Von den Debrian aus der fernen Vergangenheit in einer anderen Dimension konstruiert, haben sich hier auch Nasod aus Elios niedergelassen.
Elysion ist die Hauptstadt wo der Vater der Nasod, Adrian Nasod ,regiert.
Durch Yuno's Opfer in Elysion angekommen. Das Abenteuer um die Geheimnisse von Solace und ELs Frau aufzudecken geht weiter. Was plant Solace in Elysion...?
Kapitel 23: Was ist los in Elysion?
Während ihrer Suche nach Solace und ELs Frau erreicht die Eldritsucher-Truppe endlich Elysion. Durch Eves Hilfe können sich Elsword und der Rest der Truppe als Atlas-Krieger ausgeben, wo ihnen auch eine Angst einflößende Nachricht von Solace vermittelt wird. Als sie Elysion betraten, erklärte ihnen Bernard, dass der Eingang zu Adrians Wohnstätte versiegelt ist. Als die Kommunikation mit Adrian unterbrach, verloren die Nasod die Kontrolle und verursachten Chaos in der Umgebung der Stadt. Mit der Hilfe von Durenda retteten Elsword und seine Truppe die Nasod-Arbeiter außerhalb der Stadt und fanden heraus, wo sich Solace-Festung befindet.
[Dungeon] Code-Reaktionen untersuchen
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites
Schließe die Quest Überbringt Yunos Speicher Storyquest ab
Es wurde auf der Suche nach Solace und ELs Frau bekannt, dass die Hernasyd auf einen speziellen Code reagieren. Um das näher zu beleuchten, solltest du zum Himmlischen Scheideweg gehen und die Hernasyd näher untersuchen.
Elsword:Das ist Elysion, der Ort, von dem Yuno gesprochen hat ...
Ara:Wenn Yuno auch dabei sein könnte ...
Lu:... er hätte sich mit Sicherheit gefreut ...
Rena:... so, so! Warum sind alle so niedergeschlagen? Da wir nun in Elysion angekommen sind, sollten wir darüber nachdenken, was als Nächstes zu tun ist.
Elesis:Ja! Müssen wir nicht auch Yuno zuliebe weitermachen? Schließlich hatte er eine Bitte an uns.
Elsword:Ja ... Solace! Alles geht auf diesen Kerl zurück!! Wir sollten ihn schnellstens finden und ... !
Aisha:He, du Dummkopf! Wo willst du so plötzlich hin?
Raven:Aisha hat Recht, Elsword. In einer solchen Situation ohne Plan loszulaufen ist nicht nur Zeitverschwendung, sondern kann uns alle in Gefahr bringen.
Elsword:... na gut. Was wollen wir also tun?
Elesis:(Warum ist Elsword nur so ungeduldig? Ob ihm die Sache mit Yuno mehr zu schaffen macht, als gedacht?)
Eve:Mit Moby und Levy drüfte ich in der Lage sein, die Umgebung auszukundschaften. Nachdem wir uns umgeschaut haben, sollten wir uns in Bewegung setzen. Moby! Levy! Auskundschaften! ...Moment. Ist das etwa ... das Signal eines Nasod von hier? Es reagiert auf meinen Code.
Add:Oho, der Code der Königin scheint selbst in einer anderen Dimension noch Einfluss zu besitzen?
Elesis:Wow, das ist phänomenal! Dann sollten wir nicht nur so rumstehen, sondern die Umgebung erkunden! Vielleicht gibt es einen Nasod, der auf Eve reagiert.
Elsword:Gut, dann sollten wir schnell aufbrechen!
Aisha:*seufz* Warum hat er es bloß so eilig? Warte, Elsword!!
Rose:This is Elysion.. The place Yuno wanted to visit...
Zero:This isn't the time to be sentimental, Rose. You heard what the kid said! Are you planning on mocking his sacrifice?
Rose:... Yeah. We can't do that. We can't just act without a plan. We have no information about this area...
Zero:Wait! This trail... it seems like someone already passed through here.
Rose:Huh? There were others?
Zero:Yeah... So you're saying the Nasods are responding strangely to the code here... Follow me! We have to investigate!
Es ist klar geworden, dass die Hernasyd auf einen besonderen Code reagieren. Dies solltest du dir zunutze machen, um dich bei den Nasod als entsandte Streitkraft aus Atlas auszugeben und über den Himmlischen Scheideweg in das Dorf Elysion zu gelangen.
Eve:Sämtliche Nasod in dieser Region reagieren auf meinen Code. Wir konnten das zwar schon in Altas sehen, aber die Technologien, die hier zum Einsatz kommen, sind weitaus fortgeschhrittener, als alles, was wir auf Elios an Nasod-Technologie hatten. ... Das ist die 3. Generation!
Aisha:Erstaunlich ... Und diese Nasod reagieren alle auf Eve?
Add:(Hahaha! Ich lag richtig, wie erwartet. Eve enttäuscht mich nicht!) Dann dürfte es sinnvoll sein, diesen Punkt auszunutzen. Beispielsweise könnten wir dafür sorgen, dass sie uns nicht als Feinde, sondern als Freunde ansehen.
Lu:Oho, das scheint mir wirklich ein guter Plan zu sein! Das hast du gut gemacht!
Add:Ähm ... ja, nicht der Rede wert ...
Eve:..Das ist wirklich kein schlechter Plan. Ich werde mich dann sofort in ihren Code einloggen. Moby, Levy, helft mir bitte.
Chung:Ob es nun vorbei ist?
Ciel:Es ist noch nicht viel Zeit verstrichen, wir sollten noch etwas warten.
Elsword:Eve! Dauert es noch lange?
Ara:El ... Elsword! Du störst. Sei bitte leise.
Lu:Pst! Sei still. Es ist zu laut!
Chung & Ara: Tut mir leid!
Aisha:Elsword, hast du nichts zu sagen?
Elsword (???): (Endlich. Die Göttin, die das Eldrit beschützt ... )
Elsword:Hm? Was
Aisha:*seufz* Lass gut sein. Ich bin selbst schuld, dass ich etwas von dir erwartet habe.
Elsword:Ah, nein, so meinte ich das nicht ... Was? Ich hatte den Eindruck, etwas gehört zu haben ...
Eve:Login abgeschlossen. Die Eingabe dürfte erfolgreich gewesen sein, aber es ist immer gut, sich noch einmal zu vergewissern. Benutzen wir die Route, die mir die hiesigen Nasod gezeigt haben. Hier entlang!
Rose:Can you explain more thoroughly?
Zero:Listen up, Rose! It seems like someone tampered with the Nasod code here.
Rose:Um, is that possible?
Zero:With my skills, it wouldn't be completely impossible. Let's modify this and...
Rose:When will it end? At this rate, we'll be here until dawn.
Zero:Rushing me... Okay, it's done! The Nasods will think we are one of them.
Rose:You're sure, right?
Zero:Don't you trust me?
Zero:Hey! What's with the silence?! Rose!! Where are you going?! Answer!!!!!
Elsword:Argh! Warum greifen sie uns an? Eve, etwas scheint schief gelaufen zu sein.
Aisha:Eve ist doch nicht du!
Eve:... bei der Ausführung gab es keine Fehler. Da es sich aber um ein neues Technologiesystem handelt, könnte es sein, dass es einen Code gibt, zu dem ich keinen Zugang hatte. Ich werde das überprüfen.
Die Hernasyd wurde beseitigt, und du bist zwar bis zum Eingang des Dorfes von Elysion gelangt, aber es trat ein Funken-Hologramm auf, das uns die Worte von Solace überbrachte. Im Anschluss daran wurde die beiden Steinstatuen am Eingang des Dorfes mit Leben erfüllt und stellten sich uns in den Weg. Beseitige Herna-Orb und Herna-Schild, die den Eingang bewachen.
Rena:Puh, wirklich ungeheuerlich. Ob es auch drinnen solche Typen gibt?
Eve:Der Code, der nur auf die Befehle einer bestimmten Person hört ... der Zugang zum Zentralcode ist abgeschnitten..
Raven:Ob es wohl Solace war, der den Zugang abgeschnitten hat?
Elesis:(Solace? Argh! Seit der Sache in Ranox ... kriege ich Kopfschmerzen, sobald ich diesen Namen höre. Warum nur ...)
Elsword:Nanu? Das ist doch ...
Aisha:Was ist das denn, Elsword Warum verhältst du dich in letzter Zeit so seltsam?
Ara:Bist du vielleicht krank? Ich mache mir Sorgen um dich.
Elsword:Nein, es ist nichts ... Aber seit wir hier sind, habe ich ein schlechtes Gefühl ...
Ara:Wirklich?! Also ich fühle gar nichts.
Elesis:(Argh! Mein Kopf!)
Chung:Oh, dieses Muster ... Seht, dort!
???: Ich hätte nicht gedacht, dass ihr bis hierher kommen würdet. Elsword ...'
Elsword:Wer ist das? Diese Stimme ... Warum wird mein Name genannt?
???: Dass du bis hierher gekommen bist, ist zwar lobenswert, aber es ist noch zu früh für dich. Wenn du alles aufgibst und sofort umkehrst, bin ich bereit, dein Leben zu verschonen.
Elsword:Das ist doch nicht etwa ... Solace? Wo versteckst du dich?! Wir werden dich augenblicklich ... !
???: Wie erbärmlich. Spielst du immer noch dieses kindische Spiel namens 'Eldritsucher'? Wenn du dich ergibst, werden dein Fleisch und Blut sowie das deiner Kameraden einem tragischen Ende entgehen können. Sei dir bewusst darüber, dass die Entscheidung bei dir liegt.
Elsword:Was? Wovon sprichst du?!
Elesis:Es tut mir leid, aber ich lehne ab! Wieso gehst du davon aus, dass du unser Ende bestimmen könntest?
???: Du hast wirklich nicht die geringste Ahnung. Die Verhandlungen sind fehlgeschlagen.
Add:Argh! Was ist das für ein Beben?
Aisha:Argh!! Dort oben, die Statue am Eingang des Dorfes ... sie bewegt sich!
Lu:Seid vorsichtig! Ich spüre eine unheilvolle Kraft von dieser Statue ausgehen!
Rose:Thanks to you, I had a good battle.
Zero:Stop it, will you...?! I said it's not my fault!
Rose:Yes, yes, I understand.
Zero:... Rose.
Rose:I said I understand!
Zero:That's not it. Move aside!
???: ... Who are you guys? You guys don't look like the El Search Party.
Rose:That's something we should be saying.
