着繁荣的王国自信满满,一方面又毫不警惕部下会背信弃义…你对你这个愚蠢的行为有何感想吗?''
*{{StoryIcon|Aegirp Soul2}} '''白鬼王的灵魂:''' ''[I do not regret my decision to create the portal.]''
*{{StoryIcon|Aegirp Soul2}} '''白鬼王的灵魂:''' ''我从不后悔建造传送门的决定。''
*{{StoryIcon|Aegirp Soul2}} '''白鬼王的灵魂:''' ''[I know that the only escape from unfathomable despair is faith and kindness from others. Just like the Demon King showed me, and I, in turn, showed my people.]''
*{{StoryIcon|Aegirp Soul2}} '''白鬼王的灵魂:''' ''就像魔族王对我一样,就像我对我的部下们一样。在无法自拔的绝望中,唯一的出路就是他人的信任与温暖。''
*{{StoryIcon|Haivan}} '''海云:''' ''... I studied your soul for a very long time.''
*{{StoryIcon|Haivan}} '''海云:''' ''……我研究灵魂研究了很长的时间。''
*{{StoryIcon|Haivan}} '''海云:''' ''I know you still have some conscience, even though you're just a fragment. I bet you even understand my words.''
*{{StoryIcon|Haivan}} '''海云:''' ''你,尽管只是小小的一块灵魂碎片,但也有微弱的自我吧?你一定能听懂我说的话。''
*{{StoryIcon|Aegirp Soul2}} '''白鬼王的灵魂:''' ''[Yes. That's the path I longed for.]''
*{{StoryIcon|Aegirp Soul2}} '''白鬼王的灵魂:''' ''没错,这就是我所希望的道路。''
*{{StoryIcon|Haivan}} '''海云:''' ''Your biggest mistake is that your entire legacy only depended on you.''
*{{StoryIcon|Haivan}} '''海云:''' ''你建立的王国有一个致命性的问题,那就是把所有的力量集中在‘王’一个人的身上。''
*{{StoryIcon|Haivan}} '''海云:''' ''That's why after your unexpected death, the entire structure fell apart. Technically, your people only lost their ruler, but it was like they lost their entire foundation.''
*{{StoryIcon|Haivan}} '''海云:''' ''因此如果‘王’意外死亡的话,所构建的一切都会在一瞬间土崩瓦解。你的人民虽然只是失去了他们的王,但实际上也失去了整个世界。''
*{{StoryIcon|Haivan}} '''海云:''' ''I'm not saying you should have had a successor. No. It was wrong from the start to have the entire land depending on just one ruler.''
*{{StoryIcon|Haivan}} '''海云:''' ''我并不是说你应该要提前准备一个后继者,我认为‘王’本身的存在就是一个错误。''
*{{StoryIcon|Haivan}} '''海云:''' ''If you want to stop Berthe from destroying your life long wish, you only get one chance.''
*{{StoryIcon|Haivan}} '''海云:''' ''如果你不想你毕生的所有愿望全都毁在波尔德的手里的话,你只有一次机会。''
*{{StoryIcon|Aegirp Soul2}} '''白鬼王的灵魂:''' ''[.......]''
*{{StoryIcon|Aegirp Soul2}} '''白鬼王的灵魂:''' ''……''
*{{StoryIcon|Haivan}} '''海云:''' ''When all the soul fragments merge, and you are finally whole...''
*{{StoryIcon|Haivan}} '''海云:''' ''当分裂的灵魂融为一体,你再次变为完整的一个人的那个瞬间。''
*{{StoryIcon|Haivan}} '''海云:''' ''You just need to hold him back for a moment. Then...''
*{{StoryIcon|Haivan}} '''海云:''' ''你所要做的就是在适当的时刻阻止他。如果你能这样做的话……''
*{{StoryIcon|Aegirp Soul2}} '''白鬼王的灵魂:''' ''[So I hope my concerns do not become a reality.]''
*{{StoryIcon|Aegirp Soul2}} '''白鬼王的灵魂:''' ''我希望我的担心只停留在无谓的担心之上。''
*{{StoryIcon|Haivan}} '''海云:''' ''... That will stop anyone from invading Elrios.''
*{{StoryIcon|Haivan}} '''海云:''' ''……那就,没有任何人能够入侵艾里奥斯了。''
*{{StoryIcon|Aegirp Soul2}} '''白鬼王的灵魂:''' ''[.......]''
*{{StoryIcon|Aegirp Soul2}} '''白鬼王的灵魂:''' ''……''
*{{StoryIcon|Berthe2}} '''Berthe:''' ''What are you mumbling about?''
*{{StoryIcon|Berthe2}} '''波尔德:''' ''你一个人自言自语些什么呢?''
*{{StoryIcon|Haivan}} '''海云:''' ''... Oh, I don't know- Maybe I was just having fun because my boss never showed up, even though I told him I found the soul fragment a loooong time ago.''
*{{StoryIcon|Haivan}} '''海云:''' ''……在我发出找到灵魂的联络后~等了好久好久都没等来自己的首领,所以闲得无聊在那里自言自语罢了。''
*{{StoryIcon|Haivan}} '''海云:''' ''Wait, you didn't hear anyone else?''
*{{StoryIcon|Haivan}} '''海云:''' ''诶,但是你只能听到我的声音吗?''
*{{StoryIcon|Berthe2}} '''Berthe:''' ''There's no one else here. Stop fooling around.''
*{{StoryIcon|Berthe2}} '''波尔德:''' ''胡说八道什么呢?这里除了你之外还有谁吗?''
*{{StoryIcon|Haivan}} '''海云:''' ''Hmm...?''
*{{StoryIcon|Haivan}} '''海云:''' ''哼~?''
*{{StoryIcon|Haivan}} '''海云:''' ''I see- Well, let's stop with the chitchat then. There's two soul fragments left.''
*{{StoryIcon|Haivan}} '''海云:''' ''好了~嘛,不高兴的闲话就到此为止吧。现在只剩下2个灵魂了。''
*{{StoryIcon|Haivan}} '''海云:''' ''Are you excited? The day to invade Elrios is finally upon us, after all.''
*{{StoryIcon|Haivan}} '''海云:''' ''你开心吗?距离入侵艾里奥斯的日子不远了。''
*{{StoryIcon|Berthe2}} '''Berthe:''' ''As long as you take this seriously, everything will proceed as planned. How is the portal.''
