Topic on Talk:Main Page
- (cur prev topic) 04:17, 22 December 2022 . . FlareKyn (talk | contribs) marked the topic "Hair Dye System" as resolved (marked as resolved) . . 0
- (cur prev topic) 22:36, 21 December 2022 . . Shironsaki (talk | contribs) commented on "Hair Dye System" (This is a fan contributed wiki, you cant always expect the page to be made straight away. You can also always start creating the page ins...) . . +159
- (cur prev topic) 20:31, 21 December 2022 . . FlareKyn (talk | contribs) commented on "Hair Dye System" (I believe that the wiki should have a page for the Hair Dye System. Or at the very least a section about it on the Magic Wardrobe page.) . . +140