Topic on User talk:Shironsaki

From Elwiki
FlareKyn (talkcontribs)

The tabs weren't interfering with the links, it's just that some of the things that should've been links didn't have the brackets around them. Also, Laby, Noah, and Lithia have different EXP/ED rewards than Elsword~Ain for their Basic/Intermediate/Advanced/Expert Skill Quests.

Shironsaki (talkcontribs)

I havent changed the trans skills, please go to any character lvl 90 locked passive and press on the link and see if it works. also the difference in exp ed reward is insignicant, can just easily add in (Elsword~Ain only) or (Laby~Lithia only) because from what i see, its either 1 side have while the other side is a zero.

FlareKyn (talkcontribs)

They are working. I also checked a past version of the page from before you made the edits, and the links worked there as well. As I said before, it was just that some of the things that should've been links didn't have the [] brackets surrounding them to turn them into links (for example, the "Underground Prison" in the description of Laby's Expert Training 2/2).

Edit: Actually, thinking about it, maybe it is better this way. I also just noticed that you colored some of the links to the same color as the in-game text, which is good.

Shironsaki (talkcontribs)

I'm not talking about the links in the Skill Quest pages. I'm talking about the laby~lithia lock skills pages where the skill requirements has a link to the skill quest page. Before, pressing the link will not link it to the character tabs. As the tabs would be at the top, the link will send it to the section by will always be for elsword~ain

FlareKyn (talkcontribs)

Oh! My mistake. I misunderstood what was going on.