Although the group had obtained the potential key and soul, they get a nasty surprise when Haivan decides to betray the group, following his idealistic way. Despite beating the machines, however, the group, especially Elsword, is shocked to learn that Berthe is present, and stronger than eve. They were prepared to fight, but Add manages to trick them into gathering around the main power source to activate the portal, although it was Winster's request, as they return to Elrianode.
Elsword:Winster, are you really coming with us? Haivan seemed pretty serious about you resting.
Winster:It's alright. You still need a guide.
Nichel:... I'm surprised. He never acts that seriously.
Lu:Hoho, perhaps he was intimidated and had to leave due to my charismatic presence.
Winster:Haha, perhaps. I thank you again for making the decision to aid us.
Elsword:Huh? I see open space.
Laby:Look, Nisha! There's a huge lake! It looks just like you, just bigger!
Add:Is that the secret laboratory? It looks much more advanced than the junk we've seen so far.
Aisha:It's still mind boggling that somewhere like this exists in the Demon Realm.
Rena:Is that...
Winster:Yes, it's the soul fragment of the White-Ghost King.
Chung:Wait, what is Haivan doing there?
Haivan:... You've come. I knew you would.
Haivan:I mean, you're stubborn like that.
Winster:Haivan? Why did you go up there? You should be able to control the energy source from down here.
Haivan:Sometimes you have to take risks.
Whiiiir... Crack!
Haivan:... You heard that, right? I used the gem you gave me to activate the Titan.
Winster:The Titan...? How...?
Haivan:Sorry about that. You know, I was just going to let you go... But I can't have you interfering with the soul fragments.
Haivan:Don't worry, I'll make good use of this gem.
Winster:Haivan...! Haivan! What are you doing?
Haivan:I'm not an idealist like you, father. You told me that the soul fragments of the White-Ghost King is scattered all across the land.
Haivan:How are we supposed to collect the soul fragments when we're stuck down here while the Garens have free range! Wake up, father. You can't revive the White-Ghost King.
Haivan:The era of the White-Ghost King ended ages ago. It's a shame you never realized it.
Add:I knew he was up to something. I won't let you get away...! Dynamo!
Haivan:It's too late. Either you go back where you came from, or die here. I'll let you choose.
Lu:You little... brat!! Give us back the soul fragment of Aegirp!
Haivan:I guess you'll die here, then.
Elesis:Wait... Stand back, everyone! Something's coming!
Ara:Haivan, you told us that you wish to be free to go up on land.
Ara:We don't have to do this. We are not your enemy!
Lu:Aegirp tried to make a world where the two races peacefully coexist. When she comes back, you won't have to live like this!
Lu:You ungrateful brat! Don't you realize that we're all trying to help achieve that goal?
Haivan:I'm not an idiot like you, who believes what the White-Ghost King achieved is something great.
Haivan:Imagine trying to tape together what is already broken. It will be too easy to break it again.
Haivan:Useless trash, that barely looks fine on the outside.
Haivan:That's what the White-Ghost King created.
Chung:I thought... You respected your father. Without help, you alone can't...!
Haivan:I don't need anyone. Especially not the White-Ghost King. Just look at the people here.
Haivan:They have the technology to fight, yet they hide away like a coward.
Haivan:They're just like tamed animals waiting for the White-Ghost King!
Raven:Was that what you meant when you said you must do everything on your own?
Haivan:The death of the White-Ghost King was an opportunity for me. I was not tamed! I will stand up on my own and become a pioneer to carve us a path.
Nichel:You're wrong, Haivan! Didn't you see what the village people went through? What they sacrificed?
Haivan:Hm, I don't know what you're talking about. Did they sacrifice anything?
Ciel:He's not listening to anything we've got to say.
Elsword:Kugh... we need to find Haivan and stop that thing! Where is the cockpit?
Aisha:I don't know! Shouldn't we do something about those machines that are attacking us first?!
Winster:... The cockpit is inside the machine.
Add:Is that the control panel? Can you overrule his commands?
Winster:No. However, I can check the internal structure. Even that seems to have changed significantly though.