???: Well, that doesn't matter. You also seem to be after the El Lady..I will not hand her over.. I will have mercy on you all. If you give up everything and leave this place, I will let you return to Elrios safely.
Rose:So you're.. Solace.
???: I'll make you a deal. If you help me, I will help you accomplish your goal.
Zero:Really? Tell me more details! I was destined to be the capital's-...
Rose:No, thanks. This was ordered by the Imperial Princess-.. If I don't solve the problem, it's meaningless.
Solace's Symbol: ... The deal is off. I have no choice but to stop you guys with military force.
Elsword (???): (Eldrit ... der einzige ... Beschützer ... hier lang ...)
Aisha:Hey, Elsword!
Elsword:... Oh, hast du was gesagt?
Aisha:Ja, habe ich! Weißt du, dass du grade total seltsam bist? Seit wir in Elysion sind, geht das so!
Elsword:Ich? Wieso denn?
Aisha:Von wegen, wieso! Du bist doch sonst immer so laut, aber hier sprichst du leise mit dir selbst und denkst ständig an was anderes!
Chung:He, ihr zwei, beruhigt euch! Ich meine ...Ah! Wir sind doch im Dorf, also wie wäre es, wenn wir uns auf die Suche nach Hinweisen zu Solace machen?
Rena:Ein guter Plan! Aber ... wo fangen wir an?
Eve:Die Kinder von hier meinten vorhin, dass es einen Nasod gibt, der das ganze Dorf verwaltet. Ich denke, dass wir dort mit der Suche beginnen sollten.
Elesis:Sehr gut, Eve! Dann sollten wir schleunigst aufbrechen! Hier entlang, richtig?
Elesis:(Elsword ist wirklich nicht er selbst ... Ob ihm die Worte von Solace zu schaffen machen? Argh ... Mir tut auch der Kopf weh, seit ich die Stimme von Solace gehört habe. Ich hoffe, das ist nichts schlimmes ...)
Zero:Anyway, don't you learn? I've said it already but this body is an ecliptic defense...
Rose:I guess this is the village. Seems there are only Nasods here..
Zero:Are you ignoring me now? Who's the one that brought you here in the first place...!
Rose:Ah, that Nasod over there... Seems like it's the Nasod in charge of this village.
Zero:Hmph! Based on what the others have said, he's Bernard.
Bernard:Hm. Wir haben ein Problem. Ein wirklich großes Problem. Hmm ...
Elsword:He, du da! Bist du der Nasod, der dieses Dorf verwaltet?
Eve:Elsword, wie unhöflich! Benimm dich bitte!
Bernard:Hmmmm ...? Ihr seid doch ...! Seid ihr die ausgesandten Streitkräfte aus Atlas? Ich habe zwar Nachricht erhalten, aber ich hätte nicht gedacht, dass ihr so schnell ankommen würdet.
Add:(Oho, im Dorf scheinen die Befehle von Eve ordentlich zu funktionieren. Dass sie uns als ihre eigenen Streitkräfte ansehen ...*kicher* Wie lustig!)
Ara:Nein, das ist ein Missverständnis, wir sind ...
Rena:(Psst! Dank Eve werden wir gerade als deren eigene Streitkräfte aus Atlas gesehen!)
Ara:(Oh ... Da hätte ich beinahe einen großen Fehler begangen.)
Bernard:Ja. Vielen Dank, dass ihr zu dieser Zeit gekommen seid! Das beruhigt mich ein wenig ... Ich bin Bernard, der Verwalter dieses Dorfes von Elysion.
Chung:Bernard, kannst du uns sagen, wie die Situation hier ist?
Bernard:Ja, auch ihr solltet Bescheid wissen ... Die jüngsten Geschehnisse nehmen alle ihren Anfang, dass die Nachrichten aus dem Palast von Adrian nicht mehr bei uns ankamen.
Eve:Adrian? Du meinst doch nicht etwa ... Adrian, den Vater der Nasod? Ist Adrian etwa hier ...?
Bernard:So ist es. Der Palast, der dort in der Ferne zu sehen ist, ist der Ort, an dem Adrian, unser Schöpfer, sich befindet. Unser gesamter Tagesablauf richtet sich danach, welche Befehle uns aus dem Palast erreichen ... Aber plötzlich blieben die Befehle aus. Anfangs dachten wir, dass es sich um einen kurzzeitigen Fehler handelt ... Aber die Zeit verging und wir erhielten keinerlei Nachrichten mehr.
Raven:Bedeutet das nicht, dass etwas im Palast geschehen ist?
Bernard:Ja, so scheint es zu sein. Wenn man sieht, dass nicht nur die Umgebung des Palasts, sondern auch diese Gegend hier stärker bewacht wird ... scheint mir die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass im Palast etwas passiert ist, hoch zu sein ... Und .. Ich weiß zwar nicht, ob es was mit der Sache zu tun hat, aber in jüngster Zeit verschwinden auch die einfachen Nasod, die zur Erkundung aufgebrochen sind, reihenweise.
Lu:Soll das heißen, dass ihr gar nichts unternommen habt, obwohl die Situation so ist?
Bernard:Die Nasod dieses Dorfes können sich ohne Befehle aus dem Palast nicht in Bewegung setzen. Uns bleibt nichts anderes übrig, als uns hier in Bereitschaft zu halten ... Ah ... aber selbstverständlich ist dieses Dorf sicher. So war es schließlich schon immer ... aber ... es fällt schon auf, dass sich so viele ungute Ereignisse häufen.
Elsword:Wir müssen mehr als alles andere einen Typen namens Solace finden. Weißt du vielleicht, wo er ist?
Bernard:Solace? Wer ist das? Diesen Namen habe ich nie zuvor gehört ...
Elsword:Du kennst ihn nicht? Aber vorhin, am Eingang war doch ganz bestimmt die Rede ...
Eve:Beruhige dich, Elsword. Wir müssen uns zunächst mit Informationen um diesen Ort hier versorgen.
Bernard:Hmm... This is bad. This is really bad. Hmm...
Rose:How do you do, officer?
Zero:No need to be so formal.
Bernard:Hmm...? You guys are...?! Ah, are you part of the Atlus army? I heard about this but I didn't think you guys would get here so soon..!
Rose:(When did we become part of the Atlas army...?
Zero:(Are we being recognized due to the change of code from before?)
Bernard:Yeah.. Thanks for coming at a time like this! I'm relieved... I am Bernard, the one who oversees this Elysion village.
Rose:We want to know what's going on here. There are a lot of guards outside the village.
Bernard:Yeah, you guys should know... All of this happened at the same time communication was cut off from Adrian's Palace. All schedules in our village are decided based on orders from the Palace, but... All orders have suddenly stopped. At first I thought it was a temorary error... but after some time, communication has ceased.
Zero:Did something happen at the Palace?
Bernard:I think so...it's not only around the Palace. Even the guards nearby have been powered up... It's highly possible something happened at the Palace. And... Although I can't be sure..Nasod Scouts have also gone missing.
Rose:The situation doesn't look too good... The Nasods in this village seem laid back. Is that okay?
Bernard:The Nasods of this village are not allowed to move without orders from the Palace. I have no choice but to wait here... Ahh.. Of course, this village will be safe. It's been fine here..but strange incidents have been occuring...
Collect 'Defense System Memory' (Celestial Crossroads, "Very Hard") 0/10
Bernard explains that because of the Herncyds monitoring the village. communication with Adrian has stopped. To investigate, he asks that we collect the memory of the defense system from the Hernacyds in Celestial Crossroads.
Bernard:Hmmm... I can't help but be worried... Not being able to communicate with Adrian's Palace.
Ciel:Does anything come to mind?
Bernard:Right now there's a first class defense system activated near this village. If the defense system had stored memory from the time it was until now, we can easily figure out what happened but... Like I said before, we can't move unless we're ordered to. Unless we receive a separate order, we'll have to stay put and protect this village.
Lu:They really know how to obey orders. Right, Ciel?
Ciel:... Lu, what are your intentions behind calling me?
Lu:Ohohoho! It's nothing! Let's go get that defense system's memory from that Nasod!
Ciel:Don't change the subjects, Lu.
Rena:Sometimes those two are a comedy duo.
Chung:R-.... Really...?
Bernard:Hmmm... I can't help but be worried... Not being able to communicate with Adrian's Palace.
Zero:Wait, doesn't something feel off?
Bernard:Right now there's a first class defense system activated near this village. If the defense system had stored memory from the time it was until now, we can easily figure out what happened but... Like I said before, we can't move unless we're ordered to. Unless we receive a separate order, we'll have to stay put and protect this village.
Rose:... Waiting for orders in a situation like this... it doesn't seem efficient.
Zero:You'll be defeated if you didn't have an elite AI like me. Do you understand now, Rose? Exactly how great I am..
Rose:I guess we'll reclaim the memory of the defense system.
After checking the collected memory, we were able to find out about Solace and the situation of Adrian's Palace. After realizing that the disappearance of the Elysion citizens were related to the Herncyds, Bernard asks that we deliver this message to the village chief, Durenda.
Eve:I never thought something like this would have happened...
Elsword:Why? What is it?
Eve:Currently, Adrian's Palace is blocked from any outside contact because of a barrier.
Bernard:A barrier... Adrian... What happened to Adrian?!
Eve:We won't know what to expect based on the documented information. The energy waves from teh barrier.. It matches the energy responsible for moving the statue at the entrance.
Raven:It seems like Solace is responsible for creating a barrier around the Palace..
Bernard:How could this be... The Palace...
Eve:One more thing, the Nasod guards have been abducting the Nasod scouts.
Bernard:I can't believe it... Is this what's been happening outside the village?
Aisha:Exactly! Couldn't you have still put together a group to scout the area?
Bernard:That's impossible... Without the Palace's orders, our code forces us to stay here. Hmmm... We can rescue the captured Nasods and gather information from them. First... we'll have to send this information to the Nasod troops stationed in the village and Hernacyd's officer in command, Durenda. They might be able to figure something out.
Eve:I see, I'll start searching immediately.
Zero:Ah... so that's what happened.
Rose:What happened?
Zero:Adrian's Palace can't be contacted from the outside. There's also a mysterious barrier surrounding it...
Bernard:A barrier... Adrian... What happened to Adrian?!
Zero:That's all I know. I've told you everything that was documented. Huh? I see Solace! I feel like he's using diceon and some other power for something...
Rose:It's a memory that contains some foreign documentation. It's not enough information, though.
Bernard:How could this be... The Palace...
Zero:Wait, is that... a guard? Why is that guard abducting other Nasods?
