7-X : Temple des épreuves

From Elwiki

Temple des épreuves

Temple of Trials. A hidden place surrounded by suspicion. We need to save the fallen White Colossus.
The shrine is at the end of Hamel, a hidden place unknown to anyone. Rumor has it, there lies the power of the Guardian Stone.
Niveau recommandé
Capacité de combat requise


Conditions d'entrée
  • Complete all dungeons in Hamel on Very Hard.
  • Have a Luto's Pass in your inventory.
    • 2 Luto's Passes is needed when entering Hell mode.
  • Must be Level 60 or higher.
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Image Description Attaques
Water Priestess Sasha - When you start this dungeon, there will be an NPC named Sasha. She will follow the El Search Party and tell you what the Temple of Trials is.
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  • All mobs except Ancient Magmamta now can activate stoic after 30 hits. They now appear randomly in any stage.
Image Description Attaques
Brutal Walker - Same as Shadow Port Walker but will super armor during first and last hit.
Brutal Defender - Same as Shadow Port Defender but its Defensive Aura make mobs around itself stoic quickly.
Brutal Charger - Same as Shadow Port Charger.
Brutal Voider - Same as Shadow Port Voider.
Brutal Trickster - Same as Shadow Port Trickster.
Twinky Linker - Same as Shadow Linker but instead will using Soul Link this mobs now can use Lightning (will super armor) similar to Brutal Trickster.
Brutal Stinger - Same as Shadow Stinger.
Brutal Sniper - Same as Shadow Sniper, unlike Shadow Port Sniper this mob will not aim and will instead shoot straight.
Brutal Bobosse - Same as Giant Hammer Bobosse but this mob can only use Smash moves that does not knockdown on last smash.
Ancient Magmanta - Same as Magmanta but it can only use Leg Slash and Lunge moves.
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Image Description Attaques
Cold-hearted Brutal Walker - A powerful Brutal Walker that is stronger and has substantially more health.

-Has a stoic threshold of ?? hits.

Cold-hearted Brutal Stinger - A powerful Brutal Stinger that is stronger and has substantially more health.

-Has a stoic threshold of ?? hits.

Cold-hearted Brutal Charger - A powerful Brutal Charger that is stronger and has substantially more health.

-Has a stoic threshold of ?? hits.

Cold-hearted Brutal Defender - A powerful Brutal Defender that is stronger and has substantially more health.

-Has a stoic threshold of ?? hits.

Cold-hearted Brutal Trickster - A powerful Brutal Trickster that is stronger and has substantially more health.

-Has a stoic threshold of ?? hits.

Cold-hearted Brutal Bobosse - A powerful Brutal Bobosse that is stronger and has substantially more health.

-Smash: Bobosse will simply smash his hammer once onto the ground.
-Launcher: Bobosse will swing his hammer twice at you. The second hit will launch you into the air.
-Double Hit: Bobosse will become super-armored and smashes his hammer twice into the ground.
-Quake Smash: Bobosse will jump into the air and as he descends, he will swing his hammer into the ground, which will create a small quake on the ground.
-Has a stoic threshold of ?? hits.

Cold-hearted Ancient Magmanta - A powerful Ancient Magmanta that is stronger and has substantially more health.

-Has a stoic threshold of ?? hits.

Brutal Victor - Same as Victor, you will face during the Trial of Strength.

-Victor Combo: Poses then strikes in a certain direction three times.
-Victor Swing: Poses then swings his fists into the air to throw you upwards while in super armor.
-Victor Charge: Occurs only if you are at a certain distance away from him. It's similar to Burning Rush, except debris will fall from the ceiling on impact with a wall.
-Victor Assault: Victor roars, beats his chest rapidly, and then launches himself at the nearest target. He lands on them and violently attacks them repeatedly for enormous damage.

  • If he fails to land on a valid target he will not continue with his combo.

-Victor Earthquake: Victor roars and then jumps straight up in the air and creates an earthquake when he hits the ground.

Brutal Shadow Master - A Shadow Master who you face during the Trial of Mind before and after the battle with the Guardian Magician of Trials.
Boss intermédiaire
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Image Description Attaques
Shadow Priest (2x) - A Shadow Master who's using its dark powers to restrain Helputt.