Winster:... But all you need to find is the energy source. And that will always be at the center. As long as you stop the energy source, everything will stop operating.
Eve:Then please let us know how to enter. The gem will run our of power if we do not stop this quickly.
Elesis:It's the only energy source we've got to return to Elrios. If we lose it, there's no guarantee when we can go back.
Winster:You won't be able to approach the normal route, as the security system is activated at the moment.
Winster:However, if you neutralize the sub security system on both sides and the central one on the top, it should open a pathway inside.
Quest Completion Dialogue
Chung:Did we do it?
Ain:I see the pathway. We should be able to enter from there.
Elesis:Let's hurry, it's no going to be open long.
Winster:Wait, please take this.
Eve:What is it?
Winster:It's a communication device. You will need my help once you're inside.
Add:And you expect us to trust you? How do we know it's not a trap to lead us astray?
Winster:Please, trust me. The internal structure is more complicated than you think. Also...
Winster:If you accidentally destroy a core part, the portal might no open. I will do my best to minimize the damage so please...
Winster:... Please... My son...
Add:... Tsk.
Eve:Understood. We expect clear instructions. I will handle the...
Collect 5 Glaciem Can be obtained by playing Rigomor region dungeon, or through Bismuthinite and Glaciem Ore.
The generator must be destroyed to stop Haivan and the titan.
Quest Acceptance Dialogue
Chung:Looks like we're inside the laboratory.
Ain:Even though it doesn't really look like a laboratory. Looks like the structure is shifting a lot. I wonder if Mr. Dog can actually help us.
Winster:....... ..., ...... ... ...
Add:... I see. So you're checking the structure using the control device outside... Understood.
Add:Hey, the main power source is down there. Let's go.
Haivan:Congratulations making it inside!
Haivan:I wonder if you can get through all the obstacles and take the gem?
Elesis:Grrr... He's toying with us!
Aisha:If only I can smack his head right now!
Rena:It's not going to be easy. He must have something up his sleeve.
Add:Hmph, he's just a coward stuck in the cockpit. The main power source is over there. We found it earlier than I thought.
Chung:So that's the main power source...! I see the gem at the center.
Ain:Be careful Mr. Guardian. I sense powerful energy.
Laby:Laby... Feel so weak...
Raven:Something's wrong. Stand back away from the power source!
Winster:... ... ... ....
Add:He said the internal security system strengthened because we approached the power source in an abnormal route. We need to destroy the medium that's transmitting the energy.
Add:We won't be able to deactivate the main power source without taking care of those first.
Rose:Ah, you mean those robots. I see. How many are there?
Add:Four. Let's spread out.
Elsword:Alright. Everyone be careful. It won't be easy.
Ciel:Prepare yourselves.
Quest Completion Dialogue
Haivan:... Not bad. I was sure you'd be exhausted by now.
Aisha:As if we'd be too exhausted to teach you a lesson!
Raven:What happened to the security system protecting the main power source?
Rena:It's clear!
Elesis:Good! We just need to take the gem now, right?
Haivan:Not so fast. You think that's all that I got?
Haivan:If you want to take the gem, fine. But you better be prepared for what happens next.
Ara:I wonder what he means by that...
Add:The dog outside isn't sure either. He could be bluffing, or he might be up to something.
Add:He said to take it, but he might have set up something. Like a self-destruction device...
Ara:But do you really think he'd do such a thing? He'll be within range of the explosion if it happens...
Lu:We can't say. He's been rather unpredictable.
Raven:I don't think he'd put himself in harms way... But then again, he might have an emergency escape system prepared.
Ciel:Then how we're going to escape that situation, I guess, is the real question.
Eve:Even if something like that does happen, Aisha, Chung, and I can mitigate some damage.
Aisha:Let's avoid that situation if we can though. I used a lot of my mana and Eve overexerted herself. Besides, it's not just us that will be hit.
Laby:We need to save Winster and Nichel too!
Chung:We can't waste too much time though. Elsword, what do you think?
Elsword:... I want to take the gem. It won't change anything if we just stand around here and do nothing.
Elsword:Even if we regret it later, it's better to take action.