Bernard:I can't believe it... Is this what's been happening outside the village?
Rose:We're not too late! Let's gather scouts to investigate the situation and come up with a plan...
Bernard:That's impossible... Without the Palace's orders, our code forces us to stay here. Hmmm... We can rescue the captured Nasods and gather information from them. First... we'll have to send this information to the Nasod troops stationed in the village and Hernacyd's officer in command, Durenda. They might be able to figure something out.
Upon hearing the news, Durenda says he has not recieved a command nor commanded the Hernacyds. Since outside access to Adrian's Palace has been blocked, Durenda guesses that security measures have gone up due to the operating emergency defense system. Since Durenda's command won't go through and the special code can't be accessed, we decide to stop the evil deeds of the Hernacyds in Celestial Crossroads first-hand.
Add:Tsk! Stop whispering.. That lady, she heard about the Nasod scouts being abducted, right?
Durenda:Yes, I heard.
Elsword:... That's it?
Durenda:...? I was asked a question so I answered. Is there anything else you have to say?
Chung:Hmm.. From what we've investigated, the ones that have been abducting the Nasod scouts were the Nasod guards.. So..
Elsword:We came here because Bernard told us to deliver a message. Do you know anything about it?
Durenda:Bernard? Sigh, I was wondering who you guys were.. The Atlas army, was it? How pathetic of him, asking for help.. Initially I was going to send Nasod Guards under my orders, however that would only increase the tension between our allies. I sent Nasod Scouts instead. You think I'm the one who gave them those orders? Why would I order my units to capture other Nasods?
Add:Haa.. You really are bothersome! Eve, show the memory to this Nasod!
Eve:Don't order me around, Add.
Add:... Ack.
Add:You saw it clearly, right?
Elsword:Anything would be great. What do you think?
Durenda:Tsk..! But there is one thing. Ever since we lost communication with Adrian's Palace, the Palace guards have turned on us. Maybe it's because of that... If something bad were to happen at the Palace, it's defensive systems will activate. Perhaps that code had activated..which could explain why the Palace guards are acting that way.
Rena:That means...
Durenda:You probably deemed that dangerous, but if a direct command was given to them, then my orders wouldn't go through.
Durenda:If you're done, then I'd like for you to leave. It's almost time for Phobos to rest.
Ara:Phobos? Is there someone else here? I can't see him?
Aisha:Ahh.. Ara, don't say anything bad!
Eve:I tried to access the code of those Nasod guards, but as expected, access has been restricted.
Raven:We'll have to go up against the Nasod guards then.
Zero:Hey, you! You've heard of Nasod scouts going missing, right?
Durenda:Yes, I heard.
Zero:... What! Is that the end?
Durenda:...? I was asked a question so I answered. Is there anything else you have to say?
Rose:We searched the memory of the Elysion defense system. The Nasod scouts are being abducted by other Nasods.
Zero:Yeah! Bernard told me to find you. Do you know something?
Durenda:Bernard? Sigh, I was wondering who you guys were.. The Atlas army, was it? How pathetic of him, asking for help.. Initially I was going to send Nasod Guards under my orders, however that would only increase the tension between our allies. I sent Nasod Scouts instead. You think I'm the one who gave them those orders? Why would I order my units to capture other Nasods?
Rose:Hmm... How about showing this person the memory?
Zero:Haa, since you don't seem to get it. I guess I have no choice.
Zero ': Did you see? Now, talk! You must know something.
Durenda:Tsk..! But there is one thing. Ever since we lost communication with Adrian's Palace, the Palace guards have turned on us. Maybe it's because of that... If something bad were to happen at the Palace, it's defensive systems will activate. Perhaps that code had activated..which could explain why the Palace guards are acting that way.
Rose:So that means...
Durenda:You probably deemed that dangerous, but if a direct command was given to them, then my orders wouldn't go through.
Rose:It's that?
Durenda:If you're done, then I'd like for you to leave. It's almost time for Phobos to rest.
Zero:Phobos? What kind of unsophisticated name is that?
Rose:(... Let's keep those words to oneself, yes? They seem angry...)
Zero: So what? Let's go look for the Nasod guards! Follow me, Rose!
While battling the Hernacyds and rescuing the imprisoned citizens, we discovered that there are more imprisoned citizens left. Among the memories of the rescued citizens, information about Solace's Fortress was discovered! But due to a fatal error, more was unable to be extracted. To carry out Bernard's request and save the imprisoned citizens, we decided to return to Celestial Crossroads to find a citizens with a Solid Memory.
Eve:Is there something you want to tell me? Memory... You stored all the information in your memory? I'm really good. It seems that... there are a lot more captured Nasods than we though. This Nasod is asking us to save them.
Elesis:Do you have any other information?
Eve:... This... isn't the Palace. It's an extremely dark place... Isn't this a diceon cube? These stolen diceon cubes are from Atlus...it seems they're being used as an energy source.
Lu:A device nearby? Can you explain in more detail?
Eve:...It's memory has been damaged...It's data cannot be recovered. Moby, Remy... Repair this Nasod.
Elsword:For now, I think there's only one thing we can do.
Chung:Yeah, we need to go save our Nasod friends!
Ciel:If we're lucky, one of his friends might hold solid memories.
Elsword:Yeah, wait here! I'll save your friends!
Nasod Worker: Beep, Beep-
Rose:Huh? What are they saying? I'm not sure... huh...? Is this a memory chip?
Zero:Give it here! Hmm, there seems to be a lot of Nasods that have been abducted. What? Save your friends? Why should we...
Rose:Okay, I promise! Zero, do you have any other information?
Zero:Chh, you sure are stubborn. Wait here. I see strange place... I see Solace and questionable devices... They seem to be made from a huge amount of diceon...
Rose:A questionable device? What's that?
Zero:... The memory is damaged, I can't see anymore.
Rose:Hmm... As of now, the only thing we can do is save our Nasod friends.
Zero:Okay, alright! Well, we can find one with a more stable memory...
Most of the data of the rescued citizens were erased or unable to be read due to an error, but thankfully we were able to piece together the bits of data to figure out that Solace's Fortress was under Adrian's Palace. The area was inaccessible, though. Bernard said that Herbaon or Adrian might know a method, so we decide to go to Adrian's Palace to find a method to get to Solace's Fortress.
To arrive at Solace's Fortress, the El Search Party must enter Adrian's Palace and find the way through Herbaon and Adrian. With Hugo's help, they are able to destroy the barrier surrounding the palace. Once inside Adrian's Palace, Elsword and the gang deal with Herbaon's PooPangs and solve her puzzles through Hugo's code expertise. They reach Adrian safely, but Herbaon, who is protecting Adrian, mistakes them for intruders. After battling Herbaon and clearing up the misunderstanding, they awaken Adrian, who tells them everything that has happened to Solace.
Bernard:Ah.. Herbaon has been filling in for Adrian. He's Elysion's key code that is in charge of all construction and management. You can look at it this way...He's the one currently in charge of Elysion.
Eve:(Herbaon... The new key code made by Yuno...)
Add:... To find out how to get to Solace's Fortress we need to meet Adrian or Herbaon eventually.
Bernard:Yeah. They said Solace's Fortress is under the Palace, but don't know how to get there.
Chung:Hmm.. Weill we be able to bypass the Palace's barrier?
Bernard:That... is going to be hard, but... No one here knows anything about this barrier either... As you all know, we're...
Aisha:So you're saying you can't move unless you have orders, right?
Bernard:..I'm sorry we can't be of more help..
Aisha:So you're saying you can't move unless you have orders, right?
Raven:Guess this means we'll have to go there ourselves.
Bernard:..Ah! Now that I think about it, there's something I haven't told you guys yet. There's something strange that I noticed. I searched through the memory of the defense system you guys brought me last time....
Chung:Do you have any new information?
Bernard:I discovered a source near the barrier...it could be the one responsible for creating it..
Ciel:Who? Do you know this person?
Bernard:No, I know everything about the Nasods in this area but I have never seen that individual before.
Rena:So.. If we stop the person who created the barrier, the barrier will disappear right?
Elesis:Then there's no reason to wait. Let's go!
Zero:To get to Solace's Fortress we'll have to meet Adrian.
Bernard:Yeah. They said Solace's Fortress is under the Palace, but don't know how to get there.
Rose:But is the Palace's barrier passable?
Bernard:That... is goign to be hard, but... No one here knows anything about this barrier either... As you all know, we're...
Zero:Again with the orders.
Bernard:..I'm sorry we can't be of more help..
Rose:Haa... The only thing to do is go there ourselves.
Bernard:..Ah! Now that I think about it, there's something I haven't told you guys yet. There's something strange that I noticed. I searched through the memory of the defense system you guys brought me last time....
Rose:Did you discover anything new?
Bernard:I discovered a source near the barrier...it could be the one responsible for creating it..
Zero:What's that... is it a Nasod?
Bernard:No, I know everything about the Nasods in this area but I have never seen that individual before.
Rose:Hmm... I'm not sure if we can pass through the barrier.
We retreated due to the violent attacks to the Emperacyds. To request help, we went to find Durenda. Durenda gave a detailed explanation about the place of Adrian and the Emperacyds, and suggested that Hugo might know a method to go against the Emperacyds.
Durenda:How's teh situation beyond the barrier? Tell me.
Elsword:Sigh.. I couldn't look around with all the Nasods attacking me.
Durenda:Hm, so that's what happened. It seems he was in a hurry seeing he wasn't able to notice you guys. Perhaps they haven't heard of him yet, seeing as how it's in a state of isolation.
Add:Nasod. Didn't you come here for something?
Durenda:Ah, that's right. At first I thought you were simply Nasod soldiers, but you guys are stronger than I thought. I acknowledge your abilities, and so will Phobos.
Aisha:(Phobos?! Who is that?)
Ara:Don't pinch me, Aisha!
Durenda:The ones that attacked you are the Palace guards. They recieved orders from someone. That's why a warning was sent out, resulting in them attacking you.
Eve:Is this the one you spoke of before?
Durenda:Yeah, that's right. Herbaon. I have no choice.
Elsword:About what Bernard told us...
Lu:If it's your underlings, do something about those Nasods. WE can't move ahead!
Ciel:Relax Lu. You said you wouldn't listen to their orders.
Durenda:You seem to know it well. They aren't listening to my commands still but there is a way. Nasod Hugo... In this village, he knows the most information. With him, he'll be able to find a way to bypass the Nasod Guards. We'll, that's only if you can understand what he's saying.
Durenda:How's the situation beyond the barrier? Tell me.
