Story/Chapter 64: Difference between revisions

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The chaos unsued by the interloper ends. The El Search Party receives help from the Torta Dream Demons and finally head to the Steel Wall.
The chaos unsued by the interloper ends. The El Search Party receives help from the Torta Dream Demons and finally head to the Steel Wall.
*{{StoryIcon|?}} '''???:''' ''-''
*{{StoryIcon|DyB}} '''Rena:''' ''Yes, that's it. And then you tie the knot.''
*{{StoryIcon|Blu}} '''Ain:''' ''The bandage can come loose while you're applying, so make sure to watch out for that.''
*{{StoryIcon|RaS}} '''Laby:''' ''Ok! Like this... ... Done!''
*{{StoryIcon|RaS}} '''Laby:''' ''Yay! All better! Now high-five!''
*{{StoryIcon|DyB}} '''Rena:''' ''Haha... Raven is not fully recovered yet. That was just basic first aid...''
*{{StoryIcon|Blu}} '''Ain:''' ''Yes. So no high-five for you, Mr. Half-Nasod.''
*{{StoryIcon|RH}} '''Raven:''' ''I wasn't planning on it.''
*{{StoryIcon|Ricardo}} '''Ricardo:''' ''That looks convenient. I wonder why we don't have a healer?''
*{{StoryIcon|Ish}} '''Lu:''' ''That's because you only need a little rest to be fully recovered. If you're really jealous, go lick your wounds.''
*{{StoryIcon|Ricardo}} '''Ricardo:''' ''That's no help... Ey, Shaddie. Support me better, will you? You're tilting me.''
*{{StoryIcon|Shaddie}} '''Shaddie:''' ''Sorry, will power is not enough to make Shaddie taller!''
*{{StoryIcon|Ricardo}} '''Ricardo:''' ''Anyway, who are you? I didn't see you in any of their dreams.''
*{{StoryIcon|Ish}} '''Lu:''' ''Hmph. Of course you haven't. That's because my presence is too immense and ancestral to be witnessed by your power.''
*{{StoryIcon|Ricardo}} '''Ricardo:''' ''Wait, really? You're the real deal?''
*{{StoryIcon|Ish}} '''Lu:''' ''Absolutely disrespectful... If you don't believe me, watch and see. Everything will be proven once we reach the Great Steel Wall.''
*{{StoryIcon|Ricardo}} '''Ricardo:''' ''.......''
*{{StoryIcon|Ricardo}} '''Ricardo:''' ''... I don't know. I doubt it.''
*{{StoryIcon|Ish}} '''Lu:''' ''Tsk! You would still talk back to me?''
*{{StoryIcon|Chv}} '''Ciel:''' ''Calm down, Lu. Be the bigger person.''
*{{StoryIcon|Min}} '''Rose:''' ''(He's still abrasive... But it seemed that he finally acknowledged who Lu is.)''
*{{StoryIcon|Min}} '''Rose:''' ''(... What will be waiting for us ahead?)''
*{{StoryIcon|Chv}} '''Ciel:''' ''How much farther do we have to go? You're not leading us somewhere suspicious, are you?''
*{{StoryIcon|Ricardo}} '''Ricardo:''' ''Have so little faith in me? Look over there. You should be able to see the gate that way.''
*{{StoryIcon|ES}} '''Elesis:''' ''He's right! I see the gate! Why haven't you been able to go through?''
*{{StoryIcon|Ricardo}} '''Ricardo:''' ''Let me show you. Ey, check that contraption next to the gate.''
*{{StoryIcon|CEs}} '''Eve:''' ''There's a sensor. Perhaps the door opens when it recognizes the subject?''
*{{StoryIcon|Ricardo}} '''Ricardo:''' ''Heh, why don’t you try.''
*{{StoryIcon|Ish}} '''Lu:''' ''Hmph, of course it will open. Behold, I shall show you that I'm the true Steel Queen.''
*{{StoryIcon|Ish}} '''Lu:''' ''Now, open the gate!''
*{{StoryIcon|Ish}} '''Lu:''' ''What...! Why doesn't it open? I said I'm the true Steel Queen!''
*{{StoryIcon|Chv}} '''Ciel:''' ''(Does it not recognize her because it's not her true form?)''
*{{StoryIcon|Blu}} '''Ain:''' ''You lied to us all this time, Ms. Demon?''