-Shadow Swipe: He will drag you towards him and then swipes at you. Throws you upwards for some distance.
-Dark Explosion: He blows you up as he clenches his fist. Unlike Shadow Master instead of instantly attacking a target he will explode, blowing away nearby targets.
-Shadow Storm: Summon a few dark spheres to rain down, far less compared to that of Shadow Master.

Fallen Guardian: Helputt - Chung's father, who is being controlled by the demons. His fighting stance and style is similar to that of Chung. He cannot be defeated and will finish you off with a near fatal attack.

Helputt is capable of using some of Chung's skills in a similar style. Unlike Chung's skills, Helputt's skills will be colored red instead of blue.
-Combo: He will use his Destroyer to mimic Chung's combos, such as ZZZX, XXX, XXZX, and Fury Guardian's ZZX.

  • During his XXZX combo, he will not be in Stoic during the Z portion of the combo.

-Auto Land Demolisher - Heavy Arms: Basic attacks used by Helputt will kick up rocks.
-Artillery Strike - Quantum Ballista: Fires a warhead up and drops down, causing a large explosion.
-Carpet Bombing: Calls for an air strike.

-Comet Crasher: Fires numerous missiles down.

  • Animation is same to that to Deadly Chaser, however he fires faster and with more shots.

-Iron Howling: Release a loud war cry that stuns.
-Pain of Caladbolg: Release a devastating war cry, dealing high damage.
-Scare Chase: Fires a red homing missile.

Guardian Knight of Trials - Miniboss required to defeat to pass the Trial of Strength and receive the Impenetrable Shield.

-Lunatic Smash: It charges its hammer and smashes down numerous times.
-Hammer Combo: Does an uppercut and smashes 1 more time.
-Impact Hammer: Uses a regular hammer attack and is nearly unavoidable. After it smashes its hammer, it becomes vulnerable to any attack.
-Hammer Swing: It swings its hammer and then uses the Impact Hammer attack if you're at the platform.
-After you kill the Strength Guardian, you will receive the Impenetrable Shield. This will increase your Phy/Mag Defense by 10%.

Guardian Magician of Trials - Mini boss required to defeat to pass the Trial of Mind and receive the Magical Cape.
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  • In the last trial before fighting Helputt, you will enter a room and Doppelgangers similar to the characters' base classes will appear. Roughly 50 Doppelgangers will spawn at a time and will respawn infinitely until the final Berserk Elsword appears.
  • You can wait outside the teleporter to the Trial of Shadows for 90 seconds, at which point all the doppelgangers will have spawned. You can then teleport over and wipe them all out in one fell swoop.
-When you fight against the Shadows, there's another version called the Berserk Shadow (ex. Berserk Ara, Berserk Elsword, etc.). This Berserk Shadow will have the same moves as the regular ones, except they will have a red aura, will super armor at their First Strike, has more HP and more damage when attacking, able to use any Active/Special Active skills and sometimes can use their skills more than once.(Their skills are different according of what class they are.)
Image Description Attaques
Shadow Elsword - This mob's combo and actives are virtually similar to Elsword's.

-Berserk Elsword : Flame Geyser

Shadow Aisha - This mob's combo and actives are virtually similar to Aisha's.

-Berserk Aisha : Chain Fireball : has no super armor when use this skill.

Shadow Rena - This mob's combo and actives are virtually similar to Rena's.

-Berserk Rena : Backflip Shot

Shadow Raven - This mob's combo and actives are virtually similar to Raven's.

-Berserk Raven : Power Assault

Shadow Eve - This mob's combo and actives are virtually similar to Eve's.

-Berserk Eve : Illusion Strike

Shadow Chung - This mob's combo and actives are virtually similar to Chung's. However, the model of this doppelganger uses Shelling Guardian's armor and hairstyle instead use Base job model. The Destroyer remains the same as Base Chung Destroyer. The Z combo however only hit once. Berserk Chung : Lunatic Blow : The Initial animation is much faster but when at Final Hit it will become slower.
Shadow Ara - This mob's combo and actives are virtually similar to Ara's, except will do an incomplete X combo(The combo is listed as XXX~X. The Spin and the final stab is removed). This mob has a bug when you evade its 2nd X combo or 2nd and 3rd Z combo it will become immoveable until being attacked.