Zero:Wh- What's with that attitude?! Hmph, I couldn't look around properly because we were being attacked by Nasods!
Durenda:Hm, so that's what happened. It seems he was in a hurry seeing he wasn't able to notice you guys. Perhaps they haven't heard of him yet, seeing as how it's in a state of isolation.
Zero:Weren't we looking for a reason?
Durenda:Ah, that's right. At first I thought you were simply Nasod soldiers, but you guys are stronger than I thought. I acknowledge your abilities, and so will Phobos.
Durenda:The ones that attacked you are the Palace guards. They recieved orders from someone. That's why a warning was sent out, resulting in them attacking you.
Rose:Is it the orders of that person?
Durenda:Yeah, that's right. Herbaon. I have no choice.
Zero:Are your subordinates still not listening to your orders?
Durenda:You seem to know it well. They aren't listening to my commands still but there is a way. Nasod Hugo... In this village, he knows the most information. With him, he'll be able to find a way to bypass the Nasod Guards. We'll, that's only if you can understand what he's saying.
Rena:Hmm? Seems like there's something here... Aaaahh?!
Hugo:S-, Sorry. I didn't meant to. I thought there was something wrong with the device and accidently dropped a part. What I looked all over...but I don't see it. I was thinking and looking at the ground at the same time. So I thought, hey, I should utilize the power of my Nasod arm to get it out! But! I had lent it to a friend who is a scout, and I was here wondering what to do, and at that moment, you guys showed up!
Ara:Ahh... I don't understand what you're saying.
Lu:Uuuuu.. My head hurts, Ciel. Go find out what they are saying.
Ciel:... There's a problem with the device... Hmm... Something was done to it...
Add:Chh...not being able to understand something this simple. Move. Hey, you know a lot about battle Nasods, right? Do you know about the Nasods inside the Palace, too?
Hugo:Ah! If it's about that, then I know! Yessiree. There's nothing I don't know about this place. I heard Adrian requested help, and then, um... So what I'm saying is, through those Nasods... Ah, no, so the...
Add:That... W-Wait, let me summarize...
Hugo:That... W-Wait, let me summarize...
Aisha:(Wow, it's gotten quiet. Such a strange talent.)
Rose:Is anyone here?
Hugo:S-, Sorry. I didn't meant to. I thought there was something wrong with the device and accidently dropped a part. What? I looked all over...but I don't see it. I was thinking and looking at the ground at the same time. So I thought, hey, I should utilize the power of my Nasod arm to get it out! But! I had lent it to a friend who is a scout, and I was here wondering what to do, and at that moment, you guys showed up!
Rose:... Zero?
Zero:You only look to me in these types of situations! Hmph! Hey, weird lookin' fella! Tell me about the battle Nasods inside the Palace!
Hugo:Ah! If it's about that, then I know! Yessiree. There's nothing I don't know about this place. I heard Adrian requested help, and then, um... So what I'm saying is, through those Nasods... Ah, no, so the...
Zero:Haven't you heard that time is gold? Are you not loaded? End it quickly!
Hugo:That... W-Wait, let me summarize...
Rose:(... He's helpful in these types of situations.)
Hugo informed us about the Emperacyds' components and a method to easily destroy them. The method was to destroy the barrier surrounding Adrian's Palace. He said that getting rid of the threat will make high alert emergency be lifted. To destroy the barrier, we entered Adrian's Palace and came across the one who create it, Dekal.
Hugo:It's not hard, nope nope! It's a simple principle! So in short, right now we're in a high alert situation, so battle Nasods have positioned themselves in and out of the Palace.
Add:No need to explain. I'm pretty sure I just asked for the main points.
Hugo:Ah, I might be able to remember... Why didn't I ask them... What was the reason...? If I knew, it would have been easier to handle...
Add:You sure are talkative. As a matter of fact, I'm interested in these Nasods. I guess I'll take you apart fir-...
Eve:I will not forgive those actions.
Add:... Just saying.
Hugo:Barrier... The barrier surrounding the Palace. You have to break it. The barrier, that is! If you break it... the threat level will weaken.. It should be released. Herbaon's emergency alert will stop and the Nasods will weaken in their attacks..
Add:... So if the Palace barrier is broken... the pests will vanish..
Aisha:Argh!!! Everyone knows that! We didn't waste our time just to hear something obvious!
Hugo:No-no-no-nope, not matter how amazing the mage is... it's not easy to maintain power of this magnitude. There will be! Certainly, certainly! Something that is maintaining the barrier! An emergency source or a battery, or... or something!
Raven:Hmm, I see... To maintain a barrier around the Palace isn't easy. If only we can find the power source...
Eve:Moby, Remy. Lend me your power. We need to find out what's powering this barrier.
Hugo:It's not hard, nope nope! It's a simple principle! So in short, right now we're in a high alert situation, so battle Nasods have positioned themselves in and out of the Palace.
Zero:What do you take my words for? I don't need an explanation!
Hugo:Ah, I might be able to remember... Why didn't I ask then... What was the reason...? If I knew, it would have been easier to handle...
Zero:If you make me mad... Ah, um... Rose will get you!
Hugo:Barrier...The barrier surrounding the Palace. You have to break it. The barrier, that is! If you break it... the threat levels will weaken.. It should be released. Herbaon's emergency alert will stop and the Nasods will weaken in their attacks..
Zero:It's easier than I thought. Destroy the barrier!
Hugo:No-no-no-nope, no matter how amazing the mage is... it's not easy to maintain power of this magnitude. There will be! Certainly, certainly! Something that is maintaining the barrier! An energy source or a battery, or... or something!
Once Dekal was defeated, the barrier surrounding the Palace disappeared. We passed the Emperacyds that had their emergency alert lifted, and entered the secluded area inside Adrian's Palace.
Elsword:This place is... the heart of Elysion, Adrian's Palace...?
Elesis:Now we can finally get inside the Palace.
Eve:A lot of supplies have been left in Adrian's palace. Adrian wanted to distance himself from the way of the world. He only longed to gather Debrians and create as many Nasods as he could...
Add:Hmm... Adrian...
Elsword:This is where Yuno used to be.
Ara:... That's unfortunate. He would have liked it...
Rena:... Everyone, cheer up, and let's look inside. Stopping Solace was also Yuno's request.
Rose:This is... where Yuno used to be.
Zero:Quite spectacular, no?
Rose:... It would have been better if he came with us.
Zero:Chh... We have to fix this for the sake of the kid! Hurry and follow me, Rose!
Adrian's Palace was full of Herbaon's PooPangs and puzzles. After struggling for a bit, we decided to ask Hugo for advice again. Hugo said that although Herbaon's puzzles were annoying, they're not that hard. He asked that we bring the PooPang Maneuver Code stuck inside the PooPangs. Let's go the Adrian's Palace where the PooPangs are and get the PooPang Maneuver Code.
Aisha:Urgh, I really don't want to go back there, but... I guess I'll need the help of that loud and annoying Nasod...
Lu:Huhu, don't be like that. We have a skilled translator called Add, right?
Add:Treating me like a translator...!
Elesis:Haha. Add is quite reliable, no?
Add:... Che.
Hugo:Ohhh, I heard it's been released. That Palace barrier! Amazing, really! I was of great help, right?
Add:Aside from the Nasods we encountered, there's a new type of Nasod. Have you heard anything about them?
Hugo:Ah, I know them! Herbaon created them. It's a hobby of his.
Ciel:It's a bit aggressive to be a hobby...
Hugo:Hmm... I don't think so. So it's not just a mere hobby. There was a puzzle, right? Those Nasods are guarding them. Because they have to protect them, Herbaon, and Adrian...
Add:We need to meet Adrian. We can utilize the Nasods protecting the puzzle to our advantage.
Hugo:There's a way, of course! Herbaon's puzzle is tiresome, but it's not as hard as you think. Oh, yes-yes. It's come to me. A magnificent idea! Can you bring it to me? The chip inside the Nasod dolls? I'll create a magnificent device for you!
Rose:We're wasting time. Shouldn't we ask Hugo for help?
Zero:Ah, go look for him again?
Rose:They are Nasods that know the most information about this place.
Zero:Haa... I'm tired!!!!!
Hugo:Ohhh, I heard it's been released. That Palace barrier! Amazing, really! I was of great help, right?
Zero:Why didn't you tell me about the Nasod dolls? What are they?!
Hugo:Ah, I know them! Herbaon created them. It's a hobby of his.
Rose:What a cute hobby.
Hugo:Hmm... I don't think so. So it's not just a mere hobby. There was a puzzle, right? Those Nasods are guarding them. Because they have to protect them, Herbaon, and Adrian...
Zero:Puzzle!!! That puzzle is the problem!! Is there a way to solve it?
Hugo:There's a way, of course! Herbaon's puzzle is tiresome, but it's not as hard as you think. Oh, yes-yes. It's come to me. A magnificent idea! Can you bring it to me? The chip inside the Nasod dolls? I'll create a magnificent device for you!
Hugo used the PooPang Maneuver Code that we gather and used his machine to install a confusion device inside it. Hugo informs us that if we stick this inside the PooPangs, they will stop following commands and start malfunctioning, so we head towards Adrian's Palace to go against the PooPangs.
Hugo:It's done. Look, look! How is it? Do you sense it? You sense it, yes?
Ara:I still don't understand...
Add:What do you want me to do with this?
Hugo:It's simple, really! If you insert it into a Nasod doll, then ta-dah! Their system breaks down! Then there will be a malfunction allowing you guys to pass through to where Adrian is! Simple!
Elsword:Urgh... Can I trust you?
Aisha:There's no other way, we'll have to head out first.
Rose:What a loud noise.
Zero:You're not destroying those chips... are you?
Hugo:It's done. Look, look! How is it? Do you sense it? You sense it, yes?
Zero:What's with this chip?
Hugo:It's simple, really! If you insert it into a Nasod doll, then ta-dah! Their system breaks down! Then there will be a malfunction allowing you guys to pass through to where Adrian is! Simple!
As Hugo predicted, the PooPangs began malfunctioning. But Herbaon's puzzle became violent and began attacking everything in sight. We deliver this message to Hugo and he asks that we bring him the PooPang Attack Code. Let's go to Adrian's Palace and defeat the PooPang to get the PooPang Attack Code.
Elsword:It'll really work this time for sure, right?
Hugo:It is! Please trust me! I modified a lot of the formulas. Now if you put this Ver. 2 chip... You'll be recognized as one of them! As a Nasod doll! Doesn't that make everything better?
Raven:Yeah, that's if the operation goest right...