*{{StoryIcon|Berthe2}} '''波尔德:''' ''如果你这小子不搞出些什么幺蛾子的话,一切都会顺利进行的。传送门怎么样了?''
*{{StoryIcon|Haivan}} '''海云:''' ''Everything is coming along fine! I mean, it wasn't well-maintained, so I'll need to check it a couple of more times... but we're at the final stage.''
*{{StoryIcon|Haivan}} '''海云:''' ''别担心,正在顺利进行中呢。因为好久没有人管理过它了,所以我要忙活的有点多……已经到了最后的阶段了。''
*{{StoryIcon|Haivan}} '''海云:''' ''In any case, since we found the fragment, I can go, right?''
*{{StoryIcon|Haivan}} '''海云:''' ''不管怎么样,现在灵魂也找到了,那我可以走了吧?''
*{{StoryIcon|Haivan}} '''海云:''' ''Oh yeah! I found the other two fragments too! It was somewhere interesting.''
*{{StoryIcon|Haivan}} '''海云:''' ''啊~对了。除此之外我还找到了剩下2个灵魂的下落,那是一个很有意思的地方呢~''
*{{StoryIcon|Haivan}} '''海云:''' ''I set the trap already to secure them. We just need to wait for them to fall right into it. I'll go retrieve it personally.''
*{{StoryIcon|Haivan}} '''海云:''' ''既然已经设下了陷阱,那我就亲自走一趟吧。灵魂我会直接拿过来的。''
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*击败'''近距离警备队员'''/'''远距离警备队员'''(在普鲁纳姆-‘[[Capital-Bound Train/zh-hans|通往首都的列车]]'''’登场) 0/20
*击败'''近距离警备队员'''/'''远距离警备队员'''(在普鲁纳姆-‘[[Capital-Bound Train/zh-hans|通往首都的列车]]'''’登场) 0/20
*{{StoryIcon|Zero}} '''Zero:''' ''There's a train? Is that true, Asella?''
*{{StoryIcon|Zero}} '''Zero:''' ''有列车在运行?阿塞拉,那家伙说的是真的?''
*{{StoryIcon|Asella}} '''阿塞拉:''' ''Ah... Come to think of it... The White-Ghost King had a train made to transport the traded goods from Northern Empire around.''
*{{StoryIcon|Asella}} '''阿塞拉:''' ''仔细一想……白鬼王时代的确有列运输北部帝国交易品的列车。''
*{{StoryIcon|Baryon}} '''贝利昂:''' ''I know because I'd pass by whenever I had business around there. It's a good place to chill. Also it's a nice hiding place.''
*{{StoryIcon|Baryon}} '''贝利昂:''' ''我经常去那玩意经过的地方。那里曾经是个休息的好去处,除此之外还能躲避眼线。''
*{{StoryIcon|Baryon}} '''贝利昂:''' ''If you can activate it, it should be able to take you to the capital in a jiffy.''
*{{StoryIcon|Baryon}} '''贝利昂:''' ''如果可以让它运转起来的话,你们就能瞬间到达首都的中心部了。''
*{{StoryIcon|RH}} '''雷文:''' ''If it was used to transport goods, it should definitely be connected to the capital.''
*{{StoryIcon|RH}} '''雷文:''' ''如果担负着运输货物的重任,它肯定是连接着首都的。''
*{{StoryIcon|DyB}} '''蕾娜:''' ''But wouldn't it be too... conspicuous? Having a train that was out of order for a while to barge into the capital like that...''
*{{StoryIcon|DyB}} '''蕾娜:''' ''但这是不是太引人注目了?毕竟很久没有动过的列车突然驶入首都……''
*{{StoryIcon|DB}} '''艾迪:''' ''We'll stick out like a sore thumb. But who's going to be stupid enough to step in front of a train running in full-speed?''
*{{StoryIcon|DB}} '''艾迪:''' ''这里应该有很多白鬼军团的士兵吧?但是哪有傻瓜敢阻挡全速行驶的火车呢?''
*{{StoryIcon|ES}} '''艾丽希斯:''' ''I like that we can enter the capital without having to battle anyone, as long as we get the train to move. We can't avoid fighting after we enter the capital anyway. Best we make the most out of it.''
*{{StoryIcon|ES}} '''艾丽希斯:''' ''只要列车能够正常运作,就能在避免战斗的情况下进入首都……我很满意。虽然进入首都之后肯定避免不了战斗就是了。''
*{{StoryIcon|CC}} '''澄:''' ''Plus, by having their attention on us, we can help keep Aurora stay under wraps.''
*{{StoryIcon|CC}} '''澄:''' ''而且我们冲入敌阵的话,也有助于帮奥罗拉转移注意力。''
*{{StoryIcon|Baryon}} '''贝利昂:''' ''Just one thing. You'll have to defeat the soldiers that are stationed around the train.''
*{{StoryIcon|Baryon}} '''贝利昂:''' ''但是列车周边也驻扎着白鬼军团。要把他们统统击败才能过去。''
*{{StoryIcon|Nichel2}} '''尼采:''' ''Is there no way to avoid fighting completely? They were your allies... Could we persuade them? Or somehow use a diversion tactic...''
*{{StoryIcon|Nichel2}} '''尼采:''' ''就不能避免战斗吗?那些家伙也是你的同伴吧?试试说服他们,或者吸引他们的注意力吧……''
*{{StoryIcon|Baryon}} '''贝利昂:''' ''Allies? Me and them? Not even close. I don't even know the guys.''
*{{StoryIcon|Baryon}} '''贝利昂:''' ''同伴?他们?不是的,我根本不认识他们。''
*{{StoryIcon|CC}} '''澄:''' ''How many soldiers are stationed around the train?''
*{{StoryIcon|CC}} '''澄:''' ''列车周围有多少士兵?''
*{{StoryIcon|Baryon}} '''贝利昂:''' ''More than us earlier, that's for sure. It won't be easy.''
*{{StoryIcon|Baryon}} '''贝利昂:''' ''比之前我拥有的更多,会很麻烦的。''
*{{StoryIcon|Asella}} '''阿塞拉:''' ''We'll create a diversion. We can't hold them for long, since we can't be exposed, but it should be enough time to get you on the train.''
*{{StoryIcon|Asella}} '''阿塞拉:''' ''我们会尽可能地吸引他们的注意力。虽然为了不暴露身份,这个时间并不长,但应该也足以让你们搭上列车了。''
*{{StoryIcon|RaS}} '''娜薇:''' ''Thanks! We'll make sure to get on quickly so they don't see us!''