-Berserk Ara : Tempest Dance : has no super armor when use this skill.

Shadow Elesis - This mob's combo and actives are virtually similar to Elesis'.

-Berserk Elesis : Power Burster

Berserk Elsword (Last Shadow) - This doppelganger will appear as Berserk Elsword. It has same move as Berserk Elsword except when killed it will release the Shadow of Godness.
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  • As you progress through the dungeon, you will re-encounter previous opponents that will try to stop you. They only appear in the background, meaning you cannot attack them or stop them from attacking.
Image Description
Guardian Knight of Trials: Will knock you up by striking its hammer into the ground.
Guardian Magician of Trials: Will knock you up and its magic can hit twice.
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Image Description Attaques
Fallen Guardian: Helputt - Chung's father, who is being controlled by the demons. His fighting stance and style is similar to that of Chung.

Helputt is capable of using some of Chung's skills in a similar style. Unlike Chung's skills, Helputt's skills will be colored red instead of blue. -Combo: He will use his Destroyer to mimic Chung's combos, such as ZZZX, XXX, XXZX, and Fury Guardian's ZZX.

  • During his XXZX combo, he will not be in Stoic during the Z portion of the combo.

-Auto Land Demolisher - Heavy Arms: Basic attacks used by Helputt will kick up rocks.
-Artillery Strike - Quantum Ballista: Fires a warhead up and drops down, causing a large explosion.
-Carpet Bombing: Calls for an air strike.

-Comet Crasher: Fires numerous missiles down.

  • Animation is same to that to Deadly Chaser, however he fires faster and with more shots.

-Iron Howling: Release a loud war cry that stuns.
-Pain of Caladbolg: Release a devastating war cry, dealing high damage.
-Scare Chase: Fires a red homing missile.
-Heavy Stance: Sometimes when Helputt is attacked, he will automatically enter heavy stance mode (Will super armor) and he may use a counterattack through his X combo.

  • During Heavy Stance, he will temporarily reduce all incoming damage by 99%.


  • There are less chances of mistakes being made if Hellputt is cornered; once the fight starts, make an effort to push him against a wall.
  • You can prevent being targeted by Helputt's Scare Chase if you use a skill with iframes. This is especially necessary if you are going solo. If you use a special active with short iframes, be sure that Hellputt is out of range from the delay or you risk being targeted after the delay ends.
  • Hellputt's Pain of Caladbolg shares the same effect as Chung's; if you have a status ailment while hit by the attack, you will be damaged by an explosion momentarily afterwards. Hellputt tends to use Pain of Caladbolg as a follow up to Iron Howling to induce this special effect.
  • Hellputt has no stoic limit, making it possible to keep him in an infinite stunlock using attacks with no KD value.
Ensemble de donjon secret
Icon Name Stats Set Bonus
Ancient Guardian Wings Lv. 65 Accessory (Bottom Piece):

[Unidentified * ?]
Damage Reduction +1%

Ancient Guardian:

2-Piece Effect:

  • Critical +1.5%
  • Action Speed +1.5%

4-Piece Effect:

  • +1% Physical Attack Power
  • +1% Magical Attack Power
  • +1% Physical Defense
  • +1% Magical Defense

5-Piece Effect:

  • When hit, 10% chance to reduce damage by 20% (Cooldown: 10 seconds)
  • Awaken to gain 50 MP and cure any status effects you have (Cooldown: 30 seconds) (Dungeon & Field)
  • Awaken to gain 25 MP and cure any status effects you have (Cooldown: 30 seconds) (Match)
Ancient Guardian Top Piece Lv. 65 Top Piece:

[Unidentified * ?]

Ancient Guardian Bottom Piece Lv. 65 Bottom Piece:

[Unidentified * ?]

Ancient Guardian Gloves Lv. 65 Gloves:

[Unidentified * ?]

Ancient Guardian Shoes Lv. 65 Shoes:

[Unidentified * ?]

Ancient Guardian Weapon Lv. 65 Weapon:

[Unidentified * ?]
[Unidentified * ?]
Action Speed +3%
Critical +3%
Attack with 1% chance to inflict Frostbite for 3 seconds.