Zero:We did it correctly this time, right?
Hugo:It is! Please trust me! I modified a lot of the formulas. Now if you put this Ver. 2 chip... You'll be recognized as one of them! As a Nasod doll! Doesn't that make everything better?
We deliver the collected PooPang Attack Code to Hugo. After careful thought, Hugo installs a special device. Hugo tells us that when the device activates, there will be a system error and we will be briefly recognized as PooPangs. He also told us that with this device, we can 'command' the PooPangs. After hearing the news, we head over to Adrian's Palace once more.
Hugo:Ah, I almost forgot! There's something I needed to tell you guys. Something really important! Because I put you guys through so much... I created special a special function for you. Will you accept it? Here, this!
Eve:What... is this? Isn't this the same chip?
Hugo:It's a little different! Read the codes inside! An exceptional Nasod like you won't have a problem analyzing it.
Eve:... That's useful information. How interesting.. Nasods that poses the same configuration chip can be controlled.
Add:(Hoh... this chip has that kind of function? Kuekeuk, I better keep at least one as research material.)
Hugo:Ah, I almost forgot! There's something I needed to tell you guys. Something really important! Because I put you guys through so much... I created special a special function for you. Will you accept it? Here, this!
Zero:What this? This is the same chip as the one we brought.
Hugo:It's a little different! Read the codes inside! An exceptional Nasod like you won't have a problem analyzing it.
Zero:Well, I accept that you're excellent. Hm... the code's unusual. With this we can even issue commands!
Rose:The work will be easier! Let's get rid of them once and for all!
Hugo's PooPang Attack Code operated correctly. As commanded, the PooPangs solved the puzzles and guided us to where Adrian was. We were able to reach Adrian safely, but Herbaon, who was protecting Adrian, mistaken us for intruders. Win the battle against Herbaon in Adrian's Palace and resolve the misunderstanding.
Aisha:Maybe... that guy named Herbaon is guarding it.
Herbaon:... Who are you guys? How did you get all the way here?
Elsword:Huh?!! That's...?
Aisha:Could it be..? He looks a lot like someone I know...?
Herbaon:... Atlas troops...? Lies... You guys aren't Nasods! Who are you guys?!
Ara:He's really small like Yuno! They look similar, too. Is that Herbaon?
Herbaon:Yuno...? Someone similar to me... Do you mean Herjuno? My father told me he betrayed Elysion.
Elsword:That's not true! For Elysion and Adrian, Yuno he...
Herbaon:Stop it! I get it now.. To have passed through the barrier... You guys are under Solace's command, aren't you? Isolating us with a mysterious barrier... Trying to control Elysion'c central power...! Solace, that coward!! Now matter what, I will protect my father! Go back now!!
Eve:Herbaon, calm down and listen to our story. We...
Herbaon:It-... It can't be... Eve... You're... Eve, right...? Father had always talked about you... How did Solace get to Eve... You guys changed all of Eve's data, didn't you?
Chung:No! Herbaon, what...?!
Herbaon:Wait for me, Eve. I'll defeat these bastards and return you back to normal. Father will be happy!
Chung:He's... not listening to me...
Elesis:We have no choice. Let's take that one down.
Rose:Is this Adrian's... room?
Zero:What's this? I don't see Adrian.
Herbaon:... Who are you guys? How did you get all the way here?
Rose:A Nasod that looks similar to Yuno... Is this Herbaon?
Herbaon:Yuno...? Someone similar to me... Do you mean Herjuno? My father told me he betrayed Elysion.
Rose:You're wrong! For Elrios and Adrian... Yuno...
Herbaon:Stop it! I get it now.. To have passed through the barrier... You guys are under Solace's command, aren't you? Isolating us with a mysterious barrier... Trying to control Elysion'c central power...! Solace, that coward!!
Zero:Hey, calm down and listen to me!
Herbaon:Now matter what, I will protect my father! Go back now!!
Rose:You really don't get it...
Zero:We have no choice, Rose! We have to face them until we subdue them.
Herbaon:Ah... Ahhh... Father... I'm sorry... I couldn't stop them...
Elsword:Listen, Herbaon. We're not on Solace's side...
Herbaon:Sh- Shut up! Don't come near! I said, don't come near me! Father....! I.... Aahh..
Eve:Herbaon, I don't know if you'll believe anything I say, but just keep this in mind... I acted on my own will with these people. I don't know if I made the right choice... but... I believe that at least these people... No... my companions, had reached out to me as my friend. At first they weren't realiable, but after traveling together and analyzing the data I've collected... I've concluded that... Even if humans of the world were to become my enemies, I would be able to trust only them.
Herbaon:... I'm still...
Elsword:Herbaon! Let us explain why we came here...
Herbaon:... Okay. In exchange, tell me where you're from. Don't come any closer.
Elsword:Okay, alright!
Elsword:... That's why we came to meet Adrian.
Herbaon:... Alright. I understand what you guys are trying to say. Herjuno, that guy... Did he know it would end like this..? Even while I was by father's side... I wasn't able to stop them....
Elesis:It's not your fault. You woke up after Solace had left.
Herbaon:... But I...
Eve:It's okay. We can still fix it now.
Herbaon:Eve... Okay, I'll make it so Elysion's Nasods won't attack you guys. I will... help you.
Herbaon:Ah... Ahhh... Father... I'm sorry... I couldn't stop them...
Zero:This kid sure is a handful!
Herbaon:Sh- Shut up! Don't come near! I said, don't come near me! Father....! I.... Aahh..
Rose:Listen to me. We aren't under Solace's orders. We came to stop him. Now, calm down... If it's okay, we'll tell you why we came here.
Herbaon:... I'm still...
Rose:It'll only take a moment. Would you give us a chance to explain?
Herbaon:... Okay. In exchange, tell me where you're from. Don't come any closer.
Rose:Thank you!
Rose:... And that is why we came to meet Adrian.
Herbaon:... Alright. I understand what you guys are trying to say. Herjuno, that guy... Did he know it would end like this..? Even while I was by father's side... I wasn't able to stop them....
Zero:It's... not too late. Will you help us?
Herbaon:... But I...
Rose:It's... not too late. Will you help us?
Herbaon:Okay, I'll make it so Elysion's Nasods won't attack you guys. I will... help you.
After resolving the misunderstanding, we decide to wake up Adrian to find out about Solace. With the help of Herbaon, we are able to wake him up. We tell Adrian about Yuno and the El Lady, and Adrian enlightens us about all that has happened regarding Solace.
Herbaon:I want to help, but there's a problem. Father is in a state of hibernation. I have not way of waking him up.
Elsword:In a state of hibernation?
Herbaon:Father wants to create Nasods for all eternity, but his body is human after all. Time has passed, and father's body had become weaker... He wakes up from time to time, but it's going to take a while for him to wake up this time. But it's not entirely impossible.
Elesis:What do we need to do?
Herbaon:We can alter the hibernation device's code in order to wake him up faster. For the sake of the situation... Eve, I need your help.
Elved: What is it... that I should do?
Herbaon:When we try to access the central core of the hibernation device, the vaccines will activate and try to attack us. I'll block those vaccines. During that time, you modify the code.
Eve:... Okay. I will start right away.
Chung:How's the situation?
Elsword:Let's trust them. Eve and Herbaon will be able to do it!
Herbaon:I want to help, but there's a problem. Father is in a state of hibernation. I have not way of waking him up.
Rose:A state of hibernation?
Herbaon:Father wants to create Nasods for all eternity, but his body is human after all. Time has passed, and father's body had become weaker... He wakes up from time to time, but it's going to take a while for him to wake up this time. But it's not entirely impossible.
Rose:What can we do?
Herbaon:We can alter the hibernation device's code in order to wake him up faster. For the sake of the situation... I need your help.
Zero:Wh- What? Me? You need my strength?
Herbaon:When we try to access the central core of the hibernation device, the vaccines will activate and try to attack us. I'll block those vaccines. During that time, you modify the code.
Zero:I'll help since the task is easy, but I won't forgive any mistakes!
Rena:Ah, look over there! Eve and Herbaon... They've open their eyes!
Eve:It is... a success?
Adrian:... Is it already time to wake up? It seems a bit early... Hm..? You are...
Elsword:That person is... Adrian?
Adrian:Eve... You're Eve, aren't you? I though you were destroyed during the war, but you're alive...!!
Adrian:Herbaon... I'll have to hear what he has to say about who these strangers are... and how Eve is alive and right before my eyes..
Herbaon:Father... They are...
Eve:I'll explain. I need your help, Adrian.
Adrian:... My selfishness has eventually transformed into anger... Herjuno, I've done something horrible.
Elsword:For... Yuno?
Adrian:When the child warned us about Solace, I was blinded by greed and refused to listen..
Eve:And why is that...?
Adrian:The El Lady... Solace suddenly appeared in Elysion with the heir. I... with the power of science thought I could overcome the strength of the El. I thought it would be possible to overcome the strength of humans who relied on the power of the El Lady... But after coming into contact with her, I felt it in by bones... This was something that was beyond human capabilities... The moment I felt it, I wanted to learn more about the El Lady and the power she possessed. I thought If I could interperet that power... I could use it to make Elysion a complete perfect place... a place for Debrians and Nasods to coexist together.
Elsword:What did... Solace say?
Adrian:For saving us from that meteor shower... he wanted a place to store the El Lady's body. I wanted to help them, so I provided them with our body preserving capsule and techniques... as well as a place to stay underneath the Palace. I knew Solace's goal wasn't just to preserve the El Lady... but I had no idea he was using diceon for his plans.
Elsword:As expected..!! What in the world are you planning? On top of that, you created a barrier around the Palace!
Adrian:... I have no words to say for my actions... With what's been happening, I can't hid the truth any longer.
Adrian:While concealing my own plans at the same time of giving into his wishes... I secretly implemented a device into the El Lady's hibernation capsule. It enabled me to hack into the control system of the hibernation capsule... Pathetic...
Herbaon:How could you...
Adrian:Solace discovered what I had done and he soon became enraged. Because the El Lady's hibernation capsule became unstable and fragile, he cast a barrier around the Palace to stop the device.. He even took control of Elysion's power to aid his plans..
Elsword:What, then... What's Solace trying to do...?!
Adrian:Unfortunately I don't know the whole plan. But if he's using that much of Elysion's central power... it could be enough to affect the whole continent..
Herbaon:Sorry, father... If only I had handled the situaiton better...
Adrian:You probalby weren't able to do much without knowing the true story..
Eve:You're not bad. The problem is...