Rose:Yes, quick action is preferable at this moment.
Zero:Yeah. One thing for certain, if we don't take that gem, we'll definitely lose our way back home.
Ain:If that happens, you just make sure to guard yourselves. I will protect Mr. and Ms. Dog.
Rena:Did I hear that right? Ain?
Ain:Is it so strange?
Rena:No. I mean, yes, but it's good.
Elsword:Alright, let's take the gem!
Haivan:... Hey, sorry to interrupt your moment, but I can hear everything you say.
Haivan:Well, I gave you a choice! Don't hate me later, ok?
Ciel:Tsk, as we suspected...!
Eve:The energy overload caused an explosion... The wind...!
Raven:It's hard to stay standing. Don't be swept away.
Collect 5 Glaciem Can be obtained by playing Rigomor region dungeon, or through Bismuthinite and Glaciem Ore.
There's no time to lose. Go through the gap and stop the energy overload of the generator.
Quest Acceptance Dialogue
Winster:... ...! ... ... ...!
Add:Ugh...! He says the main power source is overloading.
Rena:At least it's not self-destructing?
Add:Can't say it's any better. It might be safe if you're outside, but we aren't guaranteed to stay alive if we get caught.
Winster:... ...! ... ... ...!!
Add:You need to calm down, we're the one inside this thing. We're not running away. Is there any way to deactivate the power source now?
Winster:...? ... ...?
Elsword:Winster. Do you hear me? The portal inside the Titan is our last hope to return to Elrios.
Eve:Even if we escape now, we need to be able to activate the portal later. We'll do everything we can. Please help us.
Winster:... .... .... ... ... .... .... ....
Add:Right now, the main power source is disconnected from the transmission device, so it's taking the energy directly from the gem.
Add:Without the sub units that prevent energy loss, we should be able to deactivate it as long as we exploit its weakness.
Winster:... ... ....? ... ...
Add:We have no other choice. Don't worry, handling impossible situations is our specialty.
Aisha:I bet we're the only ones that can take care of this in all of Elrios and the Demon Realm!
Ara:Yes! As a member of the Haan family, and a martial artist, I cannot stand down!
Elesis:We can do this. Let's stop Haivan and return to Elrios!
Winster:... ... ... ...
Add:I checked if we can operate the portal the moment we stepped inside. It looked vaguely familiar.
Add:We should be able to use it once we stop the stupid brat. Why are you asking?
Winster:... ... ... ...
Add:... Just in case? ... I won't stop you, but I'll decide. I don't entirely trust you.
Add:... ... So, where do I input the coordinates?
Quest Completion Dialogue
Zero:It's a success! The energy source is stabilizing.
Winster:... ..., ... ...
Add:Hmph, everything worked out fine in the end.
Aisha:Uh... Now I really have no mana left...
Rose:Look! The White-Ghost King's soul fragment appeared again.
Lu:... So this is Aegirp's soul... I feel it's strength and elegance... Just as I remember.
Crack... Slam... Crrrraaack...
Ciel:Ah, I can feel it, too. Although it feels much more wild and destructive to me...
Lu:No, Ciel! That's not the soul! Up there!
Elsword:Uh... What's happening? Is everyone ok? I can't see anything because of the dust...
???:... It's not exactly what you promised, but still satisfying.
???:The boy that resonates with the El... I didn't expect to see you here.
Elsword:This voice...?
Ciel:He's taking the White-Ghost King's soul fragment! Who are you?!
Berthe:Shame we have no time to play.
Elsword:Could it be...? Berthe...!!
Winster:No... Haivan's still there... Haivan! Run!! Don't stay there!!
Haivan:... You could have joined in the fun in you arrived earlier. And I wouldn't have had to work so hard.
Berthe:Kuahaha! Are you blaming me, for your carelessness?
Haivan:... Of course not. Now that you have the soul fragment, and seen my skills, it's time to uphold your part of the bargain.
Berthe:Fine. I appoint you to be the Chief Portal Engineer of the White-Ghost Army.
Winster:Haivan...? Why... No, you wouldn't do something like this... Berthe! What have you done to my son!