*{{StoryIcon|RaS}} '''娜薇:''' ''谢谢!我们会在被发现之前尽快上车的!''
*{{StoryIcon|Baryon}} '''贝利昂:''' ''If you're grateful, leave already. The soul is being tracked for crying out loud! This place is becoming less safe every second!''
*{{StoryIcon|Baryon}} '''贝利昂:''' ''你真要谢的话就赶紧出发吧。灵魂可是在被追踪着的!这里已经越来越不安全了!''
*{{StoryIcon|Asella}} '''阿塞拉:''' ''We'll take care of it, so shut your mouth!''
*{{StoryIcon|Asella}} '''阿塞拉:''' ''我会看着办的,你就别闹了!''
*{{StoryIcon|Asella}} '''阿塞拉:''' ''Sigh... Well, I must say, El Search Party, thank you for protecting Aurora.''
*{{StoryIcon|Asella}} '''阿塞拉:''' ''呼^我得好好谢谢你们。艾尔搜查队,是你们守护了奥罗拉。''
*{{StoryIcon|Asella}} '''阿塞拉:''' ''I apologize this is the only aid we can provide, despite you risking your lives to face the White-Ghost Army head on.''
*{{StoryIcon|Asella}} '''阿塞拉:''' ''我会冒着风险去直面白鬼军团的,很抱歉只能帮你们这些。''
*{{StoryIcon|KE}} '''艾索德:''' ''No problem. We'll head to the train right away.''
*{{StoryIcon|KE}} '''艾索德:''' ''别客气。那么,我们马上出发去火车站吧。''
*{{StoryIcon|Asella}} '''阿塞拉:''' ''We'll head... here, a bit further up. We'll cause a commotion so they'll be distracted.''
*{{StoryIcon|Asella}} '''阿塞拉:''' ''我们要到比它还要远的……这里去。在这里吸引敌人。''
*{{StoryIcon|Asella}} '''阿塞拉:''' ''You can then repair the train and head to the capital immediately. Good luck.''
*{{StoryIcon|Asella}} '''阿塞拉:''' ''你们直接修好列车然后出发去首都就行了。祝你们好运。''
*{{StoryIcon|Com Device}} '''电报机械:''' ''... BEEP''
*{{StoryIcon|Com Device}} '''电报机械:''' ''……哔哩。''
*{{StoryIcon|Blu}} '''艾因:''' ''Didn't he say the train is here...? I only see empty tracks.''
*{{StoryIcon|Blu}} '''艾因:''' ''这里不是应该……有个列车吗?怎么只有空空的铁轨啊。''
*{{StoryIcon|AS}} '''爱莎:''' ''Did he trick us? Is there going to be an ambush?''
*{{StoryIcon|AS}} '''爱莎:''' ''我们被骗了吗?这是白鬼军团的突袭吗?''
*{{StoryIcon|CC}} '''澄:''' ''No, look! I see the train over there! He must have gotten the tracks wrong.''
*{{StoryIcon|CC}} '''澄:''' ''这里,大家都过来看看!那边有列列车。好像只是他说错了线路罢了。''
*{{StoryIcon|DB}} '''艾迪:''' ''Why couldn't he tell us the right one in the first place...''
*{{StoryIcon|DB}} '''艾迪:''' ''还不如老老实实说呢……''
*{{StoryIcon|DyB}} '''蕾娜:''' ''How is it? Do you think you can fix it?''
*{{StoryIcon|DyB}} '''蕾娜:''' ''怎么样?能动起来吗?''
*{{StoryIcon|DB}} '''艾迪:''' ''I can't say for sure before checking the engine room... But it looks good considering how long it was abandoned.''
*{{StoryIcon|DB}} '''艾迪:''' ''要到动力室看看才知道…虽然被废弃了很久,但看起来情况不错啊。''
*{{StoryIcon|CEs}} '''伊芙:''' ''It's strange. It's too well-kept despite being out of order for a long time.''
*{{StoryIcon|CEs}} '''伊芙:''' ''有点奇怪。对于长时间没有运行的列车来说,内部也太干净了吧?''
*{{StoryIcon|Aps}} '''艾拉:''' ''Perhaps the soldier tidied up the place after their use? They did say the soldier sometimes rest here.''
*{{StoryIcon|Aps}} '''艾拉:''' ''白鬼军团的士兵说,他们有时会使用这里。这就是列车内部还是干干净净的的原因吧?''
*{{StoryIcon|Chv}} '''希尔:''' ''That could be possible. Anyway, we should head to the cockpit. That should be up ahead.''
*{{StoryIcon|Chv}} '''希尔:''' ''毕竟想要用作休息场所得进行大扫除啊。不管怎么样,前面那节车厢就是驾驶舱了。''
*{{StoryIcon|DyB}} '''蕾娜:''' ''Be careful. I sense monsters in other compartments.''
*{{StoryIcon|DyB}} '''蕾娜:''' ''小心,毕竟其他车厢都有怪物存在。''
*{{StoryIcon|Blu}} '''艾因:''' ''It was abandoned for a long time. There could be wild animals that settled in.''
*{{StoryIcon|Blu}} '''艾因:''' ''不管怎么说这里被废弃了很长的时间,野生动物可能已经站稳脚跟了。''
*{{StoryIcon|KE}} '''艾索德:''' ''Is this the door to the next compartment? It's kind of stuck... Maybe it's rusted? Oof!''
*{{StoryIcon|KE}} '''艾索德:''' ''这个是通往下一节车厢的门吗?稍微有点难开啊……是生锈了吗……唉!''
*{{StoryIcon|Ish}} '''露:''' ''Hm? Did you hear something?''
*{{StoryIcon|Ish}} '''露:''' ''嗯?刚刚有没有听到什么声音?''
*{{StoryIcon|RaS}} '''娜薇:''' ''Whoa! The train is moving! We're leaving already?''
*{{StoryIcon|RaS}} '''娜薇:''' ''哇!列车开动了!我们出发了吗?''
*{{StoryIcon|CEs}} '''伊芙:''' ''We didn't do anything yet. What did you do, Elsword?''
*{{StoryIcon|CEs}} '''伊芙:''' ''我还什么都没做呢。艾索德,你做了什么吗?''