Adrian:Yes.. this all started because my own selfish greed... I had no idea it would come to this... Herbaon... my child. I'm sorry. You've sacrificed a lot.
Herbaon:Fa-... ther...
Eve:Herbaon... is as good of a Nasod as Herjuno, Adrian.
Adrian:... Yes......... Of course... I feel ashamed saying this, but I think you're the only ones who can stop him. Solace... will become the greatest threat of this world.
Rose:... Ah! They're both moving..!
Zero:Is it a success?
Adrian:... Is it already time to wake up? It seems a bit early... Hm..? You are...
Rose:So you're Adrian... We finally meet!
Adrian:Herbaon... I'll have to hear what he has to say about who these strangers are... and how Eve is alive and right before my eyes..
Herbaon:Father... They are...
Rose:If it's okay, can I explain?
Adrian:... My selfishness has eventually transformed into anger... Herjuno, I've done something horrible. When the child warned us about Solace, I was blinded by greed and refused to listen..
Zero:... Humans are still foolish. An AI wouldn't make a mistake without reason.
Rose:Why did you ignore Yuno's warning?
Adrian:The El Lady... Solace suddenly appeared in Elysion with the heir. I... with the power of science thought I could overcome the strength of the El. I thought it would be possible to overcome the strength of humans who relied on the power of the El Lady... But after coming into contact with her, I felt it in my bones... This was something that was beyond human capabilities... The moment I felt it, I wanted to learn more about the El Lady and the power she possessed. I thought If I could interperet that power... I could use it to make Elysion a complete perfect place... a place for Debrians and Nasods to coexist together.
Rose:Using the El Lady..?!
Zero:Rose, wait! Let's listen to his words first.
Adrian:For saving us from that meteor shower... he wanted a place to store the El Lady's body. I wanted to help them, so I provided them with our body preserving capsule and techniques... as well as a place to stay underneath the Palace. I knew Solace's goal wasn't just to preserve the El Lady... but I had no idea he was using diceon for his plans.
Rose:Solace might have picked up on your selfishness and changed his plan.
Adrian:... I have no words to say for my actions... With what's been happening, I can't hid the truth any longer.
Zero:Alright! Tell us everything while you're at it!
Adrian:While concealing my own plans at the same time of giving into his wishes... I secretly implemented a device into the El Lady's hibernation capsule. It enabled me to hack into the control system of the hibernation capsule... Pathetic...
Rose:In the end, she was harmed..
Adrian:Solace discovered what I had done and he soon became enraged. Because the El Lady's hibernation capsule became unstable and fragile, he cast a barrier around the Palace to stop the device.. He even took control of Elysion's power to aid his plans..
Rose:It was hard to predict.. What exactly is Solace's real goal?
Adrian:Unfortunately I don't know the whole plan. But if he's using that much of Elysion's central power... it could be enough to affect the whole continent..
Herbaon:Sorry, father... If only I had handled the situaiton better...
Zero:You've done nothing wrong. That human is the foolish one.
Adrian:Yes.. this all started because my own selfish greed... I had no idea it would come to this... Herbaon... my child. I'm sorry. You've sacrificed a lot.
Herbaon:Fa-... ther...
Rose:... I'm reminded of Herjuno. He was a good kid.
Adrian:... Yes......... Of course... I feel ashamed saying this, but I think you're the only ones who can stop him. Solace... will become the greatest threat of this world.
Elsword and the gang finally manage to infiltrate Solace's Fortress and secure its entrance with Adrian and Herbaon's help. However, they still have no clue what Solace is planning with the El Lady. Meanwhile, Elesis's headache spells continue to get worse and the voices calling out to Elsword gets clearer as they get closer to Solace. What discovery awaits the El Search Party?
Adrian explains to the El Search Party about Solace's Fortress. Afterwards, he leaves Herbaon in command in order to go back to slumber. The Party continues on their way into Solace's Fortress with Elysion allies.
Elsword:We have to hurry... We're wasting time while Solace is...! Tell me, how do I get to Solace's Fortress?
Adrian:There's a secret entrance. One that Solace knows nothing about.. He probably still thinks I'm asleep... so he wouldn't be expecting me to tell you about this passage.
Add:That's good to hear.
Adrian:You know that Solace is gathering and bringing Diceon, right? Be careful. His army is strong because it's using Diceon energy. It won't be easy to reach the El Lady.
Eve:I don't think he gathered Diceon to simply increase his army. There must have been another motive.
Adrian:Yes, although he never revealed it to me.. I'm certain his plan involves the El Lady.
Herbaon:Father! I, too, for Elsword and Eve.. Allow me to help them!
Adrian:Yes, you should. I will enter hibernation again soon. Herbaon, help in attacking the fortress. I hereby entrust the command of all Nasods in Elysion to assist you. Please help me atone for my mistakes.
Herbaon:Yes, father! This time I will be of help... for father... and Elysion!
Elsword:Are you guys ready? Now, finally... We'll be heading to Solace's Fortress.
Eve:Continuing to fight here will only make it worse. It'd be best to retreat.
Elsword:Sis? You okay? You don't look so well..
Elesis:Ah, yeah. I'm okay, Elsword. (Ack, my headaches have gotten worse since I've been in the Fortress.. And on top of that, my memories... are hazy. What's going on?)
Solace's army made of Diceon had shown a different level of attack power than previous enemies. The El Search Party purposely attack place where Solace's army is less concentrated in order to break through for allies to pass. However, things aren't going as they planned, so the Party visit back to come up with effective battle strategies.
The Blacksmith tells you to analyze the fortress's structure inside and outside in order to make a better plan. The troops must be divided and employed according to each Nasod's ability. Elysion allies and the party head for the fortress of Solace.
Durenda:Securing entry was a wise choice. Our army needs to secure passage to the battlefield before we do anything.
Raven:Chung, your cannon really helped! Nice work!
Chung:I- I'm flattered!
Durenda:Good, let's occupy the area inside the Fortress one by one.. Don't be careless. An underground Fortress means there will be traps and surprises.
Collect Scraps of Nasod Birds, ('Solace's Fortress', "Hard of Higher") 0/10
After a fierce battle, the Party succeed in advancing further, but cannot continue to withstand Solace's attacks. The village's accessory merchant approaches the group and says there is a suspicious device inside the fortress. He asks the Party to find his Nasod birds in exchange for the exact location of the device. The group finds Nasod birds fallen inside the fortress and bring them to the accessory merchant. The merchant explains about the location and details of the Diceon energy device.
Elsword:... How are we supposed to right these guys...
Theodore:Worrying about it won't solve the problem. It's okay, don't rush into it.
Ara:Who... are you?
Theodore:Haha, have you guys guys explored the village yet? I've been watching you guys this whole time.
Elsword:You've been watching us..?
Theodore:Yeah, I was thinking on making a deal with you all!
Aisha:Do we look like we have the time to make a deal in this situation?
Theodore:Listen, I can send these Nasod Birds to collect information and stories. I've gathered a lot of information. I'm probably the first one to know about your arrival and the fight you had with the village entrance statues.
Ara:You're right! How did you know?
Theodore:The Nasod Birds I send off... I'm able to hear and see everything through them. So what I'm trying to say is... I need you guys to find the lost Nasod Birds inside Solace's Fortress.
Add:Hoh...? .... Alight, be we have one condition, too.
Chung:(Add?! We shouldn't be wasting time, right?)
Add:(Be quiet, fool. If we can just use him to our advantage.)
Theodore:I wasn't going to ask for you to do it for free, anyways. What is it that you want?
Add:It seems the Nasod Birds were sent into the Fortress... He must know something, right?
Theodore:Haha, you're sharp. I can share information. Inside the Fortress... there's a strange device consisting of Diceon. Strangely, whenever my Nasod birds get close, all communication stops... as if it's absorbing their Nasod energy.
Elsword:A device... that absorbs the energy of Nasods?
Raven:Is it possible because of that device that Herbaon's army has stopped working.
Theodore:There are birds inside the Fortress. I'll get them to find the location of the device if you bring them back safely.
Add:That's easy. Alright, that concludes the deal!
Ara:These aren't all the Nasod birds, but I hope we have enough.
Theodore:It's not all of them, but these are enough. You've gone through a lot finding them.
Eve:Has the location of the device been identified?
Theodore:Of course. I'll tell you the exact location. And this device... just know it's no ordinary device. I think it's best you visit Hugo and ask him about it.
Mysterious Boy's Accessory Shop Chat with Theodore
The El Search Party goes to an alchemist to find out more about this device. The alchemist listens to their story and explains to them that Solace's army gets their power from this device. He asks the group to destroy this device.
Hugo:Ah, we're acquaintances, right? It's nice to see you again! Okay-okay, what's the occasion? A fantastic invention... of mine... or perhaps you just want to see me? Haha, stop it! It's embarrassing.
Add:As usual, your babbling and gibberish. I came to ask something.
Hugo:Which... one?
Add:It's about the Diceon device found inside Solace's Fortress. Nasods using energy absorbed from Diceon.. There has to be more to it...
Hugo:Is... that true? Really? These situations happened as expected. I think I'm beginning to understand. How should I explain... That core...
Hugo:I'm not entirely sure... but those monsters... the ones that use Diceon energy... are probably receiving energy from the core. Did you know? What Diceon is? It's amazing. To be able to store such an energy source... and as much as they wanted..! And the Diceon energy can be remotely supplied. It makes them revive after getting attacked, attacked, and attacked. Endlessly.
Add:What is that...?!
Elsword:Then... We can attack the core first once we locate it! We need to cut off their energy supply!
Hugo:Keep that in mind! For sure! The core should be shut down first to stop Solace's soldiers...
Elsword:Alright.. Everybody remembers the location, right? Let's go!
Let's go to the location that the accessory merchant told us, where the sub-core of the Diceon energy device should be. (Elsword feels something familiar) The party breaks two devices but the attacks don't seem to be weakening. The Party discovers there are other hidden devices, thus they ask for help form the accessory merchant again.
The El Search Party goes back to the accessory merchant and lets him know that Solace's army is still rampant. The merchant sends Nasod birds again to the opposite side of the fortress and finds two other sub-cores. The sub-cores are linked to the gigantic central core in the middle of the fortress, which supplies energy to Solace's army and Diceon energy device. The power from the central core is similar to that of the El, the source of energy to operate Nasods. With full doubts about what Solace is up to, the Party head for the inside of the fortress to destroy the remaining sub-cores.
Rena:Um, over there.. I think Theodore has returned.
Theodore:Did I take too long? I have good news. Two more cores were discovered in the vicinity of the opposite end.