Haivan:Ugh... He still doesn't understand...
Berthe:Ah... Still alive, I see. Your words wound me. After all, weren't we comrades under the same lord?
Winster:You traitor! You killed Lord Aegirp and brutally murdered your kin! How dare you speak of our lord!
Berthe:Kuahaha! I thought you might respond like that. But kin? Why should I consider you low breeds kin?
Berthe:I expected you'd show some respect for your betters. You'd think even a dog would know who holds its leash.
Winster:You dare...!
Berthe:We wasted too much time because you wouldn't help our efforts to invade Elrios. It doesn't matter. Looks like your son will continue what his father has failed.
Elsword:You think I'll let you?! We already defeated you back in Feita! We won't let you invade Elrios again!
Berthe:Pesky humans.
Aisha:Elsword! Are you alright?! How did he become that strong?!
Lu:... I sense Aegirp's power. Did he absorb the soul fragment?!
Raven:Is that why he looks different from Feita...?
Berthe:Considering our past, I'll allow you the honor of testing my new power!
Raven:Ugh...! This presence... He's definitely stronger than before!
Rena:Not good... Everyone's still exhausted. We're at a disadvantage right now.
Elsword:We defeated you once! There's no reason we can't do it again!
Vmmmm-- Vmmmm---
Elesis:Wait, this sound... It's the signal of the demon army from Velder!
Ciel:Is the demon army approaching...? This can't be good.
Berthe:Kuahahah! How will you fight, without the advantage of numbers?
Chung:... We were too hasty. We should've known demons will not act alone...
Winster:... ... ... .... .... ...
Add:Hey, everyone. I have an idea. Gather around the main power source.
Ciel:What? Wouldn't it be easier for them to target us if we're all in one place?
Add:Didn't we win earlier because of my brilliance? Unless you've got something better, shut up and do as I say!
Elsword:Add... Alright, everyone, to the power source!
Berthe:No matter what tricks you have, you will all die here!
Winster nodded towards Lu, who was surrounded by light.
Quest Acceptance Dialogue
Rose:Everyone's here. But... What do we do next?
Add:... Just wait. It should be done soon.
Eve:Add? What are you...
Nichel:Kugh... Hurry! Add, Winster!
Elsword:Winster? Add?! What are you doing!
Rumble Rumble...!!
Raven:...!! This light...!
Aisha:We're... floating?
Eve:The energy is gathering at the center... Don't tell me you activated the portal?!
Berthe:You think I'll let you get away?!
Elesis:Nichel! We've got to help...!
Add:... Stop struggling. Once you're under the portal's domain, you can't get out.
Lu:Add! What is the meaning of this!!
Winster:Please, don't blame him. This was my request.
Winster:I apologize for proceeding without your consent, but this was all rather unexpected...
Lu:You... Didn't you ask for my aid in the White-Ghost King's revival?!
Winster:You are a respectable ruler. I apologize for ever doubting you.
Lu:Answer my question! If we leave like this, what will happen to...!
Winster:... It was an honor to meet you. Please... I ask that you remember our promise.
Quest Completion Dialogue
Gaia:I will be on my way.
Ventus:Hm... Don't get me wrong, Junior. I don't think you're weak or anything, but wouldn't I be the better choice?
Gaia:I want to go, Master Ventus. I can't just stand idly by, after Master Denif and the priestesses have done everything they can to find the portal engineer.
Gaia:If only I've done my part... Then the El Search Party and Elrianode would have never been in danger in the first place...
Gaia:... And Laby...
Denif:Stop. It's no use blaming yourself now.
Denif:The most important thing right now, is to bring the portal engineer to bring them back.
Gaia:... I understand. Don't worry, I'll be just as fast as Master Ventus. ... Hm?
Gaia:Is this...?!
Ventus:It's strong. Henir's energy...? No... This can only be...
Anduran:Master Denif! Master Denif!
Denif:What is it?
Anduran:Master Denif! The El Search Party is back from the Demon Realm!
Gaia:Truly? How...
Anduran:But some of them are seriously injured... You must hurry!