*{{StoryIcon|KE}} '''艾索德:''' ''I uh, I tried to open the door...?''
*{{StoryIcon|KE}} '''艾索德:''' ''我,我只是想开门而已啊……?''
*{{StoryIcon|RH}} '''雷文:''' ''It's not us. Somebody is controlling the train.''
*{{StoryIcon|RH}} '''雷文:''' ''不是我们,有别的人在操纵列车。''
*{{StoryIcon|?}} '''???:''' ''ZZZT- ZZZZT-''
*{{StoryIcon|?}} '''???:''' ''咕唧——咕唧唧——''
*{{StoryIcon|?}} '''???:''' ''Ahem, Mic check. Hello, passengers! Welcome to White-Ghost Express.''
*{{StoryIcon|?}} '''???:''' ''啊,啊,各位旅客们,大家好。本趟列车是白鬼列车1号。''
*{{StoryIcon|RaS}} '''娜薇:''' ''Gah! Laby hears a voice! But it's different from the voice that goes 'ring'!''
*{{StoryIcon|RaS}} '''娜薇:''' ''啊!又听到声音了!但是和之前的~声音不一样!''
*{{StoryIcon|ES}} '''艾丽希斯:''' ''Where is her! Where's the voice coming from?''
*{{StoryIcon|ES}} '''艾丽希斯:''' ''你在哪!你在哪呢?''
*{{StoryIcon|Aps}} '''艾拉:''' ''Over there! The voice is coming from the gap on the wall!''
*{{StoryIcon|Aps}} '''艾拉:''' ''那边!声音是从墙上的凹槽里传来的!''
*{{StoryIcon|?}} '''???:''' ''Unfortunately, there's been a sudden change in destination. We apologize for the inconvenience... But have a nice trip!''
*{{StoryIcon|?}} '''???:''' ''我们很抱歉地通知,你们的目的地有变。因此,请享受舒适的旅途吧。''
*{{StoryIcon|Zero}} '''Zero:''' ''Huh? A change in destination? To where?''
*{{StoryIcon|Zero}} '''Zero:''' ''嗯!目的地有变?去哪?''
*{{StoryIcon|RH}} '''雷文:''' ''This voice... It sounds familiar...''
*{{StoryIcon|RH}} '''雷文:''' ''这个声音……总觉得在哪里听过……?''
*{{StoryIcon|Haivan}} '''海云:''' ''Oh! I almost forgot!''
*{{StoryIcon|Haivan}} '''海云:''' ''啊,差点忘记说了。''
*{{StoryIcon|Haivan}} '''海云:''' ''I'll take the soul fragments as fee for your lovely train ride!''
*{{StoryIcon|Haivan}} '''海云:''' ''列车的车票,就用白鬼王的灵魂来付吧~''
*{{StoryIcon|KE}} '''艾索德:''' ''Grr...! Haivan!''
*{{StoryIcon|KE}} '''艾索德:''' ''噫……!是海云!''
*{{StoryIcon|Min}} '''萝丝:''' ''... It was a trap.''
*{{StoryIcon|Min}} '''萝丝:''' ''……这是陷阱。''
*{{StoryIcon|DB}} '''艾迪:''' ''Damn it! Everyone move forward! We need to catch him!''
*{{StoryIcon|DB}} '''艾迪:''' ''该死,到前面的车厢去!快!抓住那个家伙!''
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*{{StoryIcon|KE}} '''艾索德:''' ''Ugh, the exploding plants we saw earlier are all over the train! It's getting in our way!''
*{{StoryIcon|KE}} '''艾索德:''' ''呃呃,之前看到的爆炸植物都延伸到车厢里了?真麻烦!''
*{{StoryIcon|Aps}} '''艾拉:''' ''It's hard to fight because it's a confined space. At least it's spacious. Do you think it's to make it convenient for Garens who are larger?''
*{{StoryIcon|Aps}} '''艾拉:''' ''这里是封闭的空间,很难像在外面一样战斗。还好空间比较大,可能是大型伽恩族使用的吧?''
*{{StoryIcon|RaS}} '''娜薇:''' ''Oooh! It's that why the windows are so big? Oh! Look outside!''
*{{StoryIcon|RaS}} '''娜薇:''' ''这就是窗户也很大的原因吧。啊,看那里!''
*{{StoryIcon|CC}} '''澄:''' ''So that's the capital! Wow, it's really big!''
*{{StoryIcon|CC}} '''澄:''' ''那里是首都!但……真的不是个大都市吗?''
*{{StoryIcon|RaS}} '''娜薇:''' ''Laby didn't know there are huuuuuge villages like that in the Demon Realm too! So cool!''
*{{StoryIcon|RaS}} '''娜薇:''' ''魔界里也有那么大~的村子呀~太帅了~!''
*{{StoryIcon|Nichel2}} '''尼采:''' ''It's the first time I've seen it as well. Amazing! The buildings are so big! It's really incredible! But...''
*{{StoryIcon|Nichel2}} '''尼采:''' ''我也是第一次见到。这个世界上……竟然有那么壮观的建筑物……真了不起。还有…''
*{{StoryIcon|Nichel2}} '''尼采:''' ''... Doesn't it seem like we're heading further away from the capital?''
*{{StoryIcon|Nichel2}} '''尼采:''' ''……是不是离首都越来越远了?''
*{{StoryIcon|ES}} '''艾丽希斯:''' ''Wait, why do we see the capital through the window on the side? Where are we headed to?''
*{{StoryIcon|ES}} '''艾丽希斯:''' ''等等,为什么从侧面的窗户可以看到首都?我们现在到底在前往哪个方向?''
*{{StoryIcon|CEs}} '''伊芙:''' ''According to the map... We're headed to the outskirts. Do you think Baryon tricked us?''
*{{StoryIcon|CEs}} '''伊芙:''' ''根据地图来看……似乎是前往首都的郊外地区。贝利昂欺骗了我们吗?''
*{{StoryIcon|Zero}} '''Zero:''' ''I don't think so. The train wasn't on the track he told us in the first place. It's probably all Haivan's doing.''
*{{StoryIcon|Zero}} '''Zero:''' ''不。这列列车从一开始就不在那家伙所说的线路上。一定是海云干的。''
*{{StoryIcon|DB}} '''艾迪:''' ''This is not the time to discuss the details. If we arrive somewhere else, we'll have to do this all over again. Damn it! Why isn't it possible to skip compartments? We're never going to reach the first compartment at this rate!''