Are: Two? Two of them?
Theodore:However don't be shocked, I also have some bad news. The previous two cores and the new ones we found are all connected to the center of the fortress. It's all very suspicious so I'll have to look into it more. There seems to be a large central core. Starting from the sub cores, they're all receiving an immense amount of energy.
Eve:The central core... Is it gathering Diceon energy?
Theodore:You think so? Minus the energy used to supply power to the fortress and soldiers.. there seems to be another unknown source of energy... I was able to feel it indirectly through my Nasod birds... That energy was similar to the power of the large El...
Elsword:The great... Strength of El...
Theodore:The situation doesn't look good. I can't tell what Solace is really trying to do...
Elsword:The strength of El... Solace...
Theodore:Are you heading out to destroy the remaining cores?
Elsword:Yup, of course.
Theodore:... The central core. It's good to take note of it. Even though stopping Solace is the most urgent matter. The energy that the core emits... You can't ignore it.
Elesis:Shall we go destroy the remaining cores? Let's go, Elsword!
Elsword:Sis, are you sure you're okay?
Aisha:(What the... Those two...? What are they doing?)
The El Search Party destroyed all the cores and can now see the power of Solace's army diminishing. With only a little moment of relief, Eve senses a heavy mechanical vibration from somewhere and guides the Party to the central core.
Elsword:(That's really strange... Have I been here before? No, it can't be... But what is this feeling? Something feels familiar... And I feel a longing... This power... I'm sure I've felt it somewhere...)
As he gets nearer to the central core, Elsword once again feels something familiar. It's a familiar feeling, like the one you've know for a long time, but there's something else about it. When the Party arrive at at the central core, the surroundings change all of a sudden with huge tremors. Finally the shaking stops, and the Party sees a woman in front of them, sleeping in a capsule. Instantly noticing that the woman is the El Lady, Elesis suffers from a serious headache once more. Solace stares at Elesis, feeling sorry for her, and hands a sword to Elsword. Elesis and Elsword barely recover their senses, and the rest of the Party engages in a battle with Solace. When the battle comes to an end, the Party collapses by the force of Solace, and it was only Elsword who struggles to his feet. Upon looking at Elsword standing, Solace says that the time has come and starts the device. At the same time, the light beams through the device, and Solace and Elsword disappear into the light.
Elsword:Urgh... This place is... Is everyone okay?
Aisha:Give me a break... Uh?
Lu:Aaah... Getting surprises like this is tiring!
Ciel:Lu, are you okay? This area is a lot different than before...
Aisha:Up there..!
Rena:Then that means... The person inside...
Elsword:The El Lady...?
Elesis:... Ughhh...!!
Elsword:S- Sis!
Elesis:My head...
Solace: There was no choice. The El Lady is near, she's being naturally selected as the heir.
Elsword:Who are you?!
Solace: You've made it all the way here, Elsword... and the El Search Party.
Elsword:This voice is.. Are you... Solace?
Elesis:Aahhh..! My head... feels like it's splitting..!
Elsword:Elesis!!! Solace!! What did you do to my sister...?!
Solace: I already told you, didn't I? She has been chosen as the El Lady's heir, so naturally she's reacting to the El Lady's power. Elsword, I told you. Everything falls upon your decision. Is this the result of what you have accomplished this whole time? All you've done only slightly delayed the inevitable. Was the El Search Party fun? Let's end it now. This is the final test. How will you resist this power?
Solace: Show me the justice you speak of, and the true strength of you and your friends... Otherwise, you and your friends will... End your lives here.
Elsword:(Is this place...?... I don't see anything... What happened to everybody...? Solace... How did he... My body feels heavy.. It's hard to move...... The light... I see the light up ahead... Let's follow it.)
Elsword is transported to Solace's distant past and the truth slowly unfolds before our hero's eyes. The tragic series of events eventually leads back to our hero, Elsword. What choice will Elsword make for the people of Elrios? Continue the journey to find out!
Defeat Specter of Memory ('Halted Sun's Memory', "Any Difficulty") 0/4
Elsword opens his eyes into a mysterious space. There is only gloomy darkness where nothing can be seen. A faint light shines in from of Elsword, and he continues to follow the path where it leads him. A crying girl is seen kneeling in front of Elsword.
Elsword:(This place is...? I can't see anything... What happened to everyone...? Solace... How did he... My body feel heavy.. It's hard to move... A light... I see a light up ahead... I'll go there.)
The voice of Sigmund and his brothers: (Get lost, you bastard. You monster... You only possess abilities due to your bloodline. If it wasn't for you..!!)
Fenriart: (... Stop...!! How long are you going to torment me? I didn't choose to be born like this...... This isn't a problem I can't solve. I don't want to think about mother... and the village people I couldn't save.)
Hernia: Sniff... Sniff...
Fenriart: What's that? (That kid... the girl that entered Solace's family a few days ago... Was her name Hernia? She was discovered on the battlefield and is said to possess a great El ability...) You, what are you doing here?
Hernia: Ah...! It's nothing. I-...
Fenriart: ... I don't know what's going on, but no one here is going to care that you're crying.
Hernia: No... I was just...
Fenriart: (She has scars all over her body.) That pendant is damaged. Where's the gem, and why's only the string left?
Hernia: ... This is just... I think I lost it when I fell down...! I have to hurry... and find it, sniff...
Fenriart: (These aren't scars from accidents... It looks like traces of torture..... There aren't many who would do this. It has to be them.)
Hernia: I'm, I'm okay! Thanks for worrying about me...
Fenriart Solace, who was looking for Hernia, finds her crying at a corner of the garden. When he asks her what's wrong, Hernia refuses to tell Fenriart what happened as usual. Noticing a wound from Hernia's arm, Fenriart gets angry and tries to seek his brothers but is stopped by Hernia. Fenriart hands his pendant to Hernia and finds his brothers' soldiers who followed their order.
Sigmund:Wh-, What are you doing?! Guard!!!! Guard!!!!!
Fenriart: I'll make my brother pay for what he did to you.
Sigmund:How dare you point your knife at me...?! You think you can get away with this?! Let go! Aaaahhh!!!!
Fenriart: ... Next time, it won't end like this.
Sigmund:You... You..!
Fenriart: The one my brother really hates is me. Leave Hernia alone!
Fenriart: Yeah, come find me anytime. Then...
Sigmund:Kuhahah, letting your guard down like that, how stupid!!
Fenriart: ?!!
Hernia: Fenriart!!
(Flash!!) (Hernia's El power strikes Sigmund.)
Fenriart: Hernia?!!
Sigmund:What is this? This light?!! Aaaah!!!
Sigmund:Eu... uuuk... You brat... You, you won't get away with this...!!
Hernia: Fenriart, are you okay?
Fenriart: Uh, yes...
Hernia: Is this...?
Fenriart: Huh?
Hernia: My necklace and Fenriart's necklace... are shining... at the same time...
Fenriart: What...?
Fenriart's Mother: (Fenriart... This necklace is the Rubenian Resonance Stone. It is a magic stone that resonates with our El ability. It is a special stone that our ancestors wore to remember each other by... as they were spread throughout the continent...)
Fenriart: (Hernia... Were you a Rubenian like me...? The same as my mother and those villagers I couldn't protect...?!)
Hernia: Fenri... art?
Fenriart: No, it's nothing... It's late. Go and get some rest.
Hernia: ... You're always getting hurt because of me... I'm sorry...
Defeat Knight, Soldier, Spearman, and Magician of Solace's Family ('Halted Sun's Memory', "Hard of Higher") 0/20
Sigmund tires to hurt Hernia to take her El energy away, and Hernia desperately calls for Fenriart in a faint consciousness. Fenriart intuitively feels Hernia is in danger and saves her from Sigmund. Realizing Hernia can no longer be safe around his family, Fenriart suggests she should leave with him on the Night of Ishmael, when the successor of the El Lady is chosen.
Hernia: ... Fenriart is really amazing... Your El ability became stronger is just a short time.... Whew, how long has it been since it's been this peaceful? I wish everyday was like this!
Sigmund:Kuek, you... Why are you here... Keukhuhu, it doesn't matter! If I could just get this brat's El energy... I could become the Master!!
Solace: Stop!!
Sigmund:Shut up!!
Solace: Kugh!
Sigmund:I am the first of the Solace family and a being of the El! I can easily get rid of someone like you!!
Solace: Ke... euk, Le... t go... of Hernia!!
Sigmund:I can't do that. Once I take this brat's El energy, then I will become the world's greatest El being!! Keuhahaha!!
Solace: Stop!!
(Flash!!) (The El power of Fenriart pierces through Sigmund.)
Sigmund:Kugh...!! Cough... F... Fenriart... how dare you...
Solace: ... H, Hernia... Hernia!!!
Hernia: Fenri... art...?
Solace: Are you okay? Are you hurt?
Hernia: Run away, Fenriart! Sigmund won't let you get away!
Solace: ......
Hernia: Is that Sigmund? It can't be... Is he dead...?
Solace: ... If Sigmund took your El energy, you would have died... This place isn't safe for you. Many want to become Masters and would do anything in their power... Sigmund did try to take your El energy.
Hernia: Then... what do we do..?
Solace: Let's leave this place.
Hernia: ?!
Solace: It's the only solution. Staying here will put your life in danger.
Hernia: Fenriart... but...
Solace: The Night of Ishmael is when the next heir of the El Lady is chosen... Pack lightly and meet me in the backyard where we used to meet. I'll see you there, Hernia.
Fenriart arrives at Hernia's place as a promise to help her escape. However she never showed up, and he suddenly sees a huge pillar of light coming from Hernia's room. Fenriart quickly makes his way to her room, be she has been chosen as the successor of the El Lady and already left the house surrounded by envoys of the high priest.
Solace: (Hernia's not here yet...? Then again... the night watch will make it difficult to get away... If Hernia can't get out... I'll have to go and get her.... She's late.... I hope nothing is wrong.. Hernia's room is... that way... Huh...? What's that light...?)
Fenriart becomes shocked and saddened by Hernia's departure. Believing he cannot live a life without Hernia, he goes on to train to become a Master, only with the goal of getting back with Hernia.
Solace: (Why... why?! Why was it Hernia of all people....?! The El Lady... The fate of having to watch the El forever.. giving up being human... Her... nia... I can't give up like this...! I'll... bring her back....!! Now I remember this voice..! Master... I'll become the Master of the Sun no matter what!!)