*{{StoryIcon|Ish}} '''Lu:''' ''Stop it! I'm in no mood to jest! Mrr... This must be a mistake! There's something wrong!''
*{{StoryIcon|Ricardo}} '''Ricardo:''' ''Hahaha! Keep going! You do it five times or so, and you'll be attacked by a battalion of airships. It's really a sight to behold.''
*{{StoryIcon|RH}} '''Raven:''' ''Speaking from experience?''
*{{StoryIcon|Ricardo}} '''Ricardo:''' ''You can say that again. That gate does not open. It's made that way.''
*{{StoryIcon|Ricardo}} '''Ricardo:''' ''The gate is also just carved to look like a gate. Go look closely if you're curious.''
*{{StoryIcon|Lib}} '''Noah:''' ''It doesn't open? Why would someone make something like that?''
*{{StoryIcon|Ricardo}} '''Ricardo:''' ''It's all a trap. Hahaha! Isn't it entertaining?''
*{{StoryIcon|Ricardo}} '''Ricardo:''' ''The massive bounty on the Steel Queen was a scam! A ploy! Who would have imagined!''
*{{StoryIcon|CEs}} '''Eve:''' ''The alarm is set to ring after a slight delay when you reveal your identity...''
*{{StoryIcon|CEs}} '''Eve:''' ''It's made to harm whoever claims to be the Steel Queen, whether real or fake.''
*{{StoryIcon|Ish}} '''Lu:''' ''After... me? Why...? To this extent...''
*{{StoryIcon|Blu}} '''Ain:''' ''... We understand we cannot use this gate. Then how can we go over this wall?''
*{{StoryIcon|Shaddie}} '''Shaddie:''' ''For that, we have forged a path! If it's alright with you, I'll take you there, Boss!''
*{{StoryIcon|RH}} '''Raven:''' ''Um...''
*{{StoryIcon|Shaddie}} '''Shaddie:''' ''Yes, Boss! What can I do for you?''
*{{StoryIcon|RH}} '''Raven:''' ''... What did you call me?''
*{{StoryIcon|Shaddie}} '''Shaddie:''' ''Huh? Well... You won against Big Boss, so you're the new Boss. That's why I'm calling you Boss!''
*{{StoryIcon|KE}} '''Elsword:''' ''Wow... Raven, you have subordinates now...''
*{{StoryIcon|Min}} '''Rose:''' ''I don't think Raven is interested in becoming a part of your group... Besides, he's not a demon.''
*{{StoryIcon|Shaddie}} '''Shaddie:''' ''Aw, it's fine. We don't care about those things!''
*{{StoryIcon|RH}} '''Raven:''' ''I uh... still would rather if you don't call me that.''
*{{StoryIcon|Shaddie}} '''Shaddie:''' ''Wha...? Boss, what do I do? It seems Big Boss doesn't want to be called Boss!''
*{{StoryIcon|Iccus3}} '''Ikus:''' ''Then what do we call him?''
*{{StoryIcon|Ricardo}} '''Ricardo:''' ''I don't know. Why don't you like it? This never happened before.''
*{{StoryIcon|Eris3}} '''Eris:''' ''Mm hm... Oh! What about Chief?''
*{{StoryIcon|Shaddie}} '''Shaddie:''' ''Oh, that's good! You can also differentiate from Boss!''
*{{StoryIcon|RH}} '''Raven:''' ''I'm not comfortable with that either...''
*{{StoryIcon|CC}} '''Chung:''' ''I don't think you're allowed to refuse.''
*{{StoryIcon|Chv}} '''Ciel:''' ''That's right! Didn't you say something like, everyone serve under you if you defeat the alpha dog... Or something like that?''
*{{StoryIcon|Chv}} '''Ciel:''' ''You act all cool, saying those things only to abandon them the next moment? They want to serve you, just let them be. You fit the role.''
*{{StoryIcon|RH}} '''Raven:''' ''You seem too entertained. Am I sensing your grudge from the earlier match?''
*{{StoryIcon|Chv}} '''Ciel:''' ''Nope! You must be hearing things.''
*{{StoryIcon|RH}} '''Raven:''' ''.......''
*{{StoryIcon|DB}} '''Add:''' ''Enough with the chit-chat and lead us the way right now! We're in a hurry!''
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