*{{StoryIcon|DB}} '''艾迪:''' ''现在没时间在意那些鸡毛蒜皮的事情了吧?如果开往别的地方的话,我们还能回来吗?该死,这样畏手畏脚地往前走什么时候才能到达最前面的车厢啊?''
*{{StoryIcon|ES}} '''艾丽希斯:''' ''Let's get on the roof! Someone lift me, so I can open the door on the ceiling!''
*{{StoryIcon|ES}} '''艾丽希斯:''' ''到列车的车顶去吧!还不如直接走那里呢。谁来帮我打开天花板上面的门!''
*{{StoryIcon|Haivan}} '''海云:''' ''Hey! You shouldn't create a ruckus inside a train!''
*{{StoryIcon|Haivan}} '''海云:''' ''喂!怎么可以在狭窄的车厢内闹事呢?''
*{{StoryIcon|Haivan}} '''海云:''' ''You're passengers! You should sit down and relax.''
*{{StoryIcon|Haivan}} '''海云:''' ''乘客就要有乘客的样子,好好坐下等待吧。''
*{{StoryIcon|ES}} '''艾丽希斯:''' ''Oof, alright! I got it! Now, let's head... Huh?''
*{{StoryIcon|ES}} '''艾丽希斯:''' ''嘿咻,好!我打开了!上面是……嗯?''
*{{StoryIcon|Chv}} '''希尔:''' ''Well? Should we head up?''
*{{StoryIcon|Chv}} '''希尔:''' ''怎么样,可以到车顶去吗?''
*{{StoryIcon|ES}} '''艾丽希斯:''' ''WHAA!! Get me down right now! We're about to enter a tunnel!''
*{{StoryIcon|ES}} '''艾丽希斯:''' ''躲,躲开!快下来!要进隧道了!''
*{{StoryIcon|Aps}} '''艾拉:''' ''Everything's shaking! Everyone be careful!''
*{{StoryIcon|Aps}} '''艾拉:''' ''震动真大啊!大家小心冲击!''
*{{StoryIcon|Haivan}} '''海云:''' ''Long time no see, everyone! But you really should have stayed in Elrios. Since, you know, you only managed to escape by a thread last time.''
*{{StoryIcon|Haivan}} '''海云:''' ''好久不见。你们啊,既然都已经返回艾里奥斯了,怎么就不能好好待在那里呢。''
*{{StoryIcon|Haivan}} '''海云:''' ''Well, I guess you made my job much easier! I'm flattered! To think you'll collect the rest of the soul fragments for me!''
*{{StoryIcon|Haivan}} '''海云:''' ''嘛,托你们的福,我的工作也变得轻松多了。没想到你们竟然替傻乎乎的军团兵去收集灵魂了。''
*{{StoryIcon|KE}} '''艾索德:''' ''We didn't do it for you!''
*{{StoryIcon|KE}} '''艾索德:''' ''你以为我们是为了让你开心才来到这里的吗?''
*{{StoryIcon|Ish}} '''露:''' ''He's right! We will never hand you Aegirp's soul!''
*{{StoryIcon|Ish}} '''露:''' ''没错!我们绝对不会把阿耶吉尔普的灵魂交给你!''
*{{StoryIcon|Haivan}} '''海云:''' ''Ha! I should remind you, conflict of interest IS a thing. Did you ask for her opinion? You know, the actual opinion of the soul?''
*{{StoryIcon|Haivan}} '''海云:''' ''嗬,真是没法互相理解啊。你有问过当事人的意见吗?那个灵魂的所有人。''
*{{StoryIcon|Ish}} '''露:''' ''What are you talking about? There's no way Aeigrp will wish to be in Berthe's hand!''
*{{StoryIcon|Ish}} '''露:''' ''你在说什么呢?阿耶吉尔普才不会想落入波尔德的手中!''
*{{StoryIcon|Aegirp Soul}} '''白鬼王的灵魂:''' ''Ring''
*{{StoryIcon|Aegirp Soul}} '''白鬼王的灵魂:''' ''唿——''
*{{StoryIcon|Aps}} '''艾拉:''' ''Oh...! Lu! The soul fragments are slipping away!''
*{{StoryIcon|Aps}} '''艾拉:''' ''啊……!露!灵魂跑过去了!''
*{{StoryIcon|Ish}} '''露:''' ''What...? It's not me! They're moving by themselves...!''
*{{StoryIcon|Ish}} '''露:''' ''这是怎么……?不是我!灵魂自己跑过去了……!''
*{{StoryIcon|Ish}} '''露:''' ''You! What did you do to Aegirp's soul!''
*{{StoryIcon|Ish}} '''露:''' ''这家伙!你对阿耶吉尔普的灵魂做了什么!''
*{{StoryIcon|Haivan}} '''海云:''' ''Aww... It's really not my fault! What can I say? This is the White-Ghost King's decision.''
*{{StoryIcon|Haivan}} '''海云:''' ''不要说得好像是被我抢走了一样好吗?这是白鬼王自己的选择。''
*{{StoryIcon|RH}} '''雷文:''' ''The White-Ghost King's decision...?''
*{{StoryIcon|RH}} '''雷文:''' ''白鬼王自己的选择……?''
*{{StoryIcon|Haivan}} '''海云:''' ''Yup! I found out due to all the alone time we had together, thanks to the secret laboratory being restricted 'to pay proper respect to the mighty soul of the White-Ghost King' and all.''
*{{StoryIcon|Haivan}} '''海云:''' ''没错,高贵的白鬼王灵魂什么的~多亏了它被安放在出入都会受到限制的秘密研究室内,我才会知道一切。''
*{{StoryIcon|Blu}} '''艾因:''' ''You must have been preparing this for a very long time. Are you frustrated that we keep getting in your way?''
*{{StoryIcon|Blu}} '''艾因:''' ''看来你从很久以前就开始准备了。我们一直在捣乱,给你添了不少麻烦吧?''
*{{StoryIcon|Haivan}} '''海云:''' ''Not at all! How could I be, when you got me two soul fragments as a gift! I'm so grateful that I could give you a hug!''
*{{StoryIcon|Haivan}} '''海云:''' ''没有的事!就这样拿着两个灵魂亲自~来找我。相反我还想好好谢谢你们呢。''
*{{StoryIcon|Haivan}} '''海云:''' ''How about it? Hm?''