Fenriart, appointed as the Sun Master, knows what sad life the El Lady is destined to have only to be a slave to the El. He grows a deep hatred of the El, the El Lady and the Master System. He only wishes to run away with Hernia and starts to make a plan. Solace falls in anguish when the preparation came to an end. He still hasn't made up his mind when the Harmony Festival is drawing near.
Solace: (... Hernia... did she decide to forget me and fully live her life as the El Lady...? Then should I respect her decision? I want to return to the old days with Hernia... Am I being so selfish? But...!!)
Ebalon:Solace, did you know about the Illuminous Phenomenon...?
Solace: Illuminous..? What do you mean?
Ebalon:Illuminous.. The fate of the one that becomes the El Lady. Those chosen to be the El Lady not only dedicate their life... but they slowly begin to lose their sense of reality as a human and eventually become a slave to the El.
Solace: ......!!
Ebalon:We Masters must dedicate our lives to the El as well, but the weight we bear is different... How tragic..
Solace: El Lady, it's just the two of us...
El Lady:... What's... wrong, Master Solace?
Solace: ... Hernia...
El Lady:... I see...
Solace: I know I shouldn't say this. But for me.. time has stopped since the night we decided to leave the family and the day you were chosen as the El Lady. It's not too late. Let's leave together.
El Lady:... I understand...
Solace: Hernia... If you continue to exist as the El Lady, your original self will begin to disappear. I don't want that..!
El Lady:... Fenriart. I'm no longer the young cry baby from the past. I'm now responsible for supporting all of Elrios with the El.
Solace: But...!
El Lady:I cannot put the whole world in danger for the sake of my own happiness. This... could be your path, too, Fenriart.
Solace: But Hernia!
El Lady:It's an earnest request. If you really are doing this for me, help me... so I can fulfill my responsibilities.
Solace: ... Hernia...
Solace: Denif! What's going on here?
Denif:Was that Solace...? I feel as if the events from one hundred years ago is happening again. Thankfully nothing big happened to the El Lady today. One hundred years ago, Henir fanatics attacked the El Lady, and the large El became unstable. The whole continent was on the brink of ruins..
Solace: Henir fanatics? What kind of people are they... to do such a thing...?!
Denif:Those fanatics worshiped Henir. They believed that everything that exists outside the universe of Henir should be destroyed. They wanted to be destroyed everything created by the ancient gods Elia and Ishmael. They've been after the El Lady and the El for quite a long time...
Solace: It can't be... Does that mean the current El Lady is at risk of being attacked?
Denif:As of now, we need to protect the El Lady at all costs..
Solace: (I can't have Hernia become an accessory to the El. No matter what... I must find a way to stabilize the large El without the El Lady.. If that's possible... Hernia will reconsider..!!)
Solace: (The preparation is done... At the Harmony Festival.. On the final day..!)
El Lady:... Fenriart.. I can't leave with you... Don't push me in this situation..
Solace: It's okay, Hernia. Everything is ready. The El will hold together even without your sacrifice. Let's really leave together this time. There's nothing that will stop us.
El Lady:Fenriart... Everything since that day has ceased to exist.... But I... The truth is... I can't really remember our times together in the past... My memories are a blur... Even if you were to take me away... We still wouldn't be able to share our memories... You'd be left with an empty shell of my former self...
Solace: No.. Hernia... For you, I will definitely..!
The Harmony Festival has begun. Solace eventually decides to quite his plan, but on the third day, his plan began to fall in place for some reason. Solace is panicking and tries to reach Hernia back was stopped by the masters. Knowing that he doesn't have enough time to explain what's happening now, Solace gets away from the masters and gets to Hernia. Upon finding Hernia performing a ceremony, Solace jumps into the ceremony and reaches his hand to Hernia.
Solace: (Today is the final day of the Harmony Festival... What... am I supposed to do? I can't leave Hernia like this... She's dying with her eyes open. But is it okay for me to ignore her will and take her for my own selfish reasons? Hernia might be right. Perhaps I haven't moved on from that day everything was taken from me.... I... let my own selfishness take over. I had a hard time accepting how much Hernia has grown... I almost threw her into more despair... Okay... Hernia... I'll... swear to dedicate my life to you forever as the Master of the Sun...)
Denif:?!!! What's going on?!!
(Chhng.... pshhh!!)
Denif:What in the world is going on?! What's wrong with the El?
Solace: !!!!! Why all of a sudden...?! (This phenomenon occurs when El Energy is divided! This is the first step in escaping with Hernia..!! How..? I didn't power it up but the plan is being carried out!!!!)
Denif:Everyone, calm down! The Priestesses and El Lady are inside the tower! Trust these people and secure the area!!
Solace: (No! According to my plan, the division should've been slower so the large El and the El Lady can be separated. This type of abnormal speed will make the El and El Lady unstable! Then... Hernia will...!! No!!)
Solace: Hernia!! Please open your eyes!! (No... At the Harmony Festival the El and the large El will manifest energy while being connected mentally. In this state, Hernia's consciousness is attached to the large El!) Please...! If only there were a way I could reach Hernia...!!
Solace: !! Mother's necklace... The Resonance Stone!!
Fenriart's Mother: ... The Rubenian Resonance Stone has the power to resonate for all eternity... allowing you to find others with the same...
Solace: With this!!
Solace: Hernia!! Hernia, answer me!! (Focus... let's focus. Hernia's necklace will react to the waves of the Resonance Stone...! Please... Hernia!!)
Solace: There!!
Hernia: ... Hart!
Solace: That's...?
Hernia: Fenriart, this way! Ahahaha!!
Fenriart: Hernia! Don't go too far!!
Solace: What... is this?
Hernia: You know, Fenriart. I don't get sad anymore when Signmund's soldiers bother me. Because when I look at this necklace.. and see it shine so brightly... I feel as if Fenriart is always next to me.. protecting me.
Fenriart: Hernia...
Hernia: No matter what I'm going through... You'll protect me, right...?
Fenriart: ... Yeah, whatever harsh situation Hernia is in... I... I will protect her as long as this necklace shines.
Hernia: Okay... that's a promise!!
Fenriart: Yes, I promise...!!
Solace: Hernia.. You didn't remember any of the past... Even in this situation like this... You didn't forget our promise..... Hernia! If you hear my voice... If you hear this resonance, show yourself! I will no longer bother you over my own selfish needs. You're already suffering, I don't want to cause you any more pain... This time... I will protect you...!!
El Lady:Fenri... art?
Solace: Let's... leave this place together...!!
Solace: Did we... escape?
El Lady:... What... How did this happen...?
(Crash... Boom...!!!)
Solace: Oh no, the large El is starting to overflow!
El Lady:No... how did the El get to this point... I... What will I do now...
Solace: ... Hernia.. Hernia..? Where are you trying to go..?!
El Lady:The El.. The El is calling for me... I have to go..!
Solace: No... it's too late! You shouldn't go any closer!!
Defeat Sun Master Solace ('Halted Sun's Memory', "Very Hard") 0/1
Elsword sees a faint light before his eyes once more. The surrounding areas become light then get dark and black again. Solace stands in front of Elsword's eyes. Elsword, finally determined, goes forward past Solace, and the faces of his friends flit through his mind. Finally Elsword reaches his hand and chooses the future of Elrios.
Solace: I'll say no more. You know very well what happened after.
Elsword:... The El exploded, and the shattered pieces spread throughout the continent. Only Ruben's El Shard... and the six protected by the Masters and Priestesses survived..
El Lady:(Ishmael... your power... I wasn't able to protect it!!)
Elsword:Kugh, illusions again..
Solace: ......
Elsword:You... What exactly were you trying to do? What were yo trying to achieve by crossing over to this dimension?
Solace: ... What did you feel after experiencing my memories?
Solace: Hernia fell into hibernation from the shock of the El exploding. It wasn't her fault... but she blamed herself for not protecting the El... The El... Why must we depend on its existence? I looked all over to find a place to conserve Hernia's body... after awhile I came upon Elysion. How did we end up become so dependent of the El...?
Elsword:We can't survive without the El! That's why I want to find the El Lady and restore peace to this world. And we've all had to make sacrifices to get here!
Solace: No, it's not like that. Now you know. That's the reason why we had to do this. Hernia imprisoned herself with guilt after the El Explosion. She won't wake up until the El is reconstructed and this world returns to how it was.. But the El if the El is reconstructed, Hernia will resume being victim to the El as the El Lady. Elsword, do you think this is what I wanted? Even after seeing what happened?
Elsword:Were you showing me all of this to educate me?
Solace: Yes indeed, your existence is important. You hold the strength to change this world and build a new future.
Solace: I have no doubt that Elsword is the one who holds the strength to change the future of Elrios.
Elsword:What... Are you talking about?
Solace: A power that resonates with El... And the pure desire to restore the El. I've been watching you. Your existence touches the deep roots of the El.
Elsword:It can't be... The visions I've been having... were delivered by the El?
Solace: Those visions that torment you are proof. Our beliefs you are the one that will change the world were not wrong.
Elsword:No, it can't be... I have memories of my sister, friends, and everyone I've met until now. My memories with them are there. Even if there is a part of me that I know nothing about... It doesn't mean I exist solely for the El!
Solace: ......
Elsword:I've walked this path with the help of others... for those who supported me... I promise to restore the El and bring peace to Elrios no matter what!
Solace: ... It was expected that you wished to recover the El. But if the El is reconstructed through your unconditional desire, history will repeat itself.
Solace: The El Lady, Masters, Priestesses, and I have existed for the El. We do not wish for any more sacrifices. A world without one absolute El... That's the future I desire for Elrios, and for this I have prepared for. All lifeforms are sharing the strength of the combined energy of Ruben's El Shard and the six attributes to live. With this we can create an Elrios which does not depend on the El.
Elsword:That's foolish... I can't believe it! Elrios will collapse without the El...!
Solace: ... If this is against your wishes, you can defeat me.. but in turn you will become the guardian of the El. If this is what you wish, sacrifices will be made. Starting with your sister... who is the heir...
Elsword:... Elesis...!!
Solace: Elsword... You must have felt something while fighting alongside your friends... You guys are strong and were able to withstand a demon army. But do you think you were able to win those battles due to strength alone? No... it was the result of all the people that helped you along the way. You can't change the world alone... To maintain the world and change it... you must be aware of all lifeforms that exist.
Elsword:I already know that! I know what kinds of sacrifices it took to get here. I'm only here because of all the sacrifices everyone had made... I don't want to put anyone through this again.
Solace: ... Now, the time has come for the chosen one... the one who holds the world's fate in their hands... to decide. What path will you take to protect Elrios?