Concert de l'Académie de Belder

From Elwiki

Concert de l'Académie de Belder

Évite les ondes sonores et élimine les monstres essayant de ruiner le festival.
Évite les ondes sonores et élimine les monstres pour devenir le meilleur groupe de rock.
Niveau recommandé
Capacité de combat requise
Conditions d'entrée

Remplir l'une des conditions suivantes :

  • Utiliser une entrée quotidienne gratuite pour le donjon d'événement.
  • Avoir 1 Ticket de concert de l'Académie de Belder dans l'inventaire.

Personne n'écoutera sa musique. Maintenant le Porou rebelle fait un carnage sur scène. Arrêtez sa folie pour gagner des récompenses.

Comment jouer

Gain points by defeating the Note Monsters as they appear. The Note Monsters have varying strength: the blue ones are the weakest, the yellow ones are moderately strong, and the red ones are the strongest. The player has a 'Power of Music' buff, indicated by the image at the top center of the screen. There are eight levels of the buff, represented by each column of the image. As long as the column is partially lit, the buff level is obtained (as the columns have varying, fixed numbers of lights on for aesthetics). The player gains a 'Power of Music' buff level every 5 seconds. Higher buff levels are needed to defeat stronger Note Monster. Getting hit by a 'Soundwave' attack will decrease the 'Power of Music' buff by two levels, so be careful to not get hit by the soundwaves! Collecting potions will grant various perks and bonus points, so it is recommended to collect them!

  • WARNING: Soundwave warnings cannot be seen with "Effects" set to low, make sure to have them set to medium or higher.
Bracelets du concert de l'Académie de Belder 1 2 3 4 5
Points requis 30 60 90 120 150


  • Les objets ne peuvent pas être utilisés.
  • Les bestioles ne peuvent pas être utilisées.
  • Les montures sont utilisables.

Détails de l'événement

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Image Description Attaques
Red Note Monster - A strong, red music spirit.
  • Sound Wave: Create a sound wave.


  • Defeating this Note Monster will give the player 5 points.
Yellow Note Monster - A moderate, yellow music spirit.
  • Sound Wave: Create a sound wave.


  • Defeating this Note Monster will give the player 3 points.
Blue Note Monster - A weak, blue music spirit.
  • Sound Wave: Create a sound wave.


  • Defeating this Note Monster will give the player 1 point.
{{ {{
Image Description
Speed Potion - Moving Speed increased by 10%
Bonus Potion - Receive 10 additional points.
Buff Potion - Increase the Power of Music buff by 3 levels.
Mana Potion - Restores 100 MP
{{ {{
Image Description
Platform - The floating platforms in the air will disappear for a few seconds shortly after being stepped on.
Sound Beam - A beam of sound energy that will damage you and scramble your flow. These beams are indicated by a warning light.


  • It is possible to get hit by 2 beams at once.
Sound Pulse - A circular bust of sound that will damage you and scramble your flow. These pulses are indicated by a circular warning marker.
  • Phoru: Why doesn't anyone understand my music.. I won't allow anyone to ignore my talent! YEAH!!!!! ★ROCK★N★ROLL★ I'll show you what ★S.P.I.R.I.T★ is all about!!!
  • Note Monsters: LOL ~🎵 ROFL
Image Item Name How to Obtain Effect
Velder Academy Concert Bracelet Obtained by playing the dungeon. Used to exchange for event items at Ariel.
Elrios Sports Drink x2 Exchange the following at Ariel:
  • Velder Academy Concert Bracelet x1
Consumable: Event Recovery

Recover 75% HP
Recover 75% MP
Cooldown time 30 secs.

Mellow - Yellow Exchange the following at Ariel:
  • Velder Academy Concert Bracelet x150
Adopt a Mellow - Yellow as your pet.
Pet Auto Consume Quick Slot Expansion (30 Days) Exchange the following at Ariel:
  • Velder Academy Concert Bracelet x20
Expands the pet's quick slot. You can put consumable items in Pet's quick slots.
Fetch Aura (Mellow - Yellow only) Exchange the following at Ariel:
  • Velder Academy Concert Bracelet x20

(No longer obtainable)

All items and ED will be picked up automatically when equipped to Mellow - Yellow.
Noms alternatifs
Serveur Nom Traduction
Corée du Sud 벨더학원 공연장 Salle de concert de l'Académie de Belder
Amérique du Nord Velder Academy Concert Concert de l'Académie de Belder