*{{StoryIcon|Haivan}} '''海云:''' ''怎么样,能接受吗?''
*{{StoryIcon|KE}} '''艾索德:''' ''We're not here to fool around! Hand us the soul fragments!''
*{{StoryIcon|KE}} '''艾索德:''' ''我们才不是来跟你开玩笑的!快把灵魂还给我们!''
*{{StoryIcon|Nichel2}} '''尼采:''' ''Haivan, stop! I don't believe you actually mean that. You're planning something, aren't you?''
*{{StoryIcon|Nichel2}} '''尼采:''' ''海云!别说那些话了。你,应该是有什么打算,对吧?''
*{{StoryIcon|Nichel2}} '''尼采:''' ''You're acting like you betrayed us, but I know you didn't! That's why you didn't tell Berthe, Aurora's location!''
*{{StoryIcon|Nichel2}} '''尼采:''' ''虽然表现得像个叛徒一样,但实际上你并没有把奥罗拉的位置告诉波尔德!''
*{{StoryIcon|Haivan}} '''海云:''' ''......''
*{{StoryIcon|Haivan}} '''海云:''' ''……''
*{{StoryIcon|Nichel2}} '''尼采:''' ''I know you always disapproved of reviving the White-Ghost King. I'm not sure why that leads to talking Berthe's side...''
*{{StoryIcon|Nichel2}} '''尼采:''' ''我知道你对复活白鬼王一直抱有否定的想法,但我并不认为你有支持波尔德的理由。''
*{{StoryIcon|Nichel2}} '''尼采:''' ''But I'll help you. If you just tell me why you are doing this...''
*{{StoryIcon|Nichel2}} '''尼采:''' ''所以拜托你把想法告诉我吧,这样我才能帮助你。''
*{{StoryIcon|Haivan}} '''海云:''' ''... I don't need your help.''
*{{StoryIcon|Haivan}} '''海云:''' ''……我不需要。''
*{{StoryIcon|Nichel2}} '''尼采:''' ''What?''
*{{StoryIcon|Nichel2}} '''尼采:''' ''什么?''
*{{StoryIcon|Haivan}} '''海云:''' ''I just wanted to escape that wretched sea instead of waiting aimlessly for someone to come and save us.''
*{{StoryIcon|Haivan}} '''海云:''' ''被困在汪洋大海中,无助地等待救援的事情已经够了。我只不过是跳出其中了而已。''
*{{StoryIcon|Haivan}} '''海云:''' ''The reason why I didn't tell anyone about Aurora was because I didn't need to. It's not like a group of cowards would ever pose a threat.''
*{{StoryIcon|Haivan}} '''海云:''' ''我没有报告奥罗拉的事情,是因为我觉得完全没有必要。数百年间躲避外人眼线的胆小鬼们会有什么威胁?''
*{{StoryIcon|Haivan}} '''海云:''' ''I didn't care as long as I could get out of that place. Siding with Berthe is not ideal, but you learn to compromise.''
*{{StoryIcon|Haivan}} '''海云:''' ''只要能逃出这里,怎么样都没关系吧?虽然我不太喜欢波尔德,但有些时候你要懂得妥协。''
*{{StoryIcon|Nichel2}} '''尼采:''' ''You...!''
*{{StoryIcon|Nichel2}} '''尼采:''' ''你真的……!''
*{{StoryIcon|KE}} '''艾索德:''' ''What do you want? Whatever it is, do you really think Berthe is going to uphold his end of the deal?''
*{{StoryIcon|KE}} '''艾索德:''' ''你到底想怎么样?不,不管你有什么打算,你觉得波尔德会遵守诺言吗?''
*{{StoryIcon|Haivan}} '''海云:''' ''You won't understand even if I tell you... Bethe has no choice but to give me what I want.''
*{{StoryIcon|Haivan}} '''海云:''' ''说出来你也不懂……波尔德现在对我可是言听计从的。''
*{{StoryIcon|Haivan}} '''海云:''' ''In any case... I'm glad you're the ones that made it all the way here.''
*{{StoryIcon|Haivan}} '''海云:''' ''不过……还好你们能来到这里。''
*{{StoryIcon|DB}} '''艾迪:''' ''Damn it, where are you running off to?''
*{{StoryIcon|DB}} '''艾迪:''' ''该死,你要往哪跑?''
*{{StoryIcon|Haivan}} '''海云:''' ''So long! Oh, I almost forgot! There should be someone waiting for you at the destination.''
*{{StoryIcon|Haivan}} '''海云:''' ''再见了。对了,有人在终点等着你们。''
*{{StoryIcon|Haivan}} '''海云:''' ''Have fun!''
*{{StoryIcon|Haivan}} '''海云:''' ''那么,玩得开心吧~''
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*{{StoryIcon|ES}} '''艾丽希斯:''' ''Again, with the annoying machines... Anyway, everything is taken care of. Add! When is the train going to stop?''
*{{StoryIcon|ES}} '''艾丽希斯:''' ''又是烦人的机械……还好解决了。艾迪!列车什么时候停下来啊?''
*{{StoryIcon|DB}} '''艾迪:''' ''The train is programmed to decelerate when it reaches its destination. It should come to full stop soon even without my input.''
*{{StoryIcon|DB}} '''艾迪:''' ''别费事了。列车是设置为到达目的地后会自动减速的,马上就会停下了。''
*{{StoryIcon|AS}} '''爱莎:''' ''Ugh... It's really dark here! We must be deep inside the tunnel. Everyone watch your step.''
*{{StoryIcon|AS}} '''爱莎:''' ''呃……这里好暗啊?一定是在隧道的深处。大家,都小心脚下。''
*{{StoryIcon|KE}} '''艾索德:''' ''You know you're stepping on my foot, right?''
*{{StoryIcon|KE}} '''艾索德:''' ''你知道你说这话的时候正在踩我的脚吗?''
*{{StoryIcon|AS}} '''爱莎:''' ''It's to keep you still, since you always run into trouble. Hold on, I'll use an illuminating spell.''
*{{StoryIcon|AS}} '''爱莎:''' ''明明前面什么也看不到,你还想贸然行动,所以我才踩你一脚让你好好呆着而已。等等,让我来照亮周围的环境。 ''
*{{StoryIcon|Ish}} '''露:''' ''We're very deep inside this tunnel. The train was running for a long time... Do you think it would take long for us to get our of here?''
*{{StoryIcon|Ish}} '''露:''' ''原来是一条相当长的隧道啊。列车跑了那么长的时间……不知道原路返回要花多久。''
*{{StoryIcon|CEs}} '''伊芙:''' ''Most certainly. Since this looks like a terminal, it might be better for us to find another path that leads outside.''
*{{StoryIcon|CEs}} '''伊芙:''' ''原路返回太浪费时间了。既然这里是终点附近,我们找找有没有通往外界的道路吧。''
*{{StoryIcon|Min}} '''萝丝:''' ''Hm? I think there's someone around that corner. I saw a shift in the shadow.''
*{{StoryIcon|Min}} '''萝丝:''' ''嗯?这条路的对面好像有人,我看到影子了。''
*{{StoryIcon|AS}} '''爱莎:''' ''Yikes! There's someone else in the tunnel other than us...?''
*{{StoryIcon|AS}} '''爱莎:''' ''噫!这个隧道里除了我们还有谁……?''
*{{StoryIcon|Zero}} '''Zero:''' ''... Is it Haivan? He could have pretended that he was leaving, only to hide himself so he could watch what we're doing?''
*{{StoryIcon|Zero}} '''Zero:''' ''……会是海云吗?已经装作离开隧道的那家伙说不定还藏在这里,等着我们什么时候离开。''
*{{StoryIcon|DyB}} '''蕾娜:''' ''I don't think it's Haivan. He did say, there should be someone waiting for us at the destination.''
*{{StoryIcon|DyB}} '''蕾娜:''' ''我觉得不是这样。忘了吗?他说有人在终点等着我们。''
*{{StoryIcon|Winster}} '''温斯特:''' ''... It's you.''
*{{StoryIcon|Winster}} '''温斯特:''' ''……你们。''
*{{StoryIcon|Blu}} '''艾因:''' ''Oh, so Mr. Kid's surprise was Mr. Dog!''
*{{StoryIcon|Blu}} '''艾因:''' ''原来小狗狗的礼物是狗狗先生啊?''
*{{StoryIcon|CC}} '''澄:''' ''Winster! You're safe!''
*{{StoryIcon|CC}} '''澄:''' ''温斯特,你没事啊!''
*{{StoryIcon|RH}} '''雷文:''' ''How did you get here? We heard you were held hostage by Berthe.''
*{{StoryIcon|RH}} '''雷文:''' ''你怎么会在这里?我听说你被波尔德抓走了。''
*{{StoryIcon|Winster}} '''温斯特:''' ''I managed to find an opening and took my chance... How did you... Did you arrive here by train?''
*{{StoryIcon|Winster}} '''温斯特:''' ''我是看准时机逃了出来。不过你们怎么会在这里…是乘坐列车过来的吗?''
*{{StoryIcon|Ish}} '''露:''' ''Yes. We hurried because you seemed to be in a dire situation from the communication you sent.''
*{{StoryIcon|Ish}} '''露:''' ''对,因为从你的通讯信息来看,已经不能再拖延时间了。''
*{{StoryIcon|RaS}} '''娜薇:''' ''We heard we can come real quick if we get on a train, so we did!''
*{{StoryIcon|RaS}} '''娜薇:''' ''因为搭乘列车可以更快过来,所以我们就搭上去了~!''
*{{StoryIcon|Winster}} '''温斯特:''' ''Communication...?''
*{{StoryIcon|Winster}} '''温斯特:''' ''通讯……?''
*{{StoryIcon|AS}} '''爱莎:''' ''Errr... You know... The octopus shaped machine that you sent to Aurora...?''
*{{StoryIcon|AS}} '''爱莎:''' ''嗯……?把章鱼型机械送到奥罗拉的不是温斯特吗?''
*{{StoryIcon|Winster}} '''温斯特:''' ''I'm sorry, but I don't know what you're talking about. I was under heavy scrutiny. It wouldn't have been possible to send anything.''
*{{StoryIcon|Winster}} '''温斯特:''' ''不是,那不是我。被监视着的我,怎么可能会发那种东西?''
*{{StoryIcon|Min}} '''萝丝:''' ''In that case, who sent the communication device?''
*{{StoryIcon|Min}} '''萝丝:''' ''诶?那到底是谁发的呢?''
*{{StoryIcon|Blu}} '''艾因:''' ''Ah... I suspect it was Mr. Kid's doing. That's probably why he knew we were going to take the train.''
*{{StoryIcon|Blu}} '''艾因:''' ''这个……原来是小狗狗干的啊。这就是为什么他会知道我们搭乘列车的原因。''
*{{StoryIcon|Chv}} '''希尔:''' ''The communication device was likely bugged. We essentially fed him our plan.''
*{{StoryIcon|Chv}} '''希尔:''' ''一定是在机械中装入了窃听装置。海云监听的时候,一定知道了我们的计划……''
*{{StoryIcon|Nichel2}} '''尼采:''' ''That's why the message kept telling us to lie low... He didn't want us to leave Aurora so he could easily track us.''
*{{StoryIcon|Nichel2}} '''尼采:''' ''所以大部分警告都是让我们不要轻举妄动。为的是让我们与奥罗拉保持联系……''
*{{StoryIcon|Winster}} '''温斯特:''' ''... Did you meet Haivan?''
*{{StoryIcon|Winster}} '''温斯特:''' ''……你见过海云了吗?''
*{{StoryIcon|Zero}} '''Zero:''' ''Haivan was the one who lured us here. He's probably headed to the capital to Berthe and the portal as we speak.''
*{{StoryIcon|Zero}} '''Zero:''' ''是海云把我们引诱到这里的。现在他或许已经回到波尔德和传送门所在的首都了。''
*{{StoryIcon|Chv}} '''希尔:''' ''He lured us here, took the soul fragments and fled. From the looks of it, he probably knew of your escape as well.''
*{{StoryIcon|Chv}} '''希尔:''' ''他把我们引到这里,然后带着灵魂逃走了。应该是事先就知道你逃出来了吧。''
*{{StoryIcon|Winster}} '''温斯特:''' ''Then... he must have been the reason why there were less guards on that day. And the reason why the door hinges came loose.''
*{{StoryIcon|Winster}} '''温斯特:''' ''也就是说……监视的人突然消失,监狱的锁链突然变松,这一切都是他做的。''
*{{StoryIcon|Blu}} '''艾因:''' ''We should still be able to catch up to him. Do you know the way out?''
*{{StoryIcon|Blu}} '''艾因:''' ''现在追还来得及。这里有能走出去的路吗?''
*{{StoryIcon|Winster}} '''温斯特:''' ''Follow me. There's a path that leads straight to the capital.''
*{{StoryIcon|Winster}} '''温斯特:''' ''跟我来,这里有条通往首都的道路。''
*{{StoryIcon|Ish}} '''露:''' ''Are you alright? There's no need to overexert yourself by coming with us. You were held in captivity for a very long time.''
*{{StoryIcon|Ish}} '''露:''' ''你没关系吗?别勉强自己,你只需要告诉我们往哪走就行了。毕竟你可是被扣留了很长的时间啊。''
*{{StoryIcon|Winster}} '''温斯特:''' ''I overheard that the central portal repairs are at its final stage while I was imprisoned. The only thing they are waiting on, is probably the soul fragments.''
*{{StoryIcon|Winster}} '''温斯特:''' ''在我被囚禁的时候听到了一些声音。中央传送门的修理工作已经到达最后的阶段了,而波尔德也在等待着所有灵魂全部集齐的时刻。''
*{{StoryIcon|Winster}} '''温斯特:''' ''This is the last chance we have to stop him. If we can manage to neutralize the portal... Then we can at least prevent Berthe from invading Elrios.''
*{{StoryIcon|Winster}} '''温斯特:''' ''这是最后一次可以阻止他的机会。只要把传送门解决掉的话,至少……至少我们能防止波尔德前往艾里奥斯。''
*{{StoryIcon|Min}} '''萝丝:''' ''... We understand.''
*{{StoryIcon|Min}} '''萝丝:''' ''……好的。''
*{{StoryIcon|Winster}} '''温斯特:''' ''... I can't even begin to tell you how remorseful I am.''
*{{StoryIcon|Winster}} '''温斯特:''' ''……我不知道该说些什么。''
*{{StoryIcon|Ish}} '''露:''' ''What do you mean?''
*{{StoryIcon|Ish}} '''露:''' ''突然说什么呢?''
*{{StoryIcon|Winster}} '''温斯特:''' ''All this time, I never even suspected that Haivan was planning something like this. Even now... I just don't understand what he's thinking.''
*{{StoryIcon|Winster}} '''温斯特:''' ''事情都变成这种地步了,我都没有察觉到海云暗中做的事情。老实说……我不知道现在他在想些什么。''
*{{StoryIcon|Nichel2}} '''尼采:''' ''Winster...''
*{{StoryIcon|Nichel2}} '''尼采:''' ''叔叔……''
*{{StoryIcon|CC}} '''澄:''' ''I understand your guilt, but this really isn't your fault at all.''
*{{StoryIcon|CC}} '''澄:''' ''虽然很遗憾,但是……我觉得温斯特没有必要道歉。''
*{{StoryIcon|Winster}} '''温斯特:''' ''... I'm not sure if I can escape the blame. It is clear that the path he has chosen will be laden with many sacrifices.''
*{{StoryIcon|Winster}} '''温斯特:''' ''我不明白,那孩子的所作所为,难道没有预见到会引发很多无谓的牺牲吗?''
*{{StoryIcon|Winster}} '''温斯特:''' ''And in part, it started with my own judgment that we need some kind of force to combat the Garen on land.''
*{{StoryIcon|Winster}} '''温斯特:''' ''而我也有责任。毕竟当时判断要对地面上的伽恩族施以武力的也是我。''
*{{StoryIcon|Winster}} '''温斯特:''' ''The sense of betrayal, rage, and hatred that I felt... I see it reflected in Haivan's own actions.''
*{{StoryIcon|Winster}} '''温斯特:''' ''我所抱有的被背叛感、憎恨、愤怒……而海云正原封不动地走在我过去所走过的丑恶的道路上。''
*{{StoryIcon|Winster}} '''温斯特:''' ''And I cannot just standby and watch him walk down that path. If it's too late to stop him, then I...''
*{{StoryIcon|Winster}} '''温斯特:''' ''我……不能视而不见。如果已经无法挽回的话……到那个时候……''
*{{StoryIcon|DyB}} '''蕾娜:''' ''Winster...''
*{{StoryIcon|DyB}} '''蕾娜:''' ''温斯特……''
*{{StoryIcon|Nichel2}} '''尼采:''' ''But we still don't know why he's doing all this. Not even you, Winster.''
*{{StoryIcon|Nichel2}} '''尼采:''' ''但我还是不明白那孩子的目的是什么。叔叔你也一样。''
*{{StoryIcon|Nichel2}} '''尼采:''' ''When we see him... We should listen to what he's got to say. That has to come first.''
*{{StoryIcon|Nichel2}} '''尼采:''' ''找到海云……听听那个孩子的想法,我觉得这才是目前最重要的事情。''
*{{StoryIcon|Winster}} '''温斯特:''' ''......''
*{{StoryIcon|Winster}} '''温斯特:''' ''……''
*{{StoryIcon|Nichel2}} '''尼采:''' ''And... If he truly betrayed us, you will have to wait for your turn. Because I will tell him where to shove it.''
*{{StoryIcon|Nichel2}} '''尼采:''' ''而且,如果海云真的背叛了我们,除非叔叔拦着我,我是绝对不会原谅他。''
*{{StoryIcon|Ish}} '''露:''' ''Well said, Nichel. That brat needs to good bang on the head to see some sense!''
*{{StoryIcon|Ish}} '''露:''' ''说得好,尼采。对待那些不听话的小鬼,就应该给他们屁股来上几大板,让他们清醒过来!''
*{{StoryIcon|Chv}} '''希尔:''' ''Lu...''
*{{StoryIcon|Chv}} '''希尔:''' ''露……''
*{{StoryIcon|Ish}} '''露:''' ''So don't give up. You've survived all these years after being chased to the ocean. It will be a shame if you give up now.''
*{{StoryIcon|Ish}} '''露:''' ''所以不要轻易放弃。从你逃到大海之后,不是一直都挺过来了吗?''
*{{StoryIcon|Ish}} '''露:''' ''Let's go. The soul fragments are moving further away as we speak. We should hurry if we want to catch up.''
*{{StoryIcon|Ish}} '''露:''' ''我们出发吧。灵魂已经跑得远远的了,我们得加倍努力追上才行。''
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ElEditors, Administrators
