Topic on Talk:Amethystine Prophecy Armor
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23:17, 8 August 2023
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FlareKyn (talk | contribs) marked the topic "Reforge Stat Increase" as resolved (marked as resolved)
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23:16, 8 August 2023
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FlareKyn (talk | contribs) edited a post on "Reforge Stat Increase"
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23:11, 8 August 2023
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Ritsu (talk | contribs) commented on "Reforge Stat Increase" (Done, and also added a section for Adaptation.)
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18:35, 8 August 2023
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FlareKyn (talk | contribs) commented on "Reforge Stat Increase" (So Reforge doesn't care about enhancement level. That's neat. Can you add these stat increases to the wiki? I'm not really sure how to go...)
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18:17, 8 August 2023
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Ritsu (talk | contribs) commented on "Reforge Stat Increase" ()
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18:01, 8 August 2023
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FlareKyn (talk | contribs) commented on "Reforge Stat Increase" (So something that didn't fully hit me until just now, but this armor's base stats (HP, Attack, Defense) are increased as the Reforge Leve...)